The Ghosting tour II - Sign ups

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The Ghosting Tournament II
Originally hosted by Fatecrashers

While ghosting (a third party telling a player which moves to make) is normally forbidden (or frowned upon, to hear some tell it), this tournament is based on and encourages it. The players will form teams of three people, but only one game will be played per pairing; the team will decide on the moves together instead of playing separately.

Standard Rules

Single elimination format
5th Generation OU tournament
OHKO Clause
Evasion Clause
Species Clause
Sleep Clause
Wifi Clause
Tournament-specific Rules

No Disallow Specs - for easy ghosting and scouting
No Battle Timeout - this allows you time to discuss strategy during the battle, but if you timestall your opponent on purpose, with no evidence to the contrary, I reserve the right to disqualify your team. This rule drags the battles out by a lot, so make sure you have enough time when scheduling.
3 members per team. It is advised to only form teams within the same or similar timezones to avoid scheduling issues.
You may sign up as a team with all three members confirming or alone as a free agent to be picked up by someone. I will not form new teams out of the remaining free agents.
Each team shall nominate a captain either through PM or their team sign up post. He will be in charge of organizing team members, providing the opposing captain with available times, and making sure the team gets the battle done in a timely manner
Because of the ghosting element, who is actually battling for the team each round makes little difference, just make sure the battle gets done
There's nothing to stop you taking the advice of people not on your team, but remember that they may not always have your best interest at heart, and spies and backstabbers are everywhere...
You must post logs of your battle and your ghosting in the thread of the respective round. (You will notice that the ghosting logs are by far the best part of this tournament, so it'd be a shame for them not to be available to everyone)
You shall make your team name known to me either through the sign up post, otherwise I will pick one for you.

Teams in
  1. Fiends of the Microphone (RT. reachzero, PsYch071c )
  2. Anne Hathaway (McMeghan, Ojama, Bloo)
  3. The Handsome Dodrio (Hulavuta, Corkscrew, Don Honchkrorlone)
  4. #slutpower (Lolkomori, Brammi, AtomicLlamas)
  5. 9.9 (Jirachi, BKC, Funkasaurus)
  6. Bird Sanctuary (Loser Eopttp, Iris)
  7. Team name to be decided (Kingmitus, Orphic, Kushalos)
  8. H-C is a terrible host (Vinc2612, DarkLoic, H-C )
  9. Team Sky (Kael, Silver Ghost, Rydro)
  10. Maestro Smith uses dragons while visiting India in August (dragonuser, M Dragon, august)
  11. Get fucked bro fist (bro fist, VN., AB2)
  12. The Competitors - (CBTerrakion, Lady Salamence, Governess)
  13. Team IDM (CTC, Dice, gr8astard)
  14. Team Maid-sama (Soulgazer, Sayonara, Ezio)
  15. Paneland (Hantsuki, pi face, Rurushu)
  16. Brazil (LOST, Carloos, Mestre Drako)
  17. Favela Force (Dragonforce, Rasputin, Kid Bengala)
  18. Ghost Hunters (CyberOdin, Raichy, el poeta)
  19. H00d (King, undisputed, ShakeItUp)
  20. Cuhlean (ThunderBlunder, Wepwnemon, Kiyo)
  21. FRZ ALL (Raseri, FLCL, Zebraiken)
  22. Team name pending (sugarhigh, shootingstarmie, The Unlucky One)
  23. Mockingfetch'd (TV-Rocka, Pasy_G, sebixxl)
  24. Italian Channel (The Quasar, Haund, EdGummet)
  25. we're january% gooder than u (Sageau, Cicada, meridian)
  26. Ghostbusters (Alexander Uomo solo, Son of Zeus)
  27. Bande 2 Connards (Remedy, Manu, Boudouche)
  28. Ladder heroes unite (oSeasons, Spinda, scotti)
  29. Los Chicos Locos (HellPowna, Hot N Cold, DestinyUnkown)
  30. TAONU Tyranitars (Imanalt, Novaray, SilverShadow234)
  31. Deep Manly Purple (WaterBomb, Subject18, Mew)
  32. [2:02pm] Hugendugen: ok I think we got this (Bojangles, tennisace, Hugendgen)
  33. $#!T (Bryce, high Impusle, Fabian)
  34. #Meow (Royalty, Meowmixx, Meeps)
  35. Team EZBS (doge EZ Target, Charazardin)
  36. Polish Bitches (Laurel Yusuke, Myzozoa)
  37. Cherub & The Bitches (skylight Cherub Agent , Mizuhime)
  38. The Bad Phantoms (Dr Ciel , Nglittleguy, weirdshitsux)
  39. Bonde do gás (Cerpy, kenny s, Lunar Flare)
  40. 3 Men 1 Cup (Coren37, Derk, Ryanor)
  41. Nankatsu (Dark Sphynx, Staraptor, Candango)
  42. Random Time (Song of Life, Black Wolf, AndrewLGA)
  43. Name Undecided (Jayde, Heist, HSA)
  44. ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ (Fuzznip, Plus, Tab)
  45. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ (Mikel, Treecko, Charmander)
  46. The Crystal Reapers (Frexa, LebronJames, CarloO)
  47. LEE (Lily, Davidpwns, 199Lives)
  48. Paulinha lindinha ~n_n~ (Papai noel, MarceloDK, Yan[sogeking]
  49. RU Pride (Complete legitimacy, Double01, Silentverse)
  50. Everything But a Win (Shoka, RockHP31, Denis Brogniart)
  51. [FAP]#HANDSOMEDONGSQUAD420 (Kenny, TropiOUs, Fusxfaranto)
  52. Pocket sux (Articblast, Audiosurfer, Pwnemon)
  53. Leaders of the Dead School (asbdsp, Swirlix, Froggy)
  54. CockMouth Carracostas (D4RR3N, CaseKace, Temptation)
  55. Bockwurst luvers ლಠ益ಠლ (Lohgock, Frochtejohgurt, Conflict)
  56. Team DerDomme (DerDomme, Da Flo, Lowgock)
  57. Free Agents #1 (Brap, Celever, Nozzle)
  58. Free Agents #2 (Nails, Yuttt, Lasagne21)

Free Agents
Dr. Ciel



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Team Nas, AZ, and RZA: Fiends of the Microphone


I'll be captain I guess
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Reactions: Nas
My homies and I shall be competing.

Don Honchkrorleone

We are The Handsome Dodrio, because we are all so devilishly handsome and gentlemanly that it's a crime.

Corkscrew is captain I guess.
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(or 9.9)

Jirachi <- captain
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We're back...


Hantsuki - I'm the captain
pi face - where's Donkey and syrim to hate him?
Rurushu - back from the dea-Nah, he's a ghost hehehe
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