Username: RufflesPro
Time Zone: -7
Tiers Interested in Playing: DOU, Ubers, OU, UU
Foreseeable Inactivity: Assuming WCoP has ended for me, I should be fine. IRL is very busy but I shouldn't miss any weeks, just expect medium activity.
I wasn't gonna sign up for this, but I changed my mind. However I'm torn so I have some transparency and some requests. Forgive me if this sounds elitist, I'm just being honest + if I don't get drafted it's perfectly fine.
- I only build in SS OU. However I have some history in DOU, UU, and Ubers on the ladder from CG, and I'm willing to relearn them. Would need help from teammates that can build or provide teams for those tiers.
- My SS is good but not good as my ORAS, pls don't spend too much money on me or expect anything crazy.
- I'm perfectly content with bringing me as a sub only.
- I'm willing to play for anyone. However, Gtcha, Devin, Howkings - my friends pls pick me.
- Would appreciate Noname or Suzuya as possible teammates