Let me think about the potential bans and unbans.

5. This pokémon is just blalantly overpowered. More natural bulk than Magearna, faster than everything but Dragapult, great coverage and in general a pokémon who will sweep everything. Dondozo might held it back a bit but dondozo is very vulnerable to special attackers, speciallay ones with draco meteor, and lacks reliable recovery. Just a meta-warping dog who is causing a stranglehold in teambuilding, specially on lower ladder because it's so punishing.

3. More manegeable than expected... but only because Zacian is in the tier and revenge kills it, while specially defensive magearna also helps. The numbers say it is fine yet it could easily become problematic in the near future, but we should not act on supositions. Still, it's not like Palkia-Origin is so overpowered it denies regular Palkia being used, is just that getting 20 speed and 20% boost are usually a more powerful boost of 50% of either but being locked.

2. This pokémon would be busted if it could use boots. It cannot and therefore isn't a problem in the slightest if you have one of the many great water types the tier has. Seriously, those tour numbers atm are just pathetic (Not as much as Rillaboom's though... Why does people use it without Sneasler?). Maybe if Palkia gets banned Arceus-Fire becomes a problem, but I doubt it.

2. It is genuinely a non-issue. It is fast and bulky, but poison is terrible on offense and people is suceeding quite well at checking this pokémon via steel and ground. I might be understimating it
Shadow tag/Arena Trap: 1. While
shadow tag and Arena trap
have has been historically opressive, gen 9 nerfed them severely with Terastalization. It's very easy to play around this mechanic in practice because dugtrio wants to trap stuff like fire or steel types, which can just use tera to escape their ground weakness or even use the weak, frail dugtrio as setup fodder, and tera is definitely worth using if you end up in a 5v6. Of those 2
concepts of trapping, Gothitelle
's shadow tag might end up being more problematic, but there's no
solid proof of it. This is UBERS UU, so we shouldn't just ban stuff with bad playpatterns, but either OP strats or awful experiences who ocurr in a regular basis.
Shed Tail: 4. This on the other hand does qualify as frequent bad experience. Shed tail caused lots of issues back in 2023 Gen 9 OU, and I would say it causes even more problems here, where the whole tier seems to revolve around Shed Tail. While the controversial Espathra seems to not been an issue due to the powerlevel of UUbers, many of the best pokémon who are being asked here are indeed shed tail users. The only reason I'm not asking for quickban is because maybe the issue is Zacian being busted.
: 3. I'm not sure if it's a good or bad idea. A fast, bulky Electric type in a tier defined by not a lot of ground types and many waters might turn opressive, but on the other hand, people is starting to use ground types because of Magearna and Arceus forms, and Both Landorus and regular Ursaluna have proven worth using.
: 4. Flying isn't really a concern because it's relatively straightforward to handle due to that rock weakness, Magearna being so common and many top tiers being able to bring on Ice or electric coverage. Not really able to see how it would become so problematic. Maybe it's still busted but
: 1. I don't like gambling, and Shaymin's problems have not disappeared. In theory it should be a downgrade of Arceus-Flying due to having less everything but speed, but Shaymin is still faster than Arceus and can still flinch you to death with Serene grace air slash, in a meta not very keen on covert cloak due to only shaymin requiring it.
Shadow tag (New): 3. Remember when I said "Of the two Gothitelle might end up more problematic?"... Yup, now I've seen games of Gothitelle in action dragging on a game without even doing anything, against the leader of this tier nonetheless. Unlike Dugtrio who plays a mostly fair fight and what I've said about Tera is still true, Gothitelle is more akin to Funbro, just pure PP stalling or stall then sweep with stored power. Is still not the biggest issue the tier has but something to keep eyes upon to see if it becomes banworthy.
In short, my philosophy is not acting based on supositions, but on relatively frequent ocurrances who do damage the play experience. A big reason Gen 9 OU feels like a mess is due to overreliance on quickbans and targeting the wrong pokémon, acting oftentimes before there's even proper counterplay developed aka meta evolution, which ends up wasting precious time who could've been used in banning Gholdengo and making the Volcarona ban democratic.
PS: Why is Ursaluna good in UUbers but so mediocre in OU? Seriously, I'm recollecting tour data and I'm seeing Ursaluna both being more popular and winning more than bloodmoon, the OU-banworthy version, at least in the tour results.
PPS: I've changed my mind about Shadow tag. from 1 to 3. Kinesquared definitely got a miserable game 1 of round 1.