I joined the stall war…on the side of stall (except not actually I just thought a Gira Dozo core was cracked). Anyway, here is my attempt at a stall team for UUbers, which I think is better thanks to the three new drops.
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You know…I was really hoping for perish trap because I 1000% would’ve done that. Or toxic refresh. But Arc gets neither so I had to settle with CM Offensive. Judgement, CM, Recover, coverage last. Flame is for Mag and Corviknight but if you want Ice Beam or TBolt the option exists. Tera dark because let’s be honest you’re probably not gonna Tera with this guy.

Rilla…who? Max HP Max Defense Impish with WillO to punish physical threats that would cause problems for the bros in the back, Rest for longevity, DTail for phazing. This set above has both DTail and Roar, however the you can choose one depending on who you want to take damage with the last slot being hex or defog. Alternatively, keep both to punish Tera fairy set up…I wish I had a replay.

Unlike with previous unaware mon Quag, Dozo can actually handle Baxcalibur well and still be a Zacian check. 248 HP Max Def Impish, of course, Liquidation, Curse, RestTalk, Tera dragon, you know and love him. Blanks common physical threats, tanks a lot thanks to its 503 HP stat, allowing to rest and pivot in an absolute emergency.

Something not holding boots? Wild. Max HP Max Speed timid with Bleakwind, Icy Wind, Knock, U holding an assault vest with Tera electric. I stole this torn set but it hitting 375 is an amazing attribute in this metagame. It outspeeds all arceus formes, PalkO, and speed ties Cyclizar. Even if you lose that speed tie, the worst thing it can do to you is knock off while you practically force a switch, maybe get a knock of your own off.

Our lovable healer is back and she’s here to take on special threats. Despite that, curiously enough, she’s Max HP Max Def Bold. She certainly can afford to be SpDef invested but not folding to physical pivots is a good enough investment. Toss, Rocks, TWave, Softboiled, Tera ghost, holding Boots. If I had a fifth slot heal bell, but alas.

Wish support. That’s it. It pivots too, but being a reliable source of HP keeps the stall team going round so…Max HP Max Def Bold, holding boots, you know the drill. Tera Flying for the meme because most of the time you’re not clicking Tera on here either. If you want a more serious Tera, poison or dark would probably be your best bet. Scald, wish, protect, flip.
Team options:
One that sticks out to me is making Giratina double status with Hex, making blissey heal bell, and slotting Roar over coverage on arceus. Another option is switching out Arceus for a fast breaker like Chi Yu or Zacian but that would take away from the point of a team structure like this in my opinion.
Play style:
I won’t beat around the bush: it’s stall. There will be switching, there will be predicts, there will be health and status management. But if you’re patient and slow the turns down, you can force the opponent to misplay and take advantage of the chip damage. 80% of the time you will lead torn as a pivot or to immediately get rid of an item. Blissey and Arceus are good leads too. With Blissey, find a free turn to get rocks up and you’re in business.

Do not let this thing calm mind twice or its GGs. You trade a lot of HP with one but you can recover it off if necessary.
Knock Off:
In a meta with hazards everywhere, it’s prudent to keep your boots on. Mons like Blissey can afford to lose their boots if there’s 3 spikes on the ground, but only once. Switch reliant teams like not taking hazards, keep that in mind.

Spatial Rend is a fun move. But you know what else is a fun move? Scale Shot. Which it gets. Doesn’t even matter if it’s min atk, it’ll still chunk blissey down if it gets more than 2-3 hits.

Last Respects is a move that starts with 50 base power and scales up with…wait Last Respects is banned? LETS GOOOOOOO HOUNDSTONE FOR RUBERS RIP BOZO
Stall/Mirror Match:
I mean…you chose stall. When you play stall against stall, it becomes a slugfest. Unfortunately toxic isn’t slotted in on any of these mons so of the opposing team has it and you don’t it’ll become 1000% more difficult. But expect to sit in for a while if this is the case. Don’t be afraid to throw Gira in for that added pressure.
Overall this team I think is pretty solid but I think can be better, what do y'all think? How can a structure like this be improved? Will stall in general take off?