///// | Tea Guzzler | augustakira | TTTech | Chessking345 |
Mortal Spin | Suspect | Suspect | Suspect | Do Not Suspect |
Mortal Spin has been a pretty hot topic since the transition to Full Dex. If you aren't aware, Mortal Spin poisons the target and removes entry hazards if it successfully connects. This has a few applications - most notably, it's a very easy and effective way of controlling entry hazards (usually set by Stone Axe) and making progress via the poison (which severely impacts the longevity of almost all defensive Pokemon). Mortal Spin can realistically go on just about anything, with the most notable users being RegenVest users, Miraidon, and Calm Mind Arceus formes.
Part of the issue that Mortal Spin presents is that it makes progress making far too easy. Without the use of Covert Cloak, which has become almost unanimously the most common item on defensive Pokemon as counterplay, Mortal Spin's poison allows practically any Pokemon to make substantial progress with it, bolstered by the middling viability of most Steel- and Poison-types. Covert Cloak's sheer dominance (almost solely due to Mortal Spin; no other move with a secondary effect is anywhere near as impactful in warranting Cloak) can be argued to be an unhealthy aspect, both due to the dominance over the item slot and that the substantial opportunity cost for Leftovers and Heavy-Duty Boots has a side effect of buffing already-dangerous offensive nukes like Kartana. Cloak being the de-facto best option against Mortal is also up for debate; the majority of Mortal Spin users carry options specifically to mess with most Covert Cloak or Magic Guard users trying to switch into them, with Knock Off and strong offensive options like Torch Song Miraidon being near unanimous on these types of sets. In addition, Mortal Spin disproportionately benefitting Regenerator users can also be seen as a negative for the tier, as it can lead to more drawn-out games where not a ton happens until the first KO is made.
However, Mortal Spin isn't without counterplay in the traditional sense. Covert Cloak, despite its shortcomings, shuts off the poison and reduces Mortal Spin to a mere entry hazard removal tool. Steel-types, while flawed, can block both the poison and the removal; even if the Steel-type isn't actually switching in, its mere presence arguably makes spamming the move to make progress a weaker option. It's also far and away the best source of entry hazard removal, as the other options are notably flawed (Tidy Up and -ate Rapid Spin lack many good users, regular Rapid Spin is reasonably easy to block, and Defog is Defog), helping keep moves like Stone Axe under control.
Ultimately, it's the surrounding discussion being major on both sides that has warranted this suspect.
During a Suspect test, each player must climb the ladder until they've acquired the GXE necessary to participate in the voting. Primarily, everyone that participates needs to make an alt account following these guidelines:
- Every game must be played on the official Pokemon Showdown! server, and the account must be created on or after 24 September 2023.
- Accounts must have the prefix "PSN", and this being at the beginning of the alt name is mandatory. "PSN STATUS" would be allowed, "TOXIC PSN" would not.
- To qualify for voting, players must reach 82% GXE with 30 games played, and the GXE requirement decreases by 0.2% for each additional played, down to a minimum of 78% GXE at 50 games played. See below for a complete table.
- Mortal Spin will be allowed on ladder during this suspect test.
- The suspect will go on for 2 weeks and will end on 8 October 2023 at 11:59 PM GMT+1.
- It is mandatory to provide proof of ownership over your suspect account.
- Feel free to post in this thread about your thoughts on Mortal Spin when posting suspect requirements.
- A ban vote of 60% or more is required to ban Mortal Spin from BH.