Hosted by Hyper bol | Approved by Clementine | OP adapted from the SV OU and SV RU versions
At the beginning of the week, participants will have to submit their sets, Sample Sets will be banned. They will have until day 4 to submit their set. From day 5, there will be a vote to elect the best set of all. The winner set will be in the Hall of Fame.
Rules :
Submissions must contain the importable set for the Pokemon of the week followed by an explanation of how it works and why you think it’s useful in the context of the current metagame. Replays are recommended but not mandatory.
As said previously, a list of bans will be provided. A minor change in the spread will not be considered as a different set. The change of one coverage move can be accepted if a detailed explanation is given of why it can be considered a good option.
SS OU The Next Best Thing
banner coming soon
Welcome to SS OU The Next Best Thing ! It's a competition where you can share an alternative to existing sets of the SS OU Pokemon, and then vote for the best of them all ! Try to be as original as possible, but the set must be playable, troll sets are not recommended. This project is made to explore the hidden potential of a Pokemon, as much for research as for fun, so don't be afraid to be original !banner coming soon
At the beginning of the week, participants will have to submit their sets, Sample Sets will be banned. They will have until day 4 to submit their set. From day 5, there will be a vote to elect the best set of all. The winner set will be in the Hall of Fame.
Rules :
Submissions must contain the importable set for the Pokemon of the week followed by an explanation of how it works and why you think it’s useful in the context of the current metagame. Replays are recommended but not mandatory.
As said previously, a list of bans will be provided. A minor change in the spread will not be considered as a different set. The change of one coverage move can be accepted if a detailed explanation is given of why it can be considered a good option.
- Your set may not be changed after the voting phase has begun, but may be changed prior to the voting stage.
- You may only submit one set per week.
- You cannot vote for your own set.
- You can vote for only one set.
- You may reserve a set, but if you haven't properly filled it in within 48h of your reservation, it may be taken by someone else. Additionally, sets that haven't been filled out by the time voting starts will not be included in the voting phase.
- Finally, you may follow the forum rules.
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