Thank you guys (1000th post, not rickroll)


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This is my 1000th post and I wanted to celebrate it properly. I was going to wait until my birthday to do so (11th) but I am currently hosting a tournament and two projects in the ND subforum, and contributing for the Spanish Translations, so I couldn't hold it back anymore.

This thread is more for you than for me. I want to use it to express thanks to anyone who has interacted with me and made my day better in some way, either helping me with something I needed, chatting, replying to my threads or whatever you can imagine. You guys are who have made me stay here for over two years, and I wish a lot more. Among others, I want to mention the Translations Project in which I've met a lot of people and has really improved my English (and Spanish!); the National Dex community, where I've always felt welcome whether chatting with people hosting projects or even publicizing ND RU (great tier for sure); the TDs team, who have given me permission to hosts a lot of tours in which I also met a lot of people; DYA, who has always been my laboratory rat for Rickroll threads (and I've been his for his weird mangas); and of course, you, Smogoff, the best shitpost subforum no cap.

I don't want this thread to just be Dorron writing cheesy things in the same subforum where he just sent a photo of a horse mask and some 2017 delicious beans a couple days ago, so you can post here to express your gratitude to anyone who has made your time better here or to say Happy Birthday to El químico del pueblucho or whatever you want.

This is my 1000th post and I wanted to celebrate it properly. I was going to wait until my birthday to do so (11th) but I am currently hosting a tournament and two projects in the ND subforum, and contributing for the Spanish Translations, so I couldn't hold it back anymore.

This thread is more for you than for me. I want to use it to express thanks to anyone who has interacted with me and made my day better in some way, either helping me with something I needed, chatting, replying to my threads or whatever you can imagine. You guys are who have made me stay here for over two years, and I wish a lot more. Among others, I want to mention the Translations Project in which I've met a lot of people and has really improved my English (and Spanish!); the National Dex community, where I've always felt welcome whether chatting with people hosting projects or even publicizing ND RU (great tier for sure); the TDs team, who have given me permission to hosts a lot of tours in which I also met a lot of people; DYA, who has always been my laboratory rat for Rickroll threads (and I've been his for his weird mangas); and of course, you, Smogoff, the best shitpost subforum no cap.

I don't want this thread to just be Dorron writing cheesy things in the same subforum where he just sent a photo of a horse mask and some 2017 delicious beans a couple days ago, so you can post here to express your gratitude to anyone who has made your time better here or to say Happy Birthday to El químico del pueblucho or whatever you want.

woah 1000 postings? Ni creo que llegué a esa cantidad aun si sigo en PS, por 10 años más XD, pero felicidades bro!! sigue con el buen trabajo Y :D, gracias mano te acordaste :)

now it is a rickroll
congratulations on your 1000th post!!

it has been quite a while since i have seen a milestone post, and they remind me of Days of Yore

so, inspired by this trip down memory lane, i will celebrate this joyous occasion by sharing with you a message of well-wishing as it would have been done in times long passed

ok.. so?? who even are you lol. idiod.
goodness, look how far we've come!

congratulations again on your thousandth post, and here's to many more! dorron moment!!
i entered this thread trepidatious, but in my heart of hearts, i knew i could trust you when you said not rickroll)

congrats on your milestone! i always blew past mine and so did my own recently, it's super enjoyable to look back and actually contemplate all your activity in a place when you realize you've been there for years. thanjs for translating and ugh.... i guess thanks for your brand of rickrolling humor too :woop::woo::wo: