Rain isn't as fun to build as sand is. sand has a ton of cool mechanics that you can abuse in so many different ways. rain has swift swim. that's about it. but regardless, i tried. drivetacos pointed out a formula ofr sand teams (setter, abuser, broken mon (urshifu) prioblock, tailwind, steel type) and me, being the unoriginal trash builder i am, thought "hey, what if i did that but in rain?" and i ended up with this.
Politoed: physically defensive support because rillaboom. icy wind for speed control, scald because fini is near nonexistent at this point because, well, rillaboom, helping hand to help kingdra just barely get those kills that would normally be out of reach because of it's mediocre special attack and lack of a boosting move and protect because duh. i took 4 evs out of hp because of a calc i forgot, and that's about my thought process. in testing politoed ended up being little more than a rain bot, but that's just because i'm shit. i thought about damp rock for the item but i want politoed to survive for as long as possible because everything on this team needs or at least wants rain, so sitrus it is.
Kingdra: the go to rain abuser for gen 8 because of it's great defensive typing and good movepool, kingdra drops a draco on the competition and earns a spot on this team. it's set and evs are simple. life orb because i like protect, 252 252 4 for the evs because i suck at evs and that's about it. it's mainly here to drop a helping hand boosted draco on kyu b if it gets out of hand and hurricane things like kart and rilla after eating a grassy glide because water dragon is a broken typing.
Genesect: They say you're not supposed to have a favorite child. I, my friends, have a favorite child on this team, and if you have to ask who it is, you clearly haven't read the name of this team. Genesect bolt beams the competition and u turns it's way onto this team. i originally wanted genesect douse, but this team has more than enough water coverage and you can't really afford to run techno blast over any of these moves (except maybe iron head but i want stab) so expert belt it is. I've never used expert belt genesect, i'm more of a scarf kind of person, but expert belt boosted thunder be hittin different. This genesect is on a whole other level and i love it, it provides so much coverage and has such good stats i kinda had to include it. i also wanted to abuse rain halving fire damage, so it was either this or kartana, and this meta does not need more kartana
Zapdos: Little more than a punching bag on my cm fini team, zapdos shocks the competition, and it's thundering presence makes it a perfect fit for this team. The set and evs are simple, and zapdos fills the tailwind part of the formula while also being a powerful attacker with it's 2 stabs in thunder and hurricane.
Tsareena: (this one was tough, i couldn't think of a good intro for tsareena) The best priority blocker in the west, tsareena power whips the competition into shape (see what i did there?..... not funny, i know, but i tried) and (barely) earns it's very own spot on this team. Tsareena was originally rillaboom but i changed it last minute because priority blocking is fun. power whip for stab, triple axel because zygarde, taunt to stop trick room and u turn because yes, this team needs more u turn. i'm not entirely sure if the evs are efficient but they worked fine in testing, so i'm going with it
Urshifu: and finally, urshifu jets past the competition and , honestly it didn't even need to earn it's spot on this team, it showed up to tryouts 20 minutes late but immediately got in anyway. urshifu is kinda a no brainer on rain. cc and surging strikes for stab, aqua jet because my opponent isn't allowed to use priority but i am, and u turn becuase, y'know, i just felt like 2 pokemon with u turn wasn't enough, i needed a third one.
Ok, that's everything i think, sorry for the corny intros, that wasn't even supposed to be a thing, i just thought of them as i went and decided to do one for each pokemon. i'm gonna shut up about alolan raichu after this, after testing my team i kinda get why it's not used, but i'm keeping the team anyway because eventually, it has to get chosen..... right? anyway, bye