Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

Okay Naix you have to start rage whenever it goes into yellow health no items must be used on it since all it wants is it's sandwich solo your rivals starter at all times the previous restrictions are in place when soloing

Ah, Naix, you're right.
How could I forget the rage-quit inducing Gen I Wrap mechanics?
How about "Can only attack a foe it has Wrapped in the past", so after the ridiculous amount of turns Wrap lasts for, you can attack freely.
Okay, sounds good, thank you both. Now all that's left is user 18's reservation.
Chapter 3 is up! This one is the first of my updates to reach a 4k word count, though it's mostly tl;dr Metronome battles and hax moments. Also, sorry about the old memes; I'm really the only person I know who likes even old jokes.
Okay, sounds good, thank you both. Now all that's left is user 18's reservation.

Speaking of which...

Take Fossil the Omanyte. Trade him in at the earliest possible opportunity. Fossil is old enough to have been passed from Trainer to Trainer many times, and no-one even knows who his first Trainer was. He's that old.

Now, Fossil is an old-fashioned pokemon (obviously). As such, he fought in the same war Lt. Surge fought in. The catch is, the two of them fought on opposite sides. Solo Lt. Surge because of an old rivalry.

After this solo is complete, Fossil takes pause to reflect on the horrors of war. He may not battle again until Koga has been defeated.

Solo and capture Articuno, and leave the bird in your box. Do the same with Zapdos in the Power Plant. Fossil embarks on a quest to destroy all of the rivalry between pokemon trainers. The legendary birds are one source of this rivalry.

Victory Road is another. When you reach Victory Road, put all of your other pokemon into the box, and keep out only Fossil. Solo all of Victory Road, the training ground of the greatest Trainers, in order to dispel the notion of competition once and for all. During this solo, items may be used only in battle, and nothing may be done to reduce the wild pokemon encounter rate. All wild encounters must be defeated.

During his solo of Victory Road, Fossil comes to realize that battle isn't all bad, and resolves to help you fight your way to the top. Solo Lance because he represents the pinnacle of the Pokemon League (or so you think...)

Each time you fail one of the above solos, add one of the Champion's pokemon of your choice to the above tally. When all of the Champion's pokemon have been accounted for, drop down to Agatha's pokemon. If all of her pokemon are accounted for, drop down to Bruno's pokemon. If you manage to fail solos more than that many times, throw out p10000 worth of items for each additional solo you fail.

- Solo Lt. Surge
- Can't battle until Koga is defeated
- Solo and capture Articuno and Zapdos
- Solo Victory Road, all wild encounters and all trainers
- Solo Lance
- For each solo you attempt and fail, solo one of the Champion's pokemon. See above paragraph.

How's this?
Speaking of which...

Take Fossil the Omanyte. Trade him in at the earliest possible opportunity. Fossil is old enough to have been passed from Trainer to Trainer many times, and no-one even knows who his first Trainer was. He's that old.

Now, Fossil is an old-fashioned pokemon (obviously). As such, he fought in the same war Lt. Surge fought in. The catch is, the two of them fought on opposite sides. Solo Lt. Surge because of an old rivalry.

After this solo is complete, Fossil takes pause to reflect on the horrors of war. He may not battle again until Koga has been defeated.

Solo and capture Articuno, and leave the bird in your box. Do the same with Zapdos in the Power Plant. Fossil embarks on a quest to destroy all of the rivalry between pokemon trainers. The legendary birds are one source of this rivalry.

Victory Road is another. When you reach Victory Road, put all of your other pokemon into the box, and keep out only Fossil. Solo all of Victory Road, the training ground of the greatest Trainers, in order to dispel the notion of competition once and for all. During this solo, items may be used only in battle, and nothing may be done to reduce the wild pokemon encounter rate. All wild encounters must be defeated.

During his solo of Victory Road, Fossil comes to realize that battle isn't all bad, and resolves to help you fight your way to the top. Solo Lance because he represents the pinnacle of the Pokemon League (or so you think...)

Each time you fail one of the above solos, add one of the Champion's pokemon of your choice to the above tally. When all of the Champion's pokemon have been accounted for, drop down to Agatha's pokemon. If all of her pokemon are accounted for, drop down to Bruno's pokemon. If you manage to fail solos more than that many times, throw out p10000 worth of items for each additional solo you fail.

- Solo Lt. Surge
- Can't battle until Koga is defeated
- Solo and capture Articuno and Zapdos
- Solo Victory Road, all wild encounters and all trainers
- Solo Lance
- For each solo you attempt and fail, solo one of the Champion's pokemon. See a bove paragraph.

How's this?
Rough, but I'll accept it regardless. Should I trade it in directly from Blue/Yellow, or trade it to Silver, breed it, and then trade it in? Also, does the "toss out p10,000 worth of items" apply to Agatha and Bruno, and also, should the items' value be taken out, or should it be their cost?
Rough, but I'll accept it regardless. Should I trade it in directly from Blue/Yellow, or trade it to Silver, breed it, and then trade it in? Also, I'll be assuming the "solo one of the Champion's pokemon if you fail" applies to all of the soloes.

Yes, it applies to all the solos. I don't care what game it comes from, just make it an appropriate level, with no egg moves (do those even exist in gen II tradebacks to gen I?).
By the way, if I fail a solo and have to throw out money, should it be their value or price that contributes to the p10,000?
Red Scramble - Main Post

Hard difficulty
Minimal drudgery
The minimum required soloes per challange is 2
Nothing clearly/borderline impossible
I can trade​
I'm willing to solo the Birds, but not Mewtwo Probably...

Who I'll be using

Maix, take Ystra the Charmander. Ystra has one slight issue. It hates heights. It just can't stand them. I mean, what if it falls? What if it's wings fail? What if...

...what if it stays a Charmeleon?! Then it never has to fly! Yay! (i.e. no Charizard for you!)

Ystra also doesn't really like to be too risky. Attacking up close isn't for it, so it can only use Scratch and any long range moves it has (Scratch because otherwise it would be impossible). Long range is defined as anyting that can be used from a distance if it were applicable in real life; Flamethrower and Ember are long-range, while things like Dragon Claw and Bite aren't.

Just to prove that even with it's fear of heights and refusal to fight up close it's not useless, solo Brock and Misty, maximum of 5 items per leader to be used.

And then solo Moltres, since it's basically the opposite of Ystra: a fire type that flies. Get rid of it.

Solos reserved: Brock, Misty.
Pokemon Solos reserved: Moltres.

Naix, take Nasty the Zubat. Nasty is rather nasty. He likes to confound his enemies and then drain their health while they're down. For this reason, he must have a confusion-inducing move and a draining move at all times. He cannot use any other moves, and he must use these two moves to solo Erika. However, Nasty isn't that great of a flier. He cannot evolve until he gains better aerial abilities by learning Wing Attack. After evolving, he must solo two Bird Keepers with only Wing Attack, to prove his abilities in the air. His last move is... particularly nasty. Use a random number generator to determine his final move. Tell us what it is, by the way.
1. Bide - to send his foes' attacks back at them
2. Hyper Beam - to blast his foes into oblivion
3. Mimic - to use his opponent's move as his own
4. Swift - to always hit his opponents, regardless of their efforts to evade
5. Toxic - to slowly but surely kill off his opponents
When he finally learns his final move, he discovers somebody even nastier than himself - Giovanni! He must solo the entire 8th gym with no items, to prove that he's nastier than all of the nastiness thrown at him.

Naix, take an Clefairy called Shopper.

Shopper is obsessed with Poké Marts, especially the Department Store in Celadon. She's constantly dragging you off to buy things - whenever you enter a populated area with a Poké Mart while Shopper is in the party, you must buy an item(s) for her. At first, she'll buy any old item, but as she grows in strength, her tastes grow more expensive. Add up the BP of each of her moves and multiply by ten. The item(s) you buy must cost at least this much.

Shopper is definitely one to keep up with the trends - as soon as possible, all of her moves must be taught by TMs or HMs. Furthermore, while she'll refuse to use the Moon Stones you find lying around, after you've visited Celadon Department Store you can trick her into believing you bought one and she'll agree to use it.

Now, time for the part you've been waiting for. Solos.

1. All Beauty trainers - consider it fighting over a bargain in a sale. They look like
in the overworld.
2. Sabrina
3. Lorelei

Naix, catch yourself a Bellsprout and name him Shrub.
This Bellsprout manages to get his vines on your Pokedex, and decides to follow it blindly.
A carnivorous Pokemon that traps and eats bugs. It appears to use its root feet to replenish moisture.
Following this data, Shrub tries to trap all opposing Pokemon, as he has trouble identifying Bugs.
After level 13, he can only directly attack a Pokemon if he is Wrapped around them. Note: Because of Wrap's Gen I mechanics, this restriction is changed to "can't attack until its opponent has been Wrapped."

He must solo a gym leader to evolve.

As a Weepinbell...
It spits out PoisonPowder to immobilize the enemy and then finishes it with a spray of Acid.
Following this new data, Shrub must learn both PoisonPowder and Acid, and always lead with one or the other.
He can evolve after he soloes every trainer in a gym (Including the gym leader) with those two moves alone.

As a Victreebell...
Said to live in huge colonies deep in jungles, although nobody has ever returned from there.
Following this new data, Shrub tries to create his own colony, but he doesn't get along well with others.
He must solo every Grass-type he sees, unless this conflicts with another solo.

Good luck! (I can make it harder if you wish)

You get Sandwitch the Dratini to evolve you must totally incapacitate 5 mons (trainer owned) using wrap Sandwitch is also angry because someone stole his Sandwitch so he must learn the worst move in the whole game RAGE!!!! . Solo 10 trainers to evolve again with rage . Then there are no more restrictions but it always has to know Wrap and rage and always use rage at the beginning of the battle. Note: because of Rage's Gen I mechanics, this has been changed to "must use Rage whenever Sandwitch gets in the yellow."
Any adjustments tell me

Take Fossil the Omanyte. Trade him in at the earliest possible opportunity. Fossil is old enough to have been passed from Trainer to Trainer many times, and no-one even knows who his first Trainer was. He's that old.

Now, Fossil is an old-fashioned pokemon (obviously). As such, he fought in the same war Lt. Surge fought in. The catch is, the two of them fought on opposite sides. Solo Lt. Surge because of an old rivalry.

After this solo is complete, Fossil takes pause to reflect on the horrors of war. He may not battle again until Koga has been defeated.

Solo and capture Articuno, and leave the bird in your box. Do the same with Zapdos in the Power Plant. Fossil embarks on a quest to destroy all of the rivalry between pokemon trainers. The legendary birds are one source of this rivalry.

Victory Road is another. When you reach Victory Road, put all of your other pokemon into the box, and keep out only Fossil. Solo all of Victory Road, the training ground of the greatest Trainers, in order to dispel the notion of competition once and for all. During this solo, items may be used only in battle, and nothing may be done to reduce the wild pokemon encounter rate. All wild encounters must be defeated.

During his solo of Victory Road, Fossil comes to realize that battle isn't all bad, and resolves to help you fight your way to the top. Solo Lance because he represents the pinnacle of the Pokemon League (or so you think...)

Each time you fail one of the above solos, add one of the Champion's pokemon of your choice to the above tally. When all of the Champion's pokemon have been accounted for, drop down to Agatha's pokemon. If all of her pokemon are accounted for, drop down to Bruno's pokemon. If you manage to fail solos more than that many times, throw out p10000 worth of items for each additional solo you fail.

- Solo Lt. Surge
- Can't battle until Koga is defeated
- Solo and capture Articuno and Zapdos
- Solo Victory Road, all wild encounters and all trainers
- Solo Lance
- For each solo you attempt and fail, solo one of the Champion's pokemon. See above paragraph.

How's this?


Hello, I'd like to do a Scramble of Red Version.

Name: Naix
Difficulty: Hard
Drudgery: Minimal
Optional Rules:
I can trade.
The minimum amount of required soloes is 2.

I am willing to solo the Birds, but not Mewtwo.

We have received your letter, and have prepared your team for you. You will, unless mentioned otherwise, acquire all of these when you normally would in the game. Your challanges are ready, so whenever you can, please go to the address mentioned on the envolope, and our clerk will show you to the hallway. When you get there, enter the door marked "I" on it and go through the red door. The rest is mentioned on the wall. Have fun!
- The Scramble Challange Co.

I enter the building, and do as mentioned on the letter. Once I enter the red room, I notice a chair, a helmet with a visor that looks like it goes over my eyes, and a sheet on the wall, telling me how to activate the room's effects, as well as the general rules of Scrambles. Following its instructions, I put on the helmet and flip the switch on the side of the helmet, and suddenly the surroundings changed!

It was as if I were actually in Pallet Town, down to the last pixel! Surprisingly, I was unchanged, save for clothing. My clothes were quite blocky, but that was to be expected. I headed towards my PC, entered my passcode, and found a Potion in my box, just like in the games, so in order to advance the plot, I decided to head for Professor Oak's Laboratory, but before I could leave, I decided to check the mailbox. It had something I wasn't expecting.

It had a letter in it.
The letter was addressed to me, so I, not having any acquaintances in Kanto, was curious about who wrote it. To satisfy my curiosity, I opened and read it in the safety in "my home", and I was surprised, yet not surprised, to find out that it was from the Scramble Challange Co.
Your first Pokemon will be a Charmander. Nickname it Ystra.
- Scramble Challange Co.
With this knowledge, I went to the lab to pick up Ystra, and to meet my rival: Sir Samuel Oak the Third, or just Sam III for short. He had a pompous, regal air about him, and apparently he was also their to start on a "quest" of some sort, and he needed a Pokemon to accompany him on said quest. At least, that's what you would think of him if he wasn't your standard Rival. Typically, the Pokemon he chose was a Squirtle, who has a natural advantage over Ystra. As I headed out to begin my adventure, Sam III challenged me to a battle. Naturally, I had no choice but to accept his offer.

The battle started out as you'd expect it would, with Ystra and Squirtle constantly Tackling and Scratching each other. It was nothing special, really. Nothing much happened, and Ystra's higher Speed allowing it to first was the key proponent to its victory.

After running the Parcel errand for Oak, and he gave me and Sam III Pokedexes, so we could catch Pokemon, but Sam III challenged me to a rematch, at Route 22, for a 2-on-2 battle.



"Well then, off you go! Those Pokemon aren't going to catch themselves, you know!"

Before I left, I checked the mailbox; another letter was in it:
Your second Pokemon is an Omanyte. One of our clients has it. He's in Viridian City.
- The Scramble Challange Co.
P.S. This letter is the last one that we will send you for the rest of this Challange. All other notifications will be forwarded to your PC.
I got there and got the Omanyte, which I was informed responded to Fossil. It seemed to be normal, at least in comparison to Ystra. I decided to get better acquainted with Fossil, and to do so by catching wild Pokemon, just in case if I needed to trade for another one.

Later I realised that I was at Route 22, which was where Sam III requested the rematch to be, and since I had Ystra and Fossil with me, I had 2 Pokemon, which meant that I had enough Pokemon for the 2-on-2 rematch to begin. However, I forgot to heal, and found Sam III on top of a plateau, just waiting for me. I tried to sneak away from him, but unfortunately, he saw me from the corner of his eye.

The battle began with Ystra up against his Pidgey. Ystra started off with Ember, which it recently learned thanks to the training I gave it and Fossil. Pidgey retaliated by kicking sand into Ystra's eyes, making its attacks overall less reliable. With this in mind, Ystra used Ember; however, this one was more widespread, and caught Pidgey off guard, knocking it out. Sam III then sent out his Squirtle. I called Ystra back, and sent out Fossil, hoping that its high Defense and Special would allow it to take Squirtle's attacks all day, but because its only damaging move is Water Gun, I felt that it was going to be a war of attrition. Eventually, after I felt Fossil had done enough, I called it back, and sent Ystra back in. The rest of the battle went similarly to the first battle went. The battle ended with Ystra using its higher Speed to outmaneuver Squirtle, giving me the win.

Viridian Forest was as anybody who hasn't played a Gen I game would expect it: dark, bug-infested, cloudy with the occasional thunderstorms (due to the presence of Pikachu), but pretty mild aside from that. Bug Catchers were all over the place, but most of them were more focused on locating Bug-types, such as the ferocious Scyther and Pinsir. Thankfully, I didn't run into either of them, and fought a few Bug Catchers, their main reason for battling probably being the supposed presence of Scyther, or to help defend themselves against the territorial Beedrill, who live in swarms. I used Ystra throughout the forest, due to its type advantage against the sheer multitude of Bug-types. I abstained from battling any wild Pokemon, for the risk of provoking a swarm of Butterfrees or Beedrills, meaning that most of the gained experience came from the Trainers' Pokemon.

The next day, I made it to Pewter City. It was what you'd expect it to have been; Museum to the north, Gym to the west, if people got and sent vacation cards in Kanto, those buildings would probably be commonly depicted on ones from Pewter City. An often overlooked part, however, is the park near the center of the City. It had a wide variety of plants, some of which I didn't know existed in Kanto. After a few hours of sightseeing, I decided to take on the gym there.

The gym had randomly scattered rocks all over the place, yet they seemed to be in some sort of pattern. As I walked toward Brock, the Gym Leader, I thought I saw the rocks move! Brock was standing next to an Onix, who seemed to be quite close to him. When I challenged him, the rocks suddenly made an oval around Brock and I, making a "ring" for which to battle.

Note: italicised text is going to be me, and how I felt about upcoming soloes. I have clear memories about beating Brock in Yellow Version, using only Pikachu. (and without Double Team, either!) I knew that if I could do that, then I could beat Brock with a Charmander.

Brock sent out Geodude, and Ystra popped out of its Poke Ball, forcing me to use it for the battle. The battle started with Geodude Tackling Ystra, who returned fire with Embers that charred it. Ystra managed toburn Geodude, only for Brock to use a Full Heal on it. Geodude curled up, and Ystra sent another Ember its way, knocking it out.

Brock then called for his Onix, while Ystra decided to stay in the ring. The two of them seemed equally matched in speed, meaning that neither could outmaneuver the other. Onix began with Tackle, which did far less than you'd imagine a Rock Snake pouncing on a small lizard would do. Ystra managed to burn Onix as well, and just like with Geodude, Brock used a Full Heal on it. Ystra seemed to be getting worn out, so I sprayed a potion on its wounds. As Ystra attacked, Onix just stood(?) there and took it.

"They're up to something, Ystra! Stop attacking!"

Ystra, having nothing else to do, Growled at it, and Onix stood still, not budging an inch.

"Now seems like a good time to attack. Ember!"

Ystra sent an ember towards the Rock Snake, which suddenly struck back with enough force that Ystra was almost knocked out of the ring. They were both tired, and each fired off one last attack. Ystra moved first, its Ember being too much for Onix, and it fainted.

So I won the battle and got the Boulderbadge and TM 34. I decided to give Ystra some well-deserved rest.

Chapter Summary
Badges: 1
Pokemon: 2
Retries: 0


Ystra the Charmander
Level 15

Ystra's doing well, mainly because none of its restrictions have come into play yet. I'm personally worried about soloing Misty, for obvious reasons. The main reason why Ystra's this high in level in comparison to Fossil is because it soloed Viridian Forest and Pewter Gym.


Fossil the Omanyte
Level 9
Water Gun

Fossil didn't see any use this chapter outside of training and the Sam III fight, because I wanted Ystra to be ready for the fight against Brock. I honestly forgot how good Fossil's typing was early-game, and I feel like an idiot for forgetting such a thing.
Note: due to the poor flow of last chapter, that will be the last time I do entirely prose updates. Also, the remaining chapters will be from the perspective of the player, rather than the in-game character.

As I went to Route 3, I decided that my top priority would be to get Nasty and Shopper ASAP, with getting Fossil caught up right behind that. I knew that if I defeated all of the Route 3 trainers with just Ystra and Fossil, there wouldn't be any for the new guys. With this in mind, I fought only the Bug Catchers and Shorts Kid.

Along the way, Ystra started evolving. I decided that to have the highest chance of beating Misty would be if Ystra learned Flamethrower, and then evolved. With that in mind, I pressed B rapidly. I had Fossil take care of the remaining Bug Catchers, and in one ofthose battles, Fossil grew to Lv. 11, which ultimately caused it to become disobedient.

When I was in Mt. Moon, I decided to look for Shopper in B2F, because that's the place where Clefairy are most likely to appear.

*5 seconds later*

Nasty appeared! I caught it and immediately noted the 15 max PP of Leech Life. Somehow, I forgot about it until the moment I caught it.

1 hour later (and keep in mind I'm using the Dodrio Gameboy Tower for this), I finally found and caught Shopper. Keep in mind that Ystra KOed every Pokemon that wasn't a Clefairy. Before I started looking for Shopper, Ystra was Lv. 17. After I finally caught her, Ystra was Lv. 22.

With both Nasty and Shopper caught, I taught Shopper Water Gun, not only because I had to, but also to help out against the Geodudes.

When I battled the Jigglypuff trainer, Nasty took it out by itself without taking out any damage. Nasty and Shopper both fainted against the Clefairy trainer, forcing me to finish it with Fossil, who only does what I want it to once every 5 turns. The rest of the battles weren't notable, aside from the Hiker getting 3-turned and Shopper putting up a good fight against the infamous Lv. 16 Raticate before fainting.

Shopper also learned Mega Punch, which OHKOes everything that doesn't resist it, and everything that does gets OHKOed by Water Gun. All of the battles managed to get her all the way to Lv. 18!

Interestingly, I noticed a loophole in one of Shopper's restrictions. One of them says "Whenever Shopper enters a populated area with a Poke Mart, you must but an item/items for her." Tetrinity never said I had to always keep Shopper in my party! Needless to say, I deposited her for this trip, as I planned to actually get to Cerulean City this time. Expect me to abuse this later as well, by the way.

On the way to the guy with the fossils, Nasty literally ran out of Leech Life PP, due to all of the Zubats that I found. Also, I encountered 2 more Clefairy when I wasn't looking for any!

I decided that, since Nasty was the lowest-levelled Pokemon on my team, I'd have it solo Fossil Nerd. His Grimer used Disable on the first turn, Disabling Leech Life, so I had to spam Supersonic, and I did exactly that for around 5 turns. Otherwise, the battle went well, with Leech Life having 3 remaining PP after I KOed his Koffing.

The choice of fossil made no difference, but I chose the Helix Fossil, mainly because he/she might've been a relative/good friend of Fossil's.

*Insert paragraph here about how I traded a Lv. 12 Shrub over from my Yellow Version file once I entered Cerulean City*

I knew that there would be almost no way for a Lv. 24 Charmeleon with Scratch and Ember as its only attacking moves to beat Misty by itself, so naturally I decided to grind. After battling the Gym trainers, I decided to go west, rather than north; however, I made 2 mistakes: I forgot to deposit Shopper, meaning I'd have to spend $16500 on items, and more importantly, I wasn't paying much attention while I was grinding and accidentally let Ystra evolve at Lv. 24 (I was watching TV, so I had my SP's volume on silent). I knew that there was no point in delaying the inevitable, so I used the 2 Rare Candies I found on it, spent $16500, healed, and challenged Misty.

Simply put, I used all 5 of my allowed items against Staryu and still had only 18 HP left when it was beaten. The rest is what you'd expect to happen.

As such, I continued training. After the second interval, I decided to do a bit of research on how high I had to train until Ystra had a good chance at soloing Misty. I had decided on Lv. 36, because that's 2 levels behind when Charmander naturally learn Flamethrower. I used a damage calculator using a Charmeleon (Lv. 38) and Starmie, and discovered that Flamethrower does ~42% while Starmie's Bubblebeam does ~35%, meaning that I required Flamethrower to successfully solo her, excluding criticals of course.

*5 training intervals later, Ystra finally learns Flamethrower and evolves*

Now that Ystra finally has a chance, I go to the Cerulean Gym and challenge Misty to a battle, for REAL this time!

The battle starts out with Ystra OHKOing her Staryu before you can say "Flamethrower". Then Misty sends out her Starmie, and the battle really begins. Flamethrower takes off 1/2 of Starmie's health, and Bubblebeam reduces my speed as well as doing 1/4 damage, but Ystra goes first anyway, frying Starmie and winning the battle. I then teach Bubblebeam to Shopper as per requirements.

Chapter Summary
Pokemon: 5
Time: 9:22
Restarts: 1


Ystra the Charmeleon
Level: 38(!)
Restarts caused: 1
Leer -> Flamethrower

Yes, I seriously did grind Ystra all the way to Lv. 38 (thank you, Dodrio Game Boy Tower!), but if I didn't, the solo of Misty would've been impossible otherwise, because a Scratch coming from a Lv. 35 Charmeleon only would've done 23.2%-28.6% to her Starmie, while Bubblebeam would've done 38.1%-45.2%. Due to how overleveled Ystra is, don't expect me to say anything about it in the future.


Fossil the Omanyte
Level: 17
Restarts caused: 0
Water Gun

Fossil didn't do much this chapter aside from one thing: disobey. Thankfully, its high Defense and Special and resistance to Normal didn't make it too annoying. Also, because I went for the Gym first instead of Bill's place, I'm forced to teach Shopper Bubblebeam, meaning that Fossil lost a move that would've helped him out greatly for Lt. Surge. Oh well, hindsight's always 20-20.


Nasty the Zubat
Level: 16
Restarts caused: 0
Leech Life
Bite (unusable)

Nasty's doing poorly, as you'd guess. Lack of usable moves other than the weak Leech Life and the unreliable Supersonic really puts a damper on its effectiveness. Needless to say, I can't wait until it learns Wing Attack and evolves.


Shopper the Clefairy
Level: 18
Restarts caused: 0
Money spent: $0
Pound -> Bubblebeam
Growl -> Mega Punch
Water Gun

Shopper's starting out strong, with Mega Punch OHKOing everything that doesn't resist it, and Water Gun OHKOing everything that does, and thanks to the loophole I found, I didn't have to spend money while I was grinding. I predict she'll still be quite useful in the future.


Shrub the Bellsprout
Level: 12
Restarts caused: 0
Vine Whip

Shrub wasn't used at all this chapter, so I can't really say much about it. Since it was traded in, I won't have to worry about catching it up.
Now that I obtained the Cascade Badge, the only way for me to go was up, and up I went, to fight Sam III.
In the battle against Sam III on Nugget Bridge, I made a quite few dumb mistakes. First off, I had Shrub in the lead slot against his Pidgeotto. Needless to say, I switched to Fossil, and Pidgeotto's attacks only did 3 damage. Water Gun critted it, and I deduced by the damage that it would barely 4HKO it. The next turn, I Water Gunned and he Quick Attacked, each doing the same damage as last turn, knocking out his Pidgeotto.
I then remembered that I kept my setting on Set rather than changing it back to Shift, meaning that Fossil was up against Abra, and I wanted Nasty in Fossil's position, so I switched. After Abra, Sam III sent out Rattata. Surprisingly, Nasty puts up a good fight against Rattata, leaving it with a sliver of health before fainting. Due to its low HP, I sent out Shrub to finish it, taking no damage in the meantime.
Shrub puts up a good fight against Sam III's Squirtle, but faints nonetheless, due to the difference of 4 levels between them. I knew that it would be enough for Nasty to finish off, but I forgot Nasty fainted, so I sent out Fossil, forgetting that its only attacking move is the NVE Water Gun, which only 2HKOed Pidgeotto due to 2 critical hits. Thankfully, the damage Shrub did meant that Fossil didn't have to use up too many Water Guns to defeat Squirtle.

After I healed and changed fighting style to Shift, I went to Bill's place. Thakfully, Shrub's boosted experience allowed it to catch up quite quickly. Whenever it's naturally faster than an opponent, it's pretty much a guaranteed KO, thanks to Wrap's mechanics.

Nugget Bridge wasn't too bad overall. Not even the Mankey trainer gave me trouble. Thanks to Fossil's resistance to Normal, Karate Chop wasn't even a 3HKO, while Water Gun KOed it in 2 turns. The Rocket's Ekans was faster than Shrub, who was the same level, but it thankfully Leered rather than Wrapped, allowing me to do so. His Zubat was easily dispatched by Shopper, only managing to do a Leech Life against her.

Later on, I found the TMs for Thunder Wave and Seismic Toss, both of which I taught to Shopper. I got rid of Water Gun, due to type redundancy with Bubblebeam. Also on the way, Shrub gets KOed by a CH Tackle before I got to the Youngster with the Slowpoke.

*insert a paragraph about getting the S.S. Ticket from Bill here. What Pokemon did he accidentally fuse with anyway?*

Now that I got the S.S. Ticket, I was able to go to Vermilion City, and thus I went there, creaming the Rocket in the backyard. I also spent $1450 on a Repel, 4 Poke Balls, and a Potion before going, because Shopper demands it! Oh, and I deposited Shopper to save money.

On the S.S. Anne...

"Aargh! Do ye know what they say about Pirates and plunder?"


The trainers that didn't have Water-types provided solid experience for Fossil, enough to get it to level 29 by the time I finished! Which reminds me...

There's another Sam III fight! That means I get to tell you how it went!

The battle started off the same way as last time, with Shrub battling his Pidgeotto, but this time it was intentional. Before Shrub could Wrap it, it did a critical Quick Attack, doing 30 damage. Thankfully, that was the only attacking move it used.
As he switched in his level 16 Raticate (seriously, that's the third one I've seen! Did Rattata evolve at level 16 in the beta or something?), I sent out Fossil, who only took 2 damage from Quick Attack before almost OHKOing it. Raticate used Hyper Fang, dealing 4 damage, before the second Water Gun came its way.
For some reason, I sent in Nasty against his Kadabra. Luckily, it used Teleport, and Leech Life did somewhere between a fourth and a third of its max HP. The same happened for another turn, but Kadabra finally used Confusion on the third turn, OHKOing the bat. I sent in Shopper to finish it off with Seismic Toss, anime style.
When he sent in Wartortle, I switched to Shrub, who took a Tackle before Wrapping it. Shrub prepared to launch a Sleep Powder, but Wartortle defeated it with a CH Tackle, once again leaving Shopper to clean up. It only took 2 Mega Punches to finish off the turtle.

Now that I have Cut, I can fight Lt. Surge, but there are 3 things I'd like to do first...

*insert a rambling speech, a Rare Candy use, and an in-game trade here*

Okay, now I'm ready to fight Lt. Surge!

The fight starts off well, with his Voltorb using Tackle, doing only 1 damage, and Water Gun did over 3/4ths. The next turn, it Screeched, only to be KOed by another Water Gun.
His Pikachu was next in line, and he (for some reason) used an X Speed on it, only for Water Gun to OHKO thanks to a crit.
Then he sent out Raichu, and things started to get interesting. He used Thunderbolt right off the bat, bringing Fossil's HP from 64 to 16. The next turn, I used the Max Potion that I found on S.S. Anne, and his Thundershock crits me, bringing me down to 28. I looked through my items, only to find out that there was only 1 more Potion in my inventory. After I used it on Fossil, Raichu gives me another critical Thundershock, leaving Fossil with a measly 8 HP remaining. I had no choice but to Body Slam it again, hoping that he uses a non-attacking move, and he uses an X Speed. The Body Slam hit, but left Raichu with a sliver of health remaining. Just enough for it to fire one last Thundershock, KOing Fossil.
*One restart later*

I'm back, with more healing items this time! Fossil beat Voltorb once again, but it used Sonicboom, the best possible move it could use, before fainting. His Pikachu actually attacked, and survived a Water Gun before going down. I actually used a Potion when fighting it, and then it Paralyzed me.
His Raichu did 27 damage with Thundershock, while Fossil Paralyzed it thanks to Body Slam. I used a Super Potion on it the next turn, and it did a critical hit Thunderbolt, causing me to restart again.
*another restart later*

I challenged him again, Voltorb was a pushover, Pikachu was annoying, yadda yadda. For some reason, he used an X Speed on Raichu, while Body Slam did less than half. He Thundershocked, and the next Body Slam paralyzed it, allowing Fossil to go first next turn and finish it off with a Water Gun.

Next time, I'll be going through Rock Tunnel with effectively a 3-mon team. Until then, (insert stereotypical goodbye here).

Chapter Summary
Pokemon: 5
Time: 13:45
Restarts: 3


Ystra the Charmeleon
Level: 38
Restarts caused: 1

Ystra saw no action at all this chapter. From now on, when a Pokemon does literally nothing in a chapter, I will have nothing here.


Fossil the Omanyte
Level: 30
Restarts caused: 2
Water Gun
Body Slam

Fossil's boosted experience meant that I didn't have to go on a training montage, like I had to with Ystra. I taught it Body Slam because Ystra, Nasty, and Shrub can't use it, and Shopper has Mega Punch, which has similar BP, but 5 more PP. Don't expect to hear anything out of this guy for the next chapter or so.


Nasty the Zubat
Level: 19
Restarts caused: 0
Leech Life
Bite (unusable)

Nasty is once again the weak link of the team, due to being the slowest to level up, its lack of power, and Leech Life's pitiful 15 PP. I'm actually somewhat worried about having it solo Erika, because I have to solo her before it learns Wing Attack, which is learned at level 28.


Shopper the Clefairy
Level: 24
Restarts caused: 0
Money spent: $1450
Mega Punch
Water Gun -> Seismic Toss
Sing -> Thunder Wave

I finally spent money for Shopper, and she's still going strong. Tetriny told me via PM that Seismic Toss is free, because its base power is listed as --. This means you can expect Seismic Toss to be a permanent moveslot.


Shrub the Bellsprout
Level: 22
Restarts caused: 0
Vine Whip
Growth -> Sleep Powder -> Stun Spore

Shrub's proving to be useful, due to Wrap's Gen I mechanics combided with Stun Spore's paralysis. Unfortunately, it'll be a long time before it evolves, because it has to solo Koga to evolve, but I'll worry about that when the time comes.
To get to Rock Tunnel, I knew I had to go through Celadon City, so I deposited Shopper along with Fossil to save money. While I was there, I exchanged my Bike Voucher for a Bicycle and withdrew Shopper, and then I was on my way.

On the way there...

I was up against a Bug Catcher and Nasty was out. I ran out of PP for Leech Life and Supersonic, and his Venonat used Disable the very turn I ran out, meaning that Nasty (technically) had no PP left and used Struggle, KOing it and gaining full experience. It learned Confuse Ray afterwards. Also, I actually had to use Ystra to finish off a Pokemon that had only 3 pixels of health remaining. And a full health Geodude. Needless to say, the crag never saw it coming.

Rock Tunnel itself wasn't difficult or annoying at all. The Pokemaniacs' Cubones provided easy exp. for Nasty, given that their only attacking move is Bone Club. Having played Gen I countless times, I knew the dungeon like the back of my hand, aside from that strange bump on my middle finger that's been there for a year or two. The only times I retreated were so I could heal a fainted party member (Nasty...).

When I was going back to the Pokemon Center for the second time...

"Shrub is trying to learn Acid!"

Because it has to know it and Poisonpowder later, and Wrap now, that means I'll have to replace either Stun Spore or Vine Whip, both of which are great losses. After much consideration, I delete Vine Whip, because I believe Stun Spore will be essential later on.

After I got through Rock Tunnel and bought a Revive to curb Shopper's obsession, I decided to battle nobody on the way to Celadon, except for the mandatory Clefairy Lass, to save exp. for Sandwitch, who I would be getting soon.

When I made it to Celadon City, evolved Shopper, and got the Coin Case, I decided to:
  1. Find out how much a Dratini costs.
  2. Find all of the hidden Game Corner Coins.
  3. Check to see if the hidden Coins plus what I could buy coins with would be enough to purchase Sandwitch.
The verdict...

It was just barely enough. You know what this means...

Training time! After I got Fly, I went off to Vermilion City, and headed to Route 11, which was full of trainers for Sandwitch to Wrap around.

5 trainer-owned Pokemon soloes later...

Sandwitch has earned the right to evolve! Normally, I would go for the Gym, but this chapter's pretty short in comparison as it is currently, so I'll harass Team Rocket instead.

The Giovanni fight begins with Onix against Sandwitch. With Wrap being Sandwitch's only move, I switched to Shopper, who OHKOed with Bubblebeam as he used Rage. I did the same thing for Rhyhorn, and the result was largely the same, except he used a Guard Spec., thus doing nothing to Shopper while she once again Bubblebeamed it for the KO. For Kangaskhan, I wanted to see if Sandwitch could solo it, so I had it use Thunder Wave, or at least I would have had Bite not flinched. Because Bite took off more than half, I switched to Shrub while he used another Guard Spec. It used Rage before I could Wrap it. Thankfully, Rage criticalled, thus ignoring the Attack boosts, letting Shrub send a Stun Spore its way. Shrub then proceeded to Wrap again, only for Wrap to d'oh miss, and Rage to finish it off. Since it was Paralyzed, I knew Sandwitch was faster, so I had it Wrap, only for it to d'oh miss as well, and for Rage to finish it off as well. Because I wasn't confident in Shopper's ability to KO it from almost full health, I sent Nasty out to send a Confuse Ray in its direction. After Kanga hits herself in confusion twice, Nasty Leeched the Life out of it. I switched to Shopper, and it hit itself again, KOing herself and giving me the win.

Now that Team Rocket has left, all that's left to do is to get the Silph Scope and--

"No more room for items!"


*Insert gif of me throwing out a random item and picking up the Silph Scope here*

Okay, now I can challenge the Gym!

Before I battle Erika, there are 3 Beauties for Shopper to solo. I'll tell you how each of them went.

Against the first Beauty, Shopper's Mega Punch misses, and Oddish puts it to sleep for 5 turns. Never have any of my Pokemon been asleep for that long in Gen I. Once Shopper woke up, she OHKOed the Oddish... and the Bellsprout... and the second Oddish... and the second Bellsprout. The second Beauty's Bellsprout was OHKOed thanks to a crit, and her second one was also KOed, this time without the assistance of a crit. The third Beauty had an Exeggcute, which dodged a Mega Punch and sent a 4-hit Barrage in Shopper's direction. The next Mega Punch hit, but didn't KO, and Exeggcute used Reflect. I decided to have Shopper use Seismic Toss next turn, which managed to scramble those eggs.

Now that that's over, it's time for what you came for!

Because Nasty has to solo Erika before learning Wing Attack, which is at Lv. 28, I had to solo her with it at Lv. 26. Anyway, on to the battle!

The fight starts off with me realizing that I should've brought Parlyz Heal, but I begin anyway. I start with Confuse Ray. At least, that's what I was going to do, but Victreebel was faster and Wrapped me. I use this oppurtunity to set up with an X Speed and X Attack which I bought at the Dept. Store. The problem is, as I used my X Attack, it used Wrap again, but getting a crit this time, forcing me to heal. X Attack boosted Leech Life only did a quarter of health to her frailest Pokemon, which meant that I'd either have to rely on confusion or use another X Attack to have a chance of winning. Thankfully, the oppurtunity comes up at the end of that turn, when it Wrapped me again. I used up my other X Attack (I probably should've bought more...), while its attack continued. I Confuse Ray it, and it hurts itself, leaving a chance for Nasty to KO it. Unfortunately, it barely doesn't and is left with 3 pixels of HP left. Thankfully, it hit itself again, knocking itself out.
Her next Pokemon was Tangela, who despite being the lowest-levelled was the most physically bulky. I open with a Confuse Ray, and it hurts itself for miniscule damage. +2 Leech Life does a fifth at best, and Tangela hurt itself again. The next Leech Life d'oh misses, and Tangely snaps out of confusion only to Constrict Nasty. I promptly confuse it the next turn, only for it to Constrict it again. 3 turns of leeching its health away, and Tangela is down, lowering Nasty's speed to normal in the process.
And then, my bat was up against a giant Rafflesia, a Vileplume. I go first and confuse it, and it puts me to sleep. Nasty stays asleep for 5 more turns, while Vileplume kicks up a Petal Dance, doing 13 damage per turn to my 70 max HP bat. Vileplume hurt itself the moment the dance wore off, doing noticable damage to itself. It shook off its confusion and used Petal Dance as Nasty woke up. I was about to take a risk. If Leech Life doesn't drain enough, and if Petal Dance crits, I'll have to do the fight all over again. I Leech Life anyway, easily healing enough to avoid a KO via crit Petal Dance, which didn't occur. One more Leech Life, and victory was mine.

So that ends this chapter! Come back next time when I solo Koga with a Bellsprout!

Chapter Summary
Party: 6 (1 on leave)
Time: 20:23
Restarts: 3


Ystra the Charmeleon
Level: 38
Restarts caused: 1


Fossil the Omanyte
Level: 30
Restarts caused: 2
Status: On leave
Water Gun
Body Slam


Nasty the Zubat
Level: 27
Restarts caused: 0
Leech Life
Bite (unusable)
Confuse Ray

I have two things to say about Nasty this chapter. First of all, that battle against Erika was the first battle that I ever used an X item in, and boy was it exciting! Second, while Nasty was the weak link of the previous chapters, it'll be able to evolve next level, where I imagine it's usefulness will go from semi-deadweight to acceptable.


Shopper the Clefable
Level: 32
Restarts caused: 0
Beauties humiliated: 3
Money spent: 2950p
Mega Punch
Seismic Toss
Thunder Wave

Shopper continues to be the team's star player, and just when her lack of power as a Clefairy became annoying, BOOM evolution! Now she's just like she was when I first got her, with Mega Punch obliterating everything that doesn't resist it or have high Defense, just like old times.


Shrub the Bellsprout
Level: 29
Restarts caused: 0
Vine Whip -> Acid
Stun Spore

Shrub's frailty is really starting to show, and I gave up Vine Whip for Acid, which has worse coverage and similar base power. The reason for this is that I believe Stun Spore will be crucial for Koga in the upcoming chapter. Other than that, don't expect to hear much from this guy.


Sandwitch the Dratini
Level: 26
Restarts caused: 0
Item: Sandwich
Thunder Wave

Sandwitch's starting out how you'd expect a Dratini to. Weak. At least it knows both Thunder Wave and Agility, allowing it to use either move, depending on the situation. I think that while it won't be the MVP, it'll still be useful, considering that its evolution is just around the corner.
Before I went back to Lavender Town, I checked to see how each of my Pokemon would do. I don't want to use Ystra, Fossil's on temporary leave, Shrub's stuck with Acid as its most powerful attack, and the only non-Normal moves Sandwitch can learn are either needed for another challange (Ice Beam, Thunderbolt) or are too expensive for me (Dragon Rage), meaning that I'll be relying on Nasty's Wing Attack/Leech Life and Shopper's Bubblebeam/Seismic Toss for the majority of Lavender Town.

However, before I can go through the tower, there's a certain Sam III fight to do!

It begins with Sandwitch fighting his Pidgeotto. I Agility, and it gets a crit Quick Attack. Cue 11-turn Wrap montage.
He then sends out Growlithe, and I forget to switch. The reason why I was going to switch was because Sandwitch missed one of its Wraps and got Sand Attacked. Nevertheless, I Wrapped anyway, which hit and did more damage to Growlithe than Pidgeotto. The puppy is put down in 8 turns of Wrapping with no misses.
Next up is Exeggcute, who got Wrapped up in Sandwitch's meal. Eventually, when it was in the red, it managed to put my little dragonthing to sleep, but I stayed in anyway. It was only asleep for 1 turn and took only 20 damage from the egg pile before serving them sunny-side up. Oh, and Sam III used a Potion on it.
He brought Kadabra in, and I switched Sandwitch out for Shrub, dodging a Disable that potentially could've forced me to switch again. Shrub almost got OHKOed by a critfusion, and gave a critical Wrap right back at it, almost downing it in 2 turns.
Wartortle was up, and so was Sandwitch (I switched when he sent Wartortle in). Wrap did miniscule damage even with a crit, and I knew Sandwitch wouldn't be able to squeeze the life out of the tortoise, or so I thought. Thanks to a 5 turn crit Wrap, Sandwitch managed to defeat Sam III, and the only one it needed help against was Kadabra!

I had Nasty fight a Channeler who only had 1 Lv. 23 Gastly. Nasty didn't learn Wing Attack yet, so it had to use the neutral Leech Life. It lost. This means I'll be switch-training for a few battles until Nasty learns Wing Attack and evolves, and then I'll probably Dodrio Gameboy Tower the rest of this place.

*Does so in less than 10 real time minutes*

Wow, that was much easier than I anticipated. On the way up, I found and caught a Cubone, and I ran into a wild Pokemon when I stepped into the "purified" zone. Yeah, that's purified all right... On a side note, Nasty was so useful now that it learned Wing Attack and evolved. While Wing Attack doesn't quite OHKO, it leaves them well in Leech Life range.

Anyway, now that I have the Poke Flute, I can now go to Fuschia City! I have 2 choices: Cycling Road, or Routes 12 through 15. I choose the latter because there are more Beauties for Shopper to solo, and TM20, Rage, is there. There are Bird Keepers in both Routes of choice, so Nasty would get its soloes in either way.

*One Snorlax, 2 Bird Keepers, 4 Beauties, and 1800p later*

I'm at Fuschia, and Sandwitch evolved! Also, of the 5 possible moves (Bide, Hyper Beam, Mimic, Swift, and Toxic) that I could've RNGed, I got what was quite possibly the worst, Bide. Before I fight Koga, there are 2 things I'd like to do. The first one is Sandwitch's 10 Rage soloes. Also, Shrub is only Lv. 30, while Koga's Pokemon are all in the high 30's at least. That is why I didn't battle anybody in between Rock Tunnel and Celadon City. Anyway, cue training montage!

My first stop was Route 11, and the first trainer I fought had a Sandshrew that used Sand Attack, and if Rage misses, its accuracy goes to 1/256. Needless to say, Sandwitch failed the solo, but I'm not resetting, because there are other fish in the sea. Sandwitch successfully Rage soloed 5 trainers in this route.

I then went to Route 10, specifically between Rock Tunnel and Lavender Town. This place has 2 Hikers, both of which had Rock-types, which resist Rage, meaning it wouldn't be a good idea to try Rage soloing them. I discovered that when the opponent uses Disable, it causes Rage to build, even if it doesn't work. Sandwitch successfully Rage soloed only 1 trainer in Route 10, because the only 2 trainers that weren't Hikers were a Pokemaniac, which Sandwitch soloed, and a Jr. Trainer who has a Pidgey and Pidgeotto, both of which have Sand Attack.

My next stop was Route 8. It had 8 trainers left for me to fight, but I only needed 4. The first of the trainers was the Gambler at the east part of the Route. His Growlithe and Vulpix stood no chance (good thing Roar doesn't make you switch out in Gen I). After that, I battled the 3 Super Nerds. The one with the Grimers and Muk had Disable, but got Wrap rather than Rage. The rest of the battle went quite smoothly, with even Poison Gas missing the only time he used it. The one with the Koffing didn't do much better, since Koffing was his only Pokemon, but he poisoned Sandwitch, forcing me to ignore the Magnemite Nerd, and battle the Meowth Lass instead. The fight against her went smoothly, thanks to Meowth's poor defenses and only average attack. Sandwitch survived with 12 remaining HP, its soloes completed.

Now that that's over, time to grind Shrub up for the Gym battle!

*The remaining Route 8, 12, 13, 14, and 15 trainers later*

During training, I taught Shrub Razor Leaf over Stun Spore, for one reason: X Speed. I didn't expect X items to have such an effect, and thus I'll always be carrying a few on hand whenever I do a Challange, just in case.

Anyway, now that training's over, it's time to fight Koga!

The fight begins with his Koffing sending Smog Shrub's way as I used an X Speed on it. Cue Wrap session. In the middle of the Wrap, he used an X Attack on Koffing. After 5 turns of Wrapping, Shrub fired a Razor Leaf towards Koffing, sending it into the red, and it used another X Attack. Another Razor Leaf finished it off, or it would've if it didn't miss. Shrub fired a third Razor Leaf and hit this time, somehow not getting a crit, and he finished Shrub off with Sludge.

*First restart since Lt. Surge*

This time, Shrub destroys his first Koffing with little trouble, despite taking exactly 40 damage. I knew that I'd want to Wrap Muk for longer than I did with Koffing, as it was much more powerful and had more Special. Koga used 2 X Attacks as I Wrapped the Muk. As I wrapped another time to help ensure that Muk would be KOed by Razor Leaf, it d'oh missed, allowing Muk to KO with Sludge.

*Second restart this chapter, also due to hax*

The next attempt, Shrub misses against Muk again, but he squanders the free turn by using Poison Gas. His first Koffing also did nothing with the free turn I gave it when I set up. Shrub also took no damage when fighting his second Koffing, because when Wrap missed, he used Smog... which missed. Because of this, Shrub managed to make it to Weezing with full health. Weezing took miniscule damage from Wrap, so I ended up using the rest of my PP on it. Wrap missed again, and Weezing actually made use of the free turn by using Sludge, which did well over half but barely less than 3/4ths. Eventually, the continuous Wrapping put Weezing well into Razor Leaf's approximate KO range, and after I used said move, the battle was mine.

Well, that Wraps up this Chapter! Come back next time, when I go through the Safari Zone, clear Saffron City of Team Rocket, and get the Marshbadge!

Chapter Summary
Pokemon: 6, and Fossil's coming back!
Time: 29:25
Restarts: 5


Ystra the Charmeleon
Level: 38
Restarts caused: 1


Fossil the Omanyte
Level: 30
Restarts caused: 2
Water Gun
Body Slam


Nasty the Golbat
Level: 38
Restarts caused: 0
Leech Life
Wing Attack
Confuse Ray

Nasty essentially swept throughout the majority of Lavender Tower, thanks to its evolution and Wing Attack. The Bird Keeper Wing Attack soloes were also a piece of cake. Overall, Nasty has definitely improved since last chapter. Shame I got Bide, though...


Shopper the Clefable
Level: 36
Restarts caused: 0
Beauties humiliated: 7
Money spent: 6350p
Mega Punch
Seismic Toss
Thunder Wave

Shopper is doing awesome as usual, and she now has a sidekick in Nasty. She'll be soloing Sabrina next chapter, and I'm honestly not worried about it. I honestly didn't use Shopper as much this chapter, because I had Nasty fight through most of Lavender Tower, and I wanted to save Shopper's HP for the Beauties in Routes 12-15. Still, she's quite useful, being one of the few members of my party who can use whatever they want whenever they want.


Shrub the Weepinbell
Level: 40
Restarts caused: 2
Stun Spore -> Razor Leaf

Boosted experience is awesome. In fact, because of boosted exp., I didn't have do do dedicated grinding sessions to get Shrub where it is now. I'm not exactly looking forward to having it solo Cinnabar Gym, but I think I'll manage. For the duration of this chapter, Shrub's Attack and Special fell behind the curve, and was stuck with Normal/Poison coverage until Lv. 33. Now that it evolved, however, I expect a noticable bump in usefulness, despite the upcoming onslaught of Poison-types.


Sandwitch the Dragonair
Level: 36
Restarts caused: 0
Item: none
Leer -> Slam
Thunder Wave -> Rage

When Sandwitch lost its sandwich, it became notably more sinister! I mean, just look at that sprite! Even though Sandwitch evolved, its power isn't too impressive, because it has no STAB, Slam has a pathetic 75 accuracy, and I'm forced to keep Wrap and Rage, both of which are weak attacks. At least I don't have to worry about its soloes anymore.
On my list of things to do, I decided to cross the Safari Zone off first, because I was in Fuchsia City. While I was on the Safari, my first encounter was a Parasect, followed by 2 Paras in a row. I caught none of them, as I already had a Paras. What I did catch, however, was a Nidoran (Male), an Exeggcute, and a Rhyhorn. Yeah, standard fare. *Insert sentence here about the Gold Teeth being only 4 paces from the sign that mentions that they're missing* When I got to the Secret House...

"I'd love to give you our campaign prize, but you don't have room for this fabulous prize!"


Anyway, after I threw away *insert unimportant item here* and got Surf, I taught it to Fossil. When I was teaching it, I noticed Sandwitch could learn it, so I taught it to Sandwitch as well, so it wouldn't have to worry about Rock-types or high defense 'mons. Now, the decision of who to Surf on, an ammonite, or a serpent? I wonder who I should Surf on, even though it doesn't matter.

*Makes the oddball choice*

The reason I Surfed is because there's tall grass south of the Secret House. "Hopefully, there's a rare find in there," I said to myself as I went towards the grass. The verdict...

I actually found a Tauros, and it was the first Pokemon to appear! Not wanting to make it run away, I ignored the Stealth Rock and Bait, and just threw a Safari Ball at it. It failed, and the Wild Bull ran. I then ran into a Nidoran (Male), 2 Exeggcute in a row, a Doduo (which I failed to catch), a Nidoran (Female) that I somehow failed to catch, a Venonat (which also ran), another Nidoran (Female), which was caught in only 1 Safari Ball, another Exeggcute and another Nidoran (Male) before time ran out.

Overall performance: D-

Anyway, with that over, I gave the Warden his teeth back in exchange for HM04 (which I taught to Shopper), and cleared Cycling Road of a Snorlax, a Biker and Cueball gang, and 3 Bird Keepers. Not much happens here, so I'll spare you the details. On the way, however, Fossil learned Horn Attack. How an Omanyte of all things can use Horn Attack I have no idea.

Before I went to Saffron City, I needed a beverage. I used this oppurtunity to get TM13, so Fossil wouldn't have trouble with Lance in the distant future, as well as helping it with catching Zapdos. Speaking of which...

When I got to Saffron City, I decided to try and catch Zapdos before doing the Silph Co. shenanigans. So, when I got there, Fossil was only Lv. 39, not quite Lv. 40. Thankfully, there's a Pokemaniac just outside the Power Plant whose Pokemon give enough experience for Fossil to evolve. Anyway, onto the solo!

Zapdos comes at Lv. 50 with an SE STAB against Fossil, who only has 10 PP to freeze it. I knew that if Fossil couldn't freeze Zapdos, I'd have to restart, thanks to the way legendary catch rates worked in Gen I. For those who haven't fought a legendary in RBY, it basically makes it so that if you throw anything other than a Master Ball at it when it isn't frozen or asleep automatically miss. With this in mind, I knew my chances were slim, but I went in anyway.



It begins with Zapdos pelting Fossil with a Drill Peck, doing minimal damage, as Fossil sends an Ice Beam its way, freezing it! Not wanting to take any chances, I had Fossil use Water Gun to wittle its health away, in case of a crit. Zapdos was in a comfortable spot after 3 Water Guns, due to 2 of them being criticals. The Bird of Thunder concedes defeat and gets caught in only 5 Ultra Balls!

Legendary Bird count: 1 down, 2 to go!

After my high from catching Zapdos in one try was over, I went to Saffron to do what I initially came there for: beating up Team Rocket one last time! I'll once again spare you the details for the most of Silph Co., so you won't have to skip anything and just go to the Sam III fight. Things of note were Earthquake, which I (unfortunately) couldn't teach to any of my party member, and Swords Dance, which I taught to Ystra over Growl. Also, Ystra's Flamethrower failed to OHKO a Golbat... 11 levels below it.

So anyway, Sam III walks up to me and asks if my Pokemon are any better than last time. Let's see, last time my highest-level Pokemon (not counting Ystra) was Lv. 32. Now, they're all around Lv. 40. That aside, Fossil leads against his Pidgeot who misses a Sand Attack (oh, the irony) and gets pelted by an Ice Beam. A Water Gun was all that was needed to send the bird plummeting towards the ground.
He then sends out Growlithe, and instead of the obvious choice to stay in, I switch to Sandwitch, because it easily takes the longest of my party members to level up. Cue 5-turn Wrap session followed by a bout of Rage.
Exeggcute's up next, and Ystra fries them with a Flamethrower, which turned them sunny-side up.
After that is Alakazam, and I go back to Sandwitch to Wrap around it, which it does for 4 turns. Alakazam Recovers as Sandwitch goes "Surf's up" on it, doing disappointing damage. With the damage output fresh in my mind, I decide that Wrapping it until it concedes is the best course of action. The PSI Pokemon is down after 2 uses of Wrap.
He then sent in Blastoise, and I switch Shrub in. After taking noticable, but not threatening, damage from Bite, Shrub sprayed acid at the giant tortoise. It uses Bite again, and Shrub sends a Razor Leaf its way, KOing it.

After beating the last Rocket Grunt of the game (who didn't put up much of a fight, by the way), I took on Giovanni without going back to heal.

Against Giovanni, I decide to lead with Nasty, so I could get an idea on how it would do in the Viridian Gym solo. Meanwhile, he leads with Nidorino. Nasty starts out with a Confuse Ray, while Nidorino Focuses his Energy. Nasty then uses Wing Attack, due to its higher damage output despite Leech Life being Super-Effective, which does around a fourth, and Nido snaps out of confusion, and Horn Attacking Nasty, for a surprisingly small damage output. I confuse it again, but it doesn't hurt itself even once. I Leech Life to restore some health, and Giovanni uses a Guard Spec. on it. I don't know what it does, but I chose to ignore it and use Wing Attack again, KOing it.
Giovanni then sends out Kangaskhan, and I choose to confuse it, even though she doesn't hurt herself (what a surprise[/sarcasm]) and Tail Whips instead. Wing Attack does approximately 1/4th, and it does Tail Whip again. After a crit Wing Attack, she does the same thing as the last 2 turns. Another Wing Attack leaves it well in the red, but she snaps out of confusion and uses Rage. A Leech Life finishes off the giant Kangaroo.
Now comes Rhyhorn, who resists both Leech Life and Wing Attack. I knew that I'd be relying on either Confuse Ray of Bide, and considering my luck with confusion this battle, I have Nasty Bite its time. While Nasty was storing energy, Rhyhorn Leered at it, Stomped it, and used Horn Attack, leaving Nasty with a mere 16 HP. Needless to say, Bide OHKOed the stone rhinocerous.
Rhyhorn did quite a bit of damage to Nasty. So much that any move Nidoqueen could use would KO it. Thankfully, Leech Life was Super-effective, even though it didn't heal much. A crit Scratch left Nasty with a mere 3 HP. With this in mind, I knew the only way for Nasty to solo Nidoqueen would be through confusion hax. For once, one of Giovanni's Pokemon hurts itself in confusion, giving Nasty an opening for a Leech Life. Nidoqueen then proceeded to hurt herself again twice in a row, allowing Nasty to finish her off, giving me the win.

Now that Team Rocket's gone from Saffron City, it's time to take on the Gym! But first, I decided to clear the Fighting Dojo. Nasty essentially soloed the entire dojo with little trouble. Now that that's over, Gym time!

I was honestly not too worried about soloing Sabrina because, while Psychic is the best type in RBY, Normal's up there too. Shopper also has STAB Strength to put the hurt on Sabrina's Pokes' low Defense, and Shopper's high HP and adequate Special would allow her to take a Psychic or two.



The main problem was Shopper's disappointing Speed, so I used an X Speed to remedy that as Sabrina's Kadabra Recovered for no reason. I then used an X Attack, to help ensure some KOes. Kadabra Recovered again, and Shopper's Strength OHKOed it.
Next up was Mr. Mime, who met the same fate. Vemomoth, on the other hand, managed to survive a Strength and blasted Shopper with a Psybeam, confusing her. Thankfully, Shopper didn't hurt herself and instead finished the moth with a Seismic Toss.
After that, Sabrina sent in Alakazam, who survived a Strength, despite its physical frailty and Recovered. Shopper then hurt herself, and Psybeam did ~30 damage. The next turn, Shopper snapped out of confusion and finished the PSI Pokemon off with another use of Strength.

While this chapter may seem short, I managed to catch Zapdos (in 1 try, too!), and did a city's worth of fights. Next time, I'll be soloing the entirety of Cinnabar Gym with a Weepinbell! Until then, *insert generic goodbye here*!

Chapter Summary
Pokemon: 6
Time: 35:45
Restarts: 5


Ystra the Charmeleon
Level: 41
Restarts caused: 1
Growl -> Swords Dance

Ystra's back, and I'm honestly disappointed in its performance. Failing to OHKO a Pokemon 11 levels lower than you with Flamethrower of all things really shows a lack of power, and I don't see it improving any time soon, especially since I'm going to go to Cinnabar next chapter, and in between there and Fuschia is a ton of Swimmers.


Fossil the Omastar
Level: 41
Restarts caused: 2
Water Gun
Withdraw -> Horn Attack -> Ice Beam
Body Slam

Fossil's also back, and managed to capture the legendary bird of thunder by itself! That by itself is an incredible achievement, although I admit it was one of the luckiest battles I've ever had the honor of partaking in. Aside from that, Fossil's typing and base 115 Special make it one of the best Pokemon in my team, and boosted experience doesn't hurt. I am a little worried about Articuno, though...


Nasty the Golbat
Level: 42
Restarts caused: 0
Leech Life
Wing Attack
Confuse Ray

If that Giovanni solo showed me one thing, it would be that Nasty needs Mega Drain to have a reasonable chance of success for the Viridian Gym solo. Outside that, Nasty's a mixed bag, somewhat. Its typing is great for the Saffron City part of the game, but it definitely showed a lack of power. Still, I think it's a solid team member through and through.


Shopper the Clefable
Level: 43
Restarts caused: 0
Beauties humiliated: 7
Money spent: 6350p
Mega Punch -> Strength
Seismic Toss
Thunder Wave

There weren't any Beauties in this chapter, but instead of them was Sabrina! Soloing her was honestly a piece of cake, as I predicted a chapter ago. While her damage output hasn't changed, she now has competition in Fossil, who has better Defense and Special, a better defensive typing, and boosted experience. Shopper, however, has one thing Fossil doesn't have: the ability to noticably harm Water-types with STAB alone, and that alone is going to increase her usefulness next chapter.


Shrub the Weepinbell
Level: 41
Restarts caused: 2
Razor Leaf

I didn't use Shrub too much this chapter, so I don't really have much to say about it. I could see a huge power difference between Acid and Razor Leaf, though, which might prove helpful in the near future...


Sandwitch the Dragonair
Level: 42
Restarts caused: 0
Slam -> Surf

Once again, Sandwitch's uninteresting stats and lack of STAB mean that its attacks don't exactly have the "oomph" to them that my other party members do, and its usefulness isn't helped by the fact that it takes the longest to level up. At least Wrap is useful.
When I was going to Cinnabar via the city whose name I can't spell correctly, I knew that the 7 remaining Beauties were there. Unfortunately, I didn't remember where they were specifically, just that there were 3 in Route 19, 2 between there and Seafoam Islands, and the remaining 2 in between Seafoam and Cinnabar. Since I didn't know where they were exactly, I had to lead with Shopper (who I taught Thunderbolt) throughout each route, until I soloed the Beauties. I taught Ystra Swift when I went back to Fushcia, by the way.

Anyway, after soloing the 3 Route 19 Beauties (they're all within 3 paces of each other) and around half of eastern Route 20 with Shopper, I soloed the remaining Fuchsia -> Seafoam trainers with Shrub, and went into Seafoam Island, the roost of the legendary Articuno.

Articuno, legendary bird of ice. Both of its attacks are NVE on Fossil, but it can't be frozen, and since Omastar can never learn any sleep-inducing moves, catching this bird whilst soloing it would seem like a lost cause. Thankfully, I knew about this and user 18 told me via PM that I could use my Master Ball on it, but I had to get it in the red first.



I decide to have Fossil use Body Slam on it first turn as it Pecks me for pathetic damage, even though it didn't paralyze it. The next turn, it Ice Beams for noticably more damage, and Body Slam paralyzes this time. Next turn, Fossil uses Surf on the bird, who Pecked in retaliation. Now that Articuno's in the yellow, Fossil uses Water Gun for chip damage as it Pecks yet again. Another 2 Water Guns, one of them critting, put Articuno in the red, while it gets fully paralyzed and pecks Fossil yet again. By then, Articuno was in Water Gun's KO range, so I threw my Master Ball right then and there, catching it.

Legendary bird count: 2 down, 1 to go.

With Articuno caught, I left Seafoam and went to Cinnabar, soloing the last 2 Beauties in the game along the way. When I got there and paid 1800p for Shopper, I decided to solo Pokemon Mansion with Fossil, to give it experience for Victory Road. The Seafoam boulder-pushing puzzles and Pokemon Mansion switch puzzles were a walk in the park, by the way.

Cinnabar Gym, oh boy. I had to solo Cinnabar Gym with just a Weepinbell that could only use Acid and Poisonpowder for the solo. Needless to say, I was afraid. Very afraid. Nonetheless, I went in anyway.



Shrub's first adversary was a Burglar, who managed to burn Shrub on the first turn. Aside from that, not really too impressive. I used a Full Heal, and not much else happened in the battle, save for the Vulpix who knew Flamethrower. Items used for this battle: Full Heal, Max Potionx2.

The next trainer was a Super Nerd, who happened to have 2 Vulpix that know Flamethrower and a Ninetales. Shrub went first, thanks to the level it gained in the previous battle, but fell just short of OHKOing it, and getting Flamethrower'd in the process, forcing me to use a Hyper Potion on it the next turn while it used... Quick Attack. To conserve Acid's PP, I decided to use Poisonpowder instead... which missed, and allowed Vulpix to Flamethrower Shrub again. I tried Poisonpowder again, hitting it this time, and Vulpix's last command was... Roar, which didn't do anything in Gen I trainer battles. Unfortunately for me, Super Nerd had another Vulpix, but thankfully, it started with Roar and Quick Attack. It also used Confuse Ray as it got poisoned, which succeded in making Shrub hurt itself before it went. After that was Ninetales, who thankfully didn't have Flamethrower, or else Shrub would be toast. Like the second Vulpix, it opened with Roar while Shrub poisoned it, or at least it would've if it didn't hurt itself in confusion again, forcing me to use another Hyper Potion. The rest of the battle was fairly uneventful, save for a crit Quick Attack. Items used for this battle: Hyper Potionx2.

After that was another Super Nerd, this one having 4 Pokemon and leading with a Ponyta, which happened to have enough bulk to survive an Acid and 2 turns of Poisonpowder. His next Pokemon was a Charmander, who also survived an Acid, but used Rage. His next Pokemon was a Vulpix, which was one level lower than when it learns Flamethrower. It got OHKOed by Acid. His final Pokemon was a Growlithe. Not wanting to waste an Acid, I used Poisonpowder against it, and it used this opportunity to Leer at my plant. A spray of Acid put the Puppy down. Items used for this battle: None.

The fourth trainer was a Burglar, and he had only one Pokemon: a Lv. 41 Ponyta. Because of its high level and the fact that it knows both Fire Spin and Stomp, I didn't like Shrub's chances, so I used a Max Potion on it. Ponyta used this free turn by using the dreaded Fire Spin, which lasted 3 turns. I was going to poison it next turn, but it used Fire Spin before you can say "Poisonpowder". I used this opportunity to use an X Speed on Shrub. Did I mention the Fire Spin critted and lasted 4 turns? Shrub was in the red, but I didn't want to waste this free turn. I used Poisonpowder, and Ponyta called the ring of fire forth yet again. I used another Max Potion on Shrub after the second turn, and thankfully the Fire Spin lasted more than 2 turns. An Acidic spray then proceeded to crit and KO the pony.

Guess who the next trainer had. If you guessed a Lv. 41 Rapidash, you were correct! I decided to use Poisonpowder on the chance it wouldn't use Fire Spin, and it didn't, opting for Stomp instead, flinching Shrub. It used Tail Whip the next turn, and also dodged Poisonpowder. Then, Rapidash used Fire Spin, but missed, but Poisonpowder missed again. I try a fourth time, and Rapidash's Stomp flinches me again and did more than half of Shrub's remaining HP, forcing me to use a Max Potion. Rapidash then used Fire Spin, critting, and I used an X Speed on Shrub while it was trapped. Needless to say, things didn't exactly go well. Thankfully, Fire Spin only lasted 2 turns, and Poisonpowder finally hit. Rapidash then used Tail Whip and Growl, not using anything else for those 2 turns, while Shrub finally finished it off with 2 Acids. Items used for this battle: Max Potion.

There were only 2 trainers left, not counting Blaine, and the first of those 2 was a Burglar, who led with Vulpix, of all things! Because it was Lv. 38, I decided to forgo Poisonpowder for this battle and just spam Acid, only healing when necessary. Thankfully, his second Pokemon was a Growlithe, who also went down in just 2 Acids, sending Shrub into the red in the process. Items used for this battle: None during, but I used a Full Restore and an Ether after the battle.

The final non-leader trainer started with Growlithe, who got beaten after 2 uses of Acid. After that was a Vulpix, who opened with Quick Attack. Thankfully, Shrub took minimal damage throughout the battle, meaning I didn't have to use Items. NOTE: I saved between this fight and Blaine, because I didn't want to do this all over again.

I challenge Blaine, and he sends out his Growlithe. I decide to set up on it, as he has a Rapidash that knows Fire Spin, and all of his Pokemon know Fire Blast. With that in mind, my first move is to use an X Special, to help survive the Blasts. His Growlithe uses Agility 4 times while Shrub continues to set up, and uses it 2 more times while I attack it. (What's with that AI?) His Ponyta survives Acid, and manages to get a crit Fire Spin. I use this opportunity to use another X Attack, and he uses a Super Potion in the middle of the Fire Spin, leading me to believe that Fire Spin's over, only that it's not, and I lose a potentially valuable setup turn. Fire Spin continues for one more turn, and an Acid finishes it off.
Then come his 2 threatening Pokemon, starting with Rapidash, who follows in Ponyta's hoofsteps(?), minus the crit. I decided to use another X Special while Shrub wass trapped, and the Fire Spin lasted merely 2 turns. After that came Arcanine, his MVP. After it was hit with Acid, it used Ember, and... critted...


The next attempt, while I was setting up, Blaine used a Super Potion on his full-health Growlithe... twice. His Puppy actually attacked this time, with a crit Ember before it got OHKOed. Ponyta didn't even get to attack before it got KOed. Rapidash had a chance to attack, but Blaine squandered it by using a Super Potion on it. His Arcanine took barely over half damage from Acid (this was after 2 X Attacks, by the way), and its Fire Blast failed to KO, thanks to the X Specials I used. Next turn, Arcanine barely surved another Acid and used Ember, which critted... again...


Bla bla bla Growlithe actually attacked 3 times while I was setting up and got a critical on one of those attacks, Ponyta got easily beaten, Rapidash trapped me for 2 turns, I used an X Attack while trapped, bla bla bla.
Because of Shrub having less than 50 HP, I used a Full Restore on it while Arcanine used Ember, which actually didn't crit this time, but burned instead. I then used a Full Heal next turn as Arcanine used Fire Blast, which almost OHKOed, forcing me to use another Full Restore. Another Fire Blast did over 100 HP, and it turns out I was out of healing items! Arcanine then outsped the next turn despite me having used an X Speed on it and sent another Fire Blast Shrub's way.


I'm going to skip how Growlithe, Ponyta, and Rapidash did because they didn't do anything out of the ordinary. Blaine's dreaded Arcanine took an Acid and retaliated with Ember, which... did nothing haxy at all, allowing Shrub to use Acid one more time, finishing off Arcanine.

That was probably more troublesome than it should've been, but I managed to it anyway. Next chapter will be me getting to Indigo Plateau, as just one Route and one Gym would be far too short of a chapter. Until then, *insert goodbye phrase here*

Chapter summary
Team: 6
Time: 39:36
Restarts: 8 (Arcanine...)

NOTE: I didn't use Ystra, Nasty, or Sandwitch at all this chapter, meaning that there won't be any descriptions for them.


Ystra the Charmeleon
Level: 41
Restarts caused: 1
Scratch -> Swift
Swords Dance


Fossil the Omastar
Level: 45
Restarts caused: 2
Water Gun
Ice Beam
Body Slam

The Articuno solo was easy, but that was to be expected. Pokemon Mansion was also a breeze, with little to no risk of failure on Fossil's part. Back when I accepted the challange, I was seriously worried about Victory Road, but right now I honestly feel like it's quite doable.


Nasty the Golbat
Level: 42
Restarts caused: 0 (but I feel like this number will escalate very soon)
Leech Life
Confuse Ray
Wing Attack


Shopper the Clefable
Level: 46
Restarts caused: 0
Beauties humiliated: 14
Bubblebeam -> Thunderbolt
Seismic Toss
Thunder Wave

This chapter saw the game's last Beauties, which Shopper utterly demolished. If it weren't for Shrub needing the experience, Shopper probably could've soloed the water routes in their entirety.


Shrub the Victreebel
Level: 50
Restarts caused: 5
Razor Leaf

That solo was one of the most annoying, yet exciting things I've ever done in a Pokemon game. That Arcanine's Ember managed to be so haxy that it critted twice and burned another time. If it weren't for that, I probably would've succeeded on the first try. Due to its level as well as upcoming soloes, don't expect to hear much more from Shrub.


Sandwitch the Dragonair
Level: 42
Restarts caused: 0
Item: None
Nasty has to solo Viridian Gym with no items, and it's only Lv. 42! Needless to say, I decide to grind it up. Thankfully, I hadn't fought any of the Route 21 trainers yet, so I decided to have Nasty solo the entire Route. I also taught Nasty Mega Drain, because of how much trouble it had with Giovanni's Rhyhorn in Silph Co. I felt that 2 extra grinding intervals were necessary, and by the time I was done, Nasty was Lv. 47, hopefully enough to take on the gym.

I was worried about soloing Viridian Gym with no items from the moment I accepted Nasty. The reason for this is because:
1: The move I RNGed was Bide.
2: Nasty's only method of healing is Mega Drain, which has 40 BP and 10 PP
3: Nasty's most powerful attack is Wing Attack, which has a mere 35 BP.
4: While there are trainers that have Grass-weak Pokemon, I don't remember where they are.
5: Even if I make it to Giovanni, his Dugtrio happens to know Slash, which has a notorious CH rate in Gen I.
Despite all these worries, I chose not to overlevel Nasty, and went in anyway.



Before I began, I decided on what my route would be. I knew that if I fought the Tamer in the lower left corner, I'd have to fight 2 trainers in a row, neither having any Ground-types; however, there was no way to get to either of them otherwise, so I decided to get them out of the way first.

The Tamer that I was talking about a minute ago led with Arbok. Because I was worried about Glare, I decided to have Nasty use Confuse Ray. Arbok then hurt itself. Wing Attack did approximately half of its max HP, and although it didn't hurt itself, it used Screech, which wasn't as bad as Glare wouldn't have been, but I knew his other Pokemon was a Tauros. Arbok somehow survived a second Wing Attack, and its Bite did far less than I expected it to, shaving off less than 30 HP off Nasty. Another Wing Attack finished the cobra. Then came Tauros, and I became worried. I chose to Confuse Ray it, and the Wild Bull hurt itself in confusion. Wing Attack definitely did less than it did to Arbok, and then Tauros's confusion wore off, Whipping its Tails at Nasty. I decided not to confuse it again, and just did Wing Attack again. Tauros's Stomp did approximately half of Nasty's remaining health, but another Wing Attack finished the Wild Bull.

The second trainer I fought was a Black Belt, who had a lone Machoke, who was capable of surviving one Wing Attack; however, it used its one turn of fame to Leer at Nasty, who just Wing(Attack)ed it for the KO.

After that, I decided to go for the CoolTrainer (male) that had a Nidorino and Nidoking. He used an X Attack on Nidorino as I Wing Attacked it. Another Wing Attack might have left it with a sliver of HP, but a crit ensured it went down before it could attack. His Nidoking took somewhere between a third and fourth by one Wing Attack, and Cooltrainer used an X Attack on 'King. Because of the X Attack, and Wing Attack's damage output, I believed that confusing it would be the best course of action. Nido then failed to hurt itself, but Horn Attack did a surprisingly small amount of damage. Nidoking then snapped out of confusion as I Wing Attacked it again, doing Horn Attack again, this time critting and sent Nasty into the red. I could tell that Wing Attack wouldn't've done enough damage to KO Nidoking, so I confused it again, hoping it would hurt itself. The outcome of that battle came down to that turn. Nidoking...

did hurt itself, alloWing Attack to finish him.

Because of the fact that Nasty has 6 HP left, I felt that it would be best to fight one of the Rhyhorn trainers, and I thankfully know where one of them is. His Rhyhorn proceeded to get OHKOed by Mega Drain, restoring 64 of Nasty's health.

After that, I decided to fight the self-proclaimed "Karate King", who had 2 Machoke and a Machop, all Lv. 38. His first Machoke got OHKOed by a crit, but Machop barely survived a Wing Attack, Leering at Nasty before going down. The second Machoke met the exact same fate as the first, getting OHKOed thanks to a crit.

3 trainers remained, and they were in the middle of the gym. The first one asks if Nasty's getting tired, and it probably is. He (the trainer) led with Sandslash, who survived a Mega Drain, and used Sand Attack in retaliation. Confuse Ray then proceeded to miss, and Sandslash used Swift, making fun of the fact that I RNGed Bide, when Swift was another possibility. Thankfully, Confuse Ray hit next turn, but Sandslash fought through the confusion and used Slash, bane of all existence. Another Mega Drain finished the pangolin, unnecessarily critting. Then, he sent in Dugtrio, which dodged Mega Drain and proceeded to use Sand Attack, like Sandslash did before it. Mega Drain missed again, and Growl somehow failed. The next Mega Drain hit, albeit not KOing, and Duggy growled again. Wing Attack missed, and Slash was the next move Duggy moved. Thankfully, the next Wing Attack hit, finishing the fight.

After that was another Black Belt. He led with Machop, which survived a Wing Attack, only for Black Belt to use an X Attack on it before another Wing Attack took it down. His Machoke, just like the "Karate King"'s, got OHKOed thanks to a crit.

The final non-leader trainer was a Tamer who had a lone Rhyhorn, which merely served to use up another Mega Drain and to heal Nasty's HP almost to full.

Finally, I get to Giovanni, and fight him for the (hopefully) last time. He lead with a Rhyhorn, who fell to a lone Mega Drain, like the others before it.
His next Pokemon was Dugtrio, the one I was dreading. While it was merely Lv. 42, I knew it knows Sand Attack, and the Cooltrainer's Dugtrio survived a Mega Drain. With this information in mind, I decided that confusing it was the best course of action, and it hurt itself. Mega Drain failed to finish it, and it used Sand Attack. Thankfully, Wing Attack finished it off.
After that was Nidoqueen. She was weak to neither of Nasty's attacks, so I confused her, only for her to Body Slam, paralyzing Nasty, despite doing minimal damage. She then snapped out of confusion the next turn, Body Slamming again, and Wing Attack merely did a fourth. The next turn consisted of him using a Guard Spec. on Nidoqueen, and Confuse Ray doing nothing. She then Tail Whipped as Wing Attack critted. After that, she did Scratch three times, critting once, and Body Slammed, as Nasty finished her off with only 33 HP remaining.
Nidoking was sent in next, and its Horn Attack finished off Nasty, forcing me to restart the entire Gym. That's right. I never saved at all during the failed solo.


This time, Arbok paralyzed Nasty on turn 1. Nevertheless, I decided to try to pull off the solo regardless. The Cooltrainer's Nidoking got a crit Thrash, KOing Nasty in the process.


Nasty avoided the paralysis this time, and got to Giovanni at full health. I decided to save this time, because I felt the outcome of fighting the trainers couldn't've gone much better.

Rhyhorn once again was OHKOed by Mega Drain. I also confused Dugtrio, and it Growled. The next turn, Duggy hurt itself while it was Wing Attacked. A Mega Drain finished the 3-in-1 whack-a-mole.
Then came Nidoqueen. Nasty confused it, and Giovanni used a Guard Spec. Wing Attack critted, doing slightly more than a third, and Queeny hurt herself. Nidoqueen then used Scratch, Tail Whip, and Scratch again, doing minimal damage, as Nasty finished her off.
Nidoking was next, and I confuse it and Gio uses a Guard Spec. on it, creating a deja vu moment. Wing Attack did a surprisingly small amount of damage, and Nidoking Horn Attacks Nasty. Nasty then proceeded to d'oh miss Wing Attack, despite the fact that Giovanni never used Sand Attack or Double Team. After that, Nidoking ended hurting himself twice, allowing Nasty to Wing Attack 2 more times, KOing the King.
After that was Rhydon, the same level as Nasty, but colossal Attack and Defense. It would've been an epic showdown if Rhydon wasn't x4 weak to Mega Drain.

And thus I got the Earthbadge, allowing me to finally get to Indigo Plateau! Or at least I could if it weren't for 2 obstacles, one miniscule, and the other one seemed likely to cause a restart. I breezed past the first obstacle, which was in Route 22.

As Sam III led with Pidgeot, I sent out Ystra. Ystra started off the fight with a Swords Dance, and Pidgeot Wing(Attack)ed it. Swift from Ystra did only a third damage, while Whirlwind did absolutely nothing. It turns out Flamethrower does approximately the same amount of damage as an SD-boosted Swift. Another Flamethrower and Pidgeot was roasted.
After that was Rhyhorn. I switched in Fossil, who OHKOed with Water Gun, of all things! Sam III then sent in Growlithe, who couldn't swim, as shown by the fact that it went down in one Surf.
Then came in Exeggcute, which is a Grass-type for Shrub to solo! Acid, while it didn't KO, left Eggy in the red, and the egg pile retaliated with Poisonpowder, which did nothing because Poison-types can't be poisoned. A Razor Leaf was all that was needed to serve the eggs sunny-side up.
Sam III's next Pokemon was Alakazam, and I switched to Sandwitch for experience. As it tried to Recover despite having full health, Sandwitch's Agility became much higher. High enough for it to successfully trap the PSI Pokemon for 12 turns, draining the life out of it.
Sam III's final Pokemon was his Blastoise, and I felt that Sandwitch wanted to exert some of its Rage. It did, and Blastoise used Skull Bash three times, sending Sandwitch's HP all the way down to 1. A Bite from the giant turtle, and my serpent was down. I decided to have Fossil come in and Surf it up as it Hydro Pumped the Ammonyte. As Fossil was going to Surf again, Hydro Pump critted, KOing it. Because it was low levelled, and also because of Blastoise's low health, I sent in Ystra, whose Swift (I misclicked) critted, doing around half of Blastoise's remaining HP. Needless to say, Hydro Pump KOed Ystra. I decide to have Nasty play scavenger, and play scavenger it did, finishing off the giant tortoise.

Anyway, with that over, time to solo Victory Road!

Before I went, there were some preparations I had to make. First of all, because it's impossible for Omastar to learn Strength, I had to teach it to another Pokemon, and proceed to let it get KOed to simulate the effect of Fossil going through Victory Road by itself. Also, since the only healing items (other than Revives, Ethers, and the like) I had were 2 Full Heals, I went to Cinnabar and bought 25 Hyper Potions and 8 Full Heals. Anyway...



As I have my character go past the guards, showing off his badges, I pulled open a new tab and listened to Carmina Burana in its entirety as I went throught Victory Road.

I won't bother telling you how the wild encounters went, as they were mostly OHKOed and didn't do much else other than give Fossil exp. and wasting PP.

The first trainer had a Persian, which did pathetic damage with Pay Day while avoiding an outright OHKO from Surf. She then used a Hyper Potion on it, and Body Slam didn't do more than half. A 2-hit Fury Swipes later, the Classy Cat was all washed up. Then she sent out Ninetales. Needless to say, when Surf was up, the first trainer went down.

After that was another Cooltrainer, this one having the middle stages of the starters as well as a Charizard. Ivysaur was frozen alive thanks to Ice Beam. After that was Wartortle, who resists 3/4 of Fossil's moves and took 1/3 from Body Slam. Thankfully, he used an X Attack on it during the first Body Slam, and the second one caused full paralysis, allowing my "parasitic snail" to take out the turtle. Charmeleon and Charizard met the same fate as Ninetales, and the first floor was completed.

The second floor's first trainer was a Black Belt whose Machoke was washed away by Surf. His other 2 Pokemon never stood a chance...

The next trainer, like the very first, had a Persian. This one, however, was OHKOed by Surf. His next Pokemon, Golduck, put up more of a fight. Like Wartortle, Body Slam only 3HKOed, but unlike the turtle, it actually fought back... with Scratch. Twice. I'm serious. It actually avoided the 3HKO, actually, and managed to confuse with Confusion. Fossil then proceeded to hurt itself, and Golduck did Confusion again. Thankfully, Fossil actually attacked Golduck on the next turn, KOing it.

Then came a Juggler with one Pokemon (wait what?): a Mr. Mime. Its Doubleslap critted, but hit only 2 times. Mr. Mime managed to avoid the KO from Surf, and decided to Meditate on the anomaly, only to be finished off by a spiky ammonyte Body Slamming it.

The next trainer was a Cooltrainer in the top right corner of the third floor. He led with an Exeggutor, who took an Ice Beam to the knee, but still able to Stomp it. A Body Slam, and the walking coconut tree was harvested. Then came Cloyster, which I knew would take Body Slams all day. With this in mind, I opted for Surf, which was enough to 2HKO. Cloyster did manage to Clamp my ammonyte, and I used the opportunity to use an Ether on it, restoring some of Surf's PP. Clamp continued for 2 turns after I used that Ether. Thankfully, Surf washed up the clam, and its little dog (Arcanine) too.

After that fight, Fossil was running low on HP, so I used a Hyper Potion on it up against a wild Onix, which did spent the free turn missing with Rock Throw.

Anyway, the next trainer was back in the second floor, near Moltres, who I'll get to later. He was a Pokemaniac whose Charmeleon was reported "lost at sea" after the battle was over. His Lapras stuck around much longer, confusing Fossil and being 4HKOed by Body Slam. While it spammed Confuse Ray, the lack of damage was picked up by Fossil hurting itself twice. Thankfully, Fossil ear problem wore off the turn it finished the plesiosaur. The Pokemaniac's last Pokemon was a Lickitung, who was in the same boat as Charmeleon.

The next trainer had a Parasect. For some reason, I'm reminded of an Ivysaur on the first floor. I don't know why... [/sarcasm] Then came Dewgong, who got (fully) paralyzed first turn thanks to Body Slam. Another Body Slam, and I was forced to use another Ether. In the meantime, Dewgong spent its last moments doing Headbutt and Aurora Beam. Aurora Beam actually lowered Fossil's Attack enough for Body Slam to not KO, and she then used a Hyper Potion on it. Thankfully, the next Body Slam critted, doing more than half damage, while the dugong lowered Fossil's attack again, this time by means of Growl. 3 more Body Slams took care of Dewgong. Her final Pokemon is Chansey, of all things. The one Pokemon in the game who doesn't care a lick about special attacks, and it's going up against an Omastar who has -2 Attack. Thankfully, Body Slam crits again, OHKOing the giant pink blob.

The next 2 trainers were 2 spaces away from each other. I decide to fight the lower-left one first. He leads with a Kingler (which looks suspicially symmetrical in RB, by the way) that barely survived a Surf and missed with Crabhammer, best Water-type move in the game. A stray Water Gun KOed the symmetrical crab, and he sent in Tentacruel, who barely avoided the 2HKO from Body Slam, Water Gunning twice in the process. Blastoise was that Cooltrainer's last Pokemon, and I (once again) had only one more PP of Body Slam left. Thankfully, Surf did more than Body Slam, negating the need to use my one Elixer against him. I did, however, use a Hyper Potion before finishing off Blastoise. Nervous about the next trainer, I save before fighting her.

She had 3 Grass-type Pokemon, needless to say I was worried about fighting her, and she was the main reason why I used a Hyper Potion on Fossil during the previous fight. Thankfully, my fears were unfounded, as Fossil outsped and OHKOed her entire team (which was the Bellsprout line, by the way), leaving only one more trainer for Fossil to solo.

As I fight the last (generic) trainer of the game, the last song of Carmina Burana plays. Such a climactic song would've really set the tone if Fossil didn't just OHKO his first Pokemon. His second one managed to confuse me, making Fossil hurt itself, get Headbutted, and fail to get through Victory Road before the performance ended. Thankfully, Fossil only had to get through it without fainting, so it didn't matter. Fossil then proceeded to hurt itself in front of the trainer's third Pokemon, and he thankfully switched (yes, it was a Juggler) that turn. Next turn, Fossil snapped out of confusion and OHKOed the Juggler's last 2 Pokemon.

One uninteresting wild encounter later, and I finally get through Victory Road. See you next time as I'll be beating the League and Moltres! I'll be grinding between now and then, so the rest of my team will be caught up with Fossil.

Chapter Summary
Party: 6, but I mainly used Nasty and Fossil.
Time: 44:29
Restarts: 10


Ystra the Charmeleon
Level: 41
Restarts caused: 1
Swords Dance


Fossil the Omastar
Level: 56
Restarts caused: 2
Water Gun
Ice Beam
Body Slam

I was honestly surprised that the Victory Road solo didn't cause any restarts whatsoever. Simply put, Fossil once again impressed. Also, I'm obviously not scared at all about soloing Lance, but I will save before Bruno, just in case a bunch of deus ex machinae happen.


Nasty the Golbat
Level: 51
Restarts caused: 2
Leech Life -> Mega Drain
Wing Attack
Confuse Ray

While there's not much to say about Nasty, I will say that soloing Viridian Gym was simple, albeit hard, so I probably didn't need all the planning I had in doing it.


Shopper the Clefable
Level: 47
Restarts caused: 0
Beauties humiliated: All
Seismic Toss
Thunder Wave


Shrub the Victreebel
Level: 50
Restarts caused: 5
Razor Leaf
Poisonpowder -> Toxic


Sandwitch the Dragonair
Level: 42
Restarts caused: 0
Item: None
You know how at the end of last chapter that I would grind for the Elite Four? Well, I didn't. I originally chose Seafoam Islands as the location, because of Victory Road having occasional Lv. 24's, and Route 23 requires too much work for me to bother going to repeatedly. I saved before the first interval, and during training, Shopper only gained 3 levels, and it was the second easiest Pokemon in my party to level up! Needless to say, I scrapped the attempt and restarted, but as none of my Pokemon are at fault, I am not counting that as an official restart. Anyway, instead of grinding, I decide to pick up a few secret weapons for the final gauntlet. You'll find out what they are when the time comes, which is very soon.

First of the last soloes is Moltres. Both Ystra and Fossil had a grudge against the flaming bird, the former because it's a Fire-type that can fly, and the latter because it's a symbol of Pokemon battles, whose flame supposedly lit the torch back when Indigo Plateau determined Pokemon Masters by having them participate in tournaments, long, long ago; however, as Fossil soloed the rest of Victory Road while Ystra didn't have any mandatory soloes in over 30 hours, I had Ystra solo Moltres.



Judging by the fact that Ystra had trouble OHKOing the Pokes way back in Silph with Flamethrower, I decide that boosting its offenses would be the best course of action, and thus Ystra spends the first turn Swords Dancing, somehow before Moltres can attack, but the fiery bird opens with Fire Spin, doing minimal damage, but trapping Ystra in the process for 3 turns. I didn't use any X Items on Ystra, as it was naturally faster, thus not needing an X Speed. I decide to have Ystra use Swift, which does pathetic damage while critting. With this pathetic damage output in mind, I decide to continue Swords Dancing until Ystra's Attack is at +6, for an acceptable damage output, or at least I would've if Moltres hadn't used Fire Spin again, trapping Ystra for 3 turns, just like last time. 2 Swords Dances and 3 turns of Fire Spin (it missed once) later, and Swift's damage output was within 2HKO range. After that Swift, Moltres opted to Peck, doing more immediate damage than Fire Spin, but still weaker overall. Another Swift felled the Legendary Bird of Fire.

Legendary Bird count: 3 down, 0 remaining.

And now we're back to your regularly scheduled Elite Four matches. The first member was Lorelei, who had to be soloed by Shopper. I was not afraid, as she soloed Sabrina with almost no trouble, and now she knows an SE move against most of Lorelei's Pokemon.



Just like with Sabrina, I opted to use an X Speed on the first turn, to ensure I don't get outsped, only to realize that I forgot to buy more of them! Instead, I used an X Special for Thunderbolt as well as taking some of her Pokemon's STAB attacks. Speaking of which, Dewgong used Aurora Beam that turn, and lowered Shopper's Attack in the process, weakening secret weapon #001. Thunderbolt failed to OHKO the next turn, while Dewgong lowers Shopper's Attack again, this time by Growl. I decide to use another X Special next turn, and Dewgong uses that turn to Rest. Unfortunately for it, it didn't wake up for the rest of the battle, as Thunderbolt followed by Strength finished it.
Cloyster was the next Pokemon for Shopper to face, but it didn't get a chance to do anything thanks to Thunderbolt. After that was Slowbro, who took Thunderbolt better than anything else on Lorelei's team so far, but it still came close to an OHKO. Lorelei used a Super Potion, and I decided to unleash secret weapon #001: Hyper Beam! Not surprisingly, due to Shopper's -2 Attack and Slowbro's high Defense, it avoided the KO and got off a Growl and an Amnesia. Guess what? Next turn, I used Strength, it didn't KO, and Lorelei used up another Super Potion. This (once again) called for Thunderbolt to finish the job.
Lorelei's next Pokemon was Jynx, who was the only Poke on her team that could outspeed Shopper. I remedied that with good old Thunder Wave, which never saw use until this battle. When Jynx went first, it did Body Slam. Thankfully, it didn't paralyze, and I was able to send a Strength her way, doing small damage. Jynx then proceeded to lock herself into Thrash, which did about as much per turn as Strength did to her. Thunderbolt, followed by secret weapon #001 took down the whatever-it-is.
Lorelei's final Pokemon was Lapras, who (from memory) knew Confuse Ray and Body Slam. I knew that if Thunderbolt couldn't OHKO a Dewgong, it definitely wouldn't OHKO a Lapras 2 levels higher than said Dewgong; however, seeing as how Thunderbolt is by best option at the moment, I opt to use that, and it did far more than I thought it would, but still easily less than it did to Dewgong. Lapras then used Blizzard... Freezing Shopper. Thankfully, it wasn't anything a Hyper Potion and Full Heal couldn't fix. Lapras used the turn I gave it by using Hydro Pump (which did less than a fourth, thanks to the X Specials). Unfortunately, I forgot that Shopper was still frozen and clicked fight, only to waste a turn, and Lapras punished that by using Blizzard, which did about the same as Hydro Pump. One Full Heal later, and Shopper was ready for some more action. She then took a Blizzard which left her with 6 HP remaining. It's official, Gen I Full Heals take away stat modifications. Then I thought, "Since the Full Heal took away the effect of the X Specials, it might've done the same for Shopper's Attack stat!" Thus, next turn, I decide to finish this battle in the most epic way possible: secret weapon #001! My assumption was correct, and Hyper Beam made the plesiosaur go extinct.

Now, there's something I'd like to tell you. Because of the level dispersion between my Party (Ystra and Sandwitch were both Lv. 42, while Shrub and Nasty are Lv. 50 and 51, respectively), I tried to mainly use Sandwitch and Ystra for Bruno, only using the others when both have fainted. Anyway, with that out of the way, on to the second Elite Four member!

(insert image of my team here)VS


The fight started with snake vs. serpent, at least until Sandwitch's Surf sent Onix all the way back to Rock Tunnel. Next was Hitmonchan, and I decided to give Ystra the opportunity of dealing with it. As it Swords Danced, the Togekiss-watching-a-single-headed-Doduo-take-a-dump sent a Thunderpunch its way, doing minor damage thanks to base 35 Special. I decide to have Ystra do Swords Dance again, and the thing that I mentioned above did Mega Punch, thankfully missing this time. I decide to attack, and Swift did barely less than half of 'chan's HP, only for it to Counter it. After I sent in Sandwitch, I decided it would be best to use Agility. It was a good thing I did, as Hitmonchan went first that turn, and pelted my dragon with an Ice Punch. 12 uneventful Wrap-filled turns later, and the boxer suffered a TKO.
Then came his brother, Hitmonlee. It met a fate similar to that of 'chan, except this time it was defeated by Surf, as Wrap was running low on PP (anything below half on a move as awesome as Wrap is considered low in my book). About how Bruno's second Onix did, scroll back up to the beginning of the battle to see how it did.
Bruno's final Pokemon, Machamp, avoided Wrap on the fifth turn of using it against him, and KOed in return with Submission. Suddenly, a bat symbol appeared in the sky! This could only mean 2 possible people were here to finish the four-armed creature; however, since one of them was off in Gotham, it was none other than Nasty, who dealt with Machamp with 3 swift Wing Attacks, taking absolutely no damage in the meantime. Thanks Nasty, I hope to see you again!

Note: I didn't save at all after Bruno, just in case Fossil fails so badly, it ends up having to solo Bruno and Agatha in addition to Lance. Speaking of Agatha...

(insert image of my team here)VS


I was... not enthusiastic about fighting Agatha, mainly because none of my Pokemon know Ground- or Psychic- type attacks, and none of my Pokemon quite excel against the Gastly line. Because Sandwitch and Ystra are in the group of Pokemon on my team that fail against Ghost-types, I won't be using them unless I have to.
I lead with Nasty, who starts off the battle by hurting itself in confusion. It then gets put to sleep, and I say in my head "forget it" and switch to Shopper, whose Dream failed to get Eaten. The reason why I switched in Shopper can be explained in 2 words: Thunder Wave. Thankfully, Gengar does the idiot move and tries Dream Eater on a fully awake Pokemon again, allowing Shopper to paralyze it. Thunderbolt did a forgettable amount of damage, and I decide to switch next turn because it fell asleep. I switched Sandwitch in so it could abuse a certain glitch in Gen I regarding Wrap and Ghost-types that I heard about, but I didn't get a chance to test this theory because, wouldn't you know it, it hurts itself instead. Twice in a row. Thankfully, Gengar suffered from full paralysis those 2 turns. The next turn, Sandwitch gets over its confusion and pulls off the glitch, albeit doing pathetic damage, damage so poor that I decide to use a Full Heal rather than continue the Wrapping spree. That turn, Gengar got fully paralyzed again, allowing me to use another Full Heal. Gengar's FP streak kept going, but I didn't want to risk switching somebody else in only for them to confused/put to sleep, so I (in my head) said "Surf's up!". Sandwitch managed to get 3 more Surfs off before getting Hypnotized. I decided to stay in and use my Poke Flute, while Gengar got FPed again, allowing Sandwitch to do Surf again before Agatha used a Super Potion. 5 Surfs, 1 FP, 2 Dream Eatings, and 1 Super Potion later, and Agatha's first Pokemon was finally defeated!
Her second Pokemon wasn't as much trouble, as that Golbat got 2HKOed by a combination of Thunderbolt and secret weapon #001. Then came Haunter, and I decided to do the same thing to it as what I did to Gengar, paralyzing it, and then Wrapping it with a Pokemon of my choice. My choice this time: Shrub, who surprisingly had no trouble switching in. When Wrapping Haunter, I realise that Wrap, despite constricting Ghost-types, doesn't do any damage. With that in my mind, I run calcs in my head about whether Razor Leaf or Acid would do more. After consideration, I decide to use Acid, as they both have roughly the same base power, but Acid can lower Defense. 2 turns of full paralysis (runs in the evolutionary line, huh?) followed by a Defense drop, and Agatha switches to Arbok, who was faster than Shrub, but got Wrapped up in a problem nonetheless. It was a war of attrition, between Wrap and Bite/Acid, at least until Agatha went back to Haunter, which somehow outspeeded Shrub and confused it, causing it to feebly hurt itself while it was put to sleep. I decide to just let Shrub go, only for it to finish Haunter off thanks to waking up with 6 HP, (lack of) confusion hax, Haunter using Dream Eater multiple times when Shrub was awake, and a Defense drop.
After that came Arbok once again, only for Agatha to switch it out when I'm about to have Shopper dent it with its Strength. In this case, I decided to paralyze it, as I did with her previous 2 ghosts. It then Toxics Shopper, even though that didn't matter too much. As with Shrub before it, I chose not to switch Shopper out, to let it get KOed by Gengar while doing some damage in return with Thunderbolt. For some reason, Agatha switches back to Arbok before Shopper fainted, so I decided to paralyze it as well. It worked, but thedamage from Arbok's Bite as well as the residual damage from Toxic proved to be too much for Shopper, and it fainted. I send in Shrub to Wrap the cobra to oblivion (how ironic). Once it went into Razor Leaf's KO range, Agatha switched yet again, and I do to Gengar what I did to Haunter: spray Acid in its face until it either concedes defeat or gets KOes my plant. Guess which happened. Here's the answer: the latter, although I got close to acheiving the former. I then decide to give Ystra some action, a chance at redemption for how it fell to counter. Thankfully, it did indeed (partially) redeem itself by finishing off both Gengar and Arbok.

Fossil has a solo here, and it's of Lance, Dragon Master. I forgot to buy X Speeds, somewhat ruining my strategy for fighting him. Despite that, I'm confident in Fossil's ability, with the only things I'm worrying about being Gyarados's Hydro Pump and Aerodactyl's Supersonic.



The battle started out with me using an X Accuracy on Fossil as Gyarados used Hydro Pump, doing around 2/5ths damage. I then pull out secret weapon #002, only to realise that Gyara's faster. Hydro Pump then proceeds to crit, KOing my ammonyte... yaaaay...


Something I'd like to get out of the way before the fight, and that's that I saved between battles this time so I wouldn't have to fight Bruno and HAGatha 3 times in a row. Any restarts that occured while fighting either of them will not be included in the Restarts section.

The first turn of the rematch went exactly the same of the previous attempt's, with the exception of Hydro Pump missing. Hydro Pump missed again, and Gyarados got pelted with an Ice Beam. Hydro Pump actually hit next turn, but the next Ice Beam froze it. Another Ice Beam and a Water Gun later, and the giant serpent was down.
Now, the reason why I used an X Accuracy on Fossil is because of secret weapon #002: Horn Drill. When you use an X Accuracy, all of your Pokemon's moves, including OHKO moves, have perfect accuracy, which means that if an opposing Pokemon is slower than the one with the OHKO move, expect utter carnage. Lance's 2 Dragonair are perfect examples of this.
One that's not is Aerodactyl. Interestingly, Aero was one of the ones I was worried about on Lance's team, due to the potentially annoying Supersonic. Luckily (for me), it instead opted to use Take Down, which took off 15 HP, and then proceeded to get washed away by Surf.
Then, Lance sent out his last and (occasionally) most threatening Pokemon: Dragonite. I was unsure about whether Fossil would outspeed it, so I instead opted for Ice Beam. It turns out Dragonite was faster, and set up a Barrier to try to defend itself, only to get OHKOed by Ice Beam.
And with that, the Elite Four have been defeated! Only one opponent remains...

(insert image of my team here)VS


I was far from worried about fighting him despite the level disadvantage and having to solo 4 of his Pokemon. The reason? The Pokemon that have soloes are Fossil and Shrub, 2 of my best party members, so I didn't have much, if anything, to worry about there. Once the soloes are completed, Sam III essentially has 2 Pokemon, while I have 4 raring to go. Anyway, on to the final battle!

I led the battle with Fossil, and Sam III started the fight with his Pidgeot doing 8 damage with Wing Attack before getting shot out of the sky by a crit Ice Beam. His next Pokemon was Alakazam, and I chose to have Shopper Thunder Wave it to cripple it. Shopper took a Psybeam in the process, doing less than half damage. I felt that Alakazam's HP was too high for secret weapon #001 to OHKO it, so I instead opted for Strength, which did barely less than half to the spoon master. Said spoon master then proceeded to use Psychic, doing more than Psybeam, but not KOing. I then pulled out secret weapon #001, whose Gen I animation is awesome, by the way, and it knocked the spoons out of Alakazam's grip, causing its life force to immediately drop to zero.
After that, Sam III sent in Rhydon, which was in battle for approximately 14 seconds, thanks to Fossil's Surf. Arcanine met the same fate, with the exception of actually getting a Leer off before drowning in Route 19. The Leer failed, by the way.
Fossil's soloes were over, then it was Shrub's turn, as Sam III called forth his Exeggutor. This was a perfect opportunity to use secret weapon #003: Toxic! Unfortunately, secret weapon #003's first use was a misfire, and Eggy took advantage of it by using Hypnosis, which... missed, allowing for another use of secret weapon #003, which hit that time, as did Hypnosis. While I could've used a Full Heal or the infinite-use Poke Flute, I decided to let Shrub wake up on its own, because I could. Shrub proceeded to wake up next turn and get Stomped. Cue 3 turn Wrap session in which the walking coconut tree gets squished to the point where it couldn't fight anymore.
Then came Blastoise, Sam III's final Pokemon. for this, I chose to switch Shopper in for Thunderbolt, but mainly paralysis. It was low on health, and its Speed wasn't winning it any races, but I tried Thunder Wave anyway. One Bite was all it took to take down the pixie. I then sent in Sandwitch, who hadn't seen any action at all this battle. However, Blastoise does Blizzard, OHKOing Sandwitch before you can say "Agility". I opt for Nasty, who actually got to confuse the giant tortoise and avoided damage for a turn. Mega Drain did pitiful damage, but that was to be expected, as it's a 40 BP move coming off a mediocre at best Special stat. Blastoise then snapped out of confusion and sent a Blizzard Nasty's way. Somehow, Nasty survived it, and sent another Confuse Ray towards Blastoise, who fought through the confusion, KOing Nasty with another Blizzard. 3 of my Pokemon remained, and Ystra couldn't do a thing to Blastoise and Fossil's Lv. 59. With these things in mind, I send out Shrub, who survived a Blizzard with 14 HP to spare, and sent a Razor Leaf Blasty's way, finishing it off.

And with that, I have become the Pokemon League Champion and have beaten the game! I thank everybody who gave me my Pokemon and everybody who read this from start to finish (read: nobody), as well as those who inspired me to do a Scramble in the first place! See you next Scramble!
Endgame Statistics
Party: 6
Restarts: 11
Time: 47:51

LVP-MVP Listings


Sandwitch the Dragonair
Level: 43
Restarts caused: 0

From the beginning, Sandwitch was underwhelming. It was never powerful, and its bulk was always mediocre at best. When I got it, all it knew was Wrap, Leer, and Thunder Wave. While it allowed me to trap numerous Pokemon, Shrub could boast the same thing, and it was already caught up with the team instead of being Lv. 18, not to mention that it could actually do damage outside of Wrap. Did I mention that Sandwitch essentially no STAB, due to the fact that Dragon Rage is a set-damage move? When it evolved, I was forced to teach it Rage, which froze a second moveslot. Overall, Sandwitch contributed almost nothing to the team, and if I could start all of this over again, it would be the Pokemon I'd be most likely not to use.

2nd from LVP

Ystra the Charmeleon
Level: 43
Restarts caused: 1
Swords Dance
Fire Blast

Not being able to fully evolve hurt. To give you an idea of Ystra's power, imagine a Farfetch'd that could learn Drill Peck at the expense of Swords Dance and all other contact moves. Yeah, not too powerful. While it was the clear MVP for the first few parts of the game, the intense overleveling I had to do to get it to solo Misty meant that it had to remain on the sidelines until the others caught up. Once it came back, it was utterly forgettable, as evidenced by Flamethrower failing to OHKO a Pokemon 8 levels below it. When that happens, you know you have a weakling on your hands. Swords Dance and Swift didn't make nearly as much of an impact as I hoped it would, with them having almost no effect on it, as it turns out +2 Swift is about as powerful as unboosted Flamethrower. If you only could've evolved, or been able to learn contact moves more powerful than Scratch...

3rd from LVP

Nasty the Golbat
Level: 51
Restarts caused: 3
Mega Drain
Confuse Ray
Wing Attack

I know what you're thinking. "How is Ystra, who actually did well during certain parts of the scramble, lower than Nasty?" The answer to that is while Nasty was almost never close to MVP status, it was in my party for longer than Ystra, meaning it had more opportunities to contribute to the team, and it was actually useful occasionally. However, the consistent performance doesn't mean much if it's consistently mediocre. Nevertheless, it had times when it actually pulled its weight and once in a blue moon, that of others. If it wasn't for Nasty, Lavender Tower would've been much worse than it actually was, and soloing Viridian Gym was much easier than I had anticipated, to be perfectly honest. Still, those moments didn't save it from its dismal performance as a Zubat, with only Leech Life and Supersonic at its disposal.

3rd from MVP

Level: 52
Restarts caused: 5
Razor Leaf

Throughout the scramble, Shrub was one of the more used members of my team, and one that was never truly useless. Its starting restrictions weren't too bad, with how good Wrap is in Gen I. Unfortunately, after Celadon, its usefulness started to wane, due to the fact that it couldn't evolve yet. When it evolved, it went back to pulling its weight, and after it evolved again, it became a force to be reckoned with. Despite being good for about half of the scramble, there were times when it did less than stellar, and it often got haxxed in the middle of soloes, such as Wrap missing, Bite critting, and Fire Blast burning. (note: these were all in different attempts.) Also, in the end, it didn't do much, thanks to Shopper's and Fossil's soloes, my wanting Sandwitch and Ystra to have their time in the sun by fighting Bruno, and half of Agatha's team walling it. Despite that, it was never truly bad, and its low stats due to delayed evolution were made up for by boosted EXP.

2nd from MVP

Fossil the Omastar
Level: 59
Restarts caused: 3
Water Gun
Ice Beam
Horn Drill

When I accepted Fossil, I thought some of its soloes (Zapdos and Lt. Surge, to be specific) were going to cause so many restarts that I'd eventually have to solo Agatha, which might've been incredibly painful and annoying, and leading to a very unpleasant scrambling experience.
I couldn't've been much more wrong.
While it took over 3 hours to prepare Fossil for the scramble, (trading an Omanyte to my Silver Version, catching a Ditto, hatching 11 eggs in search of a female one, leveling it up to 19, when it learns Water Gun, replacing Ditto with that Omanyte, hatching the first egg that appears, and deleting Constrict), Fossil showed great potential from the start, with Blastoise-like Defense and Special, instant access to Water Gun, resistance to Normal-type moves, and boosted experience to top it all off. Unfortunately, it didn't do much early-game, due to Ystra soloing Viridian Forest and Pewter Gym, and Fossil's disobedience when it was level 11. After I beat Misty, things started to look up for Fossil, at least until it had to solo Lt. Surge, followed by it going on temporary leave.
When it came back, it caught up in no time thanks to Surf, good Defense and Special, and boosted experience. It even evolved before I got to Saffron City. I got insanely lucky with the Zapdos solo (freezing it on the first turn, for those who forgot), and user 18 informed me that I could use my Master Ball against Articuno, as it would've been impossible otherwise. Fossil plowed through Pokemon Mansion and Victory Road, with few problems from either fronts, and was easily my best Pokemon at the very end. "But wait! If Fossil was so good, why is it only 2nd from MVP, and not the MVP?" The reason for that is because while it was awesome between Misty and Lt. Surge, and Cycling Road onwards, it did unimpressively everywhere else, while the MVP was useful starting mere moments after I got it...


Shopper the Clefable
Level: 50
Restarts caused: 0
Beauties humiliated: all
Money spent: p6350
Hyper Beam
Thunder Wave

From the moment I taught Shopper Mega Punch and Water Gun, it has constantly been one of my best team members, doing well in pretty much every part of the game in which it participated. Its wide TM movepool allowed me to teach it whatever I wanted and it would use it adequately, making it perhaps the most flexible member of my party. Also, whenever it started to fall behind, there was always something that lifted it back up, like evolving, or learning Thunderbolt. Its "must spend money on Shopper whenever you enter a city/town" restriction didn't affect me as badly as I thought it would, for 3 reasons:
Throuought most of the scramble, Shopper knew Seismic Toss and Thunder Wave, which were both counted as 0 BP.
I could go to a place like S.S. Anne with Shopper in my party and not have to pay for items when I got back, because even though you can fight trainers there, it's still part of that city.
Over time, money becomes no object.

So as you can see above, Shopper's second restriction wasn't too much to worry about. Clefairy in general have weak level-up movepools, so the "must know 4 TM/HM moves ASAP" didn't affect its performance anyway. When you factor those 2 things in, you're left with a Clefairy that has a delayed evolution and forces you to buy things that help you out in the game, and when you compare that to pretty much everything else I had, it's pretty obvious as to why Shopper's the MVP.
Naix;4246617 [SIZE=2 said:
@user 18[/SIZE]
The definition of a solo is to KO somebody using only one Pokemon, meaning I won't be able to catch Articuno and Zapdos. Does this mean I have to solo them and then catch them? If so, do failures in catching them contribute to your "must solo 1 of the Champion's pokemon" rule? If not, does that mean that I have to catch them with using just Fossil?

No, it means it must be the only pokemon out during the battle, and you must succeed in catching the pokemon in question. If Fossil faints before the pokemon is captured, that counts as a fail, and you must reset to before the battle began. I suggest saving in front of the bird.

Why do I feel that someone here just trumped Treadshot (at least for this Scramble thing)? Because of your conditions, the farthest Save I can make is between Lorelei and Bruno, and some of the soloes that Fossil has to do are downright crazy! But the difficulty I set was HARD, not Medium, so I'm accepting it

Not technically true. If you have failed few enough times in other solos, you could save right before Lance. And again before the Champion.
No, it means it must be the only pokemon out during the battle, and you must succeed in catching the pokemon in question. If Fossil faints before the pokemon is captured, that counts as a fail, and you must reset to before the battle began. I suggest saving in front of the bird.

Not technically true. If you have failed few enough times in other solos, you could save right before Lance. And again before the Champion.
I meant for this particular Scramble, and thank you for answering my question. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I was tired when I posted. No hard feelings?
I meant for this particular Scramble, and thank you for answering my question. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I was tired when I posted. No hard feelings?

I wasn't complaining, I just didn't want you to make it harder on yourself than was intended.
Mygavolt's (very) recent update has been overshadowed by me, so to apologise, you can find said update here!
P.S. I've written my Prologue, in case anybody's wondering.
Chapter 6 is up!

This is perhaps the most vulgar chapter I have ever written. I do not know WHY it turned out so vulgar, maybe being tired from working so much did it or something. In any case, I'm pretty sure it's still funny. Oh, and lots of teammates get big upgrades, so if you've been waiting to see your submission get a power up this is probably the episode where they get it!

And Mygavolt, that was a cool update as always, you have an interesting style. It's so rigid in some ways and so loose in others (if you know what I mean?). It works certainly :P. Also, looks like I'm not the only one struggling with Metronome eh? XD
Chapter 6 is up!

This is perhaps the most vulgar chapter I have ever written. I do not know WHY it turned out so vulgar, maybe being tired from working so much did it or something. In any case, I'm pretty sure it's still funny. Oh, and lots of teammates get big upgrades, so if you've been waiting to see your submission get a power up this is probably the episode where they get it!

And Mygavolt, that was a cool update as always, you have an interesting style. It's so rigid in some ways and so loose in others (if you know what I mean?). It works certainly :P. Also, looks like I'm not the only one struggling with Metronome eh? XD

I've been making a concerted effort to avoid all variety of cursing in my updates. Why? Two reasons.

1. I want to prove to myself I can write without using those words as a crutch.

2. I was unsure of the rules here regarding profanity.

If I go back and edit, some of that may sneak in where appropriate.

And I'm sorry to everyone with the prose updates: I'm sure yours were all excellent, but my time is, if anything, in even higher demand now than it has been in the past few months. I'm hoping for a shift in that soon, but no promises. I'll have a lot to catch up on when I do find the time :D
After a herculean effort to stick to my once a week schedule through all the Death of a Salesman related homework I've been getting, I'm pleased to say that

Chapter Twelve of Ruby is up!

In this episode, Skarm gets to know a few more pokemon, tries to deal with Wally's Ralts, and fights Wattson.

I'd like to point out before anyone asks that this episode omits the absurd amount of grinding that I had to do to feel ready for this gym. So don't be hating. And fuck Wattson.
Ill'd like to start a Fire Red Scramble Challenge, Medium-Hard difficulty.
Reserving a Tentacool for rlyn99. Will edit in later.
rlyn99, take Man-o-War the Tentacool. Man-o-War loves fighting, and just can't get enough of it. Thus, his moveset must be comprised entirely of attacking moves. However, he discovers that there's more to combat than just constantly hammering away at his adversaries, so he decides to learn a wide variety of techniques for battle. Only then can he realise his true potential. Translation: Man-o-War may not evolve until he knows damaging moves of 4 different types. After he evolves, he realises that there's more to combat than just overwhelming his adversaries, meaning he must solo Koga, to learn how to utilize stealth warfare, and Sabrina, to master psychological warfare. After these soloes are completed, he must learn 1 status move. Finally, to prove that he is the best at brute force, Solo Bruno (twice if you're doing postgame stuff).
Good luck!

Seems pretty good, Ill accept :D

I know you asked for medium-hard, but I have some pretty warped definitions of the two.

Take Weakling the Eevee. Somehow, when this Eevee came out of the egg, it was kinda premature. And of course you don't have any centres for these situations in Pokemon, right? Of course not. You have Pokemon Centres; that's about it.

You're compassionate, right? I sure hope so. You decide to help it all you can. Feed it any combination of 10 vitamins as soon as you get it. Also, evolve it straightaway before using it at all to help strengthen it up.

Now, because it was premature, it's muscles really aren't strong enough. Hence, it can only learn moves with Base Power 64 or below.

Depending on what it evolves into, solo the corresponding trainer(s):

Flareon ~ Blaine and Lorelei
Vaporeon ~ Erika
Jolteon ~ Giovanni
Umbreon ~ Black Belt Koichi (Final trainer in the Fighting Dojo)
Espeon ~ Agatha

Good Luck; Have Fun.

D:< You evil person. Btw, Espeon and Umbreon arent obtainable in fire red. I'm accepting this challenge though, minus the Espeon/Umbreon part. Also, *cough* 6-0 *cough*

Take Heavymetal the Charmander.

Charmander likes to learn new things. This one wants to learn how to solo Rock-type Gym Leaders. Therefore, it will try to solo Brock over and over. However, after 3 failures, it is about to give up until he learns Metal Claw. He must use Metal Claw to successfully solo Brock. It now hates all Rock-types. Solo every wild Rock-type you encounter. To evolve, you must solo 5 trainer-owned Rock-types (Brock counts), and 10 more to evolve again. It must never forget Metal Claw.[/QUOTE]

HELL YES. A charmander with barely any restrictions :DD This just went from medium-hard to easy shit xD

Rlyn99, catch yourself a Mankey and name him King Kong.
This Mankey manages to get his tiny paws on your Pokedex, and decides to follow it blindly.

Following this newfound information, Kong tries to control his anger, but cannot.
If he falls below 50% health, he can only use Fury Swipes. (After level 16)

To evolve, he must solo three gym trainers with Fury Swipes alone.

As a Primeape, he refuses to give up. He can never switch out or run away.
In addition, the Fury Swipes restriction is still in place.

He must solo two Pokemon in the Elite Four. Good luck![/QUOTE]

Looks like this run is gonna make me go bananas. YEEAHHHHH
Reserving a Tentacool for rlyn99. Will edit in later.
rlyn99, take Man-o-War the Tentacool. Man-o-War loves fighting, and just can't get enough of it. Thus, his moveset must be comprised entirely of attacking moves. However, he discovers that there's more to combat than just constantly hammering away at his adversaries, so he decides to learn a wide variety of techniques for battle. Only then can he realise his true potential. Translation: Man-o-War may not evolve until he knows damaging moves of 4 different types. After he evolves, he realises that there's more to combat than just overwhelming his adversaries, meaning he must solo Koga, to learn how to utilize stealth warfare, and Sabrina, to master psychological warfare. After these soloes are completed, he must learn 1 status move. Finally, to prove that he is the best at brute force, Solo Bruno (twice if you're doing postgame stuff).
Good luck!
Alright rlyn99, I've had enough of you beating me in UU.

reserving for you.
watch out.

I know you asked for medium-hard, but I have some pretty warped definitions of the two.

Take Weakling the Eevee. Somehow, when this Eevee came out of the egg, it was kinda premature. And of course you don't have any centres for these situations in Pokemon, right? Of course not. You have Pokemon Centres; that's about it.

You're compassionate, right? I sure hope so. You decide to help it all you can. Feed it any combination of 10 vitamins as soon as you get it. Also, evolve it straightaway before using it at all to help strengthen it up.

Now, because it was premature, it's muscles really aren't strong enough. Hence, it can only learn moves with Base Power 64 or below.

Depending on what it evolves into, solo the corresponding trainer(s):

Flareon ~ Blaine and Lorelei
Vaporeon ~ Erika
Jolteon ~ Giovanni

Good Luck; Have Fun.

P.S. in case you don't know, you can put hide tabs.
TEXT[/ hide], except without the space before the second hide, makes

Rlyn99, catch yourself a Mankey and name him King Kong.
This Mankey manages to get his tiny paws on your Pokedex, and decides to follow it blindly.
Fire Red Pokedex (Mankey) said:
Light and agile on its feet, and ferocious in temperament. When angered, it flies into an uncontrollable frenzy.
Following this newfound information, Kong tries to control his anger, but cannot.
If he falls below 50% health, he can only use Fury Swipes. (After level 16)

To evolve, he must solo three gym trainers with Fury Swipes alone.

Fire Red Pokedex (Primeape) said:
It is always outrageously furious. If it gives chase, it will tenaciously track the target no matter how far.
As a Primeape, he refuses to give up. He can never switch out or run away.
In addition, the Fury Swipes restriction is still in place.

He must solo two Pokemon in the Elite Four. Good luck!
Noooooooo, Emo the Nuzleaf is dead! D: Damn it, I wanted to see her battle Flannery and Sidney's Shiftry. Fuck you, Wattson. >_< R.I.P., Emo. :c Selfdestruct was bound to annihilate something, I don't think even Suicidal the Aron could have taken it, since it splits Defense in half before hitting. There was no way that Emo could survive it.. :(
rlyn99, I got a Charmander coming your way.

EDIT: Take Heavymetal the Charmander.

Charmander likes to learn new things. This one wants to learn how to solo Rock-type Gym Leaders. Therefore, it will try to solo Brock over and over. However, after 3 failures, it is about to give up until he learns Metal Claw. He must use Metal Claw to successfully solo Brock. It now hates all Rock-types. Solo every wild Rock-type you encounter. To evolve, you must solo 5 trainer-owned Rock-types (Brock counts), and 10 more to evolve again. It must never forget Metal Claw.
rlyn99, I'll do 'mon for you. Expect it to counter the
This just went from medium-hard to easy shit
that you got from your Charmander.

Lessee, you've got Water/Poison, Fire/Flying, Fighting, Ground, and Normal/Fire/Water/Electric. I'll take something that uses one or two of the remaining types.

(Unless I've missed something and miscounted, you still have a spot left, correct?)


Take a Weedle as your final pokemon.

This pokemon looks down on all the Kakuna laying around Veridian Forest that only know Harden, and determines to spend as little time as a Kakuna as possible. As such, do not evolve to Kakuna until level nine, and evolve directly to Beedrill at level ten.

Once evolving to Beedrill, your pokemon decides that it may no longer battle any wild pokemon. All experience gain must come from trainer battles (it can never hold the exp. share either). It looks down on wild pokemon as weak and beneath its' level.

As a Beedrill, your final movepool must have a physical move, a special move, a status move and a recovery move ASAP. The status move may either be a boosting move for yourself, a detrimental move to the opponent, or inflict a status condition. It may not do damage.

Once this movepool is complete, Beedrill tries to prove its worth by soloing Sabrina's entire gym, to prove the bug-type's effectiveness against one of the region's most dangerous gym leaders. (Just to be clear, this is just the gym trainers. I think Sabrina herself is already taken.)

For the crowning achievement of the bug type, solo one E4 member of your choice, and two of the Champion's pokemon.

How's that?

Let me know if you have any questions or want some changes made.