As ausma stated, S+ is reserved for special cases where a Pokemon is almost irreplaceable on teams. We are nowhere near there with Landorus-T currently.Instead of 3 mons in S-, why don't we have then in S and put Lando-T in S+?
Great VR updates otherwise
Nah, on Sun if you pair Charizard with Earth Power Venusaur or Final Gambit Victini, it actually is impossible to contain. Obviously this is limited and it is more fringe, but C- is likely fine.I'm starting to get the feeling that Charizard remaining in the vr is just meant to troll us since Heatran and Victini can do its sun breaker job much more lethally and they don't have that big of a weakness of choosing between survivability and damage
I try to integrate some humor and memes for the sake of reader enjoyment and retaining my own interest as I craft the posts, so I am glad some people take note of this.This is one of the more amusing vr updates for me. I love how the explanations aren't hardcore serious and includes a bit of fun in it. Although I'm still surprised that Clefable of all things actually dropped lmao. I got a couple questions tho
Nidoking was voted to stay the same for the time being, if I recall correctly. The Pokemon honestly has not been used too much lately, but it was strong for a while and can still destroy some cores, especially with the downtick in Slowking usage. I think we will continue to monitor this in the coming weeks.Was Nidoking talked about? What niche does it have that it still shares the same rank as Blacephalon or Victini? Also, don't take this the wrong way and no offense, but shouldn't Haxorus' explanation be written so that it is easily accessible?
I have no commentary on Haxorus, I have not used it, and I have no interest in going out of my way to use it for the sake of a single nomination. Others on the VR council wanted it ranked and it gained enough support, so having me comment on it much does not make sense. If I had to speculate, SD, Scale Shot, CC, and other coverage/DD as intriguing options with a lot of nice resists as a Dragon type and insanely high base attack allow for it to carry some weight on HO. Nothing more or less to it.
Weakness Policy Calm Mind + Aura Sphere + Stored Power sets are the main draw, but HWish variants are viable, too. Glowbro has the cheesy NP sets with Quick Draw. G-Weezing has a few things it can do that nothing else can do thanks to abilities, but I agree it is getting too fringe to justify keeping ranked and we will look into it again.What does Latias do to warrant a C+ rank? Is it because of Healing Wish or bulkier sets to set it apart from other Dragons? Same goes for Glowbro & Geezing, I have no idea what their niches are at this point.
Killing Heatran is much harder than chipping it and it pretty much has to be out of the picture, which is a big thing. I personally still voted for A, but we are also seeing a lot of CB Aqua Jet from Urshifu-R, Trick usage, Rain, and Dragonite, so I get it. I think it is between the two tiers mostly and could bounce back up, but your point about Hail is not totally true as some of them have SD Garchomp with veil and others have Volcanion as a breaker or Urshifu-R with CB Aqua Jet as an RK user. It really depends on what the full hail team is as they have varied a ton on the ladder recently.I am very curious on the rationale behind Volcarona coming down.
particularly curious because bulky variants are very very dominant against trendy hail teams.
This is in addition to Volcarona being a dominant wincon in any game that doesn’t have heatran.
The rain matchup and the heatran match up is poor, however if that’s very important, there are partners that can lure and weaken heatran (like lele) that synergise with volcarona!
It is absolutely not better than Heatran and it sees much less than usage than Heatran, too. It did see an uptick in usage during OLT, but that does not suddenly bridge the entire game. This was pretty much universal among the council.Questions 8/27
1. Why didn’t Melmetal rise? OP Pokemon comparable to Heatran. Saw a lot of usage in OLT. Corviknight cant be considered a check because thunder wave thunder punch.
I do not think anyone else thinks Kartana is on par with Weavile or even Urshifu-R. It is dangerous for sure, but every possible RKer matches up favorably with it and Buzzwole, Corviknight, Zapdos, Volcarona, etc. can play a role in either countering it or getting in revenge killers comfortably. Nobody believed Kartana was A+ or S- level.2. Why didn’t Kartana rise? Dangerous breaker. Hard to check. Comparable to Weavile and Urshifu-R.
Garchomp handles Zeraora pretty well and Tapu Koko is not a Volt Switch spammer usually, so it does not really need to tackle that in the same capacity. Landorus-T is a Pokemon many teams focus on limiting and honestly a lot of cores have things like Zeraora that are able to Knock Off Landorus-T and Garchomp, for example. It is not easy from turn 1, but over time it becomes very possible. Garchomp offers an offensive presence that is consistent and unique while also being capable defensively and fast. It absolutely qualifies for A+ and we even had some people nominate it for S-.3. Why didn’t Garchomp drop? Cant beat electric types like Tapu Koko. Easy to wear down with hazard chip. Sweep chomp has been adapted to with toxic Landorus-T and stuff. It also has annoying matchups against things it’s suppose to check like Heatran who takes advantage of protect/rest being the only recovery. Many mons that hate rough skin chip just kill it anyway like Urshifu -R.