The Hobbies of Smogon

Who the hell says i cant spend every instant of my free time online doing pokemon related things??? Seriously though i dont have much by way of hobbies other than playing (soccer and fencing mainly nowadays) and watching (hockey soccer and baseball) sports

running - though I do run on my school track and xc teams, I enjoy running on my own during the off-season and overall think of running as a hobby. I do this every day, and it's really fun for me.

learning javascript - mainly something I do when I feel like it. I've already got html and css down, but I'd like to learn something more advanced. I don't focus a lot on this though -- it's mainly just something I do when I'm sitting around doing nothing.

misc: biking, swimming, irc, and duh smogon
@Chou Toshio: no, I haven't! I'll bookmark it just in case. found this website less than a week ago and it has already helped me learn 2 very specific things I've wanted to know (something about abverbs/adjectives + object/person/thing) and how to use present continous. I love the way it's organized; its like it was made exactly for me and the way I'm learning.

Rikai-kun/chan is great. On my Android I use Swype to type japanese and use Google Translate to build/understand sentences, although I wish it would let me dissect different parts of a text like rikai-kun allows you to.

also! just to make it clear; I can read the furigana in Hikaru no Go (and eventually learn the kanji's/etc by just reading and reading) but I don't understand most or like half of what's being said. I can read pretty fast, though, and it seems to be getting faster every single day.

also fuck handwriting kanjis.

edit: no seriously i dont know how to handwrite a single kanji lol

edit2: i love this digital age
^Don't worry-- I don't either. And I have my N1-- I can accurately answer a bunch of multiple choice questions native speakers can even fuck up, but I will absolutely fail if you ask me to hand-write even intermediate/beginner level Kanji. This goes for Chinese Hanzi as well (hanzi = kanji fyi).

I will check out that site-- but dude, I have totally forgotten the technical/grammatical functions of basic/intermediate Japanese. I tend to remember better organically, kind of how native speakers learn it. I just know how it works subconciously-- I seriously wonder if I could give an explanation of how grammar and conjugation works-- I know how to say it and use it naturally, but I couldn't tell you the logic/functions behind it. lol

The last time I even looked at technical grammar patterns was years ago, back when I was learning Keigo, and before that when I was teaching myself Kansai dialect.

I think learning Keigo, casual, and dialects are really useful since it forces you to face the language more flexibly, and make intuitive leaps. When I was an intermediate student this site: Helped me out a lot. I got a better understanding of basic grammar, and my Japanese became more flexible as I played with Kansai dialect. I don't recommend trying to speak it though-- my Japanese friends all congratulated me when I started speaking more standard hyoujungo after being separated from western Japan for a long time.

Hikaru no Go is probably a better choice to study from than most Shonen-- because at least it's happening in the context of real life.

That said, there are some technical Go terms that even I wouldn't understand (even though I play Go...), though these usually have explanations in the side-bars since native speakers won't know what those are either. I really like reading Hikaru no Go while looking at the Kifu (game records) that were used to make the series.

Like for instance, Kurata's game with Hikaru when they are playing one-color-go; looking at the kifu makes it a lot easier to understand what Kurata and Hikaru are thinking about because you can see the actual game (not to mention the kifu is in Black and White, instead of just white like in the manga). It was pretty cool to see how the comments match the game-- Hikaru's basically kicking Kurata's ass until he makes this huge fuck-up and half his stones die (like literally, half of the entire board of Hikaru's stones are dead from this one mistake).

I can't remember where, but there's a site where you can look at all the game records.
i feel i fucked up cuz i was absolutely agreeing with everything you said until the kansaiben part.

im actively learning informal/kansaiben hybrid thingie because it feels "easy" and fun. It just feel simple. and I, MOST OF ALL, want to speak. I want to spea with other people.

also i have no proper reply to everything you said about Hikaru no Go because holy shit. I'm just in volume 2 halfway lol

edit: oh aso what i came in here for originally;

listening to some HALCALI songs i hadnt listened in a long time and I'm suddenly able to kind of... "understand" the song, but slowly. and then comes a word i dont know or something.
^Sorry I just gave a spoiler, but if you're in volume 2 you'll forget it by the time you get there. I'm talking about something that happens way way way way later when Hikaru already becomes a pro.
Nothing satisfies me more than eating french silk pie.

Otherwise anime/manga, video games, and listening to a ton of music. Honestly I need to look at more hobbies, but I live in isolation atm so it's kinda hit or miss because it's mostly weird hick stuff that I'd end up doing z.z
i dont give a fuck about the spoiler you just insulted my dirty japanese :<
Dude who shoots: Hopefully, you won't go on a killing spree any time soon.

Dude who masturbates: It depends, do you do it in a professional level?

Dude who sunbathes: Bask yourself in the Great Ball of Light's rays, just be wary of cancer!

Anyway, I really appreciate the degree of participation. Although I must admit I was expecting some more "out there" types of hobbies. Like collecting your toe nails, or gathering river stones, I dunno.
^Just because we're this niche community that takes a kids' game hyper competitively doesn't mean we have to be eccentric weirdos.
You'd be hard pressed to find one actually.

Reading. And I mean TONS of reading. On a good day I can go through 700+ pages in 3-4 hours. I'm just saving up for a Tablet because physical paperbacks are starting to hurt my budget and take up ridiculous amounts of space in my not-so-large accommodation

Writing. I write for community journals, snippets and so on. Not big time stuff, but amateur shit I maintain as a hobby. Really gives me a feel-good vibe.

Music. You're talking to Mr. Hipster-Audiophile here. I listen to anything and everything that can lay my hands on. I don't have a favorite 'genre' or 'style' and listen to everything under the sun. Be it classical/rock/metal/pop/rock/60s/instrumental/70s/alt/funk... etc etc
I also sing and am an active vocalist in some new start-ups..

Android Developement. Something I got into after I got my first android device a year and a half back. I have started getting into linux terminal architecture as I delve into more deeper details of OS workings and contribute in a minor part in the unofficial cyanogenMOD projects. If I have time and motivation, I may get into it big time.
Games and cartoons are my life right now. I did target shooting for quite a long time in high school, but it's not something I'd go out and do on a whim, since just preparing to go shooting is a pain in the ass. I've tried to get a hobby in online video making in the past, but since I couldn't get my hands on all the equipment I needed, that plan went out the window.
i dont give a fuck about the spoiler you just insulted my dirty japanese :<

Dirty Japanese, clean Japanese-- it's all part of the language; I definitely applaud effort to learn any and all parts of it. :)

この俺が、どんな日本語だって、見下すようなマネをするなんざ-- そいつはある分けねーつーの。マジありえねえ



I think I have pretty interesting hobbies
I try a new restaurant every week (does that count?) and go ballroom dancing on Wednesdays. Scrabble is a pretty big deal. I also follow the poker world, cricket, formula one, the NBA, and football (somewhat).



Also, this


Sorry for the low quality
Running, biking, and programming are pretty much what I do for fun, aside from video games. When I run/bike, I try to be spontaneous. Today I was trying to choose between a 6 mile and 10 mile ride, but instead decided to take a 20 mile tour of my town!
Android Developement. Something I got into after I got my first android device a year and a half back. I have started getting into linux terminal architecture as I delve into more deeper details of OS workings and contribute in a minor part in the unofficial cyanogenMOD projects. If I have time and motivation, I may get into it big time.

How exactly did you get started on this? Did you start off here? Reason I ask is because I've been thinking about doing it for a long time, but every time I look into it, it just feels overwhelming. I admit though that it would be a boss skill to have once the time is put in.

Anyway, so I've been exploring this idea of backtracking through my life up to this point to remember what hobbies/skills I was learning that were a lot of fun for me and could've turned into a profession/career/business. But, for whatever reason I got discouraged from it and stopped.

I've gotten back into reading. Lots of blogs and a couple books. I used to LOVE reading when I was a kid, but then video games came along and that was a lot more fun. Now I've kinda shifted away from video games/Pokémon (though not completely as far as Pokémon goes), so I need something else to fill up time. Biggest reason for reading though is I've come to this crossroad in my personal life and I guess I'm looking for "answers". That's the best way I can put it w/o making a ridiculously long post. I'm also in the same boat as Soul Fly: paperbacks are becoming too expensive and I'm gonna need a Tablet if I keep this up, which I suspect I will.

I've also been writing, but right now it's more like "keeping a journal of thoughts that pop into my head during the day". It might turn into something someday though, who knows. I'd still recommend that everyone do this though. I always hated the idea of it, but it's turned out pretty cool so far. Probably because I just have a different outlook on it now.

I was at this camp a month ago and I got a chance to do some clay shooting with guns(idk what anyone else calls them anywhere else - those disc thingies :/ ). I always eschewed guns, but I gotta admit it was pretty fun. I want to get into it, but I have no income coming in atm.

Got into watching the NFL and NBA again since moving back in with family. I won't claim to know too much about either game and I don't want to either. I'm terrified of becoming that sports junkie that lives vicariously through the superstars in their respective leagues. Speaking of which, I've been thinking about playing basketball again, but that seems like a tall order (too old for it, completely out of shape atm, haven't touched a basketball in years etc etc). But it was something I loved as a kid, but never stuck with it because I didn't think I was good enough to try out for any team on any level(people told me that along the way growing up, so I believed it).

Other things left to look into on my list:

Video Game Design (or anything I like that can be done in the gaming industry)
Graphic Design
Web Design
Healthy Lifestyle: God, I need this bad :(. Even if I don't end up playing basketball. Been following the "Do You Even Lift?" thread loosely and weightlifting/bodybuilding has piqued my interest.

Looks like a big plate I've got there.
My hobby is mostly drawing, which quite relates to my work as an Architectural Designer. Other hobbies I have are chess, playing the flute, video games, reading manga, watching anime, (albeit less prevalent now) and bowling.
i play soccer every week, be it for fun or small tournaments.

i am an active cyclist. it has just recently (since 2 months ago?) become a hobby again and i religiously hit up some routes once/twice a week. most times twice.

i also blog and enjoy it very much!

i suppose ive been playing chess more actively as of late as well so you can count that in