Well, that is something we can discuss... we ran into that issue with Garchomp voting. Deoxys-S was banned from the suspect ladder then... and when it came time to vote people didn't like the incongruency with standard (as Deoxys-S was allowed then). For that reason, I think it makes more sense for the suspect ladder to be simply the standard ladder +/- the Pokemon being tested. I'd like input on this as well since removing a Pokemon from play is somewhat less clear than adding one previously banned.
or adding one that was previously not in the game, as is the case with skymin and to a lesser extent the greater threats that are now salamence and scizor. wobby and dx-s were banned through the one-time process of bold-voting, and this issue will honestly never come up again, as i will explain below
first, i dont really care what people think about the incongruity with standard, to be honest. to me, it seems people are more worried about their ladder rankings and tour status than fixing the standard metagame. when you (the royal "you") say "standard ladder", what do you really mean? doesn't that mean shaymin doesn't have any business there, since it's a suspect? which means that as far as the standard ladder is concerned, it should be taken off of it as soon as possible, right?
what does that mean for dx-s, though? it's been on the standard ladder forever, and many well-respected battlers like ipl, husk and hip have felt it is uber for months. so wouldn't we be hypocrites for keeping it on the standard ladder a minute longer than it should be, but taking skymin off a week after people are "convinced" it's uber?
the alternative is keeping an obvious suspect on the ladder until it is properly decided on through the Stage 1 and Stage 2 processes. the reason this is an issue for dx-s is because we didn't have a "Suspect Test Ladder" when it was unbanned from uber ("we" didn't even have a server yet, for that matter). we are obviously not going to add mew the the standard metagame in the event it somehow gets an "OU" label in its Stage 1 & 2 processing. with dx-s and skymin, therefore, this is the last time that this is going to even be an issue.
the way i see it, we should immediately remove both from standard play in the interests of fairness to those worried about the incongruity of the standard metagame...but that would mean that we have little to go on but unbacked biases as to whether skymin is actually uber. sure, you and i may be convinced it's a suspect, but we will not actually have much practice to go with this theorymon when trying to determine how it actually plays in standard. the reason this differs from the suspects that have not been used in standard yet—e.g. mew and manaphy—is that we actually have a better idea of what those are capable of in pokemon, unlike with a pokemon with new stats, a new ability and a new movepool.
therefore, i propose, again, that dx-s be tested first and decided on once and for all, and that we keep skymin in standard so people actually have more than a week's experience with it before the time comes for its Stage 1 & 2 processing. remember, garchomp was actually taken off the standard ladder after his Stage 1 & 2 processing, and anyone who will argue that this was for the good of the game but not simultaneously the cause of much incongruence is a hypocrite, plain and simple. we're either going to have strict adherence to Jabba's and my Stage proposal (and not have actually removed Garchomp from standard until Stage 3), or we are going to bend over backwards to "please everyone" by straying from the process in the middle of a huge process that not everyone is going to love.
at any rate, i'm interested to see what chaos says, since the ladder was his idea in the first place lest we forget that