SV LCRU Kickoff Tour - Round 1
Please make sure to double check the banlist!
Base LC bans:
Abilities: Moody
Pokemon: Dunsparce, Flittle, Meditite, Misdreavus, Murkrow, Rufflet, Scyther, Sneasel
Usage Bans:
Axew, Bergmite, Bramblin, Buizel, Cacnea, Cetoddle, Charmander, Crabrawler, Croagunk, Diglett, Drifloon, Finizen, Foongus, Fuecoco, Gastly, Gimmighoul, Girafarig, Glimmet, Gothita, Greavard, Grimer, Hatenna, Houndour, Impidimp, Larvesta, Litleo, Magnemite, Makuhita, Mankey, Mareanie, Maschiff, Meowth, Meowth-Galar, Mudbray, Numel, Nymble, Pawnaird, Quaxly, Riolu, Sandile, Sandygast, Scorbunny, Shellder, Shellos, Shroodle, Shuppet, Sinistea, Snover, Sprigatito, Starly, Surskit, Tandemaus, Tarountula,Tinkatink, Toedscool, Varoom, Voltorb, Wingull, Zorua
Abilities: Moody
Pokemon: Dunsparce, Flittle, Meditite, Misdreavus, Murkrow, Rufflet, Scyther, Sneasel
Usage Bans:
Axew, Bergmite, Bramblin, Buizel, Cacnea, Cetoddle, Charmander, Crabrawler, Croagunk, Diglett, Drifloon, Finizen, Foongus, Fuecoco, Gastly, Gimmighoul, Girafarig, Glimmet, Gothita, Greavard, Grimer, Hatenna, Houndour, Impidimp, Larvesta, Litleo, Magnemite, Makuhita, Mankey, Mareanie, Maschiff, Meowth, Meowth-Galar, Mudbray, Numel, Nymble, Pawnaird, Quaxly, Riolu, Sandile, Sandygast, Scorbunny, Shellder, Shellos, Shroodle, Shuppet, Sinistea, Snover, Sprigatito, Starly, Surskit, Tandemaus, Tarountula,Tinkatink, Toedscool, Varoom, Voltorb, Wingull, Zorua
Tournament Rules:
- General tournament rules and regulations can be found here .
- Format: [Gen 9] LC with additional bans listed in the spoiler above.
- Bringing a Pokemon not legal for LCRU will result in a forfeit of that match, please double check your teams.
- Best of three, double elimination Battles should take place on Pokemon Showdown!.
- Standard battle clauses.
- Replays are required!
Scheduling Recommendations:
- Contact your opponent as soon as possible. Include what your available times are and your timezone in this initial contact.
- When scheduling, offer the widest range of time possible to play. Just mentioning one or two specific times is likely insufficient.
- Schedule specifically - do not schedule for "Friday afternoon" or "Sunday morning", pick a date, a time and note the timezone.
brokenmotor vs MOHAMEDALL
Dylanpika99 vs Inazuma-Fulgur
txitxas vs Soulblaze
MultiPokemon vs ZeStinky
FP vs Joltage
yovan33321 vs Peachy07
jungshook21 vs Sailorgreatest
Nultiprise vs Tack
Eve vs Velcroc
Mr.Bossaru vs Imanalt
btboy vs zeroouttathere
megatyler30 vs Doomstadt
Albi vs SageModeAD
uhBella vs Bonka
Meep Memez vs Mom Lover
MuffinMat vs NotJackewu
Steel207 vs BlueWollyWog
Tzon vs outbackrabbit
HSOWA vs martinvtran
447323a vs HanPyol
TheShoddyStrawman vs giove97
Mewsthebest vs gorex
Elfuseon vs Éric
chimp vs Hys
Matches are due by Sunday 15th of January at 8pm GMT-5.
Message us on discord if you have any questions: Peachy#2264 or megatyler30#6446
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