Part 2 of my ranking. Now featuring B Rank pokémon and "newcomers".
"Newcomers" and other A ranks.
A+ Rank
It is one of the best defensive walls in the whole tier, if not the best. 150|120|120 Bulk, walling lots of top tiers like Palafin or Arceus-Fire and poison, will-o-wisp for any physical attacker who's not fire type and having roar and for other setup attempts. This would be a banworthy pokémon if it had roost over rest.
A/A- Rank
Because it's unaware setting and being just a physical Blissey. Most setup sweepers are physical anyways, so the bad special bulk it's not that big of a deal. It being able to just humilliate Wild Charge Zacian is definitely something worth considering even outside your defensive teams as part of a balanced core.
--> B+ Rank.
I've used this thing a lot and it always feels frailer than you would expect. While Steel/Flying is an amazing defensive type, the tier feels filled with fire and water offense, and that poor 87 attack is very exploitable and defog is usually done better by Giratina. Good but not that good.
--> C Rank
Because she technically still has a niche as a Special swift swimmer who is not walled by Palkia-Origin and has supereffective shadow ball for Giratina and other ghosts. Is on the gimmickier side of things but it's technically there.
A --> Unranked
No Last respects, no reason to use this over better ghost types. I know there's a policy against unranking pokémon or something like that, but I felt I needed to mention this, even if obvious it's no longer good.
A+ --> A/A-
While I used to disagree with most of you in terms of how good palafin was, being very likely a lack of experience using Palafin, now there's a true reason to derank Palafin a notch or 2: GIRATINA and DONDOZO. This pokémon usually can deal with its checks with close combat, making it difficult to avoid KOs against it, but Giratina just walls perfectly the common set and gives this almight cosplayer a nasty 4MSS... except not really since Ice Punch isn't even a 2HKO against the common Giratina Sets. Dondozo on the other hand is just so ridiculously bulky it can stall those 8 close combats with rest, and setup doesn't work against the unaware of it. Even against Corviknight it'll struggle if not taunt bulk up due to the wave crash recoil, which is still defeated in a 1v1 by Rocky helmet; Btw, it also struggles against Basculegion-Female, who would have guessed. Just too many bad matchups added this month, a bad meta for Palafin overall compared to the great one of november.
A --> A-
2 Words: Arceus, Chi-Yu. This Arceus Form deals with opposing Arceus the worst, and is very vulnerable to Zacian unlike the other popular Arceus forms. Still walls Palafin, checks quite well Landorus-I and the new Dondozo, but I feel it is no longer worthy of the A title like Chi-Yu or Sneasler. Still good, but less than a month ago.
A- --> B+/B
The meta is just too hostile for a slow ice type setup sweepers with all the fairies and fast dragons going around. It has almost unresisted combo in dragon + ice + ground, but even then that speed makes it vulnerable to revenge kill even from defensive pokémon, while the prevalence of Extreme speed arceus doesn't give him any favors. Still hits like a truck and has unresisted combo, but it requires more setup than what most teams are confortable with.
B tier
B+ --> A-
The tier just lacks good ground resists, with Corviknight being unironically our best bet because this landlord has sludge bomb for Rillaboom, which doesn't weaken earth power btw. While 101 speed is unimpressive, he's still fast enough to do the job against the many defensive pokémon in the tier, and even some offensive pokémon like the common arceus forms, considering many don't go +speed nature. Expect more Ice beams from Arceus and them being either +speed nature or investing full on speed to counter him.
B+ --> C+
Arceus Fighting has a massive Issue: OPPORTUNITY COST. The Arceus slot is one of the most valuable assets in your team, if not the most, that's why it's usually reserved to check Zacian with either poison or Fire. What's more, this thing is in many cases just a poor man's Zamazenta-Crowned, who is faster, has more defense, an useful steel typing and doesn't compromise your Arceus slot. But the worst thing is that it is way too easy for Zacian to just go in and KO you due to being slower and weak to fairy, while fire and poison could use Zacian as entry point in a pinch. Recovery isn't a saving grace for everything, and you would be better by using Arceus-Psychic for the cosmic power shenanigans.
B+ --> B-
Theory Arceus-Ice is better than Practice one. In theory, this is an amazing BoltBeam user with STAB on both Judgement and thunderbolt after tera. In practice being an ice type who cannot use boots is kind of a death sentence for a lot of teams, and will be forced to use recover way too often, making it prone to lose momentum and get snowballed; not to mention this pokémon is way too reliant on Tera to work to avoid dying to a fighting or fire move, removing lots of flexibility. The strongest offense is a good defense who can counterattack, not just the strongest offensive combo.
B- --> B+/A-
On the other side of the spectrum, Spectrier feels way too slept on. Is a fast Ghost type, outspeeding everything in the tier but Dragapult, Zacian and Scarfers, with incredible special attack and is in a tier where Dark types are almost nonexistant outside Chi-Yu and Roaring Moon, both of which are vulnerable to stuff like Banded Palafin or Zacian; What's more, there's no more Houndstone competing for the offensive ghost type niche. Its frailty and being somewhat tera-reliant are the only things who keep it from fully saying it's an A rank atm.
B- --> B+
Another sweeper who feels the entire council slept on, Volcarona. We know how it works, a setup sweeper with quiver dance. The reason it seems to work so well it's because of an amazing matchup spread, the lack of knock off in the tier and a mechanical quirk. In terms of matchups it kinda wins almost automatically against Magearna, Cyclizar, Gholdengo, Dialga, Rillaboom, Arceus-Grass and Zamazenta-Crowned, which gives it plenty of entry opportunities. The lack of knock off outside clear select users that Volcarona beats in a 1v1 meant this bug should remain healthier than you might expect due to not suffering chip damage. Finally, the mechanical quirk is that Bug buzz ignores substitutes, making this moth one of the best answers to the common Shed tail strat. That being said, there's a reason I don't think it should be A-Rank: ARCEUS-FIRE. Arceus-Fire is arguably the best Arceus atm, is naturally faster, can match the quiver dance buff with Dragon dance and will just click Flare Blitz on this thing, KOing it on one hit at +1 unless Tera Blast Water which is not very optimal.
B- --> B
You know its trick, multiscale with boots, dragon dance, extreme speed with tera normal, earthquake to hit what resists normal and utility filler. It might be a OTP but the trick seems effective enough in UUbers. The reason of this is kinda simple: It really abuses Arceus. Right now Arceus are not running Ice beam for... reasons, giving Dragonite free setup; what's more, they're weak to earthquake, meaning you more often than not beat them in a 1v1. Finally ground immunity is still very valuable, with many top tiers using it to cover Dialga, the main Arceus forms and Magearna. That being said, this orange Barney doesn't like Giratina at all, unable to 2HKO it even with Dragon claw, and neither does the introduction of Corviknight, but at least it has fire punch for it.
B --> C
This pokémon was very reliant on Sand rush Houndstone to work. Now that there's no sand rush there's no viable Sand rush user left. Now it feels just outclassed by other ground types: Both Ursalunas have more reliable offensive power, Garchomp offers spikes and speed, Quagsire has spikes, recovery and Unaware, Dugtrio will (try to) trap pokémon, Donphan spins and knocks off items and don't even make me talk about Landorus-I. This tier has the peculiarity of barely having good electric types or even moves, which means Ground defensively is a worse steel type or water type on most cases, and offensively Ground is less potent than usual due to rillaboom, although tbf Hippowdon should be running high horsepower to avoid this issue.
B- --> C
Arceus-Rock really doesn't like the lost of Houndstone either. Its main niche was being a QuakeSlide setup sweeper with incredible bulk under Hippowdon's sand. That being said, the sand was heavily reliant on the now unviable Houndstone, making Arceus-Rock's niche much less appealing, even though it still technically exists.
B- --> C/C-
The only reason to even use this thing for was to get Sand rush Houndstone, which was questionable even in october and now that's gone. Im amazed to say this but indeed TTar is borderline unviable even with knock off, for the simple reason that Roaring moon almost always is better, with better speed and power, making it so Zacian doesn't switch into for free. The only real niche it has is to be arguably the most reliable Chi-Yu answer around in case you have used your arceus slot in something outside fire and don't want Ice weakness, because you should forget about Giratina with all those will'o'wisp and you being slower. If you REALLY want STAB knock off + Hazards... Just use Meowscarada, who can outspeed Arceus forms and Cyclizar. Is not the worst thing ever, but is still borderline gimmicky.
And that would be it. I don't think I have something else to say here. I think I can give my opinion on other suggestions.

(B+ --> A-):
Disagree; If anything it should go lower. Way too fierce competition from both the flying and fire department, specially considering Arceus-Fire isn't that big of a commitment nowadays.

(C+ --> B-):
Undecided. I'm not sure if it's that good. I see the niche but also the tons of problems a x4 ground weakness has in this tier.

(C+ --> A-):
Agree with the raise, disagree with the position suggested. Iron Valiant is indeed a pokémon who is a bit under the radar. Its usage is less about versatility and more with the fact it outspeeds everything with Booster energy, similar to Sneasler but trading some speed with encore, mix sets using moonblast and being better on hazard teams. That being said, those traits puts Iron Valiant as a B-/B rank pokémon.

(B- --> C+):
Disagree. Urshifu-Rapid-Strike seems fine where it is, a somewhat fringe but worth considering physical water type. Also remember that the opponent might suspect dark which forces extra careful play. If anything it's getting a bit of a popularity surge, although it should decline rapid-strike in specific due to Giratina and Dondozo, just like Palafin. B- is more appropiate than A-.

(A+ --> S):
Agree with the rise, but only to S-. It is one of the best pokémon around, top 5 without a doubt, but is not the overwhelming meta presence every team should prepare for, nor is that splashable as support.