OM [STABmons] Sylveon

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Sylveon @ Leftovers
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Boomburst
- Rapid Spin
- Recover
- Glare

Sylveon is a classic STABmons threat that shows even the cutest things can STAB you in the back. Pixilate-boosted Boomburst is able to break past Pokemon like Zapdos and Seismitoad, as well as OHKOing Pokemon like Garchomp. Pixilate-boosted Rapid Spin is nearly unblockable, so Sylveon can remove entry hazards in almost any situation. Sylveon is able to check Tyranitar, Latias, Garchomp, and various other wallbreakers while remaining healthy thanks to Recover. Glare allows Sylveon to paralyze foes and lets it act as team support for slower offensive teammates like Obstagoon, Aegislash, and Gyarados. Toxapex is particularly annoying for Sylveon to deal with, so make sure to have a strong Ground- or Psychic-type like Excadrill, Nidoking, or Tapu Lele to deal with it. Sylveon struggles with Steel-type foes like Excadrill, Ferrothorn, and Corviknight and appreciates the support of Fire-type partners like Rotom-H and Cinderace.
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Sylveon is a classic STABmons threat that shows even the cutest things can STAB you in the back.

Sylveon @ Leftovers
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Let's pretend I never said anything here
Bold Nature
- Boomburst
- Rapid Spin
- Recover
- Glare

Sylveon is a classic STABmons threat that shows even the cutest things can STAB you in the back. Pixilate-boosted Boomburst is able to break past Pokemon like Zapdos and Seismitoad, as well as OHKO Pokemon like Garchomp. Sylveon is able to remove entry hazards from the field with Rapid Spin while gaining a Speed boost in the process. And cannot be spinblocked by Ghost-types, which is more important than the Speed boost. Sylveon is able to stay healthy thanks to Recover, which allows it to check offensive threats like Latias and Tyranitar. You skate over Sylveon's defensive utility a bit too briefly, when for this set what it checks and the utility it brings are more important than the offensive presence. Maybe move it earlier and swap the two halves of this sentence around? Glare allows Sylveon to paralyze foes and lets it act as team support for slower offensive teammates like Obstagoon, Nidoking, and Choice Specs Keldeo Keldeo sucks. IMO Gyarados, Aegislash, Kyurem, and Blacephalon are all better choices (maybe not Blac because I know you said you wanted to avoid stuff that might be banned). I'm kinda eh on Nidoking as well but it's a fine mon. Sylveon struggles with Steel-type foes like Excadrill, Ferrothorn, and Corviknight and appreciates the support of Fire-type partners like Rotom-H and Cinderace. Toxapex is particularly annoying This sounds like Pex is steel type :X for Sylveon to deal with, so make sure to have a strong Ground- or Psychic-type to deal with it such as?.

LMK if I can clear anything up
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Sylveon @ Leftovers
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Boomburst
- Rapid Spin
- Recover
- Glare

Sylveon is a classic STABmons threat that shows even the cutest things can STAB you in the back. Pixilate-boosted Boomburst is able to break past Pokemon like Zapdos and Seismitoad, as well as OHKOing Pokemon like Garchomp. Pixilate-boosted Rapid Spin is nearly unblockable,(AC) so Sylveon can remove entry hazards in almost any situation. Sylveon is able to check Tyranitar, Latias, Garchomp, and various other wallbreakers while remaining healthy thanks to Recover. Glare allows Sylveon to paralyze foes and lets it act as team support for slower offensive teammates like Obstagoon, Aegislash, and Gyarados. Toxapex is particularly annoying for Sylveon to deal with, so make sure to have a strong Ground- or Psychic-type like Tapu Lele,(RC) Excadrill, or Nidoking,(AC) or Tapu Lele to deal with it. Sylveon struggles with Steel-type foes like Excadrill, Ferrothorn, and Corviknight and appreciates the support of Fire-type partners like Rotom-H and Cinderace.