Team Rocket Steals a Legendary Pokemon! [Themed Warstory]

Forget going up against a random opponent. Get someone intelligent to make another theme team from the series and have the battle that way. Ash vs Team Rocket could be fun times if you picked some of the NFEs for Ash, maybe.

Loved this, btw.
Lovin' it. The opponent was meh but your themed team played well considering you used Meowth, Lickitung, Victreebel, Weezing, Arbok and Wobbuffet to beat an Ubers team! 8/10
I actually love stories that involve beating anybody who relies on ubers soley to win but clearly have horrible strategy, so this was auto-win for me.
I must say, this is one of the greatest, if not the greatest, themed warstories I've seen...ever.

9/10 from me, if only because the Lucario made em discredit your opponent to where even the RL Team rocket could have beaten em.
Meh opponent, but it basically channels Team Rocket in all their hilarious glory perfectly.

10/10, I love it, almost as great as that war story involving XATU IS A BOSS FROM MEXICO
Meowth knew Taunt, though, which is technically a kind of speech (not that I make any attempt to defend my team, my opponent, or this thread)
That was....hilarious. XD


Too bad the opponent was just TERRIBLE> He coulda won he he actually made a few different decisions.
In my defense a haxxy battle against a bad opponent is probably the only battle this team can hope to win

Any suggestions for what theme I should do next? :)

Maybe not play against teams with Ubers? I mean a half decent player with an Uber team is going to have a pretty significant advantage over an OU team let alone an NU team.

That way you could have a more even battle and score a win on the merits of your team and not just Protect and Confusion hax.