Pretty standard set. I like air balloon + tera-flying to switch into Ting-lu EQ as well as dodge various ground moves going around. This could be defiant, testing was mostly supreme overload however. Important to note that this is the only pokemon on this team with protect.
GenOne Hariyama ( . GenOne explains this one pretty well. I think Hariyama is a good in the current meta. Something not mentioned in the GenOne post is the matchup against Iron Hands. Even without the guts boost, headlong rush can do crazy damage to Iron Hands, with facade + close combat also doing massive damage. Due to it's matchup against Amoongus and Iron Hands, I think Hariyama is a good off-meta choice. Love me some Fake-Out pressure as well.
A niche pick but I think it provides good support for the team. Immunity and a boost from heat wave + hurricane is very nice for this team. Also benefits from Pelipper tailwind. If this guy ever gets a boost, his damage is very underrated. It can deal massive damage to Ting-Lu and water types. Curse is nice to put pressure on boosting or slower mons. This is one of the teams Spore-immunities as well.
Ratpacker Wo-Chien is my favorite pokemon of the format and this is the Ting-Lu version. It is less of a tera-hog than Wo-Chien and provides good support damage. In addition, playing under special-intimidate is very beneficial for this team, as Pelipper is the only special attacker.
Rain boosts Palafin and dampens fire moves for Kingambit. Eject button can safely switch in many of the strong mons on this team. Mid speed tailwind and icy-wind are good speed supports. Due to the limited rain support on this team, you can use this guy as an anti-weather option to great effect.
Standard Banded Palafin. This guy is really good. I run max speed which works well with the Pelipper speed-control.