
S- ->
S: Rotom-Mow is now harder to punish with the removal of Goodra, it is a potent revenge killer to threats such as Silvally-Ground with Choice Scarf, and it offers a Ground immunity in a time where Ground immunities are harder to come by after the departure of Bronzong.

A ->
S-: Copperajah now suffers far less competition from Bronzong, and its best check in Bronzong is also removed from the metagame. Both Heavy Metal and Sheer Force sets are potent attackers that are hard to wall, with the versatility to offer a special wall and Stealth Rocks if your team needs it.

A ->
S-: Silvally-Ground is a force to be reckoned with, allowing many teams to fit a much faster Ground-type into their team without giving up much bulk. On top of this, Silvally-Ground has a 120BP Ground-type move that it is able to use alongside Swords Dance and U-Turn to pressure teams until it is able to sweep.

B+ ->
A-: Decidueye is a potent sweeper, offering a good meta typing with Grass/Ghost allowing it to resist Ground-type and Water-type attacks without being weak to U-Turn, as well as offering priority to revenge kill threats such as Blastoise and Silvally-Ground.

B ->
B+: Rhydon fits into structures where Vaporeon and Mudsdale cannot, condensing a Fire-resist and a Ground-type into one slot. It also offers much more offensive utility, having access to moves such as Heat Crash and Swords Dance, despite its defensive limitations.

B ->
B+: Snorlax is a great special wall with the potential to sweep unprepared teams. With less use of Pokemon such as Sirfetch'd that break through it easily, it often can find itself in situations where it can set up and win, while also offering defensive utility in matchups where it isn't as good.

B ->
B+: Tsareena has quickly become one of the best Rapid Spinners in the tier, allowing it to take a solid place on Spike stacking teams, or on teams that need removal, Knock Off, and a Grass-type in one slot.

B- ->
B: With the same typing as Decidueye, Dhelmise is a consistent defensive check to Ground-types while also offering Rapid Spin and a very powerful STAB combination with 131 Base Attack, Power Whip, and Poltergeist.

B- ->
B: Duraludon has found itself onto many offenses with Stealth Rocks + Eject Pack Draco Meteor, but it also can whittle down cores that overly rely on Steel-types defensively and break them down until there's a position to sweep.

B- ->
B: Machamp has seen a rise due to the prevalence of Pokemon such as Vileplume, Sylveon, and Talonflame, breaking them much more easily than Sirfetch'd could due to the Guts ability and Facade without having to run into 4MSS.

B- ->
B: Weezing offers a great combination of a Ground-type and Fighting-type check with Poison-type and Levitate, also offering many support moves such as Toxic Spikes and Will-o-Wisp to justify its team slot despite being relatively exploitable.

C+ ->
B-: Indeedee-F is one of the faster Choice Scarf users, and its Expanding Force can overload many ill-prepared offensive teams that run into it. It also offers great utility, being one of the only viable Healing Wish users in the tier.

C ->
B-: Aerodactyl has seen a huge rise in popularity since the departure of Bronzong, as it no longer needs to run Crunch to be able to break teams efficiently. This opens up its moveslots dramatically, giving it much more set versatility rather than being designated solely to a suicide lead.

UR ->
B-: Exeggutor-Alola is a versatile pick, recently used with a more utility-focused Harvest + Teleport set to take advantage of Vaporeon as well as to check Ground-Types and assist its offensive teammates. Choice Specs sets are likely good as well, but they are less tested in the current metagame.

UR ->
C+: Scyther has become a good option on Bulky Offense, offering a fast STAB U-Turn and Knock Off to whittle teams down for its own sweep or for its teammates.

S ->
A+: Diancie was likely ranked too high last shift, and although offensive sets are better than ever, the combination of its 4x weakness with its slow speed makes it too exploitable for S rank in the current metagame.

A+ ->
A: Guzzlord is still one of the best Ghost-resists in the tier, but it tends to struggle versus the wide usage of Fairy-types, Mudsdale, and Vileplume. The meta has also become less kind to slower cores, making Guzzlord's place in the meta harder to find.

A ->
A-: Golurk is often now seen as the inferior offensive Ground-type to Silvally-Ground, as it is much slower despite its ridiculous power. It also offers much less defensive utility than both Silvally-Ground and Mudsdale, making it harder to fit onto defensive teams.

A- ->
B+: Drapion struggles in this current meta to find positions to sweep, often finding itself spamming Knock Off to try and chip down the opposing team rather than trying to sweep for a victory.

A- ->
B+: Sirfetch'd has more competition for its team slot, offering less consistency than Machamp despite its positives such as First Impression and Scrappy.

A- ->
B+: Tauros just doesn't beat defensive structures like it used to, struggling to break down defensive walls despite the high speed and strong STAB. The rise of Pokemon such as Dhelmise and Escavalier also give it a tough time.

A- ->
B+: Toxicroak often relies on its ability to sweep, but many find it to be relatively inconsistent at doing so, making it oftentimes a worse option than more consistent Fighting-types such as Passimian.

B+ ->
B: Braviary suffers from a lot of the Ghost-types in the tier falling off, making its niche as the best Golurk check not as solid anymore. It also just hasn't been doing as much in the metagame recently, with Bulk Up sets not being as potent as they once were.

B+ ->
B: Mantine suffers from a slight 4MSS issue, where adding Defog makes it too passive without Toxic, but dropping one of its STAB moves makes it very exploitable. This has made people turn to other options for removal, and then supporting them with Vaporeon.

B+ ->
B: Vanilluxe dropped off because of the Slush Rush ban, but it is still a solid Choice Specs breaker that does its job pretty well after the departure of Bronzong from the tier.

B ->
B-: Doublade has just not seen much success at all, often finding itself hard walled by Pokemon such as Mudsdale while being revenge killed by several special attackers and not serving its job as a Steel-type very well.

B ->
B-: Spikes are still a good niche, but Garbodor doesn't offer enough by itself, often becoming a weak link to many of these Bulky Offense + Spikes backbones.

B- ->
C+: The banning of Slush Rush has made this Pokemon worse, but with Power Herb + Meteor Beam sets seeing use, the opportunity for Aurorus to be a niche breaker is still there.

B- ->
C: Comfey lost its best niche in the tier with Bronzong leaving, meaning that it can't set up on any of the tier's Steel-types very well anymore.

B- ->
C: Kingdra is, most of the time, just a worse Blastoise, barring the situation where you can set up 2 boosts before dying. Even then, you'll often be killed by a Sylveon who lives your attacks, or an Escavalier with Shell Armor.

B- ->
UR: Slush Rush isn't legal.

C+ ->
C: Xatu is still good, but with many other removal options, there isn't as much of a niche for setting up Stealth Rocks versus Magic Bounce.

C+ ->
C: A bulky win condition that often doesn't sweep due to its speed, and often struggles to break past strong cores without assistance.

C+ ->
C: Ninjask has largely fallen off due to being much weaker than Scyther, and while its speed tier offers a lot, it is still exploitable due to how little damage it tends to do.

C+ ->
C: Omastar is also often a worse Blastoise, with a 50/50 chance to kill Vaporeon with Meteor Beam and very little else going for it.

C+ ->
UR: Beating IDBP Bronzong doesn't mean anything anymore.

C ->
UR: Ghost-types are worse, so Silvally-Ghost is worse. Also, most Hyper Offenses opt to run Silvally-Ground instead.

C ->
UR: Virtually no usage recently, I forgot what this did.

C ->
UR: Uxie moment.