Project SV DOU Teambuilding Competition v3: Week 24 (Sinistcha)

Congratulations to Actuarily for winning!


This week's pokemon is Kingambit! Bisharp's new evolution has impressive stats and a number of helpful resistances, along with supportive options like Quick Guard and Stealth Rock

Building ends on March 2nd and Voting on March 4th
Kingambit Hail Psyspam

:Abomasnow: :Iron-Bundle: :Armarouge: :Indeedee-F: :Kingambit: :Iron-Hands:

After testing AV Kingambit I felt like it either didn't tank hits quite as well as I wanted or didn't do enough damage, so I tried to solve this with SD + veil. I also think Kingambit isn't actually very good as a dedicated TR mon because it loses to common TR abusers like Torkoal and Iron Hands, so I tried to fit it on a more flexible semiroom team. Indeedee + Armarouge rips through fighting types that scare Kingambit, and veil allows Weak Armour Armarouge to have a bit more longevity. Bundle is obv nice for the fast mode and proccing Armarouge, and AV Iron Hands is probably the best glue mon in the tier as well as synergizing with the TR mode well.

- Aboma really appreciates ground coverage, could also drop protect for energy ball.

- Could swap freeze dry for icy wind on Bundle if you really want to, spread stolen from Ratpacker's psyspam team.

- Arma outspeeds pult at +2, tera grass is still nice even without flash fire, especially with stab energy ball.

- Pretty standard Indeedee, could go sitrus berry but I've found that I don't pivot with the mon too much and the extra special bulk is clutch.

- Kingambit lives headlong rush from 252+ Great Tusk, Tera Fire to own Arcanine which can really give the team trouble, and the team has enough tools to deal with Tusk. Also lives heat wave from non boosting item Chi-Yu. Can't 100% live life orb heat wave without +spd nature so not worth imo.

- The standard AV spread I've been using to live stuff + speed creep (and nice balanced atk investment lol). CC + Wild Charge to deal the most damage up front, fake out is still useful cause terrain won't always be up. Volt switch is nice to help position for Armarouge in particular, as well as transitioning between fast and slow modes

Replay v Eragon where Kingambit puts in some good work:
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Kingambit Rain


This is a Kingambit team that's been working well for me. It's a rain team with a couple off-meta choices that I think match-up well with some of the teams going around. This team gains underrated special-bulk without losing out on offensive power due to Ting-Lu + 4 physical attacking threats.

Pretty standard set. I like air balloon + tera-flying to switch into Ting-lu EQ as well as dodge various ground moves going around. This could be defiant, testing was mostly supreme overload however. Important to note that this is the only pokemon on this team with protect.

GenOne Hariyama ( . GenOne explains this one pretty well. I think Hariyama is a good in the current meta. Something not mentioned in the GenOne post is the matchup against Iron Hands. Even without the guts boost, headlong rush can do crazy damage to Iron Hands, with facade + close combat also doing massive damage. Due to it's matchup against Amoongus and Iron Hands, I think Hariyama is a good off-meta choice. Love me some Fake-Out pressure as well.

A niche pick but I think it provides good support for the team. Immunity and a boost from heat wave + hurricane is very nice for this team. Also benefits from Pelipper tailwind. If this guy ever gets a boost, his damage is very underrated. It can deal massive damage to Ting-Lu and water types. Curse is nice to put pressure on boosting or slower mons. This is one of the teams Spore-immunities as well.

Ratpacker Wo-Chien is my favorite pokemon of the format and this is the Ting-Lu version. It is less of a tera-hog than Wo-Chien and provides good support damage. In addition, playing under special-intimidate is very beneficial for this team, as Pelipper is the only special attacker.

Rain boosts Palafin and dampens fire moves for Kingambit. Eject button can safely switch in many of the strong mons on this team. Mid speed tailwind and icy-wind are good speed supports. Due to the limited rain support on this team, you can use this guy as an anti-weather option to great effect.

Standard Banded Palafin. This guy is really good. I run max speed which works well with the Pelipper speed-control.
Kingambit Rain
:pelipper: :palafin: :garchomp: :tsareena: :iron jugulis: :kingambit:

I built this team with LuBiStar20 and it's honestly pretty good. This is mostly a pretty standard rain team, but I'm using Kingambit here for a mon that can eat hits from Iron Bundle, which rain generally struggles with. It's not a massive optimization, but it makes a lot of matchups easier. Mystic Water Palafin allows you to switch moves and also run Protect which is nice. Every other set is pretty much standard. Swords Dance Garchomp is an option but Stealth Rock makes a lot of rolls more comfy, and Swords Dance isn't supported very well here.

I kinda killed this thread because I just didn't enjoy SV DOU in its current state, and making weekly posts for it wasn't really something I felt motivated to do. I'm back now though, I think SV DOU post home is going to be pretty epic, and Teambuilding Competitions seem like a decent way to further meta development.

That being said, this week's Pokémon is Ursaluna!!!!


Ursaluna is the evolution to Ursaring introduced in Pokemon Legends Arceus. It has a monstrous Attack stat paired with high base power attacks like Facade and Headlong Rush (Which also just so happens to give it near perfect STAB coverage). Its low speed and high natural bulk make it a perfect fit for Trick Room teams along setters like Diancie and Cresselia. Have fun ^_^

It's Tail-room-bear-rain, so Roomba for short.
Bronzong lives Specs Shadow Ball from Flutter and KOs it back. Heavy Slam is preferred over Gyro Ball because it does more damage to Diancie, Enamorus-T and Sylveon. The choice for the Grass Type wasn't easy, between Amoonguss and Rillaboom but this prevents Espeed Jet Punch and Prankster Taunt. Tsareena could have been EVed to live Ice Spinner from Chien Pao but I went for a Tailwind spread instead. Ursaluna is made fast to also work under Tailwind to outspeed Rillaboom for example. Thundurus is probably the weakest link here but its a spread move user that's good into Regieleki.
:cresselia: :ursaluna: :indeedee-f: :armarouge: :enamorus-therian: :gastrodon:
Cresselia @ Safety Goggles
Ability: Levitate
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 HP / 240 Def / 16 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Lunar Blessing
- Trick Room
- Helping Hand
- Psychic

Ursaluna @ Flame Orb
Ability: Guts
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 252 HP / 136 Atk / 120 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Facade
- Headlong Rush
- Swords Dance
- Protect

Indeedee-F @ Safety Goggles
Ability: Psychic Surge
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 240 Def / 16 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Psychic
- Follow Me
- Trick Room
- Heal Pulse

Armarouge @ Life Orb
Ability: Flash Fire
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Armor Cannon
- Expanding Force
- Trick Room
- Protect

Enamorus-Therian @ Covert Cloak
Ability: Overcoat
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Protect
- Calm Mind
- Springtide Storm
- Earth Power

Gastrodon @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Storm Drain
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Earth Power
- Chilling Water
- Recover
- Stealth Rock

This is about the fullroom-iest fullroom I could come up with, and boy does it ever fullroom! Biggest threat is Ursaluna speed ties and competent opponents. EVs shamelessly stolen from other people and/or max/maxed.
:Iron Bundle: :Abomasnow: :Chi Yu: :Ursaluna: :Flutter Mane: :Cresselia:

Ima use this thread to share my current version of Frostier Fanroom: Bearing Strait (May not be final, things getting banned and all)

-Cresselia + Ursaluna in combination with Abomasnow's Aurora Veil can make a fierce combo that can easily sweep entire teams by itself. Cresselia with Tera Dark is great for countering taunt + Prankster

-Cresselia can actually let Aboamsnow spam blizzard while keeping it alive making freeze fishing more possible

-Flutter Mane is here as a 3rd fast mon (I am at 3 now...) due to the removal of redirection support from Iron Hands, Chi-Yu + Flutter Mane is still a broken matchup fish and Flutters speed makes it much better for fighting Urshifu than Sylveon. Compared to Enamorus, Flutter being a ghost type is more valuable here as it is immune to Fake Out (which can be a problem for a team low on Protect users)

-Chi-Yu boosts everything's power and is still a solid fire type. Snarl spam is useful for weakening some of the stronger special attackers of this meta, making it easier for Cresselia, Abomasnow, or Ursaluna to thrive

-Iron Bundle (Delibot) still is a strong partner to Chi-Yu and can fill said spot if Flutter Mane faints. Blizzard in snow as usual is strong and can freeze other pokemon. Encore is very useful for punishing protect users post Trick Room, letting Ursaluna get another free hit in or resetting TR.
I've been robbed of a win!!! /j


This is a pretty standard goodstuffs bear semiroom. Ursaluna in TW Outspeeds Lando-I + some creep, I've caught some slow Flutters before. Its really easy to SD with Ursa after gaining speed control, so I opted for a bulk dump here as High Horsepower uninvested kills all but the bulkiest of bulky Flutter Manes. Mental Herb Cress because I don't like tera dark in a Flutter Meta. Rilla is still great utility in and Ursa really appreciates Grassy Terrain to offset Flame Orb chip along with Lunar Blessing. Speed Booster Flutter + Torn is often the clean up crew after Ursaluna and Volcanion chunk or remove key members of the opponent's team in TR.
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idk if this is still open but

i made a team for this like day 1 and then forgot to post. pretty standard until worm and somewhat fast iron hands so u can lunar blessing away status and get hp for shed tail while in trick room, it plays really fun and makes bear look even more stupid broken sometimes when u cant even intimidate it