UU Tangrowth (UU)


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Tangrowth @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Giga Drain
- Knock Off
- Sludge Bomb
- Sleep Powder

Tangrowth is an incredible physical wall in UU thanks to its natural bulk and Regenerator. Its defensive prowess can handle most physical attackers like Zeraora and Lycanroc-D and wear them down with Rocky Helmet. Tangrowth can often stomach unboosted super effective hits and use Sleep Powder before switching. Giga Drain gives Tangrowth some healing and lets it hit Terrakion, Azumarill, and Diggersby. Knock Off is able to threaten Latias and Victini while crippling Pokemon such as Jirachi, Celesteela, and Rotom-H. Sludge Bomb gives Tangrowth coverage for Tapu Bulu and Hatterene. Earthquake works as an alternative to Sludge Bomb or Sleep Powder to hit Nidoqueen, Nihilego, and Bisharp. Specially defensive walls such as Chansey and Slowking prevent Tangrowth from getting easily taken advantage of by Pokemon like Salamence and Volcanion. In return, it can stop Terrakion, Lycanroc-D, and Azumarill. Electric-immune Pokemon like Krookodile, Rhyperior, and Nidoqueen help Tangrowth deal with Zeraora, Rotom-H, and both Thundurus formes. Latias and Salamence help with Kommo-o and Amoonguss, which would otherwise stop Tangrowth easily with their typing and abilities.
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Tangrowth @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Giga Drain
- Knock Off
- Sludge Bomb
- Sleep Powder

Tangrowth is an incredible physical wall in UU thanks to its natural bulk and Regenerator. Its defensive prowess can handle a majority of the tier's physical attackers can let it pivot into common pokemon like Zeraora and Lycanroc-D, and wear them down with Rocky Helmet Jirachi. Tangrowth can often stomach unboosted super effective hits and Sleep Powder before switching. Giga Drain gives Tangrowth some healing and lets it hit Terrkaion Terrakion, Azumarill, and Diggersby. Knock Off is able to threaten Latias and Victini while crippling pokemon such as Jirachi, Celesteela, and Rotom-H. Sludge Bomb gives Tangrowth coverage for Tapu Bulu and other Grass-type resists that are not as bothered by Knock Off. You can just keep the examples to bulu and hatt to cut down on words. Earthquake works as an alternative to Sludge Bomb or Sleep Powder to hit Nidoqueen, Nihilego, and Cobalion Bisharp. hard. Specially defensive walls sponges such as Diancie, Chansey, and Slowking all prevent Tangrowth from getting easily abused by p Pokemon like Salamence Latias, Victini, and Volcanion or Nihilego. Just changing up the examples for more variety. You may wanna specify special Victini and Salamence because they are known to run more than just special sets but I'll leave that up to GP. In return, it can stop Terrakion, Lycanroc-Dusk, and Azumarill. Slowking stands out as a partner since together they can form a Regenerator core that is rather difficult to wear down. Electric-immunities like Krookodile and Nidoqueen help Tangrowth deal with Zeraora. You should add some special electric types to your last line too. Yeah zeraora volts on it but if it clicks anything else it is getting chipped but this isn't the case for stuff like Thundurus(-T). You could add Rhyperior to your list and mention offensive Rotom-H too.

If you haven't gone over the word count add something about Kommo-o and Amoonguss. These two are some of the most obnoxious mons for Tangrowth to deal with so list partners that help with that. If you have gone over the word limit I'd just cut the regen core statement if it lets you fit this otherwise just leave it out.
Implement this and 1/1

green = add, red = remove, purple = comments
Tangrowth @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Giga Drain
- Knock Off
- Sludge Bomb
- Sleep Powder

Tangrowth is an incredible physical wall in UU thanks to its natural bulk and Regenerator. Its defensive prowess can handle a majority of the tier's most physical attackers like Zeraora and Lycanroc-D, (RC) and wear them down with Rocky Helmet. Tangrowth can often stomach unboosted super effective hits and use (I think this is what you mean?) Sleep Powder before switching. Giga Drain gives Tangrowth some healing and lets it hit Terrakion, Azumarill, and Diggersby. Knock Off is able to threaten Latias and Victini while crippling pokemon Pokemon such as Jirachi, Celesteela, and Rotom-H. Sludge Bomb gives Tangrowth coverage for Tapu Bulu and Hatterene. Earthquake works as an alternative to Sludge Bomb or Sleep Powder to hit Nidoqueen, Nihilego, and Bisharp. Specially defensive walls such as Chansey and Slowking prevent Tangrowth from getting easily abused taken advantage of (or some other phrasing, just don't use "abused") by Pokemon like Salamence and Volcanion. In return, it can stop Terrakion, Lycanroc-D, and Azumaril Azumarill. Electric-immunities Electric-immune Pokemon like Krookodile, Rhyperior, and Nidoqueen help Tangrowth deal with Zeraora, Rotom-H, and both Thundurus(-T) formes. Latias and Salamence help with Kommo-o and Amoonguss, (AC) which would otherwise stop Tangrowth easily with their typing and abilities.
GP 1/1

some of the more liberal changes are to preserve the 1k limit