Battle Info
dbzmariogeno vs kamrul7001
Your FC: 1335 5579 0051 (BW)
Opponent's FC: 1722 2235 2150 (BW)
Ruleset: OU (no disconnecting!)
End Battle | Report Incident
<kamrul7001> hi
<dbzmariogeno> hi
<kamrul7001> no disconnecting
<kamrul7001> or else
<kamrul7001> i will report u
<kamrul7001> seriously
<dbzmariogeno> i know ive reported people before
<kamrul7001> really?
<kamrul7001> i though i'm the only one
<dbzmariogeno> when 5 people dc in a row it gets annoying
<kamrul7001> yeah
<dbzmariogeno> ok im in
<kamrul7001> just wait please
<dbzmariogeno> ok
<kamrul7001> do u know how u CAN SEND this videos on youtube?!
<kamrul7001> i mean wi fi battles
<dbzmariogeno> once i upload it
<dbzmariogeno> or the gts
<kamrul7001> do u know how to send wi gi battles to youtube?
<dbzmariogeno> upload them
<kamrul7001> how
<kamrul7001> do i use a regular cemara
<dbzmariogeno> a camera or acekard
<dbzmariogeno> then upload the file
<kamrul7001> i want to know how the flmaingspade dose everything
<kamrul7001> or xenon3120
<dbzmariogeno> acekards
<kamrul7001> what
<kamrul7001> dont know what that is
<kamrul7001> sorry
<dbzmariogeno> it lets you move save files
<kamrul7001> ahh
<dbzmariogeno> so you can record battles with camtasia
<kamrul7001> like from my DS to teh computer?
<kamrul7001> u know what
<kamrul7001> i dont care anymore
<kamrul7001> lets battle
<kamrul7001> do u still record videos?
<dbzmariogeno> yes
<kamrul7001> huh
<kamrul7001> can u have the link
<kamrul7001> for your youtube thing
<kamrul7001> your channel
<dbzmariogeno> ...
<kamrul7001> wait what
<dbzmariogeno> it dcd when i killed your scizor
<kamrul7001> i swear
<kamrul7001> it was not me
<dbzmariogeno> ok
He then dcs a second time before he loses, it was clearly intentional
dbzmariogeno vs kamrul7001
Your FC: 1335 5579 0051 (BW)
Opponent's FC: 1722 2235 2150 (BW)
Ruleset: OU (no disconnecting!)
End Battle | Report Incident
<kamrul7001> hi
<dbzmariogeno> hi
<kamrul7001> no disconnecting
<kamrul7001> or else
<kamrul7001> i will report u
<kamrul7001> seriously
<dbzmariogeno> i know ive reported people before
<kamrul7001> really?
<kamrul7001> i though i'm the only one
<dbzmariogeno> when 5 people dc in a row it gets annoying
<kamrul7001> yeah
<dbzmariogeno> ok im in
<kamrul7001> just wait please
<dbzmariogeno> ok
<kamrul7001> do u know how u CAN SEND this videos on youtube?!
<kamrul7001> i mean wi fi battles
<dbzmariogeno> once i upload it
<dbzmariogeno> or the gts
<kamrul7001> do u know how to send wi gi battles to youtube?
<dbzmariogeno> upload them
<kamrul7001> how
<kamrul7001> do i use a regular cemara
<dbzmariogeno> a camera or acekard
<dbzmariogeno> then upload the file
<kamrul7001> i want to know how the flmaingspade dose everything
<kamrul7001> or xenon3120
<dbzmariogeno> acekards
<kamrul7001> what
<kamrul7001> dont know what that is
<kamrul7001> sorry
<dbzmariogeno> it lets you move save files
<kamrul7001> ahh
<dbzmariogeno> so you can record battles with camtasia
<kamrul7001> like from my DS to teh computer?
<kamrul7001> u know what
<kamrul7001> i dont care anymore
<kamrul7001> lets battle
<kamrul7001> do u still record videos?
<dbzmariogeno> yes
<kamrul7001> huh
<kamrul7001> can u have the link
<kamrul7001> for your youtube thing
<kamrul7001> your channel
<dbzmariogeno> ...
<kamrul7001> wait what
<dbzmariogeno> it dcd when i killed your scizor
<kamrul7001> i swear
<kamrul7001> it was not me
<dbzmariogeno> ok
He then dcs a second time before he loses, it was clearly intentional