Torkoal: Our weather and hazard setter, torkoal carries sunny day in order to help win weather wars.
Venusuar: Classic sun sweeper - this is the basic 3 attacks life orb set with weather ball over sludge bomb.
Gastrodon: Our primary special wall with access to both water & electric immunities, this gastrodon makes use of the sun by running
Weather Ball, allowing it to smack opposing grasses and steels (see: Ferrothorn
), and
Ice Beam in order to limit the effectiveness of opposing dragons that are otherwise able to set up on gastrodon, such as dragonite and garchomp.
Heatran: Is Choice Specs to take full advantage of the sun. Eruption is a killer, and against the unprepared, can soften the likes of Blissey & Toxapex for venusaur. It, serves alongside Mandi as our Lele check, and can also check volc.
Mandibuzz: Our primary physical check to opposing grass spam, as well as dragapult switch in & psychic immune. Mandi also serves the role of hazard removal.
Dragonite: A physically offensive DD set with roost & DD allows us to check urshifu-rapid and apply pressure on the physical side. As we have gastrodon for heatran, Dragonite is free to drop EQ for dual wingbeat.