The Heart of the Cards!

Greatly improved by Peef Rimgar after thorough consultation and hitting me with the traditional clue-by-four, and approved by Eevee General after a suitable period. =]
Banner will eventually show up when I can find a suitable art gremlin



The basic premise is as follows: what if Pokémon got some of the things they have in the TCG?

Okay, I know that's a bit basic. The real purpose of this pet mod is to expand the movepools of Pokémon in cool and interesting directions. A killer ability or cool signature move can boost a lower-tier 'mon right up the rankings and bring new life or new utility to a more established 'mon. Plus, I don't think the weirdnesses of the TCG are as prominent as they could be, and it'd be cool to see what people better at battling than me do with all this.

This pet mod will attempt to take moves, abilities, and so forth from the TCG and translate them into ones that work in Showdown-style battling. The rules are as follows:-
A Pokémon is selected by the winner of the previous round (I'll be picking the first one). The same Pokémon cannot be selected twice in a row, but can be selected multiple times. There's a lot of cards out there!

People go through the appearances in the TCG of the Pokémon's evolutionary line. They're looking for moves or abilities that can't be learned by the 'mon in question. This... really, really shouldn't be hard, considering some of the insanity in the TCG.

They then remake these moves, abilities, Pokémon Powers, Ancient Traits or whatever into ones that work in the video games. People are allowed to submit ONE (1) move AND ONE (1) ability.

The elemental types of moves are limited to the elemental type of the card it comes from and/or the type/s of the Pokémon in question. The TCG Types are as follows:-

Grass: Bug, Grass, Poison (for cards released prior to Diamond and Pearl)
Fire: Fire
Water: Ice, Water
Lightning: Electric
Psychic: Ghost, Poison (for cards released after Diamond and Pearl), Psychic
Fighting: Fighting, Ground, Rock
Darkness: Dark
Metal: Steel
Colourless: Dragon (for cards released prior to Dragon Selection), Normal, Flying
Dragon: Dragon (for cards released after Dragon Selection)
Fairy: Fairy

For example, Delta Species Cacturne from Crystal Guardians is a Fighting-type card. If an entrant wanted to adapt the move Triple Needle from that card, the choice of elemental type would be limited to Grass, Dark, Fighting, Ground, or Rock.​

Abilities can be given to any Pokémon in the evolutionary line. However, if the Pokémon on the slate already has three abilities, then the designer must select an ability to be removed and give a good reason as to why. Mega Evolutions still replace the Pokémon's ability, so entrants should probably bear that in mind, unless the entrant explicitly specifies that the ability is for a Mega Evolution; the ability has to come from a Mega Evolution card, and only applies to the Mega Evolved version of the Pokémon on the slate. No making up Megas, chaps! =]

For example, Kingdra from the Aquapolis expansion has the Poké-Power Water Cyclone. Kingdra has the abilities Damp, Sniper, and Swift Swim, so one of those would have to be got rid of. An acceptable reason would be "Water Cyclone's effect (whatever it might be) is more suited to its traditional role of a wallbreaker on Rain teams, much more so than the more situational Sniper". An unacceptable reason would be "damp sux lol" or variations thereof. Conversely, Eelektrik from the Noble Victories expansion has the ability Dynamotor, but since Eelektross only has one ability (Levitate), no explanation is necessary.​

The community then votes on which one is the best/most interesting/most fun to use, and the winner is included in the Hall of Fame in the OP. In the event of a tie, both entries are added. People are allowed to vote for ONE (1) MOVE and ONE (1) ABILITY unless otherwise explicitly stated, and are not allowed to vote for themselves unless otherwise explicitly stated either. This should help to keep things nicer and fairer for everyone. =]

After this, there will be a discussion phase to see what new and cool sets can be made using the new content. Then the next 'mon will be added to the slate; in the event of a tie, the users offer their selections to be voted on by the community. Whoever picks the next Pokémon on the slate may not enter that round; however, they are free to put together an example if they want to.

And then the process starts again! =]

Move Submission Template (remove the stuff in pink):
Move Name: (The name of the move, taken from the TCG)
Appearance In The TCG: (List the TCG set where the card comes from here. It proves you're not making it up. Not that you would, of course. I trust you. It's those other, much naughtier people out there... =])
Base Power: (The base power of the move. This doesn't have to be at all related to the number on the card, but try and keep it fairly in line. Remember, though, that you're balancing this for the present OU meta)
Power Points: (I leave this at your discretion, but again, try and balance it for the meta. An enormously powerful move with a great effect isn't going to have high PP.)
Accuracy: (The accuracy of the move, written as a percentage. Sometimes this is used as a balancing measure. Sometimes it is used to make Cross Chop suck. Nobody likes Cross Chop, and that makes Cross Chop sad.)
Elemental Type: (As explained in the rules above. I've laid it all out for you in the OP, so there's no excuse for getting it wrong. Yes, it's a limiting factor, but you can't have it all your own way. =])
Damage Category: (Physical, Special, or Non-Damaging. You can convert damaging moves into non-damaging moves and vice versa at your discretion.)
Effect: (The secondary effect of your move submission, if it has one... and let's be realistic, it probably will. List the proc chance as well, if applicable. This includes stuff like priority, stat increases or decreases, status effects, and so on and so forth. You don't have to stick rigidly to what's on the card, either.)
Target: (What your move is capable of hitting. I leave that to your discretion.)
Makes Contact: Yes/No (Whether or not a move makes contact with the target or targets. Tough Claws users will tell you how this can be a big deal. =])
Special Properties: (If it's a sound-based move and so on.)
Design Rationale: (Why you've decided to make this move, what you think it contributes, that sort of thing. This is entirely optional, but it'll probably help.)

Ability Submission Template (remove the stuff in pink):-
Ability Name: (The name of the ability. Obviously. =])
Appearance In The TCG: (As with the move template, list the set where the card comes from.)
Effect: (What the ability does. This, the astute among you may have gathered, is a reasonably important section to fill out. =])
Ability Replaced: (If you're submitting an ability for a Pokémon that already has three (or for a Mega Evolution, which are only allowed one) then you'll need to specify which. Just put N/A in for those fortunate Pokémon to whom this does not apply.)
Design Rationale: (This is probably the most important section when designing a new ability. Be. Detailed. As much detail as you can. Of course, you don't have to put in very much... but it'll probably be to your advantage.)

08/07/2016: Adjusted rules to clarify whether or not a user can submit both an ability and a move. Short answer: yes! =]

As for bans... well, the OU banlist is the only one I can think of for right now, along with Regigigas, Archeops, and Slaking (for reasons one should hope are bleedin' obvious). It'll largely depend on what people come up with, and (understandably) I can't say what that consists of right now. =]

Our present slate is chosen by one of last time's winners. Give it up for Yoshiblaze and his collection of pyromaniac murder chickens,
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Move Name: Teleport Blast
Appearance In TCG: Team Rocket
BP: 70
PP: 20 (32 Max)
Accuracy: 100%
Elemental Type: Psychic
Damage Category: Special
Effect: Switches the user out after doing damage
Target: Single
Contact: No
Design Rationale: Gives Alakazam a much needed form of momentum, and with Magic guard, you can bring another pokemon in without fear of them being burnt or poisoned.

Ability Name: Psylink
Appearance In The TCG: Gym Challenge
Effect: As long as Alakazam has not fainted, raises the Attack and Special Attack of all of Alakazam's Allies that have a damaging Psychic-type move by x1.15. Also raises Alakazam's Attack and Special Attack by x1.15 if it has a Psychic-type move.
Ability Replaced: Inner Focus
Design Rationale: This ability acts as a nice boost to Alakazam's power, raising its Special Attack to a nice Base 155, which allows it to hit a bit harder. It also allows it to boost the power of its teammates, as long as they have a damaging Psychic move (which prevents it from abusing Calm Mind with other Pokémon) For example, if your Raikou has Extrasensory, its Special Attack is now 133 (132.5 rounded up). It can really be a big help to Pokémon that commonly run Psychic-type coverage moves, like Zoroark or even Typhlosion.
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Hey so I've been terribly sick the last few days so I'm sorry I havent answered your queries but i will have to lock this. The only people with the ability to approve OMs are Eevee General and The Immortal. While I do like your idea, I can only make suggestions to help. I'll lock and hide this thread in a few minutes until the thread in submissions is properly approved/denied
Pokemon BREAK included or no, doesn't really matter in this slate. Way to start off with a whimper in the form of the line that is mostly banned from the TCG. No interesting material, either...
So can we submit both an ability and move, or are we limited to just picking one? I disagree on the "no interesting material" here!

Move Name: Psycho Panic
Appearance In The TCG: Unnumbered Promotional Card (Masaki Promo)
Base Power: 70
Power Points: 20 (Max 32)
Accuracy: 100%
Elemental Type: Psychic
Damage Category: Special
Effect: 10% chance of confusing the foe. This move can hit, and is considered Super-effective against, Dark-type Pokemon.
Target: Single
Makes Contact: No
Design Rationale: Dark-types now have a reason to fear switching into Alakazam aside from Focus Blast, and while this is a weaker Psychic STAB than Psychic or Psyshock, it allows that extra bit of safety it needs with those defenses.
Ability Name: Power Cancel
Appearance In The TCG: Mysterious Treasures 2
Effect: As long as Alakazam is not afflicted with a non-volatile status condition, it is immune to the effects of opponents' abilities.
Ability Replaced: Synchronize. While having the concentration not to flinch when struck and ignore indirect discomfort makes sense for Alakazam, nothing in its description mentions sharing its ailments. Power Cancel ties into its themes of intense focus and mind over matter far better, being effectively a passive, defensive counterpart to Mold Breaker.
Design Rationale: So what does this actually do? Well, any ability that 'triggers' something negative on Alakazam, copies it like Trace, or powers up a move hitting it is ignored, much like Mold Breaker ignores defensive and preventative abilities. Technician won't boost Fake Out against it, and Intimidate won't lower its attack (yay?). Probably the best thing it stops would be preventing status moves from benefiting from Prankster when targeting Alakazam, or Shadow Tag from trapping it.
Pokemon BREAK included or no, doesn't really matter in this slate. Way to start off with a whimper in the form of the line that is mostly banned from the TCG. No interesting material, either...


So can we submit both an ability and move, or are we limited to just picking one? I disagree on the "no interesting material" here!

Yes, people are entirely allowed to submit both a move and an ability! I'll amend the OP to clarify this. =]


Move Name: Teleport Blast
Appearance In TCG: Team Rocket
BP: 70
PP: 20 (32 Max)
Accuracy: 100%
Elemental Type: Psychic
Damage Category: Special
Effect: Switches the user out after doing damage
Target: Single
Contact: No
Design Rationale: Gives Alakazam a much needed form of momentum, and with Magic guard, you can bring another pokemon in without fear of them being burnt or poisoned.
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Squawkerz: Er, there seems to have been a bit of a miscommunication, for which I apologise. My rules' original intent was for a maximum of one move and one ability per Pokémon on the docket (in this case Alakazam), and that moves intended FOR Alakazam can come from any of the cards in the TCG relating to Alakazam (so Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam, EXs, BREAKs if there is one because I can't remember offhand, Level Xs, and so on). I actually quite like both those moves, but you're going to have to either drop one or convert it into an ability. Sorry to insist.
Squawkerz: Er, there seems to have been a bit of a miscommunication, for which I apologise. My rules' original intent was for a maximum of one move and one ability per Pokémon on the docket (in this case Alakazam), and that moves intended FOR Alakazam can come from any of the cards in the TCG relating to Alakazam (so Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam, EXs, BREAKs if there is one because I can't remember offhand, Level Xs, and so on). I actually quite like both those moves, but you're going to have to either drop one or convert it into an ability. Sorry to insist.
I fixed it by getting rid of Life Drain
Thank you for your co-operation. You're of course free to submit another ability for Alakazam - indeed, I'd encourage it! More choice is always good in something like this. =]

Move Name: Zen Force
Appearance In The TCG: M Alakazam-EX (Fates Collide)
Base Power: 70
Power Points: 10 (Max 16)
Accuracy: 100
Elemental Type: Psychic
Damage Category: Special
Effect: BP increases by 30 when opponent is below 60% health, and 60 when opponent is below 30% health.
Target: 1 adjacent opponent.
Makes Contact: No
Special Properties: None.
Design Rationale: Are Psychic and Psyshock too boring and pedestrian for you? Well, valued customer, let me introduce you to Zen Force! It's like Brine became a Psychic move and got a slightly modified effect! Most of the Pokemon Alakazam needs to revenge kill will be squishy enough to get with Zen Force, and if you're using a defensive team to wear down opponents and then using Zammy for late-game cleanup against the weakened team, this move can reach powers above Psychic, allowing you to break through all of the remaining team!
Move Name: Mega Burn
Appearance In The TCG: Gym Challenge 16
Base Power: 150
Power Points: 5
Accuracy: 100%
Elemental Type: Psychic
Damage Category: Special
Effect: Burns the opponent. The move is then disabled for 4 turns.
Target: 1 opponent.
Makes Contact: No
Special Properties: None.
Design Rationale: Allows Alakazam to drop super hot fire on opponents (pun intended), pretty much breaking most kinds of walls with its power. However, you can't simply spam this move as it disables itself for 4 turns, making it have a longer recharge time than Hyper Beam. Look at the bright side, you won't have to stand there doing nothing like with Hyper Beam and similar moves.

Ability Name: Energy Jump
Appearance In The TCG: Skyridge H1
Effect: If the opponent has Stat Boosts, Alakazam will copy all of a random stat's boosts and reset the opponent's stat boosts for that stat. This ability works after landing a successful hit.
Ability Replaced: Inner Focus
Design Rationale: Psych Up the ability, except you don't have to waste a moveslot and it removes the opponent's stat boosts, but it only works on one stat per turn and you can't choose which one. It's not Psych Up exactly, no...
The opponent will think twice before setting up when he sees an Alakazam in the opposing team. And if Alakazam decides to run Vacuum Wave, it can even safely get speed boosts from Dragon/Quiver Dances or Agility. However, Alakazam will most likely die in the process since it won't steal the opposing Pokemon's attacking boost. So using this after the opponent got +6 on both stats isn't a good idea lol, use this against a +1/+1 calm mind or something.

Move Name: Psychic Guard
Appearance In The TCG: Mysterious Treasures
Base Power: N/A
Power Points: 15
Accuracy: N/A
Elemental Type: Psychic
Damage Category: Status
Effect: Protects Alakazam and it's allies from all Psychic and Ghost-type moves during that turn. Decreases the success rate of Protect, Detect, Spiky Shield, and King's Shield if used by Alakazam next turn
Target: User and all allies
Makes Contact: No
Special Properties: N/A
Design Rationale: I figured it would be an interesting move to use in Doubles to protect against Ghost and Psychic moves. This could allow for free setup for Alakazam's teammates in the face of powerful Psychic/Ghost-type move users.

Ability Name: Psylink
Appearance In The TCG: Gym Challenge
Effect: As long as Alakazam has not fainted, raises the Attack and Special Attack of all of Alakazam's Allies that have a damaging Psychic-type move by x1.15. Also raises Alakazam's Attack and Special Attack by x1.15 if it has a Psychic-type move.
Ability Replaced: Inner Focus
Design Rationale: This ability acts as a nice boost to Alakazam's power, raising its Special Attack to a nice Base 155, which allows it to hit a bit harder. It also allows it to boost the power of its teammates, as long as they have a damaging Psychic move (which prevents it from abusing Calm Mind with other Pokémon) For example, if your Raikou has Extrasensory, its Special Attack is now 133 (132.5 rounded up). It can really be a big help to Pokémon that commonly run Psychic-type coverage moves, like Zoroark or even Typhlosion.
I'd say the amount we have is good enough.
I mean, the UU What's His Last Thread only gets 2-4 submissions a week, but that still goes on strong and we have 5 people who submitted this week.
blame choosing Alakazam

I picked Alakazam because it's the first card in Base Set. It seemed like a logical place to start for a Pet Mod largely concerned with the TCG.

Anyway, Yoshiblaze raises an excellent point, so I am declaring the voting phase open! Please vote for your favourite move and ability. You have THREE (3) OF YOUR EARTH DAYS. Good luck to all the contestants, and to Pika, whose doctors assure me that the new pills should have a really positive impact. =]
Well now I feel unoriginal, Yoshi! If self-votes aren't allowed (with only one move/ability sub and vote per, they maybe should be) I'll swap to voting for Energy Jump.
Move: Teleport Blast (Squawkers)
Ability: Power Cancel (Tetraplex)
I picked Alakazam because it's the first card in Base Set. It seemed like a logical place to start for a Pet Mod largely concerned with the TCG.

Anyway, Yoshiblaze raises an excellent point, so I am declaring the voting phase open! Please vote for your favourite move and ability. You have THREE (3) OF YOUR EARTH DAYS. Good luck to all the contestants, and to Pika, whose doctors assure me that the new pills should have a really positive impact. =]
Having only one line per slate is a problem as well.

Also, are you implying my current pills aren't enough?

move: teleport blast (squakers)