I added a couple clauses that were missing from the OP there, specifically OHKO and Evasion. This won't effect the meta at all as they were already in effect, just now they're listed properly. Shoutout
alaserdolphin for pointing this out.
What I would like to hear from you!
The council has been discussing various Ghost types such as Gengar and Blacephalon and whether or not they are too strong for the metagame. However with the addition of Astral Barrage the question arises: where is this problem sourced? Would these mons still be problematic without Astral Barrage? So what I would like answered is;
Are some Ghost types a problem? If so which ones?
If so, would these Ghost types still be problematic if Astral Barrage was banned? Is Moongeist Beam strong enough?
If so, does the problem come from Astral Barrage, or is the primary culprit something else? Or something different for each?
Thoughts on the meta...
These categories are kinda loose, so don't give them too much credence. They're at least somewhat related to how good I thought stuff was going to be going in. I also didn't cover everything, because I wanted to actually post this sometime this year.
The Broken

Gengar is back and doing Gengar things. It still hits super hard with either Specs or Nasty Plot sets. Astral Barrage has only increased its fire power. We've seen this thing before, and I think I know where it's going to end up.

Naganadel does what it's always done. Hit hard with excellent dual STAB coverage, get Beast Boosted out of reasonable non-priority revenge killing range, and boost its SpA on forced switches. Here it gets access to Clangorous Soul, but I haven't actually seen that yet. Specs is another set that works well, especially with Naganadel's new access to Spikes allowing it to abuse switchins it can't break, espcially given that Sylveon, the most reliable spinner in the meta, cannot safely switch into Naganadel's STAB.

Both Band and Nasty Plot sets are absolutely incredible. Tyranitar can't reliably check either thanks to Superpower / U-Turn and Charti Berry sets respectively. Oblivion Wing gives Nasty Plot sets the sustainability to last throughout the match and outlast defensive answers without sacrificing moveslots.
There is no single counter to this There are almost no reliable counters, and those that do exist tend to not be terribly efficient, and thanks to its good Speed tier and acceptable bulk (combined again with Oblivion Wing's recovery) offensive counterplay is difficult as well. Electric / Flying is a great typing, and Fighting coverage is all it really needs in this metagame.

It does the same thing as

, except slower and stronger, and no physical sets. Scarf sets are a thing for this moreso than its faster forme, but mostly it just smashes through fatmons harder. Volt Absorb and its increased power means that some of the few counters to Thundurus can't counter Therian, such as Tapu Koko, but others can abuse its slower nature and inability to go physical or mixed. Overall the worse forme but still very much broken.

Nothing new or exciting here, just the same old Zygarde that sets up on pretty much the entire physical metagame and sweeps with one move. The loss of Hidden Power makes a lot of its old checks and counters a lot shakier. Buzzwole and Sylveon do a good job keeping this in check for now, but it's super hard to reliably deal with beyond those two mons.
The Great

Tyranitar may not be a new addition to this metagame, but it sure feels like it. This is our new S rank, the best mon in the meta, the thing it's really hard to build without that makes almost every team better. It's flexible in its roles, checks numerous top threats, and is offensively threatening. At first glance it didn't gain a ton this DLC, pretty much only getting Diamond Storm back, but with the reintroduction of otherwise difficult to answer Pokemon such as Blacephalon, Thundurus, and Latios it has become the glue many teams need. Unlike pre-DLC Toxapex I don't feel it is broken or banworthy at this time, merely very very good.
The Good

Blacephalon was banned last generation, but with V-Create restricted and its best counter Tyranitar everywhere Blacephalon has proven to merely be good. I have been liking Heavy Duty Boots on it, which allows a mixed offensive utility role. Shadow Sneak is very useful for revenge killing, and with its sky-high SpA it will always hit hard. Astral Barrage is a nuke and a half, although admittedly not THAT much of a buff over Moongeist Beam. Other sets are also nice, such as Specs, LO, or even Band (altho band with V-Create is meh). Fire / Ghost gives some great moves and Blacephalon has the stats to use them. If Tyranitar wasn't so common I suspect I would be calling for a ban but as it is I think it's not a terribly high priority.

Not metashaking by any means but Buzzwole is a good physical wall capable of stopping terrifying threats like Urshifu and Zygarde. It can also use some decent offensive sets such as No Retreat, which loves Leech Life recovery, and Band.

It's no Gen 7 Lando-T but it's still good. Stresh keeps saying he doesn't like defensive right now but I still find it effective if not nearly as good as last gen. Offensive has some issues with how common dual resists to its stabs are (both Thunduri (Thunduruses? Thundurusususususes?), Rotom-Mostofthem, Zapdos, Aerodactyl, etc.) and while this is no death knell for it it does make it easier to wall or pressure depending on the mon. Thundurus especially is nasty because if you Intimidate a Defiant set you're in trouble. However I doubt Lando-T will ever be less than good in STABmons, and it finds its way onto plenty of teams.

Latios is broken. Except Tyranitar exists. Both Specs and CSoul sets are difficult to check and are rather different to play against. Except Tyranitar messes up both pretty well. Aura Sphere is nasty for Tyranitar, but I've been running Chople on Tar largely for precisely that, which gives you a good bit more leeway in playing against Latios, as Csoul is only one-time and Specs is by far the most dangerous early on when Dragon Energy is at full or near full power. It's also worth noting that both of Latios' STABs have common immunities, making Specs sets vulnerable to being Protect'd -> switch to immunity.

I thought Tapu Lele would be broken going into this meta, but it hasn't shaken out that way. Lele hits hard with Expanding Force, but there are a number of ways to shut that down. The other Tapus are capable of resetting terrain on it making it notably less threatening, and the most dangerous sets are all choiced, which is abusable. It's also slow for this metagame, and easily offensively pressured. It hits hard, and with good prediction does a ton of damage. But it's nowhere near as absurd as I feared it would be. It may need a ban later on, but not a high priority to me.
The Not-So-Good

Aerodactyl is still a nuke. It's still really really hard to switch into. But that's not particularly special in this metagame, and it's so weak to rocks and frail that it doesn't really stand out. Its Speed tier is nice but not unmatchable. Regieleki is somewhat common and easily outpaces, while Koko and Spectrier match it. It won't be bad if you use it with the right support, and I feel that as bans start to happen and it has less competition it will get better, but right now it's not a top tier threat.

While Urshifu-Single-Strike was arguably broken pre-DLC, the metagame has become so Fairy-infested Urshifu just doesn't get chances to shine anymore. Buzzwole being introduced is also a major issue for it because Buzzwole is the single best wall for standard Urshifu sets. It COULD run Aerial Ace for Buzzwole... but then you're not running coverage for Fairies, or not running U-Turn. And you're running Aerial Ace.
The Outright Bad
In The Hills smells

Spectrier is so close to being broken. But it has like three non-STAB types in Special coverage, and they're all shit. Mud Shot, Dark Pulse, and some Normal moves. I have legitimately been considering running
a Double Kick set and if that doesn't tell you how bad its movepool is idk what will. Ghost is not a good type for mono-attacking, and while there are so many types it pairs well with, Spectrier just didn't get what it needed. I understand it's good in other metas like Camo and OU but the meta hasn't worked for it here.