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Dice is obsessed with gambling, so it likes to take chances. There are 5 chance-based things that he does.
1). Have Serene Grace as an ability.
2). Know Metronome and use it first in all battles.
3). Know Ancientpower.
4). If you can breed, breed Lucky Chant on it. If not, teach it a TM from the Game Corner.
5). Solo 3 Gym trainers to evolve once using only meteronome and 1 GL pokemon to evolve a second time.
@Tetrinity: I was planning on the insanely difficult Platinum for a while, I must be frigging nuts. >_> I'm seeing more and more sadistic-as-fuck Challanges, and I'm going to be getting six of them. D: Hahaha, makes for torturous writing fun, huh? :p My Black Scramblocke is going to be plenty dark too, and Stall is going to have a death very early in her journey. (Yes, I picked a female. >_> Gonna be fun trying to write first person as a female. >_>)
Bertha has five Pokémon. Struggle does 25% recoil damage. Without using items, that means he's required to use Sitrus Berry, and has to have exactly the right HP that he can survive five 25% damage hits, as well as OHKOing every single one of Bertha's Pokémon. He also must be a Rock/Steel/Ground type in order to not die to Hippowdon's sand stream./ And her Pokémon are ridiculously defensive things like Gliscor, Hippowdon, Rhyperior and Golem - OHKOing them with Struggle is going to be really hard, if not entirely impossible.
Actually, I suppose Shell Bell might work. But still, I'm not sure a Gliscor/Aerodactyl/Skarmory can OHKO Rhyperior with Struggle, even at level 100. Someone should work it out.
Maybe he'll have to manipulate the RNG to get crits every time?
Edit: Ran some calcs; even Staraptor at level 100 can't OHKO Bertha's Rhyperior with a critical hit Struggle. I believe this challenge is literally impossible.
He also has to do it with a Flying Type caught before Eterna City...so no Gliscor, Aerodactyl or Skarmory...probably only Staraptor.
I'm not really sure if a Staraptor could stand any chance against Bertha, even with all of its moves, let alone with just Struggle.
I suppose if CD posts that it is indeed impossible i'll allow him use of Double Team (which essentially stops Bertha from attacking him) and items to heal back the recoil.
mygavolt, Take AFive (ArcanaFive) the Mr.Mime!
This Mime is based around one of my new favourite yu-gi-oh cards, and the tarot sign it represents, the fool.
Your restrictions are: 1. If he is in your party during the first time you enter a new area (basically, a new route or town), you must flip a coin. If tails, Arcana must be put under the effects of safeguard before he battles in that area. If Heads, he is under the effect of embargo
There are 2 things you can do to stop bad luck: 2. Solo 5 Pokemon using moves that are under 100% accuracy to get a "second coin toss", allowing you to flip again if you get heads in a route. (Can collect up to 5 second coin tosses at one time, can only be used once per new area). and: Solo 10 Pokemon that has a type super effective against Mr.Mime to get a "reversal of fate", allowing you to reverse the coin toss effect for one route (so heads becomes tails, and vice versa). (Can collect 5 reversals of fate).
Also, the fool cannot be naturally switched from defence to attack mode, so 3. If he deals direct damage to an opponent, he must continue to directly damage said opposing pokemon until either faint.
Finally, the fool is the weakest offensive arcana, but has the strongest effect, therefore 4. He must have at least one attack with a secondary effect. The rest of his attacks must have a BP of 60 or under.
Oh wait. 5 restrictions. OK.
The fool is the symbol of naivety, and as such I have been a bit naive with my restrictions. See, there are a few loopholes you can abuse with the other 4 restrictions. However, us naive types hope you won't abuse them. 5. You are free to abuse any and all the loopholes within the previous 4 restrictions.
If you can't find any restriction loopholes, feel free to ask me for a hint. I may just give them away.
okay im feeling masochistic
give me the worlds hardest ruby chaalange EVER
no shouting out loud
no drudgery
treadshot and arceustar can give me challanges but they must not be the most brutal, evil or hardest on my team
give my your worst, try your hardest to make my life a misery
TL;DR give me insane chalanges that will make my regret ever doing this.
One scramble-ruining Cheri Berry Zubat, coming up!
EDIT: Alright The QWAZ. You've asked for it. You get the worst. The creme de la creme of all Cheri Berry Zubats. Flapper, the Cheri Berry Zubat.
This Cheri Berry Zubat, like all others, must hold a Cheri Berry to fight, & when it loses one mid battle, you MUST switch out. That's the easy part.
Now, From the moment you pick it up, which is the moment you enter Granite Cave, before you reach Steven Stone in Granite Cave (You must get it before this), you are subjected to a whole bunch of curses.
Firstly, it may never leave the party. NEVER.
Next, Flapper may never evolve.
Thirdly, under no circumstance are you allowed to soft reset. If you do, then you must dump EVERY Item in the main Pocket, AND the Balls Pocket. Additionally, you must buy 10,000 Pokedollars worth of items & dump them as well. If you cannot satisfy this requirement, then Flapper will turn on you & eat you alive. That is, you lose the scramble.
Fourthly, you must use it in every trainer battle you encounter AND use at least one attacking move in each, even ones you are required to solo with another Pokemon. In that case, it must lead & the attacking restriction is void for that battle.
Next, while he's alive, & holding a Cheri Berry, you may not use items in battle, EXCEPT Poke Balls. If Flapper faints, then after the battle, you must select one berry, & throw out all instances of that berry.
Finally, if you run out of Cheri Berries, Flapper will explode & set you on fire, killing you. That is, you lose the scramble.
You asked for a torturous Scramble, here is a torturous challange. Should you lose, then you only have yourself to blame. Not me, I just give you the challange.
This is number 4 in my countdown, and do you know what every pokemon has? 4 moves! So, this will be a moveset and move selection restriction challenge.
(In battle, Take the Top left attack as move 1, top right as move 2, bottom left as move 3, and bottom right as move 4)
1. You can only use moves 1 and 3 if you have an even amount of health left, and moves 2 and 4 if you have an odd number of health left
2. If hit by a physical move, you cannot use the top line of your moveset until you are hit by a special move. (Restriction Revision. If you are hit by a special move, you cannot use the bottom line of your moveset until you are hit by a physical move.)
3. Moves 1 and 4 cannot be special, and Moves 2 and 3 cannot be physical
4. The total base power for all your moves must equal a multiple of 4.
4 restrictions for challenge 4 in my countdown from 6. There shall not be an evolution restriction. Have fun with Dustox :)
(Also, as an unnecessary aside, I took a Major Arcana test just because I can. I'm death :P. (although I could also be fool too, so yay :))
The Qwaz, I am currently editing in a challange based on the Major Arcana, and will require you to take an online test to discover which Major Arcana you are (Google it).
-_- I was doing Dustox til Luigiowns happened.
-_- Then it was going to be Zigzagoon til Treadshot happened.
Alright MAGGOT, you want hard, you got it. I'm giving you a male Poochyena. This Poochyena must be obtained before Roxanne for reasons which will become apparent later.
So, your Poochyena. Turns out he's on a little quest to discover the truth about his own Major Arcana, since hey, that's what he's interested in. As such, he intends to do things he considers linked to all of these Major Arcana to see which fits him best. And as you may or may not know, there are 21 major arcana.
Learn at least three TMs or HMs. These may never be overwritten.
Show Poochyena's potential and resources by having at least one physical, one special and one status move at all times.
Poochyena searches for the perfect woman. Use Attract on at least 7 female Pokémon.
Make Poochyena a father to at least three Eggs, all of which must be hatched while he is in the party.
Lead the party at all times in Granite Cave and Victory Road.
As a leader, apply at least one of these restrictions to every one of your Scramblemons, apart from those that can only be done by Zigzagoon.
Max out Poochyena's happiness stat and trust in you. You can check this in Verdanturf Town by getting the message "It adores you. It can't possibly love you any more. I even feel happy seeing it."
Solo at least ten trainers on land and water with physical moves alone.
Solo three Team Magma Grunts and one Tabitha or Maxie encounter with Dustox.
Never use a mouth-based move, and use Poochyenaa to scout twenty trained opposing Pokémon's movesets before switching to another Pokémon.
Land at least seven critical hits in half an hour of in-game time.
Solo Roxanne.
Survive thirty turns in a battle without inflicting damage.
Release the Pokémon that Poochyena bred with, and those that hatched from their eggs. Win a battle while confused after this.
Wound each of your party members in a battle, and switch in Poochyena as healfodder. Heal the entire party to full.
Trash items in your bag equal to 50,000 Pokédollars.
Be knocked out in a single blow ten times.
Be revived in battle ten times.
Choose your moves randomly in fifteen trainer battles.
Hold the Soothe Bell at all times.
Solo ten trained Pokémon and three Gym leader mons in red health.
Pick three restrictions and repeat them to show how far you've come.
All of these may be completed in any order you so choose, but at least seven must be completed before you may evolve.
Eventually, Poochyena comes to you having completed his tasks, and asks you for your arcana in case it might help. At this point you're probably thinking whichever arcana it is will force you to complete that restriction again, right? NOPE. In some cases, that is blatantly impossible (ex. Strength). Once you've taken your arcana test, let me know, and I will give you a new restriction based on that.
But as it turns out, Poochyena's true Arcana is The Fool. From Wikipedia: "The Fool is the spirit in search of experience. He represents the mystical cleverness bereft of reason within us, the childlike ability to tune into the inner workings of the world."
Appropriate, no? Teach him Secret Power to represent his tuning in to the world, and rename him "The Fool" if you so desire. Lead with Secret Power in all future battles he takes part in.
Oh, and if you fail to complete all the restrictions before the Elite Four, trash items in your bag equal to 100,000 Poké to show that he has failed. As a result, he is unable to compete in the Elite Four, devoid of his purpose in life. You bastard.
You say you don't want me to give you the hardest challenge on your team, and yet your PM says that I can go all out.
Screw your rules, all out it is.
You'll get a Zigzagoon.
Edit: take Valziente, the Zigzagoon. This Zigzagoon has a few issues, but only one really bugs it. Namely, you. Catching it, trying to use it for your own purposes, threatening to breed it for perfect IV babies...it can't stand the though of all the things you could do to it.
Valziente's first torturous restriction is that you must never use Valziente in battle, because frankly it doesn't like to listen to your commands.
The second restriction is that Valziente doesn't like any other trainers either. So it must be in the last slot of your party during any trainer battles.
Thirdly, Valziente may hold items, but it may never hold EXP Share, Amulet Coin, Lucky Egg or Leftovers. It may also never leave your party, because it wants to keep a close eye on you to make sure you don't hurt the other Pokemon you catch.
Valziente also wants you to die to Groudon, but since you have a habit of not doing so, you are forced to catch Groudon instead. But you must do this according to Valziente's instruction. Groudon must be captured while you are on your last Pokemon (not including Valziente, who's never used in battle), and that Pokemon must be in red health when Groundon is captured. Release Groudon (or box it) immediately afterwards.
Finally, Valziente decides that in order to achieve its goal of stopping trainers from torturing Pokemon, it has to help you beat the E4 and Champion. So you must use Valziente to solo one of the 5 trainers in the Pokemon league (this is the only time Valziente may be used in battle, and she can hold an item but not have any items used on her except that one). You have a time limit, from when you first exit Victory Road to the Pokemon League, you have 3 in game hours. During this time, Valziente is the only Pokemon you may use in battle (you may not switch to other Pokemon for any reason). When the 3 hours is up, you must enter the Pokemon League to fight the E4 and allow Valziente to do its solo challenge.
You must catch Valziente before you beat the second gym.
Valziente the Zigzagoon
Catch it before beating the second gym
No using it in battle
Last slot of party during every trainer battle
Hold items allowed, but no EXP Share, Amulet Coin, Lucky Egg or Leftovers
Must catch Groudon, but only when your last Pokemon (except Valziente) is in red health
From when you exit Victory Road, you have 3 in game hours where you may only use Valziente in battle (no using others in battle for anything at all)
After that time is up, enter the E4 and solo one of the E4/Champion with Valziente (the only battle in which Valziente may fight, no items except the held item)
Yes, basically the only thing hard about this challenge is that you have 3 in game hours to raise a Zigzagoon from before the second gym to solo an E4 member/the Champion, without items to help aside from her held item.
okay im feeling masochistic
give me the worlds hardest ruby chaalange EVER
no shouting out loud
no drudgery
treadshot and arceustar can give me challanges but they must not be the most brutal, evil or hardest on my team
give my your worst, try your hardest to make my life a misery
TL;DR give me insane chalanges that will make my regret ever doing this.
Treadshot, could you change the zigzagzoon to be a bit harder, im playing on an emulator and i could just speed the game upto 1000% to make it really easy.
Brutally hard it is. For some reason, I aspire to be as sadistic as Treadshot.
Take a Voltorb named Kamikaze. This Voltorb likes exploding; hence, once it learns Selfdestruct or Explosion those must be the only moves it ever uses.
Also, it is jealous of other exploders and is worried that they may usurp its position. Hence, it must solo some of the hardest potential exploders (yes with just Selfdestruct or Explosion):
Both Liza and Tate's Lunatone and Solrock;
Sidney's Shiftry;
Both of Glacia's Glalies;
Both of Steven's Claydol and Metagross.
Yes, you can use items but no Leppa Berries, Ethers, Elixirs, Max Ethers or Max Elixirs except out of battle.
If at any point you run out of PP, you must restart the battle.
Last restriction: Kamikaze hasn't got hands. Hence, no held items for it.
Treadshot, could you change the zigzagzoon to be a bit harder, im playing on an emulator and i could just speed the game upto 1000% to make it really easy.
No items (except the held item), with 1 in game hour to raise your Zigzagoon, to something under level 15, to solo an E4 member?
That will be a struggle, that's for sure. Even with all your moves, you only have your level-up moves to level 15 and TMs/HMs.
And no TM/HM can save you when there's that much of a difference, you'll be OHKO'd.
Good luck.
BTW, if you really want to raise the difficulty of this challenge to a fair bit above 9000, then you have to solo 2 E4 members, with no healing in between with Valziente. That's if you're being really suicidal, though.
No items (except the held item), with 1 in game hour to raise your Zigzagoon, to something under level 15, to solo an E4 member?
That will be a struggle, that's for sure. Even with all your moves, you only have your level-up moves to level 15 and TMs/HMs.
And no TM/HM can save you when there's that much of a difference, you'll be OHKO'd.
Good luck.
BTW, if you really want to raise the difficulty of this challenge to a fair bit above 9000, then you have to solo 2 E4 members, with no healing in between with Valziente. That's if you're being really suicidal, though.