The MMO Screenshot Contest
Sponsored by the MMO room on the main server
From July 14 to July 28, there will be a screenshot contest where users can submit a screenshot from their favorite MMO (Massive Multiplayer Online) in an attempt to win prizes. Details are below. Sponsored by the MMO room on the main server
- One submission per user.
- You are required to have taken the screenshots yourself.
- The screenshot must be from a MMO (The game must be advertised by the publisher as a MMO to count).
- The screenshot must be PS appropriate.
- The photos must be submitted by July 28 11:59pm EST.
- It is recommended for World of Warcraft players to use the selfie camera tool for the screenshots.
- Upload your screenshot to imgur then send it to Berserking Now or Meteordash over PS or Smogon with your ingame name and the name of the MMO it is taken in.
- Prize support will scale up with the number of entries.
- Third and Second Place will have their screenshot linked in the room intro for a month
- First Place will receive in addition to having their screenshot linked in the room intro for a month, a 20USD or regionally equivalent steam gift card.
- By submitting screenshot, you are aware that they may be broadcasted in the MMO Room chat and posted in this thread.
- This contest is open to anyone with a PS or Smogon account that is not permabanned from either.
- The judges for the contest are Meteordash, MochaMint, and Berserking Now
The Maplestory Level Up Event
Sponsored by the MMO room on the main server
From July 14 to July 28, there will be a level up event for the MMO Maplestory. The user with the highest level will get a prize. Maplestory website for NA, Australia, or NZ:
Details are below.Sponsored by the MMO room on the main server
- This is important. Take a date and time stamped screenshot of when you create the character you are entering. This is to be with a date and time stamped screenshot at the end of the event.
- The screenshot must be submitted by July 28 11:59pm EST to Berserking Now, Meteordash, or MochaMint
- Do not change your name on that character for the event.
- It is suggested that you play on NA Khaini server for the event as MochaMint can help you level up on that server.
- This contest is open to anyone with a PS or Smogon account that is not permabanned from either.
- Prize support will scale up with the number of entries.
- First Place will receive a 10USD or regionally equivalent nexon prepaid card.
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