1v1 SS Volcanion [QC 2/2] [GP 1/1]

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Overheat
move 2: Steam Eruption
move 3: Sludge Bomb
move 4: Earth Power / Hyper Beam / Fling / Water Pulse
item: Choice Specs
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Modest
evs: 248 HP / 108 Def / 120 SpA / 16 SpD / 16 Spe


Set Description
Volcanion carries a niche in 1v1 with its unique typing and good bulk, which gives it very good matchups versus two common type cores in 1v1: Fairy + Fire + Steel and Fire + Water + Grass. Sludge Bomb is used over Sludge Wave for the greater poison chance, which helps in the Sylveon matchup. Earth Power can be used for opposing Volcanion, and Hyper Beam for most Haxorus, while Fling and Water Pulse can be used for Avalugg and Pressure stall Entei, respectively.

248 HP EVs and 108 Defense EVs let Volcanion survive Fake Out + Wood Hammer from Adamant Life Orb Rillaboom, as well as Earthquake from Adamant Choice Band Haxorus. The Special Defense allows it to take a Hyper Beam at -2 Special Defense from Modest Sylveon. The Speed investment outspeeds Adamant Rhyperior and some Metagross. The remaining EVs are dumped into Special Attack.

Usage Tips
Choice Specs Volcanion is fairly straightforward—Overheat is almost always advised if both of Volcanion's STAB moves are neutral against the foe. If running Fling, use it versus Avalugg turn 1, then Overheat turn 2.

name: Sitrus Berry
move 1: Overheat
move 2: Steam Eruption
move 3: Sludge Wave / Haze
move 4: Will-O-Wisp / Haze
item: Sitrus Berry
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Modest
evs: 148 HP / 184 Def / 80 SpA / 96 Spe

Set Description
Sitrus Berry Volcanion trades the raw power of Choice Specs for better matchups against a few physical attackers, most notably Aggron, Sawk, Avalugg, and some Dracovish. Sitrus Berry secures the positive matchup against Choice Band Sawk and Assault Vest Urshifu-S, and it helps against Registeel. Will-O-Wisp beats various physical attackers, and Haze helps versus Registeel and Spectrier.

The HP and Defense EVs allow Volcanion to survive Fake Out + Wood Hammer from Adamant Life Orb Rillaboom. The Speed investment outspeeds Adamant Aggron, and the rest of the EVs are dumped into Special Attack.

Usage Tips
Against opposing Aggron, Avalugg, and Sawk, Volcanion should use Will-O-Wisp turn 1 to break Sturdy and survive a hit, then Overheat on turn 2 to KO— or Steam Eruption against Aggron to minimise misses. To beat Urshifu-S, first use Will-O-Wisp to make sure it won't 2HKO Volcanion, then use Steam Eruption, and then Overheat to maximize damage output and minimize miss chances. However, if the damage Volcanion takes reveals Urshifu-S to have Choice Band, Overheat should be used immediately after Will-O-Wisp to KO it.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Overheat
move 2: Steam Eruption
move 3: Sludge Wave
move 4: Earthquake / Heavy Slam / Fling
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Modest
evs: 72 HP / 104 Def / 140 SpA / 192 Spe


Set Description
Choice Scarf Volcanion outspeeds and surprises some of its checks like Landorus, Nihilego, Pressure Entei, and Galarian Darmanitan. Earthquake OHKOes Nihilego, while Heavy Slam beats most Tapu Lele. Fling can also be used for Avalugg.

The HP and Defense allow Volcanion to survive Jolly Choice Scarf Galarian Darmanitan’s Earthquake, with the HP giving some special bulk too. The Speed investment is for opposing Nihilego. The rest of the EVs are dumped into Special Attack.

An alternate EV spread of 144 HP / 152 Def / 20 SpA / 192 Spe with a Modest nature can be used to tank an Earthquake from Adamant Choice Scarf Galarian Darmanitan. 72 HP / 64 Def / 180 SpA / 192 Spe and a Modest nature can be used to more reliably beat Assault Vest Glastrier, maximising Special Attack while still surviving Earthquake from Choice Band Avalugg.

Usage Tips
Choice Scarf Volcanion is very straightforward to use—if both of Volcanion's STAB moves are neutral against the foe, Overheat is almost always recommended. If Volcanion has Fling, it should be used turn 1 against an opposing Avalugg, then Overheat turn 2 to KO.

name: Custap Berry
move 1: Steam Eruption
move 2: Overheat
move 3: Flame Charge / Heavy Slam / Earthquake
move 4: Endure
item: Custap Berry
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Modest
evs: 112 HP / 28 Def / 252 SpA / 116 Spe


Set Description
Custap Berry Volcanion gains positive matchups against Pokemon like Porygon-Z and Custap Berry Tapu Lele. Flame Charge helps beat Celesteela, SubSeed Venusaur, and opposing Custap Berry Pokemon, while Heavy Slam beats most Tapu Lele. Earthquake is mainly used for Nihilego.

The HP and Defense investment allows Volcanion to survive an Earthquake from Choice Band Avalugg, while the Speed investment allows it to outspeed base 90 Speed Pokemon such as Porygon-Z, Moltres and Galarian Moltres. An alternate EV spread of 248 HP / 132 Def / 128 SpA with Earthquake can provide a somewhat reasonable Zeraora matchup.

Usage Tips
Endure is almost always the best move turn 1 versus threats that can OHKO Volcanion, like Galarian Darmanitan and Porygon-Z. Then, after activating Custap Berry, it can OHKO back with the appropriate move. Against Avalugg, Volcanion should use a physical move turn 1, breaking Avalugg's Sturdy without letting it land Mirror Coat. Against Venusaur, Volcanion should use Flame Charge turn 1 to reliably beat all of its sets. If the alternate EV spread is used, Volcanion can freely use Earthquake turn 1 against opposing Zeraora. If Zeraora uses Knock Off, then use Earthquake turn 2. If Zeraora uses Plasma Fists turn 1, some prediction is required. Volcanion must use Endure on Plasma Fists or Earthquake on Knock Off. However, if Zeraora's Plasma Fists brings Volcanion below 25%, you can simply use Earthquake turn 2 because Custap Berry will activate.

Other Options
Volcanion can run Life Orb to help improve the Celesteela and Sylveon matchups even further, using a moveset of Overheat, Steam Eruption, Sludge Wave, and Flame Charge. Sludge Wave is used over Sludge Bomb because Volcanion doesn't need the extra poison chance, since Sylveon would do enough damage to KO -2 Volcanion with the additional Life Orb recoil. Choice Band Volcanion can lure in pokemon that would normally beat it, such as Tapu Lele, Spectrier, and Togekiss with a moveset of Liquidation, Overheat, Flare Blitz, and Heavy Slam, although some of its matchups are a bit unreliable.


-Written by: [[bored_glitch, 579035], [adam3560, 541106]]
- Quality checked by: [[doc1203, 526135], [Itchy, 518399]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]
Last edited by a moderator:
Well written for your first attempt! There are a few format and content changes to be made. Implement properly.



Choice Specs
move 1: Overheat
move 2: Steam Eruption
move 3: Sludge Bomb
move 4: Earth Power / Hyper Beam / Fling / Water Pulse
item: Choice Specs
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Modest
evs: 248 HP / 108 Def / 120 SpA / 16 SpD / 16 Spe


Set Description
Volcanion carries a niche in 1v1 with its unique typing and good bulk to cover most fairy types, steel types and ground types, as well as fire, water, and grass types; a common core seen in 1v1. Sludge Bomb is used over Sludge Wave for the greater poison chance. Earth Power can be used for opposing Volcanion and Hyper Beam for most Haxorus, while Fling and Water Pulse can be used for Avalugg and Pressure
stall Entei respectively.


The 108 Defense ev EVs bulk Fake Out into Wood Hammer from Adamant Life Orb Rillabooms Fake Out into Wood Hammer, which in consequence lives, as well as bulking Earthquake from Adamant Choice Band Haxorus Earthquake. The Special Defense allows it to live a Modest Sylveon Hyper Beam at after one turn of Fake Tears -2 Special Defense from Modest Sylveon. The speed outspeeds an opposing Adamant Rhyperior (any more examples?) and the remaining EVs are dumped into Special Attack.

Usage Tips
Choice Specs Volcanion is fairly straightforward - Overheat is almost always advised if both of Volcanion's STABs are neutral against the opponent. If running Fling click it versus Avalugg turn 1, then Overheat turn 2.

name: Sitrus
move 1: Overheat
move 2: Steam Eruption
move 3: Sludge Wave / Haze
move 4: Will-O-Wisp / Haze
item: Sitrus Berry
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Modest
evs:148 HP / 184 Def / 80 SpA / 96 Spe


Set Description
Sitrus Volcanion
doesn't immediately hit as hard as lacks the raw power of Choice Specs, but it gains trades that for better matchups against a few physical attackers, most notably Aggron and Sawk. Sitrus Berry ensures the matchup against Choice Band Sawk and Assault Vest Urshifu-S, while also helping out in matchups such as Dracovish and Registeel. (mention what haze does and wisp)

The HP and Defense EVs allows Volcanion to survive
an Adamant Life Orb Rillaboom's Fake Out into Wood Hammer from Adamant Life Orb Rillaboom. The Speed outspeeds Adamant Aggron, and the rest of the EVs are dumped into Special Attack.

Usage Tips
Against opposing Aggron, Avalugg and Sawk, Volcanion should Will-O-Wisp turn 1 to break Sturdy and live a hit, then Overheat on turn 2 to kill. To ensure the matchup against Urshifu, first use Will-O-Wisp to make sure it won't 2HKO you, then use Steam Eruption, then Overheat to maximize damage output. However, if the damage reveals Urshifu-S to be Choice Band, Overheat should be clicked immediately after Will-O-Wisp.

Choice Scarf
move 1: Overheat
move 2: Steam Eruption
move 3: Sludge Wave
move 4: Earthquake / Heavy Slam / Fling
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Modest
evs: 72 HP / 104 Def / 140 SpA / 192 Spe


Set Description
Choice Scarf Volcanion
beats some outspeeds most of the faster mons that beat its other sets threats in the metagame like Protect Landorus, Nihilego, Pressure stall Entei and Galarian Darmanitan. Earthquake OHKOs Nihilego, while Heavy Slam beats most Tapu Lele. Fling can also be used for Avalugg. (mention how you beat the mons listed, u can repeat move descriptions)

The HP and Defense allow Volcanion live a
Earthquake from Jolly Choice Scarf Galarian Darmanitan while providing the maximum overall bulk for Volcanion. The speed investment is for opposing Nihilego. The rest of the evs are dumped into Special Attack.

An alternate EV spread of 144 HP / 152 Def / 20 SpA / 192 Spe with a Modest nature can be used to
tank an live a Earthquake from Adamant Scarf Galarian Choice Scarf Galarian Darmanitan. Another alternate EV spread of 72 HP /64 Def / 180 SpA / 192 Spe with a Modest nature can be used to more reliably beat Assault Vest Glastrier, with its EVs optimised to give Volcanion maximum Special Attack while also living Earthquake from Choice Band Avalugg's earthquake.

Usage Tips

Similar to Choice Specs, Choice Scarf Volcanion is very straightforward to use - if both Volcanion's STABs are neutral against the opponent, Overheat is almost always recommended. (i would still write about the slashed moves here to reiterate the point)

name: Custap
move 1: Steam Eruption
move 2: Overheat
move 3: Flame Charge / Heavy Slam / Earthquake
move 4: Endure
item: Custap Berry
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Modest
evs: 112 HP / 28 Def / 252 SpA / 116 Spe


Set Description
Custap Volcanion
lets you reasonably beat mons which are too fast and powerful for secures matchups vs Pokemon that other sets lose to, by using Endure + Custap Berry. Such examples include Porygon-Z and Custap Tapu Lele. Note that Scarf Porygon-Z can use Trick when you Endure is used so some prediction is required so you have to either Overheat or Endure. Heavy Slam beats most Tapu Lele, while flame charge helps beat SubSeed Venusaur and opposing Custap pokemon.(does it help vs celesteela as well?) Earthquake can be is mainly used for Nihilego.

The HP and Defense investment
optimizes maximizes Volcanion's EVs Phyiscal bulk to live an Earthquake from Choice Banded Avalugg's Earthquake with maximum HP, while the Speed investment allows Volcanion to outspeed base 90 Speed Pokemon such as Porygon-Z and both Moltres formes.

An alternate
EV spread of 248 HP / 132 Def / 128 Spa with Earthquake can be used to provide a somewhat reasonable Zeraora matchup if they don't expect custap. Custap is not predicted.

Usage Tips
Endure is almost always the best move on turn 1 versus threats that can OHKO Volcanion like Galarian Darmanitan and Porygon-Z. Then, while in Custap Berry range, it can OHKO back with
one of its the respective move. Against opposing Avalugg, Volcanion should use a physical move (mention earthquake/slam here) turn 1 to break Avalugg's Sturdy so it is unable to Mirror Coat. Against Venusaur you should Flame Charge turn 1.

Other Options
Volcanion can also use a Choice Band set to lure in pokemon that would normally beat it, such as Tapu Lele or Togekiss, although some matchups are a bit unreliable. Life Orb can also be used to help improve the Celesteela matchup.
(if life orb is a well known set place that at the starting and give a brief on evs and moves, you can write 1 line about cb and leave it and the end of the paragraph).


-Written by: [[bored_glitch, 579035]]
- Quality checked by: [[doc1203, 526135], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]
this is a cry for help


name: Choice Specs
move 1: Overheat
move 2: Steam Eruption
move 3: Sludge Bomb
move 4: Earth Power / Hyper Beam / Fling / Water Pulse
item: Choice Specs
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Modest
evs: 248 HP / 108 Def / 120 SpA / 16 SpD / 16 Spe


Set Description
Volcanion carries a niche in 1v1 with its unique typing and good bulk to cover most Fairy-, Steel-, and Ground types, as well as Fire-, Water-, and Grass-types. a Because of these unique qualities, it gets very good matchups versus two common type cores seen in 1v1; Fairy + Fire + Steel and Fire + Water + Grass. Sludge Bomb is used over Sludge Wave for the greater poison chance. Earth Power can be used for opposing Volcanion and Hyper Beam for most Haxorus, while Fling and Water Pulse can be used for Avalugg and Pressure stall Entei respectively.

"X-type" for Fire-type / Water-type etc.
The other major addition was just an extension of what you already said

248 HP EVs and 108 Defense EVs bulk Fake Out + Wood Hammer from Adamant Life Orb Rillaboom, as well as bulking Earthquake from Adamant Choice Band Haxorus. The Special Defense allows it to live a Hyper Beam at -2 Special Defense from Modest Sylveon. The Speed investment outspeeds Adamant Rhyperior and some Metagross. The remaining EVs are dumped into Special Attack.

Usage Tips
Choice Specs Volcanion is fairly straightforward - Overheat is almost always advised if both of Volcanion's STABs are neutral against the opponent. If running Fling click it versus Avalugg turn 1, then Overheat turn 2.

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ these will cause issues with uploading I think, make sure to remove them

name: Sitrus Berry
move 1: Overheat
move 2: Steam Eruption
move 3: Sludge Wave / Haze
move 4: Will-O-Wisp / Haze
item: Sitrus Berry
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Modest
evs:148 HP / 184 Def / 80 SpA / 96 Spe

Set Description
Sitrus Volcanion lacks the raw power as of Choice Specs, but it trades that for better matchups against a few physical attackers, most notably Aggron, Sawk, Avalugg and some Dracovish. Sitrus Berry ensures the matchup against Choice Band Sawk and Assault Vest Urshifu-S, while also helping out in matchups such as Dracovish and Registeel. Will-O-Wisp beats aforementioned various physical attackers, and Haze helps versus Registeel and Spectrier.

The HP and Defense EVs allows Volcanion to survive Fake Out + Wood Hammer from Adamant Life Orb Rillaboom. The Speed investment outspeeds Adamant Aggron, and the rest of the EVs are dumped into Special Attack.

Usage Tips
Against opposing Aggron, Avalugg and Sawk, Volcanion should Will-O-Wisp turn 1 to break Sturdy and live a hit, then Overheat steam eruption is better because of accuracy on aggron, on turn 2 to kill. To ensure the matchup against Urshifu, first use Will-O-Wisp to make sure it won't 2HKO you, then use Steam Eruption, then Overheat to maximize damage output and minimize miss chances. However, if the damage reveals Urshifu-S to be Choice Band, Overheat should be clicked immediately after Will-O-Wisp.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Overheat
move 2: Steam Eruption
move 3: Sludge Wave
move 4: Earthquake / Heavy Slam / Fling
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Modest
evs: 72 HP / 104 Def / 140 SpA / 192 Spe


Set Description
Choice Scarf Volcanion outspeeds and suprises some of its checks most of the threats in the metagame like Landorus, Nihilego, Pressure Entei and Galarian Darmanitan no hyphen with its dual stabs. Earthquake OHKOes Nihilego, while Heavy Slam beats most Tapu Lele. Fling can also be used for Avalugg.

The HP and Defense allow Volcanion live a Jolly Choice Scarf Galarian Darmanitan’s Earthquake, while providing the maximum overall bulk for Volcanion. The Speed investment is for opposing Nihilego. The rest of the EVs are dumped into Special Attack.

An alternate EV spread of 144 HP / 152 Def / 20 SpA / 192 Spe with a Modest nature can be used to tank an Earthquake from Adamant Choice Scarf Galarian Darmanitan. Another alternate EV spread of 72 HP / 64 Def / 180 SpA / 192 Spe with a Modest nature can be used to more reliably beat Assault Vest Glastrier, with its EVs optimised to give Volcanion maximum Special Attack while also living Earthquake from Choice Band Avalugg.

Usage Tips
Choice Scarf Volcanion is very straightforward to use - if both Volcanion's STABs are neutral against the opponent, Overheat is almost always recommended. Earthquake and Heavy Slam are for Nihilego and Tapu Lele respectively, while Fling can be run for Avalugg. Fling should be clicked turn 1 against an opposing Avalugg, then Overheat turn 2 to OHKO.

name: Custap Berry
move 1: Steam Eruption
move 2: Overheat
move 3: Flame Charge / Heavy Slam / Earthquake
move 4: Endure
item: Custap Berry
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Modest
evs: 112 HP / 28 Def / 252 SpA / 116 Spe


Set Description
Custap Berry Volcanion secures matchups vs Pokemon like that other sets lose to by using Endure + Custap Berry. Such examples include Porygon-Z and Custap Berry Tapu Lele. Note that Choice Scarf Porygon-Z can use Trick when Endure is used so some prediction is required I would be more afraid of non-choiced pz using nasty plot than pz predicting custap and using trick because that's a throw versus the common sets. Heavy Slam beats most Tapu Lele, while Flame Charge helps beat Celesteela, SubSeed Venusaur and opposing Custap Berry Pokemon. Earthquake is mainly used for Nihilego.

The HP and Defense investment maximises Volcanions Physical bulk to live allows Volcanion to survive an Earthquake from Choice Banded Avalugg, while the Speed investment allows Volcanion to outspeed base 90 Speed Pokemon such as Porygon-Z and both Moltres formes.
An alternate EV spread of 248 HP / 132 Def / 128 SpA with Earthquake can be used to provide a somewhat reasonable Zeraora matchup if Custap Berry is not predicted. maybe a bit more detail about how this plays out here or in usage tips

Usage Tips
Endure is almost always the best move on turn 1 versus threats that can OHKO Volcanion like Galarian Darmanitan and Porygon-Z. Then, while in Custap Berry range, it can OHKO back with the respective move. Against Avalugg, Volcanion should use a physical move such as Flame Charge, Heavy Slam or Earthquake turn 1 to break Avalugg's Sturdy so it is unable to Mirror Coat. Against Venusaur you should Flame Charge turn 1. why?

Other Options
Volcanion can use Life Orb to help improve the Celesteela and Sylveon matchup even further, with a moveset of Overheat, Steam Eruption, Sludge Wave why sludge wave over sludge bomb? and Flame Charge. A Choice Band set can also be used to lure in Pokemon that would normally beat it, such as Tapu Lele or Togekiss, although some matchups are a bit unreliable. what moveset would this have?


-Written by: [[bored_glitch, 579035]] adam3560 contributed right? add him here too
- Quality checked by: [[doc1203, 526135], [username2, userid2]] my id is in my signature :+1:
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]

2/2 after
amcheck implement what you want
add remove

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Overheat
move 2: Steam Eruption
move 3: Sludge Bomb
move 4: Earth Power / Hyper Beam / Fling / Water Pulse
item: Choice Specs
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Modest
evs: 248 HP / 108 Def / 120 SpA / 16 SpD / 16 Spe


Set Description
Volcanion carries a niche in 1v1 with its unique typing and good bulk to cover most Fairy-, Steel-, and Ground types, as well as Fire-, Water-, and Grass-types. Because of these unique qualities, it gets very good matchups versus two common type cores seen in 1v1; Fairy + Fire + Steel and Fire + Water + Grass. Sludge Bomb is used over Sludge Wave for the greater poison chance. Earth Power can be used for opposing Volcanion and Hyper Beam for most Haxorus, while Fling and Water Pulse can be used for Avalugg and Pressure stall Entei respectively.

248 HP EVs and 108 Defense EVs bulk let Volcanion survive Fake Out + Wood Hammer from Adamant Life Orb Rillaboom, as well as Earthquake from Adamant Choice Band Haxorus. The Special Defense allows it to live a Hyper Beam at -2 Special Defense from Modest Sylveon. The Speed investment outspeeds Adamant Rhyperior and some Metagross. The remaining EVs are dumped into Special Attack.

Usage Tips
Choice Specs Volcanion is fairly straightforward - Overheat is almost always advised if both of Volcanion's STABs STAB moves are neutral against the opponent. If running Fling and fighting Avalugg, (AC) click it versus Avalugg use Fling turn 1, then Overheat turn 2.

name: Sitrus Berry
move 1: Overheat
move 2: Steam Eruption
move 3: Sludge Wave / Haze
move 4: Will-O-Wisp / Haze
item: Sitrus Berry
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Modest
evs:148 HP / 184 Def / 80 SpA / 96 Spe

Set Description
Sitrus Berry Volcanion lacks the raw power of Choice Specs, but it trades that for better matchups against a few physical attackers, most notably Aggron, Sawk, Avalugg, (AC) and some Dracovish. Sitrus Berry ensures the matchup against Choice Band Sawk and Assault Vest Urshifu-S, while also helping out in matchups such as Dracovish and Registeel. Will-O-Wisp beats various physical attackers, and Haze helps against Registeel and Spectrier.

The HP and Defense EVs allow Volcanion to survive Fake Out + Wood Hammer from Adamant Life Orb Rillaboom. The Speed investment outspeeds Adamant Aggron, and the rest of the EVs are dumped into Special Attack.

Usage Tips
Against opposing Aggron, Avalugg, (AC) and Sawk, Volcanion should Will-O-Wisp turn 1 to break Sturdy and survive live a hit, then Overheat on turn 2 to kill. Against opposing Aggron, (A) you Volcanion should use Steam Eruption turn 2 to minimise minimize (use the american english spelling of words) miss chances. To ensure the matchup against Urshifu, first use Will-O-Wisp to make sure it won't 2HKO you Volcanion, then use Steam Eruption, then Overheat to maximize damage output and minimize miss chances. However, if the damage reveals Urshifu-S to be Choice Band, Overheat should be clicked immediately after Will-O-Wisp.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Overheat
move 2: Steam Eruption
move 3: Sludge Wave
move 4: Earthquake / Heavy Slam / Fling
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Modest
evs: 72 HP / 104 Def / 140 SpA / 192 Spe


Set Description
Choice Scarf Volcanion outspeeds and suprises surprises some of its checks like Landorus, Nihilego, Pressure Entei, (AC) and Galarian Darmanitan with its dual stabs. STAB moves. Earthquake OHKOes Nihilego, while Heavy Slam beats most Tapu Lele. Fling can also be used for Avalugg.

The HP and Defense allow Volcanion live a Jolly Choice Scarf Galarian Darmanitan’s Earthquake, while providing the maximum overall bulk for Volcanion. The Speed investment is for opposing Nihilego. The rest of the EVs are dumped into Special Attack.

An alternate EV spread of 144 HP / 152 Def / 20 SpA / 192 Spe with a Modest nature can be used to tank an Earthquake from Adamant Choice Scarf Galarian Darmanitan. Another alternate EV spread of 72 HP /64 Def / 180 SpA / 192 Spe with a Modest nature can be used to more reliably beat Assault Vest Glastrier, with its EVs optimised optimized to give Volcanion maximum Special Attack while also living Earthquake from Choice Band Avalugg.

Usage Tips
Choice Scarf Volcanion is very straightforward to use - if both Volcanion's STABs STAB moves are neutral against the opponent, Overheat is almost always recommended. Earthquake and Heavy Slam are for Nihilego and Tapu Lele respectively, while Fling can be run for Avalugg. Fling should be clicked turn 1 against an opposing Avalugg, then Overheat turn 2 to OHKO.

name: Custap Berry
move 1: Steam Eruption
move 2: Overheat
move 3: Flame Charge / Heavy Slam / Earthquake
move 4: Endure
item: Custap Berry
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Modest
evs: 112 HP / 28 Def / 252 SpA / 116 Spe


Set Description
Custap Berry Volcanion secures matchups vs against Pokemon like Porygon-Z and Custap Berry Tapu Lele. Heavy Slam beats most Tapu Lele, while Flame Charge flame charge helps beat Celesteela, Subseed Venusaur, (AC) and opposing Custap Berry Pokemon. pokemon. Earthquake is mainly used for Nihilego.

The HP and Defense investment allows Volcanion to survive an Earthquake from Choice Band Avalugg, while the Speed investment allows Volcanion to outspeed base 90 Speed Pokemon such as Porygon-Z and both Moltres formes.
An alternate EV spread of 248 HP / 132 Def / 128 SpA with Earthquake can be used to provide a somewhat reasonable Zeraora matchup.

Usage Tips
Endure is almost always the best move on turn 1 versus threats that can OHKO Volcanion like Galarian Darmanitan and Porygon-Z. Then, while in Custap Berry range, it can OHKO back with the respective move. Against Avalugg, (AC) Volcanion should use a physical move such as Flame Charge, Heavy Slam, (AC) or Earthquake turn 1 to break Avalugg's Sturdy so it is unable to use Mirror Coat. Against Venusaur, (AC) Volcanion you should use Flame Charge turn 1 to reliably beat its sets. If the altspread alternate spread is used, versus opposing Zeraora Volcanion can freely use Earthquake turn 1 against opposing Zeraora. If Zeraora uses Knock Off, then use Earthquake turn 2. If Zeraora uses Plasma Fists turn 1 some prediction is required. Volcanion must use Endure on Plasma Fists or Earthquake on Knock Off. However, if Zeraora uses Plasma Fists turn 1, (AC) and the damage turns out to be from Choice Band, you Volcanion can simply use Earthquake turn 2.

Other Options
Volcanion can use run Life Orb to help improve the Celesteela and Sylveon matchup even further, with a moveset of Overheat, Steam Eruption, Sludge Wave, (AC) and Flame Charge. Sludge Wave is used over Sludge Bomb since you don't Volcanion doesn't need the extra poison chance. A Choice Band set can also be used to lure in pokemon that would normally beat it, such as Tapu Lele, Spectrier, (AC) or Togekiss with a moveset of Liquidation, Overheat, Flare Blitz, (AC) and Heavy Slam, although some matchups are a bit unreliable.


-Written by: [[bored_glitch, 579035]], [[adam3560, 541106]]
- Quality checked by: [[doc1203, 526135], [Itchy, 518399]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]
Add/Fix Remove Comment
(AC): Add Comma
name: Choice Specs
move 1: Overheat
move 2: Steam Eruption
move 3: Sludge Bomb
move 4: Earth Power / Hyper Beam / Fling / Water Pulse
item: Choice Specs
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Modest
evs: 248 HP / 108 Def / 120 SpA / 16 SpD / 16 Spe


Set Description
Volcanion carries a niche in 1v1 with its unique typing and good bulk to cover most Fairy-, Steel-, and Ground-types, as well as Fire-, Water-, and Grass-types. Because of these unique qualities, it gets bulk, which gives it very good matchups versus two common type cores seen in 1v1; in 1v1: Fairy + Fire + Steel and Fire + Water + Grass. (my change removed mentioning Ground-types: if you want to readd those, go ahead) Sludge Bomb is used over Sludge Wave for the greater poison chance. (imo specify something this poison chance could help w, bc the extra poison chance is the very basic & general reason youd use it) Earth Power can be used for opposing Volcanion, (AC) and Hyper Beam for most Haxorus, while Fling and Water Pulse can be used for Avalugg and Pressure stall Entei, (AC) respectively.

248 HP EVs and 108 Defense EVs let Volcanion survive Fake Out + Wood Hammer from Adamant Life Orb Rillaboom, as well as Earthquake from Adamant Choice Band Haxorus. The Special Defense allows it to live take a Hyper Beam at -2 Special Defense from Modest Sylveon. The Speed investment outspeeds Adamant Rhyperior and some Metagross. The remaining EVs are dumped into Special Attack.

Usage Tips
Choice Specs Volcanion is fairly straightforward—Overheat is almost always advised if both of Volcanion's STAB moves are neutral against the opponent. foe. If running Fling, use it versus Avalugg turn 1, then Overheat turn 2. (removed extra line break under)

name: Sitrus Berry
move 1: Overheat
move 2: Steam Eruption
move 3: Sludge Wave / Haze
move 4: Will-O-Wisp / Haze
item: Sitrus Berry
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Modest
evs:148 HP / 184 Def / 80 SpA / 96 Spe (added line break under)


Set Description
Sitrus Berry Volcanion lacks trades the raw power of Choice Specs, but it trades that Specs for better matchups against a few physical attackers, most notably Aggron, Sawk, Avalugg, and some Dracovish. Sitrus Berry ensures the win secures the positive matchup against Choice Band Sawk and Assault Vest Urshifu-S, while also helping out in matchups such as Dracovish and it helps against Registeel. Will-O-Wisp beats various physical attackers, and Haze helps versus Registeel and Spectrier.

The HP and Defense EVs allow Volcanion to survive Fake Out + Wood Hammer from Adamant Life Orb Rillaboom. The Speed investment outspeeds Adamant Aggron, and the rest of the EVs are dumped into Special Attack.

Usage Tips
Against opposing Aggron, Avalugg, and Sawk, Volcanion should use Will-O-Wisp turn 1 to break Sturdy and survive a hit, then Overheat on turn 2 to kill. Against opposing Aggron, Steam Eruption should be used turn 2 to minimize miss chances. 2 to KO—or Steam Eruption against Aggron to minimize misses. To ensure the matchup against Urshifu, beat Urshifu-S, first use Will-O-Wisp to make sure it won't 2HKO Volcanion, then use Steam Eruption, and then Overheat to maximize damage output and minimize miss chances. However, if the damage Volcanion takes (I imagine?) reveals Urshifu-S to be have Choice Band, Overheat should be clicked used immediately after Will-O-Wisp. (pls explain why overheat should be used here instead) (removed extra line break under)

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Overheat
move 2: Steam Eruption
move 3: Sludge Wave
move 4: Earthquake / Heavy Slam / Fling
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Modest
evs: 72 HP / 104 Def / 140 SpA / 192 Spe


Set Description
Choice Scarf Volcanion outspeeds and surprises some of its checks like Landorus, Nihilego, Pressure Entei, (AC) and Galarian Darmanitan with its dual STABs. Earthquake OHKOes Nihilego, while Heavy Slam beats most Tapu Lele. Fling can also be used for Avalugg.

The HP and Defense allow Volcanion live a to survive Jolly Choice Scarf Galarian Darmanitan’s Earthquake, while providing the maximum overall bulk for Volcanion. Earthquake, with the HP giving some special bulk too. The Speed investment is for opposing Nihilego. The rest of the EVs are dumped into Special Attack.

An alternate EV spread of 144 HP / 152 Def / 20 SpA / 192 Spe with a Modest nature can be used to tank an Earthquake from Adamant Choice Scarf Galarian Darmanitan. Another alternate EV spread of 72 HP /64 72 HP / 64 Def / 180 SpA / 192 Spe with a Modest nature Modest can be used to more reliably beat Assault Vest Glastrier, with its EVs optimized to give Volcanion maximum Special Attack while also living maximizing Special Attack while still surviving Earthquake from Choice Band Avalugg.

Usage Tips
Choice Scarf Volcanion is very straightforward to use—if both of Volcanion's STAB moves are neutral against the opponent, foe, Overheat is almost always recommended. Earthquake and Heavy Slam are for Nihilego and Tapu Lele respectively, while Fling can be run for Avalugg. If run, Fling should be clicked used turn 1 against an opposing Avalugg, then Overheat turn 2 to OHKO. (removed extra line break under)

name: Custap Berry
move 1: Steam Eruption
move 2: Overheat
move 3: Flame Charge / Heavy Slam / Earthquake
move 4: Endure
item: Custap Berry
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Modest
evs: 112 HP / 28 Def / 252 SpA / 116 Spe


Set Description
Custap Berry Volcanion secures positive matchups against Pokemon like Porygon-Z and Custap Berry Tapu Lele. Heavy Slam beats most Tapu Lele, while Flame Charge helps beat Celesteela, Subseed Venusaur SubSeed Venusaur, and opposing Custap Berry Pokemon, while Heavy Slam beats most Tapu Lele. Earthquake is mainly used for Nihilego.

The HP and Defense investment allows Volcanion to survive an Earthquake from Choice Band Avalugg, while the Speed investment allows Volcanion it to outspeed base 90 Speed Pokemon such as Porygon-Z and both Moltres formes. Porygon-Z, Moltres, and Galarian Moltres. (consolidated both paragraphs into one) An alternate EV spread of 248 HP / 132 Def / 128 SpA with Earthquake can be used to provide a somewhat reasonable Zeraora matchup.

Usage Tips
Endure is almost always the best move on turn 1 versus threats that can OHKO Volcanion, (AC) like Galarian Darmanitan and Porygon-Z. Then, while in Custap Berry range, activating Custap Berry, it can OHKO back with the respective appropriate move. Against Avalugg, (AC) Volcanion should use a physical move such as Flame Charge, Heavy Slam or Earthquake turn 1 to break Avalugg's Sturdy so it is unable to turn 1, breaking Avalugg's Sturdy without letting it land Mirror Coat. Against Venusaur, Volcanion should use Flame Charge turn 1 to reliably beat its sets. If the alternate EV spread is used, Volcanion can freely use Earthquake turn 1 against opposing Zeraora. If Zeraora uses Knock Off, then use Earthquake turn 2. If Zeraora uses Plasma Fists turn 1, (AC) some prediction is required. Volcanion must use Endure on Plasma Fists or Earthquake on Knock Off. However, if Zeraora uses Plasma Fists turn 1, and the damage turns out to be from reveals it to hold Choice Band, you can simply use Earthquake turn 2. (removed extra linebreak under)

Other Options
Volcanion can run Life Orb to help improve the Celesteela and Sylveon matchup matchups even further, with using a moveset of Overheat, Steam Eruption, Sludge Wave, and Flame Charge. Sludge Wave is used over Sludge Bomb since because Volcanion doesn't need the extra poison chance, since (pls explain why you dont need the extra poison chance here). A Choice Band set can also be used to lure in pokemon Choice Band Volcanion can lure in Pokemon that would normally beat it, such as Tapu Lele, Spectrier or Togekiss Spectrier, and Togekiss, with a moveset of Liquidation, Overheat, Flare Blitz, and Heavy Slam, although some of these (I imagine?) matchups are a bit unreliable.


-Written by: [[bored_glitch, 579035]], [[adam3560, 541106]]
- Quality checked by: [[doc1203, 526135], [Itchy, 518399]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]
GP Team done