Serious The environment asks for help, do your part!

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. If meat is cultivated less, then that means far less food being grown solely for meat animals (which is a lot more inefficient than eating it ourselves)—and less pesticide use in this example.
Thinking on this side yes, but I mean the general. Brazil, for example, is the third country that uses the most pesticides, so even if we stop eating meat, we would still be self-poisoning, which is what I meant. There are both sides of the coin.
Do you have any proof that the supposed increase in pesticides is worse for nature than the current pollution arising from eating meat?
I did not say that the use of pesticides pollutes nature more than meat, I said that even if humans stop consuming meat, we would be poisoning ourselves and also poisoning nature in the same way.
I did not say that the use of pesticides pollutes nature more than meat, I said that even if humans stop consuming meat, we would be poisoning ourselves and also poisoning nature in the same way.
No you said that it would be no use to stop eating meat. But glad we agree in the end.
My friend, I said that stopping eating meat isn't the main option to save the environment, I'm sure that humans don't need to eat meat, but if we just eat fruits and vegetables, we will get a lot of pesticides anyways in your body and we will poison ourselves. In my opinion, the best way is the meat made in laboratory, when it happens, I will say that humans should need stop eating meat.
How to be more Eco friendly?

^I actually aren't surprised the slightest. A good start certainly is completely brainwash yourself the following words - 'actions speak louder than words'. Before you go public and start unnecessary fear mongering and virtue signalling about how the world is going to end in 12 years according to Alexander Orcazio Cortez, how about look at your own energy bill and see exactly how much energy has your own household has burned, how much recycling have you done and how does that compare to the average American household? If your carbon footprint and energy consumption is on par or even below the average American household then great to see you walk the talk, if not then please keep your forked tongue traps shut and stop lecturing everyone about environmentalism and preserving mother nature. There's already enough hypocrisy in politics and we don't need more.

As of those who DO walk the talk there are indeed some good ways to further improve decreasing your carbon footprint.

1. Take more public transport. I own a car but I rarely use it to the point I only refuel once every three months

2. Having a well planned and established lifestyle helps. Plan explicitly every meal you will eat and bring an environmental friendly bag with you. I have one of those foldable ones that can fit in a shirt pocket that makes it convenient.

3. Going to bed early helps to. Cuz you don't use too much lighting. What I do is I go to bed everyday at 9 and get up 4:30, am every morning to do the navy seal exercise. This means I will spend the overwhelming majority of my day away from home which ensures my energy bill will be as low as possible.

Friendly reminder if you want the world to change YOU must first change yourself. That's the iron rule of life.
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not sure about 'virtue signalling like alexander orcazio cortez' but uh.... do you realise how little personally changing your habits impacts global warming? we dont live in a randian utopia where one persons actions can significantly alter the way things are going. it is much more important that the pressure be put onto governments / corporations to make significant changes such as in how energy is produced or how we produce food. its good you think you're doing your bit but if u truly care start looking at the bigger picture.
not sure about 'virtue signalling like alexander orcazio cortez' but uh.... do you realise how little personally changing your habits impacts global warming? we dont live in a randian utopia where one persons actions can significantly alter the way things are going. it is much more important that the pressure be put onto governments / corporations to make significant changes such as in how energy is produced or how we produce food. its good you think you're doing your bit but if u truly care start looking at the bigger picture.

You also forgot you're not the only one living in the United States of America, 300 million people reside in the states too so if everyone does a little it stacks and certainly does have a significant impact.

Secondly is odds are you are very likely have also purchased goods and services on the same corporations you want the government to drop a massive tax or tariff regulation, placing a quota or even outright ban then from producing. This solves absolutely NOTHING in the long run. These companies will just leave the states and go to nations with little to no regulation like China or Indonesia and continue to release more pollutants in the atmosphere which effectively did nothing to solve the climate problem.

Moreover even if they chose to stay, this means gas prices will rise, so does oil and fuel, energy to heat up the water in your shower, energy for lighting, the petrol in your cars and basic appliances more or less will too also rise so sooner or later you personally will also have to come in terms that either you personally will have to substitute all your assets that run on renewable energy which let's be honest here the technology as of 2019 is far from practical, pay much more to energy stations or simply ALSO reduce your own carbon footprint.

Ultimately the double standards of 'I get to continue to not put effort in shrinking my energy usage and carbon footprint yet big corporations must be hit with a massive government regulation' comes back to bite your own tail because you're actually indirectly depending on these companies without even knowing. Taking care of the environment is EVERYONE'S responsibility; either everyone both personal households and big corporations work together to be more resource Conservative and minimize the carbon footprint of the entire nation altogether or the planet burns up in flames according to Bill Nye (LOL the poor bastard even flown on a private jet with president Obama years ago during earth day. The irony). No one gets a get out of free jail card of 'I cry for lower carbon footprints for others' yet do absolutely nothing to my own. The world can't move forward when hypocrites are taking care of the environment just saying.

Like I said above, if you want the world to change YOU must first change yourself.

Also practice what you preach. It makes a better environment and builds better people.
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i said nothing about what i as an individual do but thank you for the inspiring monologue. im not even american
im not even american

And neither am I. I'm not accusing you for having a big carbon footprint either. But it's certainly not possible to purely tax big corporations and not anticipate that individual households will feel the affect too. Both must come in terms together.

Speaking of what you can do at an individual level since you cant control others but you CAN control yourself is do some gardening. You can never have too much chlorophyll in you garden or yard (if you have one). Also never use weedkiller because environmental reasons and makes good exercise to cut and pull weed. Just be careful not to injure your back.
cmon asek if you just stop showering the corporations will take the hint and stop polluting. once they smell the bo they'll be sure to realize the air quality is in decline. We all have to contribute to stop climate change.

I, myself, do MY part each month by using coupons to save money on my energy bill.

ps: you can't solve climate change through regulation since some governments don't want to regulate their corporations. thats why i am against my government penalizing corporate pollution, it ruins our economy's competitive advantage.

However, if someone wants to forego showering, I support them since it is difficult to compete with 150 million other australian/american men for the females here and that is one less person I have to worry about deteriorating the quality of the images in my waifu folder.

I have a BIG carbon footprint, and I'm not ashamed, slide into my dms for pics
not sure about 'virtue signalling like alexander orcazio cortez' but uh.... do you realise how little personally changing your habits impacts global warming? we dont live in a randian utopia where one persons actions can significantly alter the way things are going. it is much more important that the pressure be put onto governments / corporations to make significant changes such as in how energy is produced or how we produce food. its good you think you're doing your bit but if u truly care start looking at the bigger picture.
Corporations don't pollute for fun. They do it bc it enablesconsumers to purchase their products cheaply. So, individual action can and will drive corporate action. Saying mmmm yes it's all those corporations at fault, I can't do anything! is just complacently participating in the corporate world
Unlike the complacent posters that say it's all the bad corporations fault, I know the difference between faux-woke environmentalism and real climate activism. the problem is, people think that if they just stop buying products from corporations, stop eating meat, stop showering, etc, they can influence corporate behavior through their reduced consumption. But this is just a complacent way of continuing to participate in the corporate world since, sure, you can start lighting your house with candles, but you'll still have a PGE and water bill. If every one of those individuals would just go out and invest in Nike or Coca Cola stock, then they could take on an active role in deciding the direction these companies go in implementing an ecologically minded supply chain. Thats what we who care about the environment must do: invest and make our demands known on shareholder terms.
Where you spend your money also speak louder than words. You as a consumer can force corporations to comply to your environmental principles simply either spending less, boycott or giving your money to their competitors obviously. So if you want them to pollute less, actually do something and don't give them your money. This forces them to either evolve their ways of production either via cleaner energy sources or produce less. On the other hand getting your kids to skip school to join some extremely meaningless climate protest does absolutely nothing if you still don't reduce your own household carbon footprint. (seriously, just ask yourselves, what exactly has the climate march and the Paris Climate Accord exactly achieved throughout the years Hint: hardly anything)

So yes, ultimately there isn't a way to combat pollution and promote environmentalism if individuals do absolutely nothing on a personal scale. Actions really speak louder than words.
Where you spend your money also speak louder than words. You as a consumer can force corporations to comply to your environmental principles simply either spending less, boycott or giving your money to their competitors obviously. So if you want them to pollute less, actually do something and don't give them your money. This forces them to either evolve their ways of production either via cleaner energy sources or produce less. On the other hand getting your kids to skip school to join some extremely meaningless climate protest does absolutely nothing if you still don't reduce your own household carbon footprint. (seriously, just ask yourselves, what exactly has the climate march and the Paris Climate Accord exactly achieved throughout the years Hint: hardly anything)

So yes, ultimately there isn't a way to combat pollution and promote environmentalism if individuals do absolutely nothing on a personal scale. Actions really speak louder than words.

lol really? so is boycotting (i.e not spending money) a 'solution' or not? just a second ago, all the users talking about boycotting corporations were whiny virtue signallers, now in this post boycotting is supremely effective. weird how fast that happened.
some climate protips for all you cool ecokids:

1. don't have kids (seriously, the resources used to raise a child from a crying baby to a crying adult is so much)

2. eat less meat. don't stop altogether, but reduce your intake. maybe instead of 2/3 meals a day, go to 1 meal a day. then every other day, and then a couple meals a week. a) it's probably better for you (there are various studies to suggest this, but no real concrete academic evidence) and b) it's much cheaper to eat veg than to also purchase meat

3. just be more concious. use a bag for life, recycle and do trash pickups. drive less, cycle or pubtrans more. shut off the light. turn off the outlet (if you live in the UK) when you leave the house. buy a diesel or electric/hybrid (even though some companies have fudged their diesel numbers, adjusting for that, diesel is still more fuel efficient and marginally less pollutant than proper petrol). buy from local grocers, not chain stores.

there's a lot of other things you can do depending on how extreme you want to be, but try to organise in your local area. should be pretty easy with social media. organise a trash collection if you can, and get some sweet insta clout. maybe plant some native plants in your local area, if you're allowed (check your local laws as to where you can do stuff like this). inevitably, we are fucked, and a lot of people are going to continue to suffer from climate change, but if we can reduce and possibly reverse how much CO2 we are putting into the air, we might be able to at least minimize the impact (sorry third world, you're probably fucked regardless).
Planting native or nonative plants make no difference in terms of co2 sequsteration (yes, I'm aware of varying types of photosynthesis and its chemistry but let's be real here). It does make a mild difference in regards to ecological biospace for existing species but let's be real, our existing ecology is irredeemably ruined and altered. Nativism is at best a pointless optimism and at worse percipeved as unnecessary elitism in environmental movements.
If you really REALLY want to have a rough idea how large is your carbon footprint is you should really make a record on exactly on average how long are your hot showers, what time do the lights go off and how often do you refuel your cars assuming you own one. I usually use these three standards as a frame of reference because its the ones that can be recorded and timed most easily.

1. As previously stated either walk or take the bus or some other public transport. Even cycling works to. A friendly reminder is that adult human beings on a daily basis should attempt of doing at least 20 to 30 minutes of active exercise. Perhaps if you give yourself an objectable target for example to burn at least 500 calories on the track or outside it is actually a very good motivator for yourself to drive less. I actually realised I drive so infrequently i only just got my P license half a year ago and refueled it a total of 2 times.

2. Plan a very disciplined lifestyle. If you can push yourself to go to bed no later than a certain period of time, you save a ton regarding lighting bills without even knowing. I try my best to go to bed at 9pm every night because I want to prepare myself to get up at 4:30am every morning to run and sing the anthem. Also the pool opens at 6:00am so I want to be the first one to dive in. Considering this I would spend on average each day no more than 12 hours in home while 7.5 hours is 'lights out' leaving truly only 5.5 hours utilising household energy.

3. This one is easy. Simply don't take showers that are longer than 10 mins.

If you compile all of these practices together you will realize you actually will probably expend only about 60 or 70 percent of the household energy of the national average household.

Am I perfectly eco friendly? Absolutely not. Also the above proposed initially do seem to be quite demanding to go to bed at 9 and wake up at 4:30 to do some vigorous exercise but with enough pushing and practice you become as tough as an ox, having willpower stronger than iron and even the planet will thank you. Trust me the efforts are well worth it. Its a win win for everyone both you and earth and you indirectly send a message to power generating corporations that everyone is lowering their carbon emissions at a national scale, its time for you guys to do the same.
bro you dont need to repeat yourself, we get the message: don't regulate corporations because if you really cared youd give up your personal liberties in order to fail to make any meaningful impact on climate change whatsoever
i don't think that you're making a charitable interpretation of Ashaebi's post. corporations are ultimately made of individuals making their own decisions. by improving individuals' decision makings, we certainly could make an impact. you even make this argument by arguing against eating meat.
eating less meat is in function speaking with your wallet by forging new capital demand, whereas going to sleep earlier, not using a car (simply not feasible for a vast amount of people) or taking smaller showers is not actually accomplishing much other than turning your 0.0000000001% contribution of climate change into 0.000000000099%

its just another attempt to frame the climate debate as on the onus of every participating individual on the internet when the real malpractice, the vast bulk of our carbon footprints, is attributed directly to corporation practices. when the titanic is sinking if you take your thimble out and start pumping out water, yeah youre doing your part but its pointless venturing because it wont ever get done on time
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bro you dont need to repeat yourself, we get the message: don't regulate corporations because if you really cared you'd give up your personal liberties in order to fail to make any meaningful impact on climate change whatsoever
hey man but corporations are really innovating wildly to have meaningful impact on the environment. Tesla probably accelerated electric-vehicle adoption probably by a good 50 years. Also nowadays I hear the US is going through a "meatless meat" fad and it's supposed to indistinguishable from the real thing. Big fast-food chains are using them. That's again mad for-profit corporate innovation dude. Imagine if an excessively carnivorous country like the US managed to largely eliminate meat from its food supply chain as a result of this. If getting Americans to give up steak and bacon is not going to have a meaningful impact on climate change then I don't know what is. So it is more than fair to argue that corporations are doing their bit. They are evil, yes. But they are doing their bit.

See, I'd happily look to the political left for a better alternative but the prevalent rhetoric seems to be "no. corporations are bad. full stop." I mean sure, they are, so what? Their inability signifies a fatal poverty of imagination. I remember a Mark Fisher quote which went something like, "the widespread sense that not only is capitalism the only viable political and economic system, but also that it is now impossible even to imagine a coherent alternative to it." Would you blame anyone if they were tempted to let go of their personal liberties in such a scenario? People are not stupid. They value their freedoms very much, which is why they have to be really desperate to give it up in the first place. If there were better, more coherent alternatives, those would have been explored earlier. There is a dire need for fresh ideas and persuasive communication and your post does not satisfy either of those needs. All it is then, is meaningless kabuki. And people wonder why despots are getting elected all over the world.
if everyone on titanic took out thimble and pumped out of water instead of mindlessly running around, then it will actually solve the problem.

the problem is to get everyone taking out the thimble and doing it. your solution is to just sink the ship and see what happens.