The Hackmons Cup Cup [Won by ihasdisname]


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is a Tiering Contributoris a Metagame Resource Contributor Alumnusis a Dedicated Tournament Host Alumnus

The Hackmons Cup Cup

horrible art made and hosted by Wigglytuff and lvl100Blaziken, approved by nui


Tournament Navigator: Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Quarterfinals
Welcome to the Hackmons Cup Cup, a tournament pitting competitors against each other in the most skillful of competitive Pokemon formats: Hackmons Cup!

The winner of the Hackmons Cup Cup will receive an MS Paint Art specifically made for them by A Cake Wearing A Hat! Click the box below for examples of his masterful pieces:



The tournament will proceed in a standard best-of-3 (Bo3) single-elimination tournament format. In the event of a timeout/disconnection, the battle is a loss for the timed out/disconnected player. Should a battle result in a tie (battle reaches 1000 turns or simultaneous disconnection), the battle is voided and counts for nothing towards the Bo3.

Battles should take place on PS! Main or Smogtours. Post replays with win posts, replays linked from anywhere else will not be accepted.

hey pals this stuff is just the cliffnotes, for the full list of rules for Smogon Tournaments check here


Given the highly randomized nature of this format, ghosting is likely to be ineffective. Even so, it is strictly prohibited and any evidence of ghosting will lead to disqualification.


In order to be granted an activity win, you must demonstrate that you put in significantly more effort to get your battles done than your opponent. To protect yourself from losing due to an activity call, take the steps outlined here:

Signups are currently open; post "in" as a response to this thread to join! Signups will close and Round 1 will begin on Sunday, June 30th, at 11:59 PM GMT-5. Thanks to the quick signups, we've decided to start early to give a bit more time for R1. There is a need for substitutes, so post "in as sub" if you'd like to join as a substitute!

Feel free to join Club Hackmons, a Hackmons/Doubles Hackmons Cup-based discussion server ran by platinumCheesecake, to discuss ongoing tournament battles! (This is not affiliated with the PS! Random Battles Auth or chatroom)

Let myself (PS! Username: Wiggleetuff) or lvl100Blaziken (PS! Username: Fragments) know if you have any questions! We are looking forward to a fun (and 100% skill based) tournament!
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