Username of alleged disconnector / hacker: VortexPokemon
Link to user profile: http://www.smogon.com/forums/member.php?u=183950
Friend Code: 3955 7315 0378
First of all, I make a battle request for a "BW UU" match and this guy responds. After finally connecting, I see in his team preview that he has a Staraptor and Forretress, essentially two OU pokemon. I inform him of this (as you will see in the chat) and he acknowledges that he knows. However, I wanted to test out my new UU team and decided to accept the challenge anyway.
The battle starts and it goes smoothly in my favor. He manages to knock off one of my pokes but it's still 5 vs. 2 and his last two have very unfavorable matchups against the remainder of my team. He sends out a Drifblim against my Azelf and he just leaves it there, not making a move.
I begin to question him in the chat about the hold up and why he's taking forever to make a move. I last made a move around a quarter to 3 EST and it is now almost a quarter AFTER 3 EST and he still hasn't made a move nor has he responded to my questions on the chat.
It seems pretty obvious to me that this guy is being a sore loser and is just holding me up with the hopes that I just DC on him. On the off chance that something has occurred on his end, it is still incredibly irresponsible to just leave another battler hanging for almost half an hour in the middle of a battle especially one that has been so one-sided (unless he got incapacitated or something which I highly doubt).
Here is the battle log thus far as proof that I tried to resolve this issue myself but to no avail:
<PsychoGamer23> hey
<VortexPokemon> hi
<PsychoGamer23> ill get my team and meet you on
<VortexPokemon> ok
<PsychoGamer23> headed in
<VortexPokemon> just a sec
<PsychoGamer23> Okay
<PsychoGamer23> I'm in and hosting
<VortexPokemon> im comming
<VortexPokemon> connecting
<VortexPokemon> cant connect
<VortexPokemon> should work now
<VortexPokemon> im in
<PsychoGamer23> I don't see you
<PsychoGamer23> I'll RC
<VortexPokemon> cant c u
<VortexPokemon> k
<PsychoGamer23> did you add my FC?
<VortexPokemon> yes
<VortexPokemon> ill go check
<PsychoGamer23> alright reconnecting
<VortexPokemon> maybe i typed wrong
<VortexPokemon> i had wrong FC
<VortexPokemon> going back in
<PsychoGamer23> already in and hosting
<VortexPokemon> i c u
<PsychoGamer23> Looks like we gotta RC again
<VortexPokemon> why?
<PsychoGamer23> Its not picking up
<VortexPokemon> let me host
<PsychoGamer23> go for it
<VortexPokemon> im hosting now
<VortexPokemon> looks like it doesnt work
<PsychoGamer23> rc
<VortexPokemon> k
<VortexPokemon> u talk to me
<PsychoGamer23> okay
<VortexPokemon> nnvm
<VortexPokemon> nvm*
<VortexPokemon> finaly
<VortexPokemon> are you good?
<PsychoGamer23> yeah
<PsychoGamer23> staraptor, shaymin, warortile, forretress, driflim, samurott
<VortexPokemon> ye
<PsychoGamer23> staraptor and forretress aren't UU
<VortexPokemon> ik, i took wrong team
<PsychoGamer23> what's the hold up?
<PsychoGamer23> Seriously.....
<PsychoGamer23> Really....make a move already
<PsychoGamer23> Either make a move or forferit...it's pathetic that you're actually holding me up here just cause I'm winning
<PsychoGamer23> Alright this is going to be reported cause this isn't fair
Never even bothered responding back...