The Battle Tree
The Battle Tree is long-format PvE Facility that features Pokemon battles and light roleplay. It is suitable for players of all skill levels.
(Art by greenandgrey77)
( Ref Guide mk.V | CR Table | Title Shop | Flavor Guide )
For Entry
- Players and referees must be T.Lv1 or higher.
- Referees must additionally be whitelisted. The Battle Tree should not be a user's first reffing.
Rules of Conduct
In addition to standard Pokemon battling, the Battle Tree also features brief roleplay segments. In these segments, player expression and creativity is encouraged. Please adhere to the following guidelines:
- Always make sure to keep subject matters appropriate for all ages.
- If any subjects brought up make you feel uncomfortable, notify the ref immediately. (You may also notify a mod if you wish.)
- If the ref tells you that they feel uncomfortable due to something you wrote, delete the message in question and discuss with them how to handle the offending content -- either by altering the details, or by skipping over it entirely.
- Just because someone says they feel uncomfortable doesn't necessarily mean the person who wrote the message did anything wrong. Different people react to things in different ways.
- Do not insult the ref.
- Do not harm or injure human characters.
- No blood, gore, serious injuries, or onscreen death.
The challenge consists of three (3) battles, with a roleplay segment before each battle. The roleplay segments are mainly for the entertainment of the player and the ref, and they have no impact upon the battles or upon EXP earned.
At the end of the challenge, the challenger's Pokemon gain EXP based on how many battles they won. The challenger is also awarded with Roleplay Tokens (RPT) that can be spent on unique Battle-Tree-only items.
The challenger's Pokemon are completely healed after each battle. Even if the challenger loses a battle, their Pokemon are healed and the challenge continues regardless.
Battle Details
- 2v2 Singles
- Ref sends out first.
- Items: Off
- Technique Control (per battle):
- Level 1: 0
- Level 2: 1
- Level 3: 1
- Level 4: 2
- Substitutions: 2 (challenger), 1 (ref)
- 2 Recoveries, 5 Chills.
- Switch = OK
- DQ: 48 hours (challenger), 72 hours (ref)
- Special rules:
- The challenger's OHKO moves always fail.
- Illusion has no effect.
- Bide deals damage equal to 1.25x damage taken.
- Only one (1) of the ref's moves can be Sealed at any given time. (If the ref already has a sealed move, then effects that would seal an additional move fail. Effects that would seal 2+ moves at once fail.)
Roleplay Segments are narrative segments that have no impact upon battles or EXP earnings. During each Roleplay Segment, the ref will place some kind of problem or obstacle in your path. Your job is to describe how your Pokemon respond to that obstacle -- by overcoming it, working around it, succumbing to it, or whatever other reaction makes the most sense for your Pokemon. In order to earn rewards, your response must meet the following criteria:
- Your response must be at least 1 paragraph in length.
- The challenger's team must react to the obstacle.
- Each Pokemon must contribute at least one (1) thing from the following list:
- A move it knows.
- Its Ability.
- Its Pokedex entry (from any of the official Pokemon games).
- Its biology (from Bulbapedia).
- Its Background.
- Its Merit.
- Its Demerit.
- For each Pokemon, at least one (1) of the things that it contributes must be new within that challenge. (For example, if a Pokemon used Water Gun on a previous Roleplay Segment, then Water Gun on its own will not be a valid contribution for the next Roleplay Segment.)
- You and your Pokemon must stick together as a group.
Note that the challenger's team must react to the obstacle, but they need not overcome it. For example, suppose the obstacle in one RP Segment is a steep chasm that the challenger needs to cross. The challenger sees that one of their Pokemon has the Demerit of "being scared of heights." In their response, the challenger writes that their Pokemon becomes anxious and refuses to cross the chasm. Even though it does not resolve the problem put before the challenger, this response is valid because it describes a valid reaction to the obstacle.
It is strongly suggested to make both of your Pokemon contribute something to each RP Segment, since doing so will earn you the maximum amount of RPT.
Be as creative with your responses as you like! None of your actions during RP Segments will incur any in-battle consequences, so do whatever you think makes the most sense or sounds the most fun.
The challenger brings two (2) Pokemon that have the same Level and the same Challenge Rating (CR).
Optional: If the challenger owns any Titles, they may also assign a Title to each of their Pokemon. (Titles are special attachments that grant a Pokemon extra Merits and Demerits. Max. 1 Title per Pokemon. Only one of those Titles may have a Rule Alteration.)
The challenger pays 4 JC.
Sign-Up Procedure
- If you wish to challenge the Battle Tree, then reply to this thread using the Sign-Up Template below. Your post will include information about the team you are challenging with, as well as some details about the challenge itself.
- A ref will take your challenge on a first-come first-served basis. (Players who are challenging Tree for the first time take priority.)
- Once your challenge is finished, claim your rewards (excluding RPT) in the Prize Claiming thread as if it were a battle.
- You may re-challenge the Battle Tree as soon as you like. (Players may only have one (1) active Tree challenge at a time.)
[B]Challenge Thread (if any)[/B]: Challenge Thread
[B]Scenario (optional)[/B]: Scenario
[B]Pokemon 1[/B]: Pokemon info in a Hide tag
[B]Background 1[/B]: A brief bit of info about where your Pokemon came from. (max. 1 paragraph)
[B]Merit 1[/B]: A positive quality or skill unique to this Pokemon. (If it is a skill, it must be something that is possible for a human.)
[B]Demerit 1[/B]: A negative quality unique to this Pokemon.
[B]Title 1 (optional)[/B]: A Title you own, and all info associated with it.
[B]Pokemon 2[/B]: Pokemon info in a Hide tag
[B]Background 2[/B]: A brief bit of info about where your Pokemon came from. (max. 1 paragraph)
[B]Merit 2[/B]: A positive quality or skill unique to this Pokemon. (If it is a skill, it must be something that is possible for a human.)
[B]Demerit 2[/B]: A negative quality unique to this Pokemon.
[B]Title 2 (optional)[/B]: A Title you own, and all info associated with it.
[B]Scenario (optional)[/B]: Scenario
[B]Pokemon 1[/B]: Pokemon info in a Hide tag
[B]Background 1[/B]: A brief bit of info about where your Pokemon came from. (max. 1 paragraph)
[B]Merit 1[/B]: A positive quality or skill unique to this Pokemon. (If it is a skill, it must be something that is possible for a human.)
[B]Demerit 1[/B]: A negative quality unique to this Pokemon.
[B]Title 1 (optional)[/B]: A Title you own, and all info associated with it.
[B]Pokemon 2[/B]: Pokemon info in a Hide tag
[B]Background 2[/B]: A brief bit of info about where your Pokemon came from. (max. 1 paragraph)
[B]Merit 2[/B]: A positive quality or skill unique to this Pokemon. (If it is a skill, it must be something that is possible for a human.)
[B]Demerit 2[/B]: A negative quality unique to this Pokemon.
[B]Title 2 (optional)[/B]: A Title you own, and all info associated with it.
(Scenarios only affect the narrative elements of Roleplay Segments, and have no effect upon battles or rewards.)
Beach Day: You and your Pokemon are spending a summer's day at the crowded beach, enjoying the hot sun and cool ocean. However, unbeknownst to all, something sinister seems to be lurking in the water...
Carnival: An annual festival in which humans and Pokemon celebrate their bonds of partnership. Enjoy the food, music, parades, and performances -- and of course, be dragged into many Pokemon battles by overeager Trainers.
Feudal Scuffle: While wandering through the feudal Ransei region, you see a plume of smoke rising from a neighboring province. Could it be a natural disaster? A wild Pokemon attack? Or perhaps an invading warlord? Only one way to find out... Travel across the untamed wilderness and resolve the incident!
Great-Ball Run: A long-distance race that spans the whole region over a period of ten days. Ride your Pokemon through mountains, plains, and sea to be the first to claim victory; just, don't expect the other racers to play fair!
High-Rise Metropolis: One of the most populous cities in the region. Scenic skyscrapers, speedy subways, and delicious eateries make this a great tourist spot. But you're not here for leisure -- today, you're here to track down a wanted criminal, capture them, and claim the sizable bounty on their head.
Time Warp: A wormhole suddenly appears! It sucks you in, transporting you and your Pokemon through time! You find yourselves in a distant era, surrounded by bizarre sights and unknowable dangers... Can you find a way to return, or will you be lost to time forever?
Beach Day: You and your Pokemon are spending a summer's day at the crowded beach, enjoying the hot sun and cool ocean. However, unbeknownst to all, something sinister seems to be lurking in the water...
Carnival: An annual festival in which humans and Pokemon celebrate their bonds of partnership. Enjoy the food, music, parades, and performances -- and of course, be dragged into many Pokemon battles by overeager Trainers.
Feudal Scuffle: While wandering through the feudal Ransei region, you see a plume of smoke rising from a neighboring province. Could it be a natural disaster? A wild Pokemon attack? Or perhaps an invading warlord? Only one way to find out... Travel across the untamed wilderness and resolve the incident!
Great-Ball Run: A long-distance race that spans the whole region over a period of ten days. Ride your Pokemon through mountains, plains, and sea to be the first to claim victory; just, don't expect the other racers to play fair!
High-Rise Metropolis: One of the most populous cities in the region. Scenic skyscrapers, speedy subways, and delicious eateries make this a great tourist spot. But you're not here for leisure -- today, you're here to track down a wanted criminal, capture them, and claim the sizable bounty on their head.
Time Warp: A wormhole suddenly appears! It sucks you in, transporting you and your Pokemon through time! You find yourselves in a distant era, surrounded by bizarre sights and unknowable dangers... Can you find a way to return, or will you be lost to time forever?
Challengers will have access to Lifelines, depending on the Level of their challenge:
Level 3
Lifeline Uses: 1

Level 4
Lifeline Uses: 2

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