The Best OU Ladder Player! (Finals .Robert vs C05ta)


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Approved by Pocket

An OU ladder challenge

Right, so the last thread I believed to have quite a lot of interest from a lot of people. Sadly the previous creator become pretty inactive after Smogon was down for a few weeks and so the thread was locked. Well I'm here today to bring it back to life! Welcome to the Best OU ladder challenge!

We're going to be following the same general guild lines as the previous challenge. So every two weeks, I will take a screenshot of OU ladder - and people will have four days to identify themselves. The player with the highest rating gets a pass, while the next top four players will face each other in a 4-man single elimination. The survivor of this format will then face the highest rated player for the "Best OU Ladder Player" title.

During the alt identification phase, you may post a screenshot of your peak - if it's high enough (think within top 10) then you may find yourself included in the final play-off among the top ladder players.

You must obviously ladder on PS!'s main OU ladder in order to participate in this challenge.

Right, with all that said, lets get this started! Get laddering people, you only have until the 2nd of September. Good luck everyone!

Finals (Deadline Oct 21st)

.Robert vs
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Thanks for picking this up again ShootinStarmie! Lgi :)
Having multiple alts in the top 5 will not count as a second entry into the play-offs. I will only be accepting one alt, so make it your highest. You don't need to be in top 5 to compete, you just need to be the top 5 that have claimed their alts. There might be someone in the top 5 who doesn't post in the Smogon forums, so make sure you post if you think you could be in the play-offs.
I will screen shot the ladder on the 18th of August. You will then have 4 days to identify yourself. A knock out tournament will then commence. The winner will face the highest ranked player for a spot in the hall of fame. GL
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Fuck, I might not make it. I've been predominantly laddering PO lately, as I've really taken a liking to their metagame. ( and points system lmao.. Yeah, mostly that.. )
If I ever do feel in the mood for sniping a 2k+ ACRE player as my first battle sometime this week I'll play though.
If I wasn't in the middle of transitioning into adulthood tasks and being in college I would totally be down to wreck the ladder with 10-1 ratios again.
New deadline = same deadline as the Keldeo Suspect Round. Sorry for the inconvenience, but this happens