Tattle Taler's Paradise (Wi-Fi Battles Blacklist as of May 1st, 2013)

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Battle Info

dbzmariogeno vs kamrul7001

Your FC: 1335 5579 0051 (BW)
Opponent's FC: 1722 2235 2150 (BW)
Ruleset: OU (no disconnecting!)

End Battle | Report Incident

<kamrul7001> hi
<dbzmariogeno> hi
<kamrul7001> no disconnecting
<kamrul7001> or else
<kamrul7001> i will report u
<kamrul7001> seriously
<dbzmariogeno> i know ive reported people before
<kamrul7001> really?
<kamrul7001> i though i'm the only one
<dbzmariogeno> when 5 people dc in a row it gets annoying
<kamrul7001> yeah
<dbzmariogeno> ok im in
<kamrul7001> just wait please
<dbzmariogeno> ok
<kamrul7001> do u know how u CAN SEND this videos on youtube?!
<kamrul7001> i mean wi fi battles
<dbzmariogeno> once i upload it
<dbzmariogeno> or the gts
<kamrul7001> do u know how to send wi gi battles to youtube?
<dbzmariogeno> upload them
<kamrul7001> how
<kamrul7001> do i use a regular cemara
<dbzmariogeno> a camera or acekard
<dbzmariogeno> then upload the file
<kamrul7001> i want to know how the flmaingspade dose everything
<kamrul7001> or xenon3120
<dbzmariogeno> acekards
<kamrul7001> what
<kamrul7001> dont know what that is
<kamrul7001> sorry
<dbzmariogeno> it lets you move save files
<kamrul7001> ahh
<dbzmariogeno> so you can record battles with camtasia
<kamrul7001> like from my DS to teh computer?
<kamrul7001> u know what
<kamrul7001> i dont care anymore
<kamrul7001> lets battle
<kamrul7001> do u still record videos?
<dbzmariogeno> yes
<kamrul7001> huh
<kamrul7001> can u have the link
<kamrul7001> for your youtube thing
<kamrul7001> your channel
<dbzmariogeno> youtube.com/user/dbzmariogeno
<dbzmariogeno> ...
<kamrul7001> wait what
<dbzmariogeno> it dcd when i killed your scizor
<kamrul7001> i swear
<kamrul7001> it was not me
<dbzmariogeno> ok

He then dcs a second time before he loses, it was clearly intentional

<KaotiK> Ou....ur not gonna use ubers r u?
<Tekk99> I will use a mix
<KaotiK> no ubers please.

he used ubers.......
I would like to report:

Username: Superspy
FC: 5372 9263 1436 (BW)

We were down to our last pokemon. I was wish protect stalling his outrage salamence. It got confused then i was about to attack then he disconnects. He also disconnects one second in the battle finder so I was unable to resolve issue:

<Superspy> hiya
<Fireice989> hey
<Fireice989> going in
<Fireice989> im in where r u
Your opponent disconnected.
like half you guys should really look at the template. you are literally volunteering for warnings... just a heads up you guys should go edit your posts to include all the info required before the mods read them.... i got warned like my first day on smogon because my dc report sucked. just take the time to finish them, it really sucks to get a warning because someone else broke the rules and you didnt report them properly.
Folks, this page completely lacks use of template we provided for you to use and not to ignore. Now your disconnectors are laughing at you like hyenas just because you lack 13-year-old skills in the ability to read the rules for this topic :pimp:
Hacker: Megaplayboy3000
Video #:13-67295-85623
During the match i had several encounters with the opponents staryu, when i was doing minimal damage (around 15%) with technician boosted bites from my meowth with max attack besides nature boost, as well as loosing the speed tie twice my suspisions of a hacker started. My next example is when i used my abra and i hit it with a psychic after loosing the speed tie once again, at this point the staryu had around a bit less than half hp and my psychic falled to ko it, i decided to put it into the calculator and discovered that a psychic does 60%-75% damage to eviolite staryu, and that bite also was mutch more powerful as well. Even after asking him about it he denied that it was hacked and said i should be quite because i lost making my suspician grow even further. Too every one looking please don't over ev, you can win with something called skill.
Hacker: Megaplayboy3000
Video #:13-67295-85623
During the match i had several encounters with the opponents staryu, when i was doing minimal damage (around 15%) with technician boosted bites from my meowth with max attack besides nature boost, as well as loosing the speed tie twice my suspisions of a hacker started. My next example is when i used my abra and i hit it with a psychic after loosing the speed tie once again, at this point the staryu had around a bit less than half hp and my psychic falled to ko it, i decided to put it into the calculator and discovered that a psychic does 60%-75% damage to eviolite staryu, and that bite also was mutch more powerful as well. Even after asking him about it he denied that it was hacked and said i should be quite because i lost making my suspician grow even further. Too every one looking please don't over ev, you can win with something called skill.

Your video does not exist.
Hacker: Megaplayboy3000
Video #:13-67295-85623
During the match i had several encounters with the opponents staryu, when i was doing minimal damage (around 15%) with technician boosted bites from my meowth with max attack besides nature boost, as well as loosing the speed tie twice my suspisions of a hacker started. My next example is when i used my abra and i hit it with a psychic after loosing the speed tie once again, at this point the staryu had around a bit less than half hp and my psychic falled to ko it, i decided to put it into the calculator and discovered that a psychic does 60%-75% damage to eviolite staryu, and that bite also was mutch more powerful as well. Even after asking him about it he denied that it was hacked and said i should be quite because i lost making my suspician grow even further. Too every one looking please don't over ev, you can win with something called skill.

King o kush is just pissed he losses, im not hacking or you can ask all people i've battled before, and you just starting getting crazy on chat, just upload the vid or i can upload a battle with the same team so everybody can see im not a hacker, just chill out dude, i win, you lose.

<Megaplayboy3000> Hi
<king o kush> hey
<king o kush> going in
<Megaplayboy3000> same
<king o kush> u good at LC?
<Megaplayboy3000> This is like my third battle
<king o kush> ah
<Megaplayboy3000> You?
<king o kush> this is like my 30th or so
<Megaplayboy3000> lol
<king o kush> ya
<king o kush> only lost once, it was my first match
<Megaplayboy3000> Twice?
<Megaplayboy3000> Lol
<king o kush> why do you always win speed tie?
<king o kush> lucky bitch
<Megaplayboy3000> umju
<king o kush> 4 times
<Megaplayboy3000> jajajajajaj
<king o kush> all luck
<Megaplayboy3000> Sure
<king o kush> any time i would ha e won
<king o kush> unless
<king o kush> you cheated
<Megaplayboy3000> Yeah
<king o kush> wait loo
<Megaplayboy3000> Sure
<king o kush> ya ur starmie
<king o kush> i got it recorded to lol
<Megaplayboy3000> Yeah, upload it
<Megaplayboy3000> N00b lol
<king o kush> yep ifs over evd
<king o kush> lol cheater
<king o kush> nooob cheater
<king o kush> ya ima put it on the cheat list
<Megaplayboy3000> Go ahead report me, everybody will laugh
<king o kush> ya
<Megaplayboy3000> I didn't cheat you n00b
<king o kush> put it in calc
<king o kush> bite vs max speed staryu
<king o kush> over 50% with eviolite
<king o kush> lol
<king o kush> obvious hax
<Megaplayboy3000> You say you recorded it, hu?, put it on the forums
I would like to report the following user:

Username: Happyfeet
FC: 0390 7704 0966 (BW)

This user immediately disconnected from Smogon battle interface as soon as the battle started. It was declared an OU battle. This user was getting swamped by one of my Pokemon. This user used a Tornadus-T which is an uber Pokemon. I had no way of discussing it with the opponent as they left the chat. As soon as their last Pokemon was about to faint they disconnected.
I have been getting D/Ced on alot lately but shotquad is the most recent. After hax was in his favor and I came back from a 6-3 deficit with Marowak he D/Ced when his last, Heatran, couldnt KO my Starmie. As soon as the burn from Lava Plume didnt kill me he D/Ced.
I would like to report the following user:

Username: WDFAFDNX
FC: 2065 8965 0305 (BW)

This user failed to get past my first Pokemon and I was wearing all their Pokemon with burns. Their voice chat was on and I heard the opponent tell their peers that he was going to disconnect the battle. The next second he did and I also noticed that they left the battle chat. Here's proof that I could hear what he was saying at the bottom of the chat:

<Fireice989> hey
<WDFAFDNX> sup bro
<Fireice989> better now since this battle finder just got back up
<Fireice989> going in now
<WDFAFDNX> im gonna have my homie shofu battle you
<Fireice989> ok
<WDFAFDNX> he is teaching me about pokemon
<Fireice989> ok
<Fireice989> im in
<WDFAFDNX> me too
<Fireice989> ahh
<Fireice989> water battle
<Fireice989> its hot in there?
<Fireice989> lol
Your opponent disconnected.
i was battling StPako in OU singles. he was on his final pokemon, kyurem which was at about 1/8 health with a sandstorm up. it was a sub roost set. i had three pokemon remaining, my tyranitar and magnezone were at 1/8 and 2/3 hp respectively while my conkeldurr had just entered the battle. it was at 2/3 health, was burned and had mach punch. mach punch does 73% to kyurem so he had no way to win the battle. before the final turn he dced. i tried to contact him but he blocks VMs and has a full pm box so i cannot send him one and have no way to talk to him. i tried to host battle to get him to talk to me but he is now offline.

he left our battle chat as soon as the battle started so there is nothing relevant to show from there. i made this mistake of closing it out after he left it so i do not know his friend code but he lists it as his HGSS fc (probably in hopes that when he dcs the wrong one will be added and he can just change his name) anyway he seems like a dcer with a pretty sound method for getting away with it.

here is a link to his profile: http://www.smogon.com/forums/member.php?u=152548
illegal stats and moves

I battled someone on the wifi battle finder his Garchomp has Dragon Dance.His Hippowdon stats are weird my Sassy 0 IV Ferrothorn outspeeds it and OHKO with a crit Power Whip that doesnt even have any distributed EV on its atk.

FC: 2838 9637 4547 (BW)
I would like to report the following user:

Username: Flap
FC: Can't remember

This user immediately disconnects from chat once the battle has started. After sweeping his sun team with one of my Pokemon they disconnect as their Arcanine is about to faint. I was not able to resolve the issue with the opponent as I had no way of messaging them.
Username: Sharkboy1000
FC: 3612 0269 0448

<TheDXJC56> hey
<Sharkboy1000> sup?
<TheDXJC56> give me a min to setup
<Sharkboy1000> k
<TheDXJC56> alright my bad im heaidng in now
<Sharkboy1000> k
<TheDXJC56> pretty sure you've used more then 16 recovers by now...
<TheDXJC56> actually im 100% sure by now you've used more then 16 recovers
<TheDXJC56> ... (At this point he had just disconnected after using 25 recovers, I was keeping count)
Your opponent disconnected.

Used a Sableye that somehow out sped a max speed boost Yanmega, then proceeded to recover stall for roughly 25 turns, then dced when I called him out on it and did not respond afterwards, let him hang for wasting an hour of my life ;(
I would like to report the following user:

Username: MJesterLord
FC: 5286 9295 8921 (BW)

This user was just getting swamped by my Pokemon against their rain team. I noticed my opponent ended the chat then two minutes later disconnected from the battle. I knew it was coming because that's how all cowards run away.
Spetsnaz Domination DC'd and then logged off after I got enough speed boosts to secured me a win. Definitely not an accident. He ruined a good match that would have been youtube worthy because he doesn't like losing i guess.
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