Or I don't trust you, don't like how you took over because YOU of all people think every single person in the game is too stupid to (yet you don't try to lead in Expert because there's people way better than you in the game), don't believe your claims, don't think such a role is plausible, don't like the inconsistencies, don't believe what you're saying, and generally don't think your attitude to leading is needed (calling everyone who disagrees clueless/retarded/dumb/not on your faction) or enjoyable for anyone else in the game.
Again you do nothing to prove yourself or refute valid points brought up against you, you simply insult me and say I'm clueless meaning I must not be saying anything true!!
Dumb SciLab is dumb for following someone as unable to prove himself as rey either is or is willing to.
Again you do nothing to prove yourself or refute valid points brought up against you, you simply insult me and say I'm clueless meaning I must not be saying anything true!!
Dumb SciLab is dumb for following someone as unable to prove himself as rey either is or is willing to.