Hazza1995 for disconnecting during a battle when losing
BW2 Friend Code: 4170 4012 5446 (BW)
I was against his sand team with my rain team and was winning 6-2 with my tentacruel just ko-ing his metagross after it missed a zen headbutt (you can see his reaction in the log) and I had 1 layer of toxic spikes and rocks on his side. All he had left was his Tyranitar and Scizor. He switches in ttar who takes damage from rocks and gets poisoned. He then switches in scizor as my protect fails. Then I get the "blue screen of death" (please don't sue me microsoft)
I messaged him on his profile and it seems that this is not the first time he has dc-ed without explanation in the battle chat as another user posted a message to the effect of "I hope that dc wasn't on purpose" or something similar to that statement
Our wifi chat log:
<Hazza1995> hi
<River Styx> hey
<Hazza1995> im in
<Hazza1995> you host?
<River Styx> you got it
<Hazza1995> reconnect?
<River Styx> yeah I will
<River Styx> my wifi is being awful today
<Hazza1995> me too
<River Styx> i really hope i dont dc... I promise you if it happens that its not on purpose
<Hazza1995> okay no worrys
<Hazza1995> good luck have fun
<River Styx> same to you
<Hazza1995> lucky shit
<River Styx> sorry :/
<Hazza1995> hahha its fine
<River Styx> just curious, how did you get darm to that that star thing when summoned?
<River Styx> *sent out... how did that autocorrect to summoned?
<Hazza1995> hes a super star, from the pokestudios
<River Styx> how do you do that?
<River Styx> you dc-ed???
Your opponent disconnected.
I know I messaged him about my wifi not being the best, but I had just rebooted my router, had full bars on my DS, and my wifi was working perfectly on my laptop. Plus, it just seems too coincidental that he left the chat as soon as there is a dc. If I left anything out please let me know