The tower of the Phoenix [Under reconstruction]

The tower of the Phoenix

  • Don't trade me hacked Pokémon, read my Legality definition. (Why are you wasting your time trading otherwise? Just stop and go find another hobby.)
  • All Smogon prohibition rules fully apply.
  • Don't communicate to other people my pokemon's private infos, such as my Secret ID, please.
  • Don't trade me nicknamed Pokémon, they retain no value to me.
  • Please, don't trade me Pokémon with Pokérus.
  • I'm only interested in UnderTrained / Untouched Pokémon. No Hyper Training, no Level ups, no Ability capsule used. Move tutors are welcome.
  • You can offer to me only your Pokémon, not Pokémon obtained in a trade. (Smogon and not..)
  • If your Pokémon is shiny, please tell me his SV and link the Hatcher if applicable. Make sure the user didn't go offline.
  • After offering a Pokémon, please tell me if and how it's cloned, and if you use any sav manipulation tool.
  • After offering a Pokémon, please tell me all the infos about how you obtained it, this includes but isn't limited to: Emulator used, homebrews used, Lua scripts.
  • My Pokémon are not redistributable.
  • Don't ask people to clone my Pokémon. If you need multiple copies, I am willing to give to you more than one.
  • Not-mine Pokémon aren't distributables by you if there isn't a note marking them as "full redis" (infinitely redistributable) or "Semi-redis" (Only distributable for the last time by you).
  • All Pokémon in the main generational posts are obtained by me. All traded Pokémon are present in the relative section with their own redistribution rights stated.
  • You need a trade thread on smogon to trade with me.
  • People in the white lists are community members which were particularly pleasant to deal with, and I will deserve to trade easier with them, without questioning too much about the deal.
  • If you want to trade, insert the following symbol so I will know you read my rules, otherwise I will likely ignore your post. ±
  • If you think that we are hackers because we are italians, you can go to fuck yourself. No prejudices, no fucking racism. Get outta my face nasty racists. [Drakero]

Legality definition
  • If you ever used a sav editor, Pokémon file export/import (Pkhex, PKSM, PK2PK and similars), Powersaves code, Powersaves cloning code, any kind of code etc. on the saves where your Pokémon are stored or captured, or you use QR code crap, please don't trade with me such Pokémon.
  • If you traded your Pokémon and couldn't see what the other user was doing with it to certify he didn't edit his save file, please don't trade it.
  • I'll consider all the Pokémon present in a save file which has been overwritten by an external manipulation tool or code as Cheat, even if you just added items, even if you just open the file and save it again without modifying anything.
  • No Ram editing is allowed. No exception to this rule. This also applies to fast hatching codes and 100% capture codes.
    Again, assume all the pokemon present in your game will become Cheat once you use any code or edit the ram/save before trading with me, please.
  • Lua script and other ram reader tools usage is only accepted if they don't write in the Ram.
  • If you use a ROM on either an emulator, flashcard or CFW'd console, verify it has the correct CRC32, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256 by checking dat-o-matic's database.
    Roms which values differ from them are edited/patched/badly dumped, so I will consider the Pokémon captured in them Cheat, as those games are comparable to hack-roms.
  • Apart from retail game mechanics, the only tools I accept are tools that copy and restore RAW sav files, like FlagBrew's Checkpoint for the 3ds (as long as you don't use the Cheat option).
    Only use up to date, reliable and open source sav dumpers.
  • Any cloning method that isn't a RAW sav file backup/restore or a in-game glitch is not tolerated.
  • The save file must be always been on the same game ROM. No Game version or language swap, it must be the same game, same language, same revision, and in generally have the same checksum. (Example: Don't swap a Sapphire save file with a Ruby one, or a Sapphire of a certain revision with one of a different revision, even with same language)
  • I accept Pokémon made on up-to-date and reliable open source emulators.
    However, for 3ds games and the relative Citra emulator usage, please dump your own 3ds file system: Pokémon captured on older versions of citra are Cheat because of the country emulation not being present.
  • Altough I accept Pokémon made on trustable emulators, I don't accept Pokémon that had a generational transfer using the emulator.
    For example, Desmume's transfer from third to fourth generation via gba-slot is not tolerated.
    The same applies to fourth to fifth generation, etc.
    Please, restore the save file in your original gba cartridge, and connect it to your DS/DS lite for transfer.
  • According to the smogon rules, I will repeat that Pokémon captured in a sav file which had OT, Gender, TID, SID, language, country etc. modified will not be allowed and they will fail into the Cheat category. Please use Pandora's box RNG abuse.

  • PokéSav
  • PokéGen
  • PkHex
  • PKSM
  • Pk2Pk
  • GameShark
  • Action Replay DS(i)
  • Datel Powersaves

  • (*) = Nicknamed.
  • If there is an ability in the brackets, that is the UT ability, that got changed in the Ev'd version with the ability capsule.
  • All my Pokémon are Legit by the means of generated by the game, obtained thanks to the various versions of RNG Reporters.
  • All my Pokémon stand to all my legality criteria (Notably, I don't use any save editor or any code)
  • Moves will have PP Maxed on the EV'd version unless stated
  • I do generational Pokémon transfer with real hardware, no emulators are used for this.
  • I trade using either emulators with local mode or using my consoles.
  • I can Abuse the RNG on Channel, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold, Soul Silver, Black, White, Black 2, White 2, X, Y, Ω Ruby, α Sapphire, Sun, Moon, UltraSun, UltraMoon.
  • I only clone by in-game cloning glitches and raw save file backup and restore.
  • "Distribution rights" allow people listed to distribute a No-redis copy of my Pokémon.
  • If you are looking for Pokémon from gen 3 you can press "CTRL+F" and write "Sapphire", "Ruby" or "Emerald".
  • If you are looking for Pokémon from gen 4 you can press "CTRL+F" and write "Diamond", "Pearl", "Platinum", "Heart Gold", or "Soul Silver".
  • If you are looking for Pokémon from gen 5 you can press "CTRL+F" and write "Black", "White", "Black 2", or "White 2".
  • If you are looking for Pokémon from gen 6 you can press "CTRL+F" and write "X", "Y", "ΩR", or "αS".
  • If you are looking for Pokémon from gen 7 you can press "CTRL+F" and write "Sun", "Moon", "UltraSun" or "UltraMoon".
Cloning Service
  • My Cloning method is the best and safest method, I don't use any sav editor and I don't export nor import individual Pokémon files, so don't worry.
  • I clone by using sav file backup and restore by using Powersaves or Checkpoint.
  • I'll keep a copy of your Pokémon, but it is NFT, so I'll never trade your Pokémon.
  • Don't let me clone Cheat Pokémon, Pokémon previously cloned with the Powersaves code or a QR Code, or Pokémon present in the save file while the save/ram was edited.
    Read all of my legality definition, please!
Special Thanks

I'm building the trade, so please, be patient.

Evan 0913 | My Shiny Naive Hydreigon for his Shiny Jolly Larvitar
Evan 0913 | My Shiny Adamant Excadrill for his Shiny Careful Skiddo
ash1236 | My Shiny Timid Latias for his HP Fire (semi-perfect) Timid Xerneas
Pokéguy | My Shiny Timid Heatran for his Shiny Jolly Salamence
Sb4ll4t0 | My Jolly Victini for his Shiny Modest Espurr
ash1236 | My Shiny Modest Kyurem for his Shiny Jolly Tyrunt
ash1236 | My Shiny Adamant Kyurem for his Shiny Adamant Pancham
vzxt | My Shiny Adamant Braviary in Mega Ball for his Naive Diancie 30/30/31/31/31/31
Arhan | My Shiny Adamant Braviary in Mega Ball for his shiny Bold Tentacool
Drakero & _Dragon | My Shiny Modest Clauncher in Premier Ball for his Shiny Bold Chansey in Dream Ball
Drakero & _Dragon | My Shiny Careful Snorlax in Heavy Ball for his Shiny Calm Slowpoke in Dream Ball

Arhan | Cloned Tentacool for the trade and trasferred on 6th gen 6 Pokémon for free
Dizzybanana21x | Cloned Thundurus (4x), Landorus (4x), Latias (4x), Azelf (4x)

To do

  • Metagross
  • Entei
  • Suicune
  • Raikou maybe?
  • Stantler lonely (30 HP)
  • Ageto celebi
  • Mt battle ho-oh (fights done)
  • Lugia
  • Articuno
  • Zapdos
  • Moltres
  • Someone else?
  • Stationary
  • 10ANN events
  • Aura Mew
  • Method 4 careful wilds (breloom)
  • Method 4 naive wilds (glalie)
  • Method 4 adamant (28sp.atk) ruby wilds (seedot)
  • Wild
  • Stationary
  • 10ANN events
  • Aura Mew
Fire Red
  • Wild
  • Stationary
  • Jolly M.1 Jap Fire red sav (Deoxys, Ho-oh, Kangashkan)
  • Timid (7atk) M.1 Jap Fire red sav (Deoxys, Articuno, Moltres, Mewtwo)
  • Bold(14 atk) M.1 Jap Fire red sav (Deoxys, Lugia, Zapdos)
  • Calm(0 atk) M.1 Jap Fire red sav (Articuno)

  • Wild
  • Stationary Rotom
  • Pokéradar
  • Events
  • Manaphy
  • Phione
  • Pokéradar Naive (Elekid)
  • Timid/Modest M.1 Ita Pearl sav (Palkia)
  • Wild
  • Pokéradar
  • Events
  • Timid/Modest M.1 Ita Platinum sav (Shaymin, Darkrai, Rotom)
  • Timid(7atk) M.1 Ita Platinum sav (Shaymin, Palkia, Darkrai, Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Cresselia, Rotom)
  • Timid(20atk, 30def) HP Ice M.1 Ita Platinum sav (Shaymin, Rotom)
  • Modest(2atk) M.1 Ita Platinum sav (Dialga)
  • Calm(0atk) M.1 Ita Platinum sav (Dialga)
Heart Gold
  • Events
  • Timid/Modest M.1 Ita HG sav (Palkia, Articuno, Moltres, Suicune, Kyogre, Latias, Latios)
  • Timid(7atk) M.1 Ita HG sav (Palkia, Articuno, Moltres, Suicune, Kyogre, Latias, Latios)
  • Modest(2atk) M.1 Ita HG sav (Kyogre, Dialga, Giratina)
  • Calm(0atk) M.1 Ita HG sav (???)

  • Wild
  • Dream world
  • Stationary
  • Events
Black 2
  • Wild
  • Hidden Grottoes
  • Dream world
  • Stationary
  • Events
White 2
  • Wild
  • Hidden Grottoes
  • Dream world
  • Dream RAdar
  • Stationary
  • Events

  • Wild Carbink
  • Stationary Rotom
  • Breeding
  • Stationary
  • Events
α Sapphire
  • Stationary
  • Events

  • Breeding
  • Stationary
  • Events
Ultra Moon
  • Breeding
  • Stationary
  • Events

#??? - Name - (*) - / - ♂ / ♀ / ⚲
Method: (Method1, Method2) - Tools: (Tool1, Tool2)


Game: Game (Language) | Ot: Name | ID: 00000
Nature: Nature | Ability: Ability (UT Ability)
IVs: HP/Atk/Def/S.Atk/S.Def/Spd
EVs: HP/Atk/Def/S.Atk/S.Def/Spd
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#??? - Name - (*), Lv.1)
Memory Moves: Move, Move, Move, Move
Last edited:
My Save Games (Pandora's Box)

  • OT: Liger / ID: 32691 / Method: 4 / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Naive /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 32691 / Method: 4 / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Careful /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 10070 / Method: 4 / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Naive /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 10070 / Method: 4 / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Careful /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 32060 / Method: 4 / Spread: 31 31 31 28 31 31 / Nature: Adamant /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 09040 / Method: 1 / Spread: 31 31 31 24 31 31 / Nature: Adamant /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 37623 / Method: 2 / Spread: 31 31 31 14 31 31 / Nature: Adamant /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 50699 / Method: 2 / Spread: 31 00 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Bold /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 02927 / Method: 2 / Spread: 31 31 31 03 31 00 / Nature: Relaxed /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 07707 / Method: 1 / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Timid /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 07707 / Method: 1 / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Modest /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 01573 / Method: 1 / Spread: 31 31 31 29 31 31 / Nature: Jolly /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 13033 / Method: 1 / Spread: 31 00 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Calm /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 55512 / Method: 1 / Spread: 31 31 31 30 31 31 / Nature: Careful /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 04560 / Method: 1 / Spread: 31 07 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Timid /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 00478 / Method: 1 / Spread: 31 02 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Modest /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 00850 / Method: 2 / Spread: 31 31 31 30 30 31 / Nature: Lonely /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 23457 / Method: 2 / Spread: 31 30 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Lonely /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 34567 / Method: 2 / Spread: 30 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Hasty /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 55094 / Method: 2 / Spread: 31 31 31 30 31 31 / Nature: Jolly /

  • OT: Liger / ID: 54353 / Method: 1, J / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Timid /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 54353 / Method: 1, J / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Modest /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 54353 / Method: Pokéradar / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Careful /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 54353 / Method: Pokéradar / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Sassy /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 54353 / Method: Pokéradar / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Quiet /
  • OT: Blade / ID: 02547 / Method: 1, J / Spread: 31 14 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Bold /
  • OT: Blade / ID: 02547 / Method: 1, J / Spread: 31 14 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Timid /
  • OT: Blade / ID: 02547 / Method: Pokéradar / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Adamant /
  • OT: Blade / ID: 02547 / Method: Pokéradar / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Naive /
  • OT: Blade / ID: 02547 / Method: Pokéradar / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Lonely /
  • OT: Blade / ID: 02547 / Method: Pokéradar / Spread: 31 01 31 30 30 31 / HP: Ground / Nature: Timid /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 17145 / Method: 1, J / Spread: 31 26 31 31 31 30 / HP: Psychic / Nature: Calm /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 17145 / Method: 1, J / Spread: 31 26 31 31 31 30 / HP: Psychic / Nature: Modest /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 17145 / Method: Pokéradar / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Naive /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 17145 / Method: Pokéradar / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Naughty /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 17145 / Method: Pokéradar / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Docile /
  • OT: Blade / ID: 16126 / Method: 1, J / Spread: 31 22 30 31 31 31 / HP: Ice / Nature: Timid /
  • OT: Blade / ID: 16126 / Method: 1, J / Spread: 31 22 30 31 31 31 / HP: Ice / Nature: Lonely /
  • OT: Blade / ID: 16126 / Method: Pokéradar / Spread: 30 00 30 31 31 31 / HP: Ice / Nature: Timid /
  • OT: Blade / ID: 16126 / Method: Pokéradar / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Jolly /
  • OT: Blade / ID: 16126 / Method: Pokéradar / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Docile /
  • OT: Blade / ID: 16126 / Method: Pokéradar / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Serious /
Heart Gold
  • OT: Liger / ID: 00619 / Method: 1, K / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Calm /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 00619 / Method: 1, K / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Modest /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 00619 / Method: Chained Shiny / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Relaxed /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 00619 / Method: Chained Shiny / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Quirky /
  • OT: Liger / ID: 00619 / Method: Chained Shiny / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Serious /
  • OT: Blade / ID: 24562 / Method: 1, K / Spread: 31 14 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Bold /
  • OT: Blade / ID: 24562 / Method: 1, K / Spread: 31 14 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Timid /
  • OT: Blade / ID: 24562 / Method: Chained Shiny / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Adamant /
  • OT: Blade / ID: 24562 / Method: Chained Shiny / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Lonely /
  • OT: Blade / ID: 24562 / Method: Chained Shiny / Spread: 31 31 31 31 31 31 / Nature: Naive /

  • OT: Liger / ID: 33360
Black 2
  • OT: Cla / ID: 55538
White 2
  • OT: Liger / ID: 28982
  • OT: Liger / ID: 13145

  • OT: Blade / ID: 06992 / TSV: 1166
  • OT: Blade / ID: ----- / TSV: 0000
α Sapphire
  • OT: Liger / ID: 14752 / TSV: 1925

  • OT: Blade / ID: 203042 / TSV: 1690
Ultra Moon
  • OT: Blade / ID: ------ / TSV: 0000
Ultra Moon
  • OT: Blade / ID: ------ / TSV: 0000


  • III Generation:
    • TASVideos' Bizhawk 2.4.2 (mGBA Core) [RNG Abuse]
    • endrift's mGBA 0.8.2 [Gameplay, Pokémon trades] {An emulator that's aims to be timing accurate although not cycle accurate. It's limited to 2 people cable multiplayer connection. This version suffers of crashes and video instability.}
    • endrift's mGBA 0.8.1 [Gameplay, Pokémon trades] {An emulator that's aims to be timing accurate although not cycle accurate. Very stable for normal usage. It's limited to 2 people cable multiplayer connection.}
    • TwitchPlaysPokemon's VBA-RR v24.3 svn480 / VBA_VS2015_V72XR [RNG abuse] {Rom characters in rom name are reported wrong, but it doesn't affect in-game characters. Turbo speed is 400% only compared to Vba-v24m-svn422/svn480's 1000%. Lua's frame counter may report wrong values after reloading a save state, sometimes solved after doing 3 frame advances.}
    TASVideos' vba-v24m-svn480.LRC4-xp140 [RNG abuse] {Lua informations disappear from the display when paused, useless build}
    • TASVideos' vba-v24m-svn480 [RNG abuse] {Lua's frame counter may report wrong values after reloading a save state, sometimes solved after doing 3 frame advances}
    • TASVideos' vba-rr-svn438-win32 [RNG abuse of Pokemon events. Correctly handles both the 2 save blocks] {Lua's frame counter may report wrong values after reloading a save state, sometimes solved after doing 3 frame advances}
    • TASVideos' Vba-v24m-svn422 [RNG abuse] {Lua's frame counter may report wrong values after reloading a save state, sometimes solved after doing 3 frame advances}
    • VBA-M 2.1.4#ed438d6e x64 (stable release) [Connection with Pokémon Box, Connection with Dolphin for WISHMKR Jirachi, Emerald Battle video seed sharing]
    • VBA-M-WX- [Connection with Pokémon Box, Connection with Dolphin for Channel Jirachi]
    • VBA-M [Mistery gift and Mistery event distribution]
    • Dolphin 5.0-6489
    Dolphin 4.0 (Only used for the Lonely WISHMKR Jirachi back in 2015) {No issue with this but it's been deprecated in favor of 5.0 versions}
    • Bizhawk's Unthrottle / Fast Forward
    • Vba-rr's Turbo mode
    • mGBA's Turbo mode
    • VBA-M's Turbo mode
    • Dolphin's 200% Speed + Dual Core + CPU's JIT Recompiler (No overclock!!!)
    • Bizhawk's Save states (only in the current game session, and trashed after that to avoid loading them in different Emulator versions or on different Dates)
    • Vba-rr's Save states (only in the current game session, and trashed after that to avoid loading them in different Emulator versions or on different Dates)
    • mGBA's Save states (only in the current game session, and trashed after that to avoid loading them in different Emulator versions or on different Dates)
    • VBA-M's Save states (only in the current game session, and trashed after that to avoid loading them in different Emulator versions or on different Dates)
    • Dolphin's Save states (only in the current game session, and trashed after that to avoid loading them in different Emulator versions or on different Dates)
    • Bizhawk Lua scripts
    • Vba-rr Lua scripts
  • IV Generation:
    • TASVideos' Desmume 0.9.12 nightlies (#d556c997, #3ec927de) x64 [Gameplay, RNG Abuse]
    • Desmume 0.9.12's Frame unlimiter + Fast Forward + Frame Skip (No dynamic recompiler!!!)
    • Desmume's Save states (only in the current game session, and trashed after that to avoid loading them in different Emulator versions or on different Dates)
    • Desmume 0.9.12 Lua scripts
  • V Generation:
    • Desmume 0.9.12 nightlies (#3ec927de) x64 (Gameplay only)
    • Desmume 0.9.12's Frame unlimiter + Fast Forward + Frame Skip (No dynamic recompiler!!!)
    • Desmume's Save states (only in the current game session, and trashed after that to avoid loading them in different Emulator versions or on different Dates)
  • VI Generation:
    • Citra
    • Citra's Frame unlimiter (No overclock)
    • Citra's Save states (only in the current game session, and trashed after that to avoid loading them in different Emulator versions or on different Dates)
  • VII Generation:
    • Citra
    • Citra's Frame unlimiter (No overclock)
    • Citra's Save states (only in the current game session, and trashed after that to avoid loading them in different Emulator versions or on different Dates)

  • III Generation:
    • Mystery Gift Tool 0.1f (Injects a Shareable Wondercard on a junk sav. The sav is then used to locally distribute the wondercard to obtain a legit WC on the receiver save file)
  • IV Generation:
    • Legal pokemon wondercards from injected on empty new save files backup (not saves where any of my Pokémon are stored) (Will be marked as " legal wc inject").
  • V Generation:
    • Legal Pokemon wondercards from injected on empty new save files backup (not saves where any of my Pokémon are stored) (Will be marked as " legal wc inject").
  • VI Generation:
    • Legal/legit wc6full Wondercards dumped from the events by contributors and personally redeemed from the event option in-game (Will be marked as " wc6full redemption"). Being legit/legal, they fail to be transferred if the date or other game informations don't match. No injection involved
    • Legit wc6full Wondercards personally dumped from the distribution servers and personally redeemed from the event option in-game (Will be marked as "Personal server redemption"). Being legit, they fail to be transferred if the date or other game informations don't match. No injection involved
  • VII Generation:
    • Legal/legit wc7full Wondercards dumped from the events by contributors and personally redeemed from the event option in-game (Will be marked as " wc7full redemption"). Being legit/legal, they fail to be transferred if the date or other game informations don't match. No injection involved
    • Legit wc7full Wondercards personally dumped from the distribution servers and personally redeemed from the event option in-game (Will be marked as "Personal server redemption"). Being legit, they fail to be transferred if the date or other game informations don't match. No injection involved

  • III Generation: Backup and Restore of .sav file using GBA Backup Tool v0.21 (Flashcart ROM for Nintendo DS with legit cartridge on gba slot, it requires a local network with the PC)
  • III Generation: Backup and Restore of .sav file using savegame manager 0.3.0.RC1.mod (Flashcart ROM for Nintendo DS with legit cartridge on gba slot)
  • III Generation (Emerald): Emerald battle tower cloning glitch
  • IV Generation: Backup and Restore of .sav file using Checkpoint
  • V Generation: Backup and Restore of .sav file using Checkpoint
  • VI Generation: Backup and Restore of .sav file using Powersaves' backup and restore, use of the Pokébank [Deprecated in favor of Checkpoint]
  • VI Generation: Backup and Restore of .sav file using JKSM, use of the Pokébank [Deprecated in favor of Checkpoint]
  • VI Generation: Backup and Restore of .sav file using Checkpoint, use of the Pokébank
  • VII Generation: Backup and Restore of .sav file using Powersaves' backup and restore, use of the Pokébank [Deprecated in favor of Checkpoint]
  • VII Generation: Backup and Restore of .sav file using JKSM, use of the Pokébank [Deprecated in favor of Checkpoint]
  • VII Generation: Backup and Restore of .sav file using Checkpoint, use of the Pokébank

  • Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP AGS-001 with stock bright model screen
    (This was sent to me directly by Nintendo after they failed to repair my old GBA SP under warranty.
    It came sealed new in box and was markes as AGS-001, so the old model, but the screen was brighter than the older one, so it mounts the new AGS-101 screen by stock, even being marked as AGS-001.
    This wasn't even a refurbished unit but a brand new, so for what I know it may be a prototype, since the final release should be marked as AGS-101 and have the brighter screen, or even an unique example.
    Even with lights off, in the dark it is brighter than a last generation smartphone screen with high brightness.)
  • Nintendo DS
  • Nintendo DSi (Custom Firmware: hiyaCFW + Unlaunch + TWiLightMenu++)
  • Nintendo 3DS XL EU
  • Nintendo New 3DS XL EU with JAP unlinked Emunand (Custom Firmware: B9s + Luma)
  • R4i Gold 3DS Plus
  • Datel Powersaves
  • Legit game cartridges
  • Pokémon Dream RAdar
  • Legit Rom dumps of my cartridges with verified CRC32, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256
  • Legit 3rd generation Pokémon distributions cartridges roms (Will be marked as "Official cart rom redemption")
  • Legit 4th generation Pokémon distributions cartridges roms (Will be marked as "Official cart rom redemption")
  • Legit 5th generation Pokémon distributions cartridges roms (Will be marked as "Official cart rom redemption")

Last edited:
Gen 1

#003 - Venusaur
(Standard Breeding / KeySav - Console)


Ot: Leoplureodon ( ΩR / αS Ita ) / ID: 05740
Nature: Timid / Ability: Overgrow
IVs: 31/30/30/31/31/31 [HP Ice]
EVs: 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: None
Ut: Tackle (Bulbasaur, Lv.1)
Breeding Note: Bred by me, hatched by Leoplureodon via PM on Reddit.

#006 - Charizard
(Standard Breeding / KeySav - Console)


Ot: Jamie ( X / Y Ita ) / ID: 18061
Nature: Adamant / Ability: Blaze
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: None
Ut: Dragon Rush, Dragon Dance, Counter, AncientPower (Charmander, Lv.1)
Breeding Note: Bred by me, hatched by Jamie-McL on Reddit.

#009 - Blastoise
(Standard Breeding / Keysav - Console)


Ot: Ana ( X / Y Ita ) / ID: 49483
Nature: Modest / Ability: Rain Dish
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: None
Ut: Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse, Water Spout, Muddy Water (Squirtle, Lv.1)
Breeding Note: Bred by me, hatched by TwixClub on Reddit.

#068 - Machamp - - ♂
Method: (Method H2, Wild) - Tools: (Bizhawk 2.4.2 (mGBA Core))


Game: Emerald (Ita) | Ot: Liger | ID: 37623
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Guts
IVs: 31/31/31/14/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#066 - Machop, Lv.15)

#076 - Golem - - ♀
Method: (Method H2, Safari zone, Rock Smash) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn422)


Game: Emerald (Ita) | Ot: Liger | ID: 37623
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Sturdy
IVs: 31/31/31/14/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#074 - Geodude, Lv.11)

#085 - ドードリオ - - ♀
Method: (Method H2, Safari Zone, Wild) - Tools: (Bizhawk 2.4.2 (mGBA core))


Game: Emerald (Jap) | Ot: Liger | ID: 55094
Nature: Jolly | Ability: Early Bird
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#084 - ドードー, Lv.29)

#110 - Weezing - - ♀
Method: (Method H2, Wild) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn422)


Game: Emerald (Ita) | Ot: Liger | ID: 50699
Nature: Bold | Ability: Levitate
IVs: 31/00/31/31/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#109 - Koffing, Lv.15)

#127 - Pinsir
(Standard Breeding / KeySav - Console)


Ot: Alex ( ΩR / αS Ita ) / ID: 27685
Nature: Jolly / Ability: Mold Breaker
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: None
Ut: Focus Energy, Close Combat, Feint, Quick Attack (Pinsir, Lv.1)
Breeding Note: Bred by me, hatched by dslay23 on Reddit.

#130 - ギャラドス - - ♀
Method: (Method H2, Old Rod) - Tools: (Bizhawk 2.4.2 (mGBA core))


Game: Emerald (Jap) | Ot: Liger | ID: 55094
Nature: Jolly | Ability: Intimidate
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#129 - コイキング, Lv.10)

#151 - ミュウ - - ⚲
Method: (Method 1, Faraway Island, Stationary) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn422, Old Sea Map)


Game: Emerald (Jap) | Ot: Liger | ID: 07707
Nature: Timid | Ability: Synchronize
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#151 - ミュウ, Lv.30)
As of now, a legit shiny Mew is probably the rarest Pokémon in existance.
His release has only took place back in the days in Japan, when the Old Sea Map event was distributed to the players which were in possession of a japanese copy of Pocket Monster: Emerald.
The peculiarity of such an event is that Mew will be possible to be caught as a Stationary Pokémon, thus allowing him to be shiny.
Never before, and never again it was possible to obtain a legit shiny mew.
Only followed by shiny deoxys, he still is the aim of any serious collector that wants to put his hands on the progenitor of all Pokémon.

#151 - ミュウ - - ⚲
Method: (Method 1, Faraway Island, Stationary) - Tools: (VBA-RR v24.3 svn480, Old Sea Map)


Game: Emerald (Jap) | Ot: Liger | ID: 04560
Nature: Timid | Ability: Synchronize
IVs: 31/07/31/31/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#151 - ミュウ, Lv.30)

#151 - ミュウ - - ⚲
Method: (Method 1, Faraway Island, Stationary) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn422, Old Sea Map)


Game: Emerald (Jap) | Ot: Liger | ID: 07707
Nature: Modest | Ability: Synchronize
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#151 - ミュウ, Lv.30)

#151 - ミュウ - - ⚲
Method: (Method 1, Faraway Island, Stationary) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn480, Old Sea Map)


Game: Emerald (Jap) | Ot: Liger | ID: 00478
Nature: Modest | Ability: Synchronize
IVs: 31/02/31/31/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#151 - ミュウ, Lv.30)

#151 - ミュウ - - ⚲
Method: (Method 1, Faraway Island, Stationary) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn422, Old Sea Map)


Game: Emerald (Jap) | Ot: Liger | ID: 01573
Nature: Jolly | Ability: Synchronize
IVs: 31/31/31/29/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#151 - ミュウ, Lv.30)

#151 - ミュウ - - ⚲
Method: (Method 1, Faraway Island, Stationary) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn422, Old Sea Map)


Game: Emerald (Jap) | Ot: Liger | ID: 13033
Nature: Calm | Ability: Synchronize
IVs: 31/00/31/31/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#151 - ミュウ, Lv.30)

#151 - ミュウ - - ⚲
Method: (Method 1, Faraway Island, Stationary) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn480, Old Sea Map)


Game: Emerald (Jap) | Ot: Liger | ID: 55512
Nature: Careful | Ability: Synchronize
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#151 - ミュウ, Lv.30)

#151 - ミュウ - ⚲
Method: (Method 1, Faraway Island, Stationary) - Tools: (VBA-RR v24.3 svn480, Old Sea Map)


Game: Emerald (Jap) | Ot: Liger | ID: 07707
Nature: Jolly | Ability: Synchronize
IVs: 31/31/31/29/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#151 - ミュウ, Lv.30)

Last edited:
Gen 2

#181 - Ampharos - - ♂
Method: (Breeding) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn422)


Game: Emerald (Ita) | Ot: Liger | ID: 09040
Nature: Bold | Ability: Static
IVs: 31/00/31/31/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#179 - Mareep, Lv.5)
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#180 - Flaaffy, Lv.15)

#185 - Sudowoodo - - ♂
Method: (Method 1, Stationary tree) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn422)


Game: Emerald (Ita) | Ot: Liger | ID: 09040
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Sturdy
IVs: 31/31/31/24/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#185 - Sudowoodo, Lv.40)

#198 - Murkrow
(Standard Breeding / KeySav - Console)


Ot: Gary ( ΩR / αS Ita ) / ID: 25315
Nature: Bold | Ability: Prankster
IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: None
Ut: Confuse Ray, Feather Dance, Perish Song, Whirlwind (Murkrow, Lv.1)
Breeding Note: Bred by me, hatched by trikx_insane. Thanks!

#202 - Wobbuffet - - ♀
Method: (Method H2, Mirage Island, Wild) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn422)


Game: Emerald (Ita) | Ot: Liger | ID: 50699
Nature: Bold | Ability: Shadow Tag
IVs: 31/00/31/31/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#360 - Wynaut, Lv.15)

#212 - Scizor - ♀
Method: (Standard Breeding) - Tools: (Console, Retail cartridge)


Game: Y (Ita) | Ot: Blade | ID: 06992
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Technician
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: None
Ut: Defog, Counter, Steel Wing, Baton Pass (#123 - Scyther, Lv.1)

#213 - Shuckle - - ♀
Method: (Method H2, Safari zone, Rock smash) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn422)


Game: Emerald (Ita) | Ot: Liger | ID: 50699
Nature: Bold | Ability: Sturdy
IVs: 31/00/31/31/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#213 - Shuckle, Lv.25)

#217 - リングマ - - ♀
Method: (Method H2, Safari Zone, Wild) - Tools: (Bizhawk 2.4.2 (mGBA Core))


Game: Emerald (JAP) | Ot: Liger | ID: 55094
Nature: Jolly | Ability: Quick Feet (Guts)
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#216 - ヒメグマ, Lv.34)

#232 - Donphan - - ♀
Method: (Method H2, Safari zone, Wild) - Tools: (Bizhawk 2.4.2 (mGBA Core))


Game: Emerald (Ita) | Ot: Liger | ID: 37623
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Sturdy
IVs: 31/31/31/14/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#231 - Phanpy, Lv.26)

#234 - オドシシ - - ♀
Method: (Method H2, Safari zone, Wild) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn480)


Game: Emerald (JAP) | Ot: Liger | ID: 34567
Nature: Hasty | Ability: Intimidate
IVs: 30/31/31/31/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Double edge, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Double edge, Move, Move, Move (#234 - オドシシ, Lv.39)

#235 - ドーブル - - ♀
Method: (Method H2, Wild) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn480)


Game: Emerald (JAP) | Ot: Liger | ID: 55094
Nature: Jolly | Ability: Own Tempo
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#235 - ドーブル, Lv.40)

#251 - Celebi
(Pokémon Link - Console)


Ot: Blade ( X / Y Ita ) / ID: 06992
Nature: Bold | Ability: Natural Cure
IVs: 31/31/31/x/x/x
EVs: 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: None
Ut: Recover, Heal Bell, Safeguard, Hold Back (Celebi, Lv.10)

Last edited:
Gen 3

#257 - Blaziken
(Standard Breeding / KeySav - Console)


Ot: Glenn ( X / Y Ita ) / ID: 36698
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Speed Boost
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ut: Night Slash, Low Kick, Baton Pass, Agility (Torchic, Lv.1)
Breeding Note: Bred by me, hatched by Phenomic on Reddit.

#264 - Linoone - - ♀
Method: (Method H2, Wild) - Tools: (Bizhawk 2.4.2 (mGBA Core)B])[/B]


Game: Emerald (Ita) | Ot: Liger | ID: 37623
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Gluttony (Pickup)
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#263 - Zigzagoon, Lv.2)

#277 - オオスバメ - - ♀
Method: (Method H2, Wild) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn480)


Game: Emerald (JAP) | Ot: Liger | ID: 55094
Nature: Jolly | Ability: Guts
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#276 - スバメ, Lv.5)

#291 - Ninjask - - ♀
Method: (Method H2, Wild) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn422)


Game: Emerald (Ita) | Ot: Liger | ID: 37623
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Speed Boost
IVs: 31/31/31/14/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#290 - Nincada, Lv.6)

#292 - Shedinja - - ♀
Method: (Method H2, Wild) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn422)


Game: Emerald (Ita) | Ot: Liger | ID: 37623
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Wonder guard
IVs: 31/31/31/14/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Swords dance, Sucker Punch, Phantom Force, X-Scissor
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#290 - Nincada, Lv.6)
Ut: Swords dance, Sucker Punch, Move, Move (#292 - Shedinja, Lv.25)

#292 - Shedinja - - ♀
Method: (Method H2, Wild) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn422)


Game: Emerald (Ita) | Ot: Liger | ID: 37623
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Wonder guard
IVs: 31/31/31/14/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Agility, Endure, Phantom Force, X-Scissor
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#290 - Nincada, Lv.6)
Ut: Agility, Sucker Punch, Move, Move #292 - (Shedinja, Lv.38)

#292 - Shedinja - - ♀
Method: (Method H2, Wild) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn422)


Game: Emerald (Ita) | Ot: Liger | ID: 37623
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Wonder guard
IVs: 31/31/31/14/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Baton Pass, Protect, Confuse Ray, Shadow Sneak
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#290 - Nincada, Lv.6)
Ut: Baton Pass, Sucker Punch, Move, Move (#292 - Shedinja, Lv.45)

#297 - Hariyama - - ♂
Method: (Method H2, Wild) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn422)


Game: Emerald (Ita) | Ot: Liger | ID: 37623
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Guts
IVs: 31/31/31/14/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#296 - Makuhita, Lv.6)

#306 - Aggron - (*) - - ♀
Method: (Method H2, Wild) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn480)


Game: Emerald (Ita) | Ot: Liger | ID: 37623
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Rock Head
IVs: 31/31/31/14/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#304 - Aron, Lv.7)

#306 - Aggron
(Standard Breeding / KeySav - Console)


Ot: Maria ( ΩR / αS Ita ) / ID: 03219
Nature: Impish | Ability: Sturdy
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: None
Ut: Body Slam, Curse, Head Smash, Stealth Rock (Aron, Lv.1)
Breeding Note: Bred by me, hatched by pikameiser on Reddit.

#324 - Torkoal - - ♀
Method: (Method H2, Wild) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn422)


Game: Emerald (Ita) | Ot: Liger | ID: 50699
Nature: Bold | Ability: Drought (White Smoke)
EVs : 248/0/252/0/10/0
Ev'd: Lava Plume, Stealth Rock, Body press, Rapid Spin
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#324 - Torkoal, Lv.28)

#327 - パッチール - - ♂
Method: (Method H2, Wild) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn480)


Game: Emerald (Jap) | Ot: Liger | ID: 12321
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Own Tempo
IVs: xx/xx/xx/xx/xx/xx
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#327 - パッチール, Lv.15)

spinda adamant info.png

You know, Spinda is that pokemon with an immense amount of different patterns, which consists of 4 spots which are determined by its PID until gen 6.
The challenge I wanted was to have "perfect" pattern Spinda, and my ideas ended up with the conclusion the spots had to be mirrored on each side, and be realistic by covering the tip of the ears and the cheeks. But I also wanted a good nature.
The problem was that Spinda's moveset since gen 5 is the one that abuses Superpower along with its DW ability "contrary", which can't be shiny.
So, not being able to use that, I wanted to find a generic moveset which can still work using its unique gen 3 ability.
I ended up with a generic gen 4 moveset which can still be used on newer gens, which nature was adamant.
I was then able to find a perfect pattern with an adamant nature.
So the RNG begins: what I wanted was to do it as cool as possible (for me, at least), so, if the Spinda pattern was mirrored, why not the Trainer ID?
There it is, I rnged a mirrored TID as 12321.
I excluded the 0 only because it may be numerically-wise excluded while considering an integer number, while I wanted a TID that could be pronunced and written in a unique manner.
So I went ahead, and finished the SAV until I got a Frontier Pass.
This was needed as I RNGed the TID on another sav and then battled, which transferred the seed I needed to rng abuse for that Spinda.
With the save file finished with the only purpose of rnging a random ivs spinda and the seed triggered by the Frontier Pass' battle video, I went ahead and captured the aforementioned Spinda in its perfect ball, a nest ball, which recalls to its spiral eyes and his skin color.
Now, it will require some Hyper Training to compensate for the lacks of good IVs, but this will be a good addition in my collection along with a (yet to do) Dream world Spinda from gen 5 which will aim for competitive usage only.

#330 - フライゴン - - ♀
Method: (Method H2, Wild) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn480)


Game: Emerald (JAP) | Ot: Liger | ID: 55094
Nature: Jolly | Ability: Levitate
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#328 - ナックラー, Lv.20)

#334 - Altaria - - ♀
Method: (Method H2, Wild) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn480)


Game: Emerald (Ita) | Ot: Liger | ID: 50699
Nature: Bold | Ability: Natural Cure
IVs: 31/00/31/31/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#333 - Swablu, Lv.15)

#340 - ナマズン - - ♀
Method: (Method H2, Super Rod) - Tools: (Bizhawk 2.4.2 (mGBA Core))


Game: Emerald (JAP) | Ot: Liger | ID: 55094
Nature: Jolly | Ability: Anticipation (Oblivious)
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#339 - ドジョッチ, Lv.30)

#350 - Milotic - - ♀
Method: (Method H2, Super Rod) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn422)


Game: Emerald (Ita) | Ot: Liger | ID: 50699
Nature: Bold | Ability: Marvel Scale
IVs: 31/00/31/31/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#349 - Feebas, Lv.20)

#354 - Banette - - ♀
Method: (Method H2, Wild) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn422)


Game: Emerald (Ita) | Ot: Liger | ID: 37623
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Insomnia
IVs: 31/31/31/14/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#353 - Shuppet, Lv.22)

#356 - Dusclops - - ♀
Method: (Method H2, Wild) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn422)


Game: Emerald (Ita) | Ot: Liger | ID: 50699
Nature: Bold | Ability: Pressure
IVs: 31/00/31/31/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#355 - Duskull, Lv.28)
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#356 - Dusclops, Lv.37)

#369 - Relicanth - - ♂
Method: (Method H2, Wild) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn422)


Game: Emerald (Ita) | Ot: Liger | ID: 37623
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Rock head
IVs: 31/31/31/14/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#369 - Relicanth , Lv.34)

#377 - Regirock - - ⚲
Method: (Method 4, Pokémon Box Link, Desert Ruins, Stationary) - Tools: (VBA-M 2.0.0 beta2, Dolphin 5.0-6489, Pokémon Box)


Game: Ruby (USA) | Ot: Liger | ID: 32060
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Clean Body
IVs: 31/31/31/28/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#377 - Regirock, Lv.40)

#377 - Regirock - - ⚲
Method: (Method 4, Pokémon Box Link, Desert Ruins, Stationary) - Tools: (VBA-M 2.1.4, Dolphin 5.0-6489, Pokémon Box)


Game: Ruby (USA) | Ot: Liger | ID: 10070
Nature: Careful | Ability: Clean Body
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#377 - Regirock, Lv.40)

#378 - レジアイス - - ⚲
Method: (Method 1, Island Cave, Stationary) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn422)


Game: Emerald (JAP) | Ot: Liger | ID: 13033
Nature: Calm | Ability: Clean Body
IVs: 31/00/31/31/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#378 - レジアイス, Lv.40)

#379 - Registeel - - ⚲
Method: (Method 4, Pokémon Box Link, Ancient Mound, Stationary) - Tools: (VBA-M 2.1.4, Dolphin 5.0-6489, Pokémon Box)


Game: Ruby (USA) | Ot: Liger | ID: 10070
Nature: Careful | Ability: Clean Body
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#379 - Registeel, Lv.40)

#379 - レジスチル - - ⚲
Method: (Method 1, Ancient Mound, Stationary) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn422)


Game: Emerald (JAP) | Ot: Liger | ID: 13033
Nature: Calm | Ability: Clean Body
IVs: 31/00/31/31/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#379 - レジスチル, Lv.40)

#380 - ラティアス - - ♀
Method: (Method 1, Southern Island, Stationary) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn422, Eon Ticket)


Game: Emerald (Jap) | Ot: Liger | ID: 07707
Nature: Timid | Ability: Levitate
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#380 - ラティアス, Lv.50)

Altough both Latias and Latios are obtainable in Pokémon Emerald, you can only choose one out of the two roamers after beating the league champion.
The Eon Ticket was an item distributed as an Event and allowed you to get the other (normally roaming) Pokémon on the Southern Island.
Another way to obtain it is to Mix Records with a game that directly had received it.
In particular, the Japanese localization of Emerald was the only one that was able to receive the Eon ticket officially without mixing records from Ruby and Sapphire.
This feature was not present in other Emerald localizations because the Mistery Events feature was removed.
In my case, I choose Latios as a roamer after becoming the Champion, so Latias was left in the wild.
I used a save file which contained an Eon ticket event directly received, and then passed it to my Japanese Emerald save by mixing the records with it.
Altough it uses the same generation Method as any other stationary Pokémon and Latias can be still normally caught as roamer in Emerald at a lower level, I still consider it a little special trophy because of its origins, and the Premier ball is a little addon, being "made in commemoration of some event".

#381 - ラティオス - - ♂
Method: (Method 1, Roamer) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn422)


Game: Emerald (Jap) | Ot: Liger | ID: 07707
Nature: Timid | Ability: Levitate
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#381 - ラティオス, Lv.40)
Proof: Video

#383 - Groudon - - ⚲
Method: (Method 1, Terra Cave, Stationary) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn422)


Game: Emerald (Ita) | Ot: Liger | ID: 09040
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Drought
IVs: 31/31/31/24/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#383 - Groudon, Lv.70)

#383 - Groudon - - ⚲
Method: (Method 4, Pokémon Box Link, Cave of Origin, Stationary) - Tools: (VBA-M 2.1.4, Dolphin 5.0-6489, Pokémon Box)


Game: Ruby (USA) | Ot: Liger | ID: 10070
Nature: Careful | Ability: Drought
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#383 - Groudon, Lv.45)
Proof: Video

Pokémon Box is a Gamecube game that can link to Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, which primarly functions are to store Pokémon in boxes, hence his name, or emulate the Game Boy Advance games on your TV.
Another very unique characteristic is that it can manipulate the game algorithm and rendering introducing the so called "Method 4".
Method 4 takes place by "distorting" the method 1 and using only half of his spread, thus allowing to expand the possible IVs.
The careful all31 is a perfect example of this, which manipulates the normally generated method 1 that only has 31 IVs in HP, Atk and Def.
But, how does it work? Once the link is established, the game won't just solely use the method 4, but it will normally use the Method 1, and, only under certain mysterious conditions it can switch to method 4.
The Origin Cave is actually the hardest one to manipulate, because it has the lava always rendering and affecting the RNG.
The game can actually switch to method 4 randomly after screen refreshes that can happen, for example, after opening the Pokédex, interrupting the Lava rendering.
This will also reduce by 1 the target frame you need to hit.
In this way, you can just try the luck and encounter the groudon. If it's shiny but doesn't have the correct IVs, then you can redo all the same but open the Pokédex once more, and so on.
But, this can actually be expanded and randomized.
In the Cave of Origin, in which groudon resides, the game has no programmed soundtrack. If you hatch an egg, then the soundtrack will remain until you change room or shut down the game.
However, this action is able to manipulate the RNG.
You won't need to open and close the Pokédex anymore, because the entire process will be randomized.
In fact, even just stepping in into groudon at a different frame will change the entire algorithm.
Doing this, the target frame will oscillate differently depending when you triggered the dialog screen, and you may need to take the target-1 in much occasions, and the spread may even skip!
Another possibility, altough much rarer, is that it it will generate the Pokémon by Method 4, which may even need entire days of tries, even using the Emulator's Save States.

#384 - Rayquaza - - ⚲
Method: (Method 4, Pokémon Box Link, Sky Pillar, Stationary) - Tools: (VBA-M 2.0.0 beta2, Dolphin 5.0-6489, Pokémon Box)


Game: Ruby (USA) | Ot: Liger | ID: 32060
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Air Lock
IVs: 31/31/31/28/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#384 - Rayquaza, Lv.70)

#384 - Rayquaza - - ⚲
Method: (Method 4, Pokémon Box Link, Sky Pillar, Stationary) - Tools: (VBA-M 2.1.4, Dolphin 5.0-6489, Pokémon Box)


Game: Ruby (USA) | Ot: Liger | ID: 10070
Nature: Naive | Ability: Air Lock
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#384 - Rayquaza, Lv.70)

#385 - Jirachi - ⚲
Method: (Reverse Method 1 - WISHMKR Jirachi) - Tools: (Dolphin 5.0-6489, VBA-M 2.1.4)


Game: Ruby (USA) | Ot: WISHMKR | ID: 20043
Nature: Jolly | Ability: Serene Grace
IVs: 31/29/30/31/30/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#385 - Jirachi, Lv.5)

#385 - Jirachi - - ⚲
Method: (Reverse Method 1 - WISHMKR Jirachi) - Tools: (Dolphin 5.0-6489, VBA-M 2.1.4)


Game: Ruby (USA) | Ot: WISHMKR | ID: 20043
Nature: Jolly | Ability: Serene Grace
IVs: 11/08/06/14/05/20
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#385 - Jirachi, Lv.5)

#385 - Jirachi - - ⚲
Method: (Reverse Method 1 - WISHMKR Jirachi) - Tools: (Dolphin 5.0-6489, VBA-M 2.1.4)


Game: Ruby (USA) | Ot: WISHMKR | ID: 20043
Nature: Timid | Ability: Serene Grace
IVs: 15/28/29/03/00/07
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#385 - Jirachi, Lv.5)

#385 - Jirachi - - ⚲
Method: (Reverse Method 1 - WISHMKR Jirachi) - Tools: (Dolphin 5.0-6489, VBA-M 2.1.4)


Game: Ruby (USA) | Ot: WISHMKR | ID: 20043
Nature: Careful | Ability: Serene Grace
IVs: 10/00/10/10/26/12
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#385 - Jirachi, Lv.5)

#385 - Jirachi - - ⚲
Method: (Reverse Method 1 - WISHMKR Jirachi) - Tools: (Dolphin 5.0-6489, VBA-M 2.1.4)


Game: Ruby (USA) | Ot: WISHMKR | ID: 20043
Nature: Hasty | Ability: Serene Grace
IVs: 03/12/12/07/11/09
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#385 - Jirachi, Lv.5)

#385 - Jirachi - - ⚲
Method: (Reverse Method 1 - WISHMKR Jirachi) - Tools: (Dolphin 5.0-6489, VBA-M 2.1.4)


Game: Ruby (USA) | Ot: WISHMKR | ID: 20043
Nature: Naughty | Ability: Serene Grace
IVs: 21/31/31/18/24/19
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#385 - Jirachi, Lv.5)

#385 - Jirachi - - ⚲
Method: (Reverse Method 1 - WISHMKR Jirachi) - Tools: (Dolphin 4.0, VBA-M)


Game: Ruby (USA) | Ot: WISHMKR | ID: 20043
Nature: Lonely | Ability: Serene Grace
IVs: 31/23/26/29/18/05
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#385 - Jirachi, Lv.5)
Proof: #1 | #2 | #3

#385 - Jirachi - ⚲
Method: (CHANNEL Jirachi) - Tools: (Dolphin 5.0-6489, VBA-M 2.1.4, Pokémon Channel)


Game: Ruby (Ita) | Ot: CHANNEL | ID: 40122
Nature: Jolly | Ability: Serene Grace
IVs: 31/31/31/23/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#385 - Jirachi, Lv.5)

#385 - Jirachi - - ⚲
Method: (CHANNEL Jirachi) - Tools: (Dolphin 5.0-6489, VBA-M 2.1.4, Pokémon Channel)


Game: Ruby (Ita) | Ot: CHANNEL | ID: 40122
Nature: Jolly | Ability: Serene Grace
IVs: 27/30/29/17/30/27
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#385 - Jirachi, Lv.5)

#385 - Jirachi - - ⚲
Method: (CHANNEL Jirachi) - Tools: (Dolphin 5.0-6489, VBA-M 2.1.4, Pokémon Channel)


Game: Ruby (Ita) | Ot: CHANNEL | ID: 40122
Nature: Careful | Ability: Serene Grace
IVs: 27/29/30/18/30/30
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#385 - Jirachi, Lv.5)

#385 - Jirachi - - ⚲
Method: (CHANNEL Jirachi) - Tools: (Dolphin 5.0-6489, VBA-M 2.1.4, Pokémon Channel)


Game: Ruby (Ita) | Ot: CHANNEL | ID: 40122
Nature: Timid | Ability: Serene Grace
IVs: 24/0/24/27/29/21
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#385 - Jirachi, Lv.5)

Last edited:
Gen 4

#452 - Drapion
(Standard Breeding / KeySav - Console)


Ot: Katherine ( X / Y Ita ) / ID: 57246
Nature: Impish / Ability: Sniper
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: None
Ut: Pursuit, Slash, Confuse Ray, Agility (Skorupi, Lv.1)
Note: Bred by me, hatched by Miyuki_ on Reddit.

#464 - Rhyperior - - ♀
Method: (Method H2, Safari zone, Wild) - Tools: (Bizhawk 2.4.2 (mGBA Core))


Game: Emerald (Ita) | Ot: Liger | ID: 37623
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Solid Rock
IVs: 31/31/31/14/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#111 - Rhyhorn, Lv.27)

#477 - Dusknoir - - ♀
Method: (Method H2, Wild) - Tools: (Vba-v24m-svn422)


Game: Emerald (Ita) | Ot: Liger | ID: 37623
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Pressure
IVs: 31/31/31/14/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (#345 - Duskull, Lv.25)

Last edited:
Gen 5

497 - Serperior
(Standard Breeding / KeySav - Console)


Ot: Alex ( X / Y Ita ) / ID: 45761
Nature: Timid | Ability: Contrary
IVs: 31/30/31/30/31/30 [HP Fire]
EVs: 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: None
Ut: Glare, Mirror Coat, Mean Look, Sweet Scent (Snivy, Lv.1)
Breeding Note: Bred by me, hatched by a friend. (His TSV list)

#598 - Ferrothorn
(Standard Breeding / KeySav - Console)


Ot: Lina ( X / Y Ita ) / ID: 13493
Nature: Relaxed | Ability: Iron Barbs
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/0
EVs: 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ut: Harden, Leech Seed, Stealth Rock, Spikes (Ferroseed, Lv.1)
Breeding Note: Bred by me, hatched by UmiMizuAi on Reddit.

#644 - Zekrom - - ⚲
Method: (Soft Resetting (1373 times), Shiny Charm, Hazy Cave, Stationary) - Tools: (Console, Retail cartridge)


Game: αS (Ita) | Ot: Liger | ID: 14752
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Teravolt
IVs: 31/31/24/x/31/31
EVs : 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Tailwind, Zen Headbutt, ThunderPunch, Outrage (#644 - Zekrom, Lv.50)
Proof: #1

Last edited:
Gen 6

#655 - Delphox
(Standard Breeding / KeySav - Console)


Ot: Fabio ( X / Y Ita ) / ID: 29548
Nature: Timid | Ability: Blaze
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: None
Ut: Tail Whip, Scratch, Hypnosis, Heat Wave (Fennekin, Lv.1)
Breeding Note: Bred by me, hatched by DarkTakayanagi on Reddit.

#658 - Greninja
(Standard Breeding / KeySav - Console)


Ot: Rae ( X / Y Ita ) / ID: 27685
Nature: Timid | Ability: Protean
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: None
Ut: Pound, Growl, Toxic Spikes (Froakie, Lv.1)
Breeding Note: Bred by me, hatched by dragon-rae on Reddit.

#663 - Talonflame
(Standard Breeding / KeySav - Console)


Ot: Rayzen ( X / Y Ita ) / ID: 13784
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Gale Wings
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ut: Tackle, Growl, Agility, Quick Guard (Fletchling, Lv.1)
Breeding Note: Bred by me, hatched by Rayzen_M on Reddit.

#681 - Aegislash
(Standard Breeding / KeySav - Console)


Ot: Togg ( X / Y Ita ) / ID: 56848
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Stance Change
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252/252/0/0/4/0
Ev'd: Sacred Sword, Swords Dance, Shadow Sneak, King's Shield
Ut: Tackle, Swords Dance (Honedge, Lv.1)
Breeding Note: Bred by me, hatched by watermelons. Thanks!

#685 - Sabbaione
(Standard Breeding / KeySav - Console)


Ot: Mai ( ΩR / αS Ita ) / ID: 49993
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Unburden
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: None
Ut: Yawn, After You, Copycat, Belly Drum (Flauschling, Lv.1)
Breeding Note: Bred by me, hatched by Schwarzmilan.

Last edited:
Gen 7
#??? - Name - (*) - / - ♂ / ♀ / ⚲
Method: (Method1, Method2) - Tools: (Tool1, Tool2)


Game: Game (Language) | Ot: Name | ID: 00000
Nature: Nature | Ability: Ability (UT Ability)
IVs: HP/Atk/Def/S.Atk/S.Def/Spd
EVs: HP/Atk/Def/S.Atk/S.Def/Spd
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (Name - (*), Lv.1)
Memory Moves: Move, Move, Move, Move
Last edited:
Gen 8
#??? - Name - (*) - / - ♂ / ♀ / ⚲
Method: (Method1, Method2) - Tools: (Tool1, Tool2)


Game: Game (Language) | Ot: Name | ID: 00000
Nature: Nature | Ability: Ability (UT Ability)
IVs: HP/Atk/Def/S.Atk/S.Def/Spd
EVs: HP/Atk/Def/S.Atk/S.Def/Spd
Ev'd: Move, Move, Move, Move
Ut: Move, Move, Move, Move (Name - (*), Lv.1)
Memory Moves: Move, Move, Move, Move
Last edited:
All my Legit Pokémon Wondercards

Charizardite X Charizard
Method: (PAL Serial code)
#006 - Charizard - ♂


Game: Y (Ita) | Ot: GAME 2014 | ID: 07114
Nature: Random | Ability: Blaze
IVs: Random
Ut: Dragon Rage, Fire Fang, Air Slash, Dragon Claw (#006 - Charizard, Lv.36)

Spring 2015 Charizard
Method: (PAL Serial code)
#006 - Charizard - - ♂ / ♀


Game: αS (Ita) | Ot: PRIMAVERA15 | ID: 04015
Nature: Random | Ability: Blaze
IVs: Random
Ut: Overheat, Solar Beam, Focus Blast, Hold Hands (#006 - Charizard, Lv.36)
Proof: #1 | #2

Happy Meal Meowth
Method: (PAL Serial code)
#052 - Meowth - ♂ / ♀


Game: Y (Ita) | Ot: Happy | ID: 08196
Nature: Random | Ability: Pickup
IVs: 3 Ivs locked at 31
Ut: Happy Hour, Screech, Bite, Fake Out (#052 - Meowth, Lv.20)
Proof: #1 | #2 | #3

Happy Meal Meowth
Method: (PAL Serial code)
#052 - Meowth - ♂ / ♀


Game: αS (Ita) | Ot: Happy | ID: 08196
Nature: Random | Ability: Pickup
IVs: 3 Ivs locked at 31
Ut: Happy Hour, Screech, Bite, Fake Out (#052 - Meowth, Lv.20)
Proof: #1 | #2 | #3

October 2014 Gengar
Method: (PAL Serial code)
#094 - Gengar - - ♀


Game: Y (Ita) | Ot: OTTOBRE14 | ID: 10134
Nature: Random | Ability: Levitate
IVs: Random
Ut: Shadow Ball, Sludge Wave, Confuse Ray, Astonish (#094 - Gengar, Lv.25)
Proof: #1

Aldora Legendary birds Articuno
Method: (PAL Serial code)
#144 - Articuno - ⚲


Game: αS (Ita) | Ot: Aldora | ID: 03116
Nature: Random | Ability: Snow Cloak
IVs: 3 Ivs locked at 31
Ut: Freeze-Dry, Ice Beam, Hail, Reflect (#144 - Articuno, Lv.70)
Proof: #1 | #2 | #3

Aldora Legendary birds Zapdos
Method: (PAL Serial code)
#145 - Zapdos - ⚲


Game: Y (Ita) | Ot: Aldora | ID: 03116
Nature: Random | Ability: Static
IVs: 3 Ivs locked at 31
Ut: Discharge, Thunder Shock, Rain Dance, Agility (#145 - Zapdos, Lv.70)
Proof: #1 | #2 | #3

Aldora Legendary birds Zapdos
Method: (PAL Serial code)
#145 - Zapdos - ⚲


Game: αS (Ita) | Ot: Aldora | ID: 03116
Nature: Random | Ability: Static
IVs: 3 Ivs locked at 31
Ut: Discharge, Thunder Shock, Rain Dance, Agility (#145 - Zapdos, Lv.70)
Proof: #1 | #2 | #3

Aldora Legendary birds Moltres
Method: (PAL Serial code)
#146 - Moltres - ⚲


Game: Y (Ita) | Ot: Aldora | ID: 03116
Nature: Random | Ability: Flame Body
IVs: 3 Ivs locked at 31
Ut: Sky Attack, Heat Wave, Sunny Day, Safeguard (#146 - Moltres, Lv.70)
Proof: #1 | #2 | #3

Pokémon 20th Anniversary Mythical Pokémon Mew
Method: (PAL Serial code)
#151 - Mew - ⚲


Game: Y (Ita) | Ot: GF | ID: 02016
Nature: Random | Ability: Synchronize
IVs: 3 Ivs locked at 31
Ut: Pound (#151 - Mew, Lv.100)
Proof: #1 | #2 | #3

Pokémon 20th Anniversary Mythical Pokémon Mew
Method: (PAL Serial code)
#151 - Mew - ⚲


Game: αS (Ita) | Ot: GF | ID: 02016
Nature: Random | Ability: Synchronize
IVs: 3 Ivs locked at 31
Ut: Pound (#151 - Mew, Lv.100)
Proof: #1 | #2 | #3

Steven's Beldum
Method: (PAL Nintendo Network)
#374 - Beldum - - ⚲


Game: αS (Ita) | Ot: Rocco | ID: 11214
Nature: Random | Ability: Clear Body
IVs: Random
Ut: Hold Back, Iron Head, Zen Headbutt, Iron Defense (#374 - Beldum, Lv.5)

Jade Infernape
Method: (PAL Serial code)
#392 - Infernape - ♂ / ♀


Game: αS (UK) | Ot: Jade | ID: 01286
Nature: Random | Ability: Iron Fist
IVs: Random
Ut: Fire Blast, Close Combat, Fire Punch, Focus Punch (Infernape, Lv.88)
Proof: #1

Cynthia's Garchomp
Method: (PAL Serial code)
#445 - Garchomp - ♂ / ♀


Game: αS (Ita) | Ot: Camilla | ID: 07226
Nature: Random | Ability: Sand Veil
IVs: 3 Ivs locked at 31
Ut: Dragon Rush, Earthquake, Brick Break, Giga Impact(Garchomp, Lv.66)
Proof: #1 | #2

February 2015 Darkrai
Method: (PAL Serial code)
#491 - Darkrai - ⚲


Game: Y (Ita) | Ot: FEB2015 | ID: 02135
Nature: Random | Ability: Bad Dreams
IVs: 3 Ivs locked at 31
Ut: Dark Void, Dream Eater, Dark Pulse, Phantom Force (Darkrai, Lv.50)
Proof: #1
Note: Thanks to fiat 500 for the Serial Code!

Pokémon 20th Anniversary Mythical Darkrai
Method: (PAL Serial code)
#491 - Darkrai - ⚲


Game: Y (Ita) | Ot: GF | ID: 05016
Nature: Random | Ability: Bad Dreams
IVs: 3 Ivs locked at 31
Ut: Dark Void, Ominous Wind, Nightmare, Feint Attack (Darkrai, Lv.100)
Proof: #1 | #2

Pokémon 20th Anniversary Mythical Shaymin
Method: (PAL Nintendo Network)
#492 - Shaymin - ⚲


Game: Y (Ita) | Ot: GF | ID: 07016
Nature: Random | Ability: Natural Cure
IVs: 3 Ivs locked at 31
Ut: Seed Flare, Aromatherapy, Substitute, Energy Ball (Shaymin, Lv.100)

Pokémon 20th Anniversary Mythical Shaymin
Method: (PAL Nintendo Network)
#492 - Shaymin - ⚲


Game: αS (Ita) | Ot: GF | ID: 07016
Nature: Random | Ability: Natural Cure
IVs: 3 Ivs locked at 31
Ut: Seed Flare, Aromatherapy, Substitute, Energy Ball (Shaymin, Lv.100)

Pokémon 20th Anniversary Mythical Arceus
Method: (PAL Serial code)
#493 - Arceus - ⚲


Game: Y (Ita) | Ot: GF | ID: 08016
Nature: Random | Ability: Multitype
IVs: 3 Ivs locked at 31
Ut: Judgment, Recover, Hyper Beam, Perish Song (Arceus, Lv.100)
Proof: #1

Pokémon 20th Anniversary Mythical Arceus
Method: (PAL Serial code)
#493 - Arceus - ⚲


Game: αS (Ita) | Ot: GF | ID: 08016
Nature: Random | Ability: Multitype
IVs: 3 Ivs locked at 31
Ut: Judgment, Recover, Hyper Beam, Perish Song (Arceus, Lv.100)
Proof: #1 | #2 | #3

Hidden Ability Present Pokémon
Method: (PAL Serial code)
#497 - Serperior - ♂ / ♀


Game: αS (Ita) | Ot: Regalo | ID: 01225
Nature: Random | Ability: Contrary
IVs: Random
Ut: Leaf Storm, Hold Back, Wring Out, Giga Drain (Serperior, Lv.50)

Hidden Ability Present Pokémon
Method: (PAL Serial code)
#500 - Emboar - ♂ / ♀


Game: αS (Ita) | Ot: Regalo | ID: 01295
Nature: Random | Ability: Reckless
IVs: Random
Ut: Flare Blitz, Hold Back, Head Smash, Take Down (Emboar, Lv.50)

Hidden Ability Present Pokémon
Method: (PAL Serial code)
#503 - Samurott - ♂ / ♀


Game: αS (Ita) | Ot: Regalo | ID: 01205
Nature: Random | Ability: Shell Armor
IVs: Random
Ut: Razor Shell, Hold Back, Confide, Hydro Pump (Samurott, Lv.50)

Pokémon 20th Anniversary Mythical Keldeo
Method: (PAL Nintendo Network)
#647 - Keldeo - ⚲


Game: αS (Ita) | Ot: GF | ID: 10016
Nature: Random | Ability: Justified
IVs: 3 Ivs locked at 31
Ut: Aqua Jet, Leer, Double Kick, Bubble Beam (Keldeo, Lv.100)
Proof: #1 | #2

Summer 2014 Poké Ball Pattern Vivillon
Method: (PAL Nintendo Network)
#666 - Vivillion - ♂


Game: Y (Ita) | Ot: ESTATE14 | ID: 08134
Nature: Random | Ability: Shield Dust / Compound Eyes
IVs: Random
Ut: Stun Spore, Gust, Light Screen, Struggle Bug (Vivillon, Lv.12)

GTS Fancy Pattern Vivillon
Method: (PAL Nintendo Network)
#666 - Vivillion - ♂ / ♀


Game: Y (Ita) | Ot: GTS | ID: 00108
Nature: Random | Ability: Shield Dust / Compound Eyes
IVs: Random
Ut: Hold Hands, Gust, Light Screen, Struggle Bug (Vivillon, Lv.12)

Descartes Xerneas
Method: (PAL Serial code)
#716 - Xerneas - - ⚲


Game: Y (Ita) | Ot: Cartesio | ID: 05026
Nature: Random | Ability: Fairy Aura
IVs: 3 Ivs locked at 31
Ut: Geomancy, Moonblast, Aromatherapy, Focus Blast (Xerneas, Lv.100)
Proof: #1 | #2

Descartes Yveltal
Method: (PAL Serial code)
#716 - Yveltal - - ⚲


Game: Y (Ita) | Ot: Cartesio | ID: 05026
Nature: Random | Ability: Dark Aura
IVs: 3 Ivs locked at 31
Ut: Oblivion Wing, Sucker Punch, Dark Pulse, Foul Play (Yveltal, Lv.100)
Proof: #1 | #2

November 2014 Diancie
Method: (PAL Serial code)
#719 - Diancie - ⚲


Game: Y (Ita) | Ot: NOVEMBRE2014 | ID: 11064
Nature: Random | Ability: Clear Body
IVs: 3 Ivs locked at 31
Ut: Diamond Storm, Reflect, Return, Moonblast (Diancie, Lv.50)
Proof: #1 | #2 | #3

Harry Hoopa
Method: (PAL Serial code)
#720 - Hoopa - ⚲


Game: αS (Ita) | Ot: Harry | ID: 10235
Nature: Random | Ability: Magician
IVs: 3 Ivs locked at 31
Ut: Hyperspace Hole, Psychic, Astonish, Nasty Plot (Diancie, Lv.50)
Proof: #1 | #2 | #3 | #4

All my Legit Item Wondercards

Standard PAL Eon Ticket
Method: (PAL Serial code)
( αS (Ita) )


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Traded Pokémon
#168 - Ariados - - ♂
Method: (Standard Breeding, KeySav) - Tools: (Console, Retail cartridge)


Game: X / Y (USA) | Ot: Red Owl| ID: 47819
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Insomnia
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: None
Ut: Baton Pass, Megahorn, Toxic Spikes, Pursuit (Spinarak, Lv.1)
Breeding Note: Thanks to _Dragon for this. He gave me the egg and I found a match. Thanks for the gift! Hatched by NRedOwl on Reddit.
Distribution Rights: Me.

199 - Slowking - - ♀
Method: (Standard Breeding, KeySav) - Tools: (Console, Retail cartridge)


Game: ΩR / αS (Ita) | Ot: Name | ID: 05088
Nature: Calm | Ability: Regenerator
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: None
Ut: Wonder Room, Block, Belly Drum, Sleep Talk (Slowpoke, Lv.1)
Breeding Note: Bred by _Dragon, hatched by 2xpisces on Reddit.
Distribution Rights: Me.

242 - Blissey - - ♀
Method: (Standard Breeding, KeySav) - Tools: (Console, Retail cartridge)


Game: X / Y (Ita) | Ot: Nol | ID: 46150
Nature: Bold | Ability: Natural Cure
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: None
Ut: Mud Bomb, Counter, Metronome, Seismic Toss (Chansey, Lv.1)
Breeding Note: Bred by Drakero, hatched by ourcertifiablegenre on Reddit.
Distribution Rights: Me.

#373 - Salamence - - ♂
Method: (Standard Breeding, KeySav) - Tools: (Console, Retail cartridge)


Game: X / Y (Usa) | Ot: Aleistar | ID: 09145
Nature: Jolly | Ability: Intimidate
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 4/252/0/0/0/252
Ev'd: Dragon Dance, Thrash, Dragon Claw, Earthquake (Lv.50)
Ut: None
Memory moves: Hydro Pump, Dragon Pulse
Trainer Note: Pokéguy's Salamance
Distribution Rights: full redis

Traded Pokémon
Not for trade
#073 - Tentacruel - - ♀
Method: (Standard Breeding, KeySav) - Tools: (Console, Retail cartridge)


Game: X / Y (Usa) | Ot: Sansa Stark | ID: 40768
Nature: Bold | Ability: Rain Dish
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Ev'd: None
Ut: Poison Sting, Haze, Rapid Spin, Knock Off (Tentacool, Lv.1)
Breeding Note: Bred by Arhan, hatched by Xemnasty on Reddit.
Distribution Rights: Not for trade.

#248 - Tyranitar - - ♀
Method: (Standard Breeding, KeySav) - Tools: (Console, Retail cartridge)


Game: X / Y (Usa) | Ot: Mauricio | ID: 37092
Nature: Jolly | Ability: Guts
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Ev'd: None
Ut: Outrage, Stealth Rock, Pursuit, Dragon Dance (Larvitar, Lv.1)
Breeding Note: Bred by evan0913, hatched by Linkzhor on Reddit.
Distribution Rights: Not for trade.

#673 - 고고트 - - ♀
Method: (Standard Breeding, KeySav) - Tools: (Console, Retail cartridge)


Game: X / Y (Australian) | Ot: 삼포 | ID: 37727
Nature: Careful | Ability: Sap Sipper
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Ev'd: None
Ut: Growth, Defense Curl, Rollout, Milk Drink (메이클, Lv.1)
Breeding Note: Bred by evan0913, hatched by sone1430 on Reddit.
Distribution Rights: Not for trade.

#675 - Pangoro - - ♂
Method: (Standard Breeding, KeySav) - Tools: (Console, Retail cartridge)


Game: X / Y (USA) | Ot: Hazel | ID: 59561
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Iron Fist
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Ev'd: None
Ut: Leer, Storm Throw, Quick Guard, Foul Play (Pancham, Lv.1)
Breeding Note: Bred by ash1236, hatched by HazelthePoketrainer on Reddit.
Distribution Rights: Not for trade.

#678 - Meowstic - - ♂
Method: (Standard Breeding, KeySav) - Tools: (Console, Retail cartridge)


Game: X / Y (Ita) | Ot: Sokhui | ID: 39605
Nature: Modest | Ability: Own Tempo
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Ev'd: None
Ut: Trick, Assist, Yawn, Barrier (Espurr, Lv.1)
Breeding Note: Bred by Sb4ll4t0, hatched by TheRealRedViper on Reddit.
Distribution Rights: Not for trade.

#670 - Tyrantrum - - ♂
Method: (Standard Breeding, KeySav) - Tools: (Console, Retail cartridge)


Game: X / Y (Usa) | Ot: B. | ID: 26590
Nature: Jolly | Ability: Strong Jaw
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Ev'd: None
Ut: Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Dragon Dance (Tyrunt, Lv.1)
Breeding Note: Bred by ash1236, hatched by Geistowl on Reddit.
Distribution Rights: Not for trade.

#709 - Trevenant - - ♀
Method: (Standard Breeding, KeySav) - Tools: (Console, Retail cartridge)


Game: X / Y (Ita) | Ot: 하비에르 | ID: 51425
Nature: Careful | Ability: Natural Cure
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Ev'd: None
Ut: Bestow, Grudge, Imprison, Venom Drench (Treventant, Lv.1)
Breeding Note: Bred by an user in another forum,
hatched by javier_m2 on Reddit.
Distribution Rights: Not for trade.

#719 - Diancie - ⚲
Method: (Wonder card, Soft Reset) - Tools: (Console, Retail cartridge)


Game: X / Y (Usa) | Ot: OCT2014 | ID: 10274
Nature: Naive | Ability: Fairy Aura
IVs: 30/30/31/31/31/31
Ev'd: None
Ut: Diamond Storm, Moonblast, Reflect, Return (Diancie, Lv.-)
Trainer Note: vzxt's Diancie.
Distribution Rights: Not for trade.

Offered Distribution rights
#143 - Snorlax - - ♂
Method: (Standard Breeding, KeySav) - Tools: (Console, Retail cartridge)


Game: X / Y (Ita) | Ot: Amber | ID: 46943
Nature: Careful | Ability: Overgrow
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: None
Ut: Whirlwind, Counter, Curse, Pursuit (Snorlax , Lv.1)
Breeding Note: Bred by me, hatched by Leoplureodon via PM on Reddit.
Distribution Rights: Me, Drakero, _Dragon.

#692 - Gamblast - - ♂
Method: (Standard Breeding, KeySav) - Tools: (Console, Retail cartridge)


Game: ΩR / αS (Ita ) | Ot: FRE | ID: 20030
Nature: Modest | Ability: Mega Launcher
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/0/0/0/0/0
Ev'd: None
Ut: Helping Hand, Endure, Aqua Jet, Crabhammer (Flingouste, Lv.1)
Breeding Note: Bred by me, hatched by poliwhirl_sil.
Distribution Rights: Me, Drakero, _Dragon.

Cloning service - Cloned Pokémon
Not for Trade
#380 - Latias - ♀
Method: (Gift, Soft Reset) - Tools: (Console, Retail cartridge)


Game: X / Y (USA) | Ot: Sean | ID: 18092
Nature: Timid | Ability: Levitate
IVs: 31/20/31/31/31/31
Ev'd: None
Ut: Calm Mind, Dive, Psychic, Surf (Latias, Lv. -)
Trainer Note: Dizzybanana21x's Latias
Distribution Rights: Not for trade.

#482 - Azelf - ⚲
Method: (Stationary, Soft Reset) - Tools: (Console, Retail cartridge)


Game: X/Y (USA) | Ot: Sean | ID: 18092
Nature: Naive | Ability: Levitate
IVs: 30/29/31/31/31/31
Ev'd: None
Ut: Uproar, Future Sight, Nasty Plot, Extrasensory (Azelf, Lv. -)
Trainer Note: Dizzybanana21x's Azelf
Distribution Rights: Not for trade.

#642 - Thundurus - ♂
Method: (Stationary, Soft Reset) - Tools: (Console, Retail cartridge)


Game: X / Y (USA) | Ot: Sean | ID: 18092
Nature: Calm | Ability: Prankster
IVs: 31/30/26/31/29/31 [HP Ice]
Ev'd: None
Ut: Thunder Wave, Hidden Power, Thunderbolt, Taunt (Thundurus, Lv. -)
Trainer Note: Dizzybanana21x's Thundurus
Distribution Rights: Not for trade.

#645 - Landorus - ♂
Method: (Stationary, Soft Reset) - Tools: (Console, Retail cartridge)


Game: X / Y (USA) | Ot: Sean | ID: 18092
Nature: Adamant | Ability: Intimidate
IVs: 31/30/31/13/31/31
Ev'd: None
Ut: Earthquake, U-turn, Superpower, Rock Slide (Landorus, Lv. -)
Trainer Note: Dizzybanana21x's Landorus
Distribution Rights: Not for trade.
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