And now to close off my venture into NU, I will post my VRs.
Before going into some specifics, here is how I view the tier, and SV in general. I think there are a lot of strong defensive tools with a wide variety of profile and it was usually my go-to. I tend to prefer those in a generation with so many setuppers and especially with Tera as a mechanic to their disposition. Strong defensive cores can control the game and have a defensive Tera to stabilize if something got out of control, which is the way I like to play this gen. If I'm not playing like this, I like to be very aggro and use the large movesets and offensive Tera at my disposition instead. As a result, I'm not the biggest Balance fan because it feels like it's not committing enough to either sides and can struggle in those situations. However it doesn't mean Balance is bad, the tier has some very strong and fast attackers to keep everything in check offensively and a lot of good priorities too. On top of that, wallbreakers are all over the place.
I think the best defensive tools in SV are Knock Off + Hazards and Encore as they allow you to control anything that gets out of hand. Encore has a very good distribution in this gen, making it not bad to fit into teams. I'm not the biggest fan of slow setuppers in this gen because of the move prevalance as a result (even though not many people try to include as much as I do in their build).
Now onto some specifics.
I've talked about it twice in this forum already (
1 2). I think it is by far and away the best Pokemon in the tier. It's a constant offensive presence and can't be chipped by small damage or status. It's probably the Pokemon that forced the most Tera in SCL too. It barely needs support and if anything provides it itself with Knock Off and Uturn. It's also a Scarfer that can survive all game with an excellent speedtier and has a very solid AV set.
In A+, I put the Pokemons that perform the best game-to-game and provide a ton to their team with consistent sets. Bronzong has Steel+Flygon checking, Rocks and good setup sets. Gastrodon water/electric immune with access to both hazards or can be a Knock absorber. Gligar both hazards, pivot, Knock and pretty much survives any hits. Alolan Muk tanks anything special, spread status, disrupt items and can even pull Curse sets. WaterRos has Intimidate, SR resistance, priority, all great into offense while being a pain to defensive cores with its CB set (or even Lum BulkUp).
I decided to put Flygon in A+ because imo it's very Tera reliant to run away with games. It still has a myriad of good offensive sets which are easy to fit into teams, but I think its DD set is a Tera hog and can be reacted to with an appropriate Tera/priorities too. I respect the bulky sets though because those can really run away with the game even more, but then it also some slight coverage issues.
In A, I put profiles which are slightly worse in one way or another, or more one-directional but all are very solid and would frequently come to me when I was building. Their profiles make them very easy to fit into teams except maybe Munkidori but it's just very strong offensively with an amazing speed tier and can spread Poison on some of its answers. It's probably the best Scarfer with Mienshao and Ditto thanks to Uturn/Trick having amazing utility.
I was a big fan of Avalugg because it just checks anything Physical, especially if Tera is still online. Spin enables a ton of broken sets/items and it hits quite hard too. I'd use it more if I wasn't afraid of random Tera Ghosts to play around it. It can pull a mean Mirror Coat set by the way, try it out! (make sure to reduce spdef iv/nature so you can OHKO things like Vaporeon).
Not only the best Rain abuser, but also a good defensive profile with the ghost typing and has pretty good Sub sets to break through fat cores. Tera Ghost is very strong on CB to fuck with Water immunities. Underrated Tera on Rains. Also brings a strong priority and pivot move to its team.
Was a big fan of the 3 attack sets, unlike the other Steel, it can retaliate better into Offense between EQ/HeavySlam/Ice Spinner, not to mention TWave. It's also the best Steel on the SpDef side, very solid.
In A-, I put Pokemons that I think are still quite consistent while dealing with more flaws than the Pokémons above.
Honestly think it should been used more, it was often on my mind because it's the only Steel with Knock Off, and Whirlwind is also excellent into some Pokemons. It also hits very hard and has just the right bulk to pull some nice Custap sets. Restalk 2Atk is also a nuisance to balance/defense.
Should have been used a lot more imo, strong breaker that doesn't need any support besides maybe just Spin/Defog to avoid dying too quickly. It can often soak a hit and OHKO back too. With Trailblaze, it can even pose a threat to more offensive structures. I was quite a fan of Trailblaze/Knock/CC/Facade with Tera Normal. The only reason I have it there is because often you prefer just using broken Mienshap.
Often found it just worse than Gastrodon/Vaporeon but it has its niche by being a Vaporeon that heals faster pretty much.
Very nice offensive Pokemon that revealed itself in the middle of the season. Fast and strong pivot/Defog and Eviolite just eats everything even if it needs a bit more support.
One of the premier offensive Pokemon of the tier imo, just has no real switch ins besides some niche 'mons. The only annoying part is its stabs having to deal with immunities. Shift Gear is very good imo because you honestly barely needs Specs to break with it.
In B+ I have ranked Pokemons with very good profiles imo but thats where the Pokemons become much less consistent imo, they all have annoying flaws but are worth dealing with because of their regular upsides.
This Pokémon was heavily on my mind when the season started but then I realized almost everyone includes a Water immunity in their team and Inteleon cant do much about it. However Specs goes stupidly hard vs any team without Water immunities. Taunt/Uturn can somewhat pressure its answers but I don't think that set is near as good as the upsides of Specs.
This Pokémon is fundamentally broken in any tier/gen so yeah. Just need good anti-hazard to survive but it gives you an out vs any HO, Weather and Fat team.
Just not a big fan of this Pokemon. Electric isn't a good offensive stab and the alternative is either inaccurate or not strong. It's also extremelely frail and almost any Pokémon can afford to 1v1 it if it wants to trade. I still gotta give it credits for that speed tier and the access to pivot moves, but it's def not my kind of Pokémon. The Endeavor sets can at least dent into Defensive teams.
Extremely awkward Pokémon imo. Just doesn't feel good enough but also not bad. I prefer almost every other Dark over it. The Offensive sets suffer from Gunk not being a good offensive type (and inaccurate) and the Dark move just not being very strong. Still a unique profile that can fit into a lot of teams and not do Terrible.
Super broken imo, the tier doesn't have good Salt Cure answers and nobody runs Covert Cloak. You just need to pair it with good anti-hazards and Knock absorbers. Tera Ghost makes it so so good.
High ranking for this, but Grassy is quite strong with a plethora of abusers.
In B-, pretty much the same as B but worse Pokémons imo, still a tier filled with solid options imo, we're not quite yet in cheesish part of the VR.
Hits hard. But way too frail imo. Pretty funny on Tailwind but it sucks that almost all of its best answers are good in the tier, like Incineroar, Overqwil or Alolan Muk.
Wanted to use this every week but was never quite satisfied with the team. Hits ridiculously hard and can switch moves. Main issue is it's slow and will take SR damage, and then will die to a priority. I also hate relying on Hurricane even though it just kills anything and does up to 60 to sturdiest Spdef walls like Muk Alola.
Should probably be used more. Brings a Ghost immunity to the team and can easily trade hits with about any special mon.
You can kill the man but not the idea.
Kinda passive and not as specially bulky as you'd want it, but it's a Steel that is immune to Ground and can bring both SR and Spikes if you want to, imo a nice profile.
NP Encore sets can snowball so hard but Tera hog. Nice utility sets too.
I found myself often building with it as a tempo machine on Offense, which had the possibility to either provide free setups with Memento or control any setuppers with Encore. Big fan and amazing typing into the most used Pokemon in the tier.
In B-, I have all the Pokémons which have a strong niche but can only run one set/be used on one playstyle and even then are still not truely amazing. Also a bunch of Pokémons with high upsides but common downsides too.
Probably should be explored more. I'm not sure it even needs Hail to be good. +6 Ice Shard owns offensive countermeasure and it's fast enough to kill defensive cores without Slush Rush. Fat enough to setup consistently.
One of the best Grassy Terrain mons. One of the set I "found" at the end of SCL is Sub/Sap/CM/AirSlash, it's like an Oricorio that is better into Offense at the cost of being worse into Haze/Roar. Sub gives you more flexibility with the Tera type too because you don't necessarily need a status/clear smog immunity now.
Former two should be considered more on Rain imo. They're not as hard blanked by anti-rain Mons like Kingdra or Ludicolo.
I thought I'd see this guy more often but after trying it myself, I can understand, it's just too slow or too frail and has annoying weakness.
Imo a stable of weather because Healing Wish is just that good as a tool to position and give a second life to something you just wanna trade with earlier. Works similarily on HO and deter setups with Encore too.
Revival Blessing is very good and outside of that, it's a nice Fighter with great coverage and priority. Two great abilities too.
Tried it in the beginning but just found it to be bad and a worse Killowatrel. I liked Stories' Scarf Kou though because it owns Rain and is just too fast and quite strong at that. Also doesn't have a Rock weakness like Kilo if it wanted to try something similar.
Sun has felt mid when I tried it but those two are absolute killers.
Was much worse than I anticipated getting into the tier. Has coverage issues but is also just too slow, even at +2. You pretty much need Tera online to counterplay Scarfers, and you still have to deal with all the priorities of the tier.
Mid Pokémons but fast Rapid Spinners with access to useful moves like Knock, Flip Turn or EjectPack+LeafStorm (on an electric immunity) makes them okayish to use and enable some stronger stuff.
I thought I'd spam this guy when I signed up because it's just so bulky and has such good moves in Knock/FoulPlay/Ruination/Leech but the typing is absolutely woeful. You pretty much needs to Tera instantly with it. I'd say though that it's often worth it, despite the commitment.
In C, I put Pokémons with niches I found worth it but are either outclassed or are just still not that good.
Only started exploring it late in the season but I think that one has potential if you have a nice anti-hazard core (not too hard to do with Scyther and Cinccino). CB Espeed hits like a truck and can also break with FlareBlitz/Fury/WildCharge/CC, also brings Intimidate to the team.
Terribly outclassed by just about every other Fighters, especially Mienshao.
Not bad honestly, can be a decent trader with Dbond to get rid of the dark types. It's just not strong enough and has to play some very annoying speed tiers with Mienshao.
Natural Cure, Tailwind and Healing Wish, very unique combo and Seed Flare hits hard, but just slightly too slow and Grass isn't a good offensive stab.
Found that one really bad, and terrible as a rain setter. Priority Rain is not that good when you have to spend extra turns afterwards to get your sweeper in. Frail, not strong enough, just try something else honestly. I think Pivot sets might have more potential, or just Specs it up on Rain.
D is a rank with a bunch of cheesy mons that only fit on like one playstyle. And even then they're not necessarily that good.