Along with its second gen twin this project aims to pave the way for future implementation of older generations on current simulators. We are specifically looking for differences between GSC and Stadium / RBY.
Data changes:
Global mechanic changes:
Simple move changes (e.g. base power, accuracy):
Stadium Only:
RBY Only:
Effectiveness message oddities.
If you want to support the adoption of older generations by active simulators, this is the best way you can help out! Post differences you can find here, and please link to sources wherever possible. Additionally, I am aware of the Important RBY Differences guide on Smogon and will be adding things from there whenever I can confirm whether something applies to Stadium too or just to th Carts. Please avoid posting things from there unless you can confirm whether the difference appears in Stadium.
Data changes:
- Remove of all Pokemon and Moves not obtainable in the first generation and evolutionary links with them.
- Remove all items.
- Modify learnsets. Perhaps add the tradeback only moves under a different learn method, and make a way to ban them from some ladders.
Global mechanic changes:
- Recombine the Special Attack and Special Defense stats.
- Remove Shinys.
- Remove Dark and Steel types (including Magnemite and Magneton's secondary type).
- Change type chart:
- Bug should be super effective against Poison, Poison should be super effective against Bug, Bug should be neutral against Ghost, Psychic should be immune to Ghost, and Ice should be neutral to Fire.
- Remove Genders.
- Remove Happiness (Only Yellow Pikachu uses it, and Return/Frustration do not exist.).
- Critical hits ignore all stat boosts/drops, not just drops on the attacker and boosts on the defender.
- Critical hit rate is calculated differently.
- Stats are capped at 999.
Simple move changes (e.g. base power, accuracy):
- Gust, Sand-Attack, Karate Chop, and Bite should be Normal type moves.
- Dig has 100 Base Power.
- Double Edge has 100 Base Power.
- Explosion has 170 Base Power.
- SelfDestruct has 130 Base Power.
- Wing Attack has 35 Base Power.
- Blizzard has 89.5% Accuracy.
- Rock Throw has 65% Accuracy.
Stadium Only:
- Sleep lasts 1-3 turns.
- If a Pokémon defeats an opposing Pokémon with a recoil move, the Attacker does not suffer recoil damage.
- Wrap is complicated. It ends when the either Pokemon switches out, and negates the recharge turn of Hyper Beam only if successful. Details here.
- Substitute blocks the effects of Absorb, Dream Eater, Leech Life, Leech Seed, Mega Drain, and all status ailments inflicted by the opponent.
- After a move which causes self-inflicted confusion (e.g. Thrash) ends, the game will display a message stating that the target is confused.
RBY Only:
- If a Pokémon defeats an opposing Pokémon with a recoil move, the attacker suffers recoil damage.
- An immobilized Pokémon cannot select an attack.
- Wrap continues if the target is switched out.
- When a paralyzed Pokémon's Speed is modified, its Speed reduction is nullified.
- After a move which causes self-inflicted confusion (e.g. Thrash) ends, the game will not display a message stating that the target is confused.
- Recovery moves fail when the difference between a Pokémon's current and maximum HP is 255 or 511.
- If Hyper Beam KOs a foe, breaks a Substitute, or misses the recharge turn is skipped.
- A Substitute will not block status ailments except poison. It also blocks confusion moves such as Confuse Ray and stat reduction moves such as Screech. Substitute will block attacks' secondary effects (ex: Body Slam can't paralyze if it hits a Substitute, even if it breaks) except for secondary confusion. Substitute will not block the effect of partial trapping moves. A Substitute will also be the recipient of self-inflicted confusion damage. Lastly, HP draining attacks used on a Substitute will not drain HP when breaking the Substitute. If a Pokémon breaks a Substitute with Explosion or Selfdestruct, it will not faint, though its picture will no longer be visible until it switches out or uses Substitute. If a Pokémon breaks a Substitute with a recoil move, it will not take any recoil damage. Substitute will not alter the execution of Bide, Counter, Disable, Haze, Leech Seed, Super Fang, Transform, or partial trapping moves, and it will not absorb crash damage, recoil damage, or recurrent damage. However, a Substitute will absorb self-inflicted confusion damage and prevent the user from flinching. If the user's current HP is less than 25% (rounded down) of its maximum HP, it will be too weak to make a Substitute. If the user's current HP is exactly equal to 25% (rounded down) of its maximum HP, it will faint upon creating the Substitute.
- Focus Energy will not only not make a Pokémon's critical hit ratio higher, it will quarter it instead.
Effectiveness message oddities.
If you want to support the adoption of older generations by active simulators, this is the best way you can help out! Post differences you can find here, and please link to sources wherever possible. Additionally, I am aware of the Important RBY Differences guide on Smogon and will be adding things from there whenever I can confirm whether something applies to Stadium too or just to th Carts. Please avoid posting things from there unless you can confirm whether the difference appears in Stadium.