SV LCRU Kickoff Tour - Round 3
Thanks for taking part in the beginning of generation 9 LCRU, an unofficial usage-based tier based on LCUU tournaments. We have an initial set of resources, including a few sample teams in the LCRU discord server to participate in discussions: make sure to double check the banlist!
Base LC bans:
Abilities: Moody
Pokemon: Dunsparce, Flittle, Meditite, Misdreavus, Murkrow, Rufflet, Scyther, Sneasel
Usage Bans:
Axew, Bergmite, Bramblin, Buizel, Cacnea, Cetoddle, Charmander, Crabrawler, Croagunk, Diglett, Drifloon, Finizen, Foongus, Fuecoco, Gastly, Gimmighoul, Girafarig, Glimmet, Gothita, Greavard, Grimer, Hatenna, Houndour, Impidimp, Larvesta, Litleo, Magnemite, Makuhita, Mankey, Mareanie, Maschiff, Meowth, Meowth-Galar, Mudbray, Numel, Nymble, Pawnaird, Quaxly, Riolu, Sandile, Sandygast,Scorbunny, Shellder, Shellos, Shroodle, Shuppet, Sinistea, Snover, Sprigatito, Starly, Surskit, Tandemaus, Tarountula,Tinkatink, Toedscool, Varoom, Voltorb, Wingull, Zorua
LCRU Additional Bans:
Chewtle, Deerling
Abilities: Moody
Pokemon: Dunsparce, Flittle, Meditite, Misdreavus, Murkrow, Rufflet, Scyther, Sneasel
Usage Bans:
Axew, Bergmite, Bramblin, Buizel, Cacnea, Cetoddle, Charmander, Crabrawler, Croagunk, Diglett, Drifloon, Finizen, Foongus, Fuecoco, Gastly, Gimmighoul, Girafarig, Glimmet, Gothita, Greavard, Grimer, Hatenna, Houndour, Impidimp, Larvesta, Litleo, Magnemite, Makuhita, Mankey, Mareanie, Maschiff, Meowth, Meowth-Galar, Mudbray, Numel, Nymble, Pawnaird, Quaxly, Riolu, Sandile, Sandygast,Scorbunny, Shellder, Shellos, Shroodle, Shuppet, Sinistea, Snover, Sprigatito, Starly, Surskit, Tandemaus, Tarountula,Tinkatink, Toedscool, Varoom, Voltorb, Wingull, Zorua
LCRU Additional Bans:
Chewtle, Deerling
Tournament Rules:
- General tournament rules and regulations can be found here .
- Format: [Gen 9] LC with additional bans listed in the spoiler above.
- Bringing a Pokemon not legal for LCRU will result in a forfeit of that match, please double check your teams.
- Best of three, double elimination Battles should take place on Pokemon Showdown!.
- Standard battle clauses.
- Replays are required!
- Contact your opponent as soon as possible. Include what your available times are and your timezone in this initial contact.
- When scheduling, offer the widest range of time possible to play. Just mentioning one or two specific times is likely insufficient.
- Schedule specifically - do not schedule for "Friday afternoon" or "Sunday morning", pick a date, a time and note the timezone.
Winners' Bracket:
Tack vs txitxas
NotJackewu vs martinvtran
btboy vs MultiPokemon
Mom Lover vs Inazuma-Fulgur
TheShoddyStrawman vs Imanalt
BlueWollyWog vs HanPyol
megatyler30 vs Sailorgreatest
Éric vs outbackrabbit
uhBella vs gorex
yovan33321 vs Eve
FP vs chimp
Losers' Bracket:
SageModeAD vs MuffinMat
Hys vs 447323a
Peachy07 vs Steel207
HSOWA vs Soulblaze
Velcroc vs zeroouttathere
giove97 vs Nultiprise
Matches are due by Sunday 29th of January at 8pm GMT-5.
Message me on discord if you have any questions: megatyler30#6446
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