Due to the survey results as well as an internal vote, the council has decided to suspect Zamazenta! Zamazenta was unbanned earlier this year, and quickly found its place in the meta as a strong, fast, and bulky breaker. However, due to the presence of Dragonite E-speed, it was limited mostly to all-out attacking sets with items such as Choice Band/Scarf/Boots/Life Orb. This in conjunction with the popular Prankster Pecharunt, Zamazenta was a strong but contained offensive threat. With Dnite now banned, Leftovers Scrappy Iron Defense Body Press sets have risen in popularity, with this set being able to beat multiple checks that banded could not break much easier. Pokemon such as Fluffy/Intim Corviknight, Great Tusk, Gholdengo have the match-up flipped on their heads and can become set-up fodder for Zamazenta to win the game. Zamazenta can also run coverage such as Heavy Slam or Stone Edge to beat other checks such as Scream Tail or Zapdos/Moltres respectively. RestoChesto sets have popped up to increase longevity and allow for more guaranteed set-up opportunities, as well as allowing it to stall out another check in Malignant Chain Pecharunt. Due to the limited number of options to check both Iron Defense + all-out attacking, many teams stack checks such as Scream Tail, Pecharunt, Fluffy, and/or bulky Zapdos/Moltres, leading to complaints of sameness in structures and Zamazenta warping building around it. This does not take into account Zamazenta being able to pick and choose what it can and cannot beat, meaning that it can easily tech for the one or two checks that it loses to with teammates.
However, Zamazenta is not without its flaws. Like any choiced breaker, its prediction reliance is stifled quite easily by the popular cores of Fluffy/Pecharunt, Scream Tail, and dark/rock/steel resists. Iron Defense sets have the issue of having to choose between coverage to beat Scream Tail or Zapdos/Moltres, meaning that a team with one or multiple of these is usually fine against IDBP sets. It also may simply load the wrong coverage, leading to IDBP sets feeling less consistent/more fish than all-out variants. Although Pecharunt can be stalled out of Malignant Chain, Night Shade has risen in usage to prevent this.
Due to these reasons, we have decided to open Zamazenta’s future in the tier to the community!
Create a new account on PS. You do not have to follow any specific naming convention, but your suspect account must have never played a game in Almost Any Ability before this suspect test went up or you will not receive valid requirements (resetting W/L does not count for this - the account you use must never have played Almost Any Ability before the test, full stop.)
At any point on your new account, use the command /linksmogon on Pokemon Showdown! You will receive instructions on what to do once you run this command.
Double check that you're listed as a voter! If you aren't listed as a voter despite having valid reqs, please contact KaenSoul, Giagantic, Isaiah or a member of staff. If you have any questions about this new process, feel free to PM me or post here!
The requirement to vote in this suspect test is a COIL value of 2850. The deadline for getting requirements will be Sunday, November 24th @ 11:59 GMT -5.
Once the suspect period is over, everyone who has obtained reqs will be tagged. The post will then outline a process of blind voting, which will be clarified once the time arrives. For now, follow the above "Requirements" subheading to ensure that you have achieved requirements and linked your account
A super-majority of 60% ban votes is required to ban Zamazenta from Almost Any Ability
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