If you want the best way to handle the hazard situation, ban Ghold before banning Gliscor.
Corv is a fantastic defogger that is immune to Toxic and EQ. The problem is it exists in a meta where Ghold exists.
If we had the same Defog distribution as Gen 7-8, people would not complain about Ghold, but as it stands, we don’t have a whole lot of defoggers/spinners.
Gliscor is the best glue in the tier. Checks much of the tier while fulfilling multiple roles. The ironic thing about Gliscor is this.
It helps against hazard stacking because its immune to spikes, absorbs Knock, and Poison Heal shrugs off rocks dmg, and at the same time its the best hazard setter we’ve ever seen in SV OU. Fucking oof.
Corv is a fantastic defogger that is immune to Toxic and EQ. The problem is it exists in a meta where Ghold exists.
If we had the same Defog distribution as Gen 7-8, people would not complain about Ghold, but as it stands, we don’t have a whole lot of defoggers/spinners.
Gliscor is the best glue in the tier. Checks much of the tier while fulfilling multiple roles. The ironic thing about Gliscor is this.
It helps against hazard stacking because its immune to spikes, absorbs Knock, and Poison Heal shrugs off rocks dmg, and at the same time its the best hazard setter we’ve ever seen in SV OU. Fucking oof.