I've already posted this in the team bazaar and the discord. This team isn't a secret at this point, but this is my go-to ladder team and probably my favorite team i've ever built.
scawy fire cat go brrrrrr. ok but seriously, incin is here for fake out and because intimidate is broken. It allows fini to actually beat rillaboom after a few intimidates, and can give it some free turns to set up as well. Flare Blitz can oneshot amoonguss from full and 2hko kyurem, and incin naturally underspeeds min speed indeedee and oneshots with knock off, and is a dark type so we have a psyspam and tr matchup in one.
Zapdos is here because i needed an urshifu + kart check, which apparently doesn't exist according to the urshifu suspect thread, but zapdos has been doing ok so i'm just gonna use it anyway. evd to oneshot genesect (and kart,which dies to ember) with heat wave and outspeed and oneshot urshifu with volt switch, the leftovers went to hp. tailwind is usually something i use defensively to gain momentum and force out defensive options like taunt or opposing tailwind, and protect over roost because fake out exists
The star of the show. The set is literally just the sample, so read that because the smogon sample explains the evs much better than i can
Rillaboom is here for double fake out and grassy terrain (i'll go over why that's important in a sec) and it also beats rain in combination with fini, zapdos and genesect. it's literally just the sample but i have wood hammer to ohko opposing fini (GRASSY GLIDE DOESN'T FUCKING KILL, STOP HITTING FINI WITH GRASSY GLIDE, IT DOESN'T WORK)
Genesect is kinda just here for coverage. Genesect zygarde is a solid lead against most things. Tbolt over flamethrower because bolt beam is better than fire + ice, especially on a team like this where you have 2 other pokemon with fire coverage, one of which oneshots every grass type in the game
snek stronk..... snek very stronk.... Zygarde was originally just here for ground coverage, but there's a very interesting mechanic that zygarde has: thousand waves. I'll also go over this later because arbitrary reasons. outside of twaves, zygarde is just very strong. tarrows and waves because duh, superpower to beat kyu b (though you probably want to have one of your fake out users on the field while you do this. losing your second most important member to a speed tie is not pog) and espeed because toxic and glare don't fit this team because fini
Cool Tricks:
Omae wa mo shindaeu: Twaves prevents all foes hit by it from switching until zygarde itself switches. so what you can do if you can trap threats to fini, swap fini out, get in genesect or zapdos and just kill them (do note that rillaboom can u turn so you have to kill it before that can happen, and that flying types are immune to this move, so don't go locking yourself into this move all the time)
Oh, remember that damage you just did? Me neither: leftovers + grassy terrain heals 12% every turn. That's a lotta healing for just existing. In a pinch you can have fini take a grassy glide, and stall for leftovers + terrain recovery until your out of range again (for reference, that range is above 80%)
Kyurem Black: Honestly fuck this pokemon. What isn't weak to kyurem? It hits literally everything in the game for at least neutral damage and has downright broken stats. I know it has checks (i firmly believe that a hard counter to kyurem doesn't exist, i'll die on this hill, fuck this pokemon) but it's still extremely restricting to play around and i wouldn't be suprised if it gets suspected soon (i know it won't because apparently a 700 bst with perfect coverage, a good speed tier, a massive attack stat and great natural bulk along with the best offensive stab typing in the game is fine, but i can dream) tbh i don't count being weak to a literal fucking box art legend that's still dou for 3 gens later for some reason as a major flaw, but i thought i would mention it anyway because it's pretty much the only thing i consistently struggle to beat with this team. Sorry for the rant, i just fucking hate this thing with every fiber of my being.
Apparently example replays are supposed to be a thing, so here are some replays with this team (i have a lot, i've been using it for a while, like i said, it's no secret at this point):
NotlPrimRose vs SabbathVGC:
NotlPrimRose vs A㋛Quails㋛Query:
NotlPrimRose vs CommanderBeta (i played turn 1 like shit but we don't talk about that):
NotlPrimRose vs RelicanthPrimal:
NotlPrimRose vs PhotographerAbby:
NotlPrimRose vs GenOne:
NotlPrimRose vs MADARAAAAAA (i'm sorry if i put too many or too little As)
NotlPrimRose vs T3CH THIEVES:
I have more but i feel like that's enough and most of the other ones are losses because i'm not very good at this game lol. Please don't be mean to any of my opponents in these replays, and also don't be mean to me because of how bad i played in these replays because both will make me very sad. Ok, I need a nap, bye