Oh boy, we got a huge mess here...
Can't do anything about the first one. The second one though came back February 3rd but has not said anything. Inducted.
Dwarf Flark infracted for improper posting.
Cannot induct. Just seems he's a poor host. Still, will be keeping a watchful eye on this.
That image doesn't really prove anything. In fact, you suggested that you needed to reconnect. What did you do the resolve the issue? Did you try talking to your opponent?
Improper post, infraction.
Same as your earlier post.
That's three (technically four, but an earlier user had their report deleted) strikes for battle9692. In all situations, (s)he has d/ced. Inducted.
"I'm sorry I d/ced. But it's the same as running. It doesn't matter!" Nope, won't fly here. Inducted.
Uh, that ain't a concern for this thread.
And oh boy, the big one. Well Chester, as you can see, Hozu, ΩDonut, and V4Victini all reviewed the video alongside me, pointed out that the Pokecheck Vs. Player is a bit messed up, and saw that the video uploaded to the Nintendo servers shows what really happened: Tentacruel never fainted, Tauros was burned and missed a Rock Climb.
So what should we do here...infraction? Naw, we'll hold back. Please review your videos next time.
Now archimedes...do be careful with pokegen. I've noticed another accusation on your wall that suggest hacking. While not accusing you per se, it would be a shame to have to put a user on the basis that their legal hacks turned out be horrible hacks. Recommend you learn RNG abuse.
Hello I would like to report ASHBLUE42 for breaking the species clause. (S)he tried to bring 2 Deoxys normal form to our battle. I close the chat by accident but their response was "they both suck anyway lol" or something similar.
FC: 2795 9782 2489
Hey, Im back again to report a disconnecter from last night. His name is pokemonrene. He had a really strange team consisting of Zekrom, Reshiram, Blastoise, Butterfree, and Charizard. I forgot the other one. Because he had 2 Pokemon who were 4x weak to rocks, I set them up asap. When my Arceus was sweeping his team, he disconnected. I sent him a message before I went to bed and I havent gotten a reply from him yet. Here is the chat log:
<pokemonrene> Hey
<FailAtGTA> Hi
<pokemonrene> So legend aloud
<FailAtGTA> Yeah
<pokemonrene> k
<pokemonrene> get ready
<FailAtGTA> In Ubers, you can use anything, as long as its legal
<pokemonrene> k
<FailAtGTA> Im in and hosting
<pokemonrene> ok
<pokemonrene> going in
<pokemonrene> im in
<pokemonrene> wait
<pokemonrene> 2 sec
<pokemonrene> I'm in
<pokemonrene> wereI were are u
<FailAtGTA> Im hosting
<FailAtGTA> If you cant see me, leave and come back in
<pokemonrene> okYo
<pokemonrene> ok
<pokemonrene> ther
<pokemonrene> we speaking
<FailAtGTA> Good luck
<pokemonrene> u to
<FailAtGTA> Crunch on a Reshiram?
<pokemonrene> noToni duh
<FailAtGTA> Thats just.... Why would anyone do that, ever
<FailAtGTA> Reshiram is a special attacker
<pokemonrene> andduh and a Pakia faster than a resiram that a hack
<FailAtGTA> Its a choice scarf lol
<pokemonrene> Lol
<FailAtGTA> Plus Palkia naturally outspeeds Reshiram
<FailAtGTA> Isnt Reshiram base 90?
<pokemonrene> yes
<FailAtGTA> Palkia is base 100
<pokemonrene> dontLilies don't run
<FailAtGTA> ?
<FailAtGTA> I honestly have no clue what you said
Your opponent disconnected.
He is nearly impossible to understand.
FC: 3440 2219 4772
Can't do anything about the first one. The second one though came back February 3rd but has not said anything. Inducted.
FC : 5072 3117 4816 (BW)
DC on the chat & Breaking sleep clause
Dwarf Flark infracted for improper posting.
Username: Jumbo
FC: 0347 7359 6741 (BW)
This user accepts battles then leaves you hanging if they find a battle elsewhere and they ignore and don't end current request. I hate people like this!!!!!
Cannot induct. Just seems he's a poor host. Still, will be keeping a watchful eye on this.
It was against volttackle77, he disconnected when I proceeded to wall his team and beat him down.
0389 8199 7637 is his BW FC, and here's a screenshot of what happened. He left without saying a word.
That image doesn't really prove anything. In fact, you suggested that you needed to reconnect. What did you do the resolve the issue? Did you try talking to your opponent?
I'd like to report Bulky Blastoise
Towards the end, of the battle he couldn't do much damage to my pokes. So he disconnects
There's his profile I unfortunately forgot his FC
Improper post, infraction.
This time, it's a dude named The Hiei, FC: 4685 7656 6888
He DC'd as soon as I killed his last Pokemon.
Same as your earlier post.
battle9692 disconnected form a match as I was going for the sweep.
Sun up and my volcarona in play (no boosts), had just ohko'd his starmie.
He had a toxicroak still alive. (maybe also a sleeping scizor, can't exactly remember)
I had the weather advantage because his politoed was gone, but i was down to 3 pokes, one of them toxic'd with less than 25% health, and none at 100% hp.
But I got a dc notice with no error code after his starmie went down.
I figured we had genuine connection issues so I asked in chat what happened and got no response(I forgot to save the chat conversation).
I then tried to send him a pm to ask what happened and if he wanted to rematch, but the pm got kicked back with an error saying his pm system is full. That's suspicious to me.
FC used: 2967-6482-8618
Link to profile: http://www.smogon.com/forums/member.php?u=162731
That's three (technically four, but an earlier user had their report deleted) strikes for battle9692. In all situations, (s)he has d/ced. Inducted.
MegaDPAL - http://www.smogon.com/forums/member.php?u=131525
FC: 1678 9924 4728
We were having an OU match. I was in on Volcarona, Quiver Dancing. He brought in Keldeo and missed a Hydro Pump. He then claimed he could no longer win (pretty much true) because of hax. Instead of just running, he DC'd. I asked him why and he said it was the same thing and it didn't matter.
Code:<MegaDPAL> hi <ZellMurasame> Tier? <MegaDPAL> ou <ZellMurasame> Ready? <MegaDPAL> heading in <MegaDPAL> im in <ZellMurasame> RC <MegaDPAL> kk <MegaDPAL> <MegaDPAL> <MegaDPAL> misclick <MegaDPAL> gg <MegaDPAL> i cant win <MegaDPAL> thaks to hax <ZellMurasame> Thanks for DCing. <MegaDPAL> sorry <ZellMurasame> Sorry? <MegaDPAL> for quiting <ZellMurasame> You didn't quit,. <ZellMurasame> You DC'd. <MegaDPAL> same thing <ZellMurasame> No. <ZellMurasame> One gets you reported. <MegaDPAL> it doesnt matter regardless <MegaDPAL> it doesnt matter whether i dc'd or ran <MegaDPAL> the battle still ended <MegaDPAL> but like i said sorry <MegaDPAL> we ok? <ZellMurasame> No.
"I'm sorry I d/ced. But it's the same as running. It doesn't matter!" Nope, won't fly here. Inducted.
I could just not play my friend. We could see our sprites but every time we tried to battle we got disconnected
Uh, that ain't a concern for this thread.
Username of alleged disconnector / hacker: archimedes
Link to user profile: http://www.smogon.com/forums/member.php?u=172663
Friend Code:
(Hack accusations only) Battle Video Number: 30-44233-05857
Describe the situation when the user disconnected / used a hacked Pokemon: His Tentacruel kept burning all of my mons, which doesn't happen when replaying the battle on the DS or pokecheck. Tested the video in both my own game and in a friends game, yielding the same "bugged" result (where the Tentacruel dies and them comes back with 0 HP to burn my mons). My guess is that it's a RNG hack.
Have you tried to resolve this issue with the accused via VM, PM, IRC, etc (ie, outside of the wifi battle finder chat)?: (Y/N): Yes
If yes, please describe what you've done to try to resolve this issue with them: Left a message in his profile page, but he did not reply.
You may include any extra details (logs, other's accusations, etc) below:
Here's the replay in pokecheck, which matches my own replay in DS
Just weighing in that this is utter bullshit, from a sore loser. I play on a legitimate system (3ds XL,) and use pokegen for my pokes. None of which are illegal, burn has a 30% chance each time, but probability is not compounded. I did not burn every time either, the replay is not accurate, what even goes on from turn 20 is blatantly tampered, the whole account is obviously biased.
And oh boy, the big one. Well Chester, as you can see, Hozu, ΩDonut, and V4Victini all reviewed the video alongside me, pointed out that the Pokecheck Vs. Player is a bit messed up, and saw that the video uploaded to the Nintendo servers shows what really happened: Tentacruel never fainted, Tauros was burned and missed a Rock Climb.
So what should we do here...infraction? Naw, we'll hold back. Please review your videos next time.
Now archimedes...do be careful with pokegen. I've noticed another accusation on your wall that suggest hacking. While not accusing you per se, it would be a shame to have to put a user on the basis that their legal hacks turned out be horrible hacks. Recommend you learn RNG abuse.