Hello all. I have, for better or worse, reached 1k posts on smogon.com/forums. I thought I would take the opportunity to nerd out about two things I love, well-built 1v1 teams and Soul Eater AMVs.
This team was built by me during 1v1PL and I adjusted it for 1v1LT once I realized its potential as a ladder team. Often for 1v1 tours you can take shortcuts preparing for the tier or use quirky shit that is otherwise bad with knowledge of what your opp usually brings. An example of this would be one of my fav tour structures Chansey/Volcanion/Scarfed Fairy which loses hard to CB DarmG unless Scarf Volcanion but you can switch sets/mons around depending on tour opp. This strategy on the ladder is often pretty bad because 1) you will have a high volume of games and thus run into many more mons 2) a lot of nuance in 1v1 play is lost on the ladder especially when you are repeatedly running into the same MU which leans the tier more towards true 50/50s. I needed a team for the ladder that was both consistent and able to run into MUs that weren't just going to devolve into true 50/50s upon sets being known. I think oddly enough the way to craft consistent teams in this tier is to run underutilized mons with dubious MUs. Top tiers are often the first mons people lean towards fishing/cteaming which makes them weirdly unreliable for consistency and when your mons have dubious MUs it keeps preview nuanced (especially for ladder play where you can swap sets to change the team's MUs entirely.) Well that's enough 1v1 building ranting, let's get into the team.
much more importantly, click the names for Soul Eater AMVs
CRAZY (Moltres-Galar) @ Custap Berry
Ability: Berserk
EVs: 248 HP / 48 Def / 188 SpA / 24 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fiery Wrath
- Hurricane
- Nasty Plot
- Endure
Reasoning: When I orginally built this team the main focus was to use Molt-G. At the time (and I think currently?) Molt-G had fallen off from its inital hype. Once Nalei came up with these four moves and optimized spreads people were off to the races to use it. Around DLC2's release, both Shifus and Spectrier were considered pretty broken and Molt-G was a nice way to beat both at the same time while being generally decent into steels/grasses/fires/various stall shit which were really common at the time. As Shifu and Spect drastically fell off so did Molt-G's niche in many people's eyes. I still think it does the same shit as day one, typing is amazing for the tier and even if you're not gonna get many 3-0s cuz people nowadays realize fairies and electrics are amazing it's still very rarely worthless on preview.
Moveset: These 4 moves are pretty solved for Molt-G. NP leaves you less reliant on hitting multiple canes and lets you beat some stall shit like CorsG and Regi. Sucker/Taunt are options I GUESS but idk they seem significantly worse. I don't like these bulkier spreads people use I feel like it's a Custap mon you should just really care about power, Molt-G is already pretty naturally bulky and you lose a lot by dropping a significant amount of power. Speed EVs are purely for the ditto which the team doesn't super need cuz Lol Rhyperior but that MU can be annoying and I had leftovers.
Other Options: You can switch around spread and maybe use WP shit to cteam some fairies or LE EPIC IMPRISON HYPER BEAM HYPER VOICE to lure sylv but for the 100 variants of this team I have MoltG remains unchanged.
CAN'T HOLD US (Rhyperior) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: 252 HP / 36 Atk / 212 Def / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Rock Wrecker
- Metal Burst
- Heavy Slam
Reasoning: Rhyperior is amazing role compression. Ground/Rock is an excellent typing for this tier covering many Fires+Electrics+Ices+Rocks+Steels. While it's far from a catch-all, Rhyp has a lot of important MUs both generally and for this team. It covers electrics and some fairies for MoltG. MoltG and Rhyp also do a great job of covering each other's steel MUs.
Moveset: In the paste I pass for this team, I use this AV with these moves. Spread lets you live DarmG's Icicle Crash and rest is dump but I cba to optimize. Heavy Slam is very important for this team's otherwise quite inconsistent Sylv MU. Metal Burst lets you cheese various choiced attacks and make some MUs dubious so you can outplay, side benefit that it gives you a 100% accurate move for some MUs where otherwise you need to hit a Wrecker.
Other Options: Rhyp has a ton of options to note for this team. Firstly, both AV and Custap are usable on this team. I generally prefer AV as it lessens the need to make hard calls but Custap is notable for making some otherwise problematic Choiced mons like Specs Sylv fodder. I doubt you can make WP work here, you simply don't need the MUs it gives you and the other two items are way too important. Secondly, AV has 4 very good options over Metal Burst on this team. Avalanche is the next best as it makes Landos reliable which is important, Burst is susceptible to being cheese w SD/Knock/Sub stuff which is fairly common. MoltG isn't an awful Lando beater but Rhyp is much more consistent and the cost isn't that high. Other usable options are Rock Blast for Crustle+Sub mons, Bulldoze for sturdies, and Counter for more consistency into slow physical attackers as opposed to burst. I've also seen fire moves ran last for opposing Ferro but I don't think it's really worth it as your ferro should usually win the ditto.
THE ENEMY INSIDE (Ferrothorn) @ Chople Berry
Ability: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Impish Nature
- Power Whip
- Body Press
- Leech Seed
- Iron Defense
Reasoning: I felt that Molt-G+Rhyp was a pretty strong core but it had two very important weaknesses, the Water Fairies and Venu. That in addition with various inconsistencies into mons like Zone and Aggron made Ferro a natural fit. Ferro also rounds out the trio of mons with really dubious MUs! Rhyp and Ferro are capable of running 3+ viable sets all with a lot of differences in MUs as well as being somewhat play-dependent after clicking. MoltG is dubious by nature as a Custap mon (flinch+confusion odds don't hurt either.)
Moveset: I've settled on Chople as the most consistent variant for this team. You really just want the high defense Body Press+ID for MUs like non-ID Avalugg. Power Whip is for Water/Fairy consistency and Leech is nice for solidifying some physical attacker/stall MUs. 4 Spe is for the Chople Ferro ditto, even if Chople is pretty rare and MoltG beats it, just so you can click your Ferro into theirs.
Other Options: I think realistically you can run w/e the fuck you want on Ferro on this team. It serves its most important role with literally any set I just think ID is most consistent for the above reasons. Gyro over PWhip or Leech on ID is a fair change, helps in some fairy MUs and Sawk POGGERS!!!! Custap and CB are both viable on this team you only really sacrifice Avalugg/Glast MU but that is a very fair risk because no one uses those guys in 2022. I have an Occa variant of the team I like that frees up Rhyp and helps Sylv consistency.
- Specs Sylv with Mystical Fire flat out 3-0s this version of the paste (252+ SpA Choice Specs Pixilate Sylveon Hyper Beam vs. 252 HP / 8 SpD Assault Vest Rhyperior: 457-538 (105.2 - 123.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO.) Other sets usually fold to Rhyp but some shit like Babiri can still cheese. Custap on Rhyp or Ferro are both viable options that patch this issue but I think generally for tour Specs Sylv is pretty uncommon.
- You have to setguess stall (loses to MoltG beats Rhyp) or standard AV (loses to Rhyp beats MoltG.) I don't think this issue is patchable w/o SD Custap Rhyp which I don't like as you want to beat SubTox Entei on Custap. Not a huge concern to me, Arc is pretty rare and stall is even rarer.
- SubTox can potentially outplay (or t1 burn) Rhyp so if you’re not comfortable with playing out the 50/50 heavy MU then Rock Blast on Rhyp is an option. I personally think it is very hard to get outplayed as Rhyp in this MU, it’s just something to keep in mind.
- Kee Charm will beat your usual click into Toge, Rhyp. Kee loses to MoltG but I wouldn’t ever advise playing around that, Kee is incredibly rare. Specs Toge also probably 3-0s unless you change Rhyp/Ferro to Custap but Specs Toge is also incredibly rare. Both of these sets are not common enough to seriously consider in tour unless scout says otherwise and it’s easy enough to switch your team around when you see them on ladder.
https://pokepast.es/5854b8772c7e2bfd - Version in this post
https://pokepast.es/18df080d47d8cd22 - 4A AV Rhyp+Occa Ferro Version
-The Tripster
This team was built by me during 1v1PL and I adjusted it for 1v1LT once I realized its potential as a ladder team. Often for 1v1 tours you can take shortcuts preparing for the tier or use quirky shit that is otherwise bad with knowledge of what your opp usually brings. An example of this would be one of my fav tour structures Chansey/Volcanion/Scarfed Fairy which loses hard to CB DarmG unless Scarf Volcanion but you can switch sets/mons around depending on tour opp. This strategy on the ladder is often pretty bad because 1) you will have a high volume of games and thus run into many more mons 2) a lot of nuance in 1v1 play is lost on the ladder especially when you are repeatedly running into the same MU which leans the tier more towards true 50/50s. I needed a team for the ladder that was both consistent and able to run into MUs that weren't just going to devolve into true 50/50s upon sets being known. I think oddly enough the way to craft consistent teams in this tier is to run underutilized mons with dubious MUs. Top tiers are often the first mons people lean towards fishing/cteaming which makes them weirdly unreliable for consistency and when your mons have dubious MUs it keeps preview nuanced (especially for ladder play where you can swap sets to change the team's MUs entirely.) Well that's enough 1v1 building ranting, let's get into the team.
CRAZY (Moltres-Galar) @ Custap Berry
Ability: Berserk
EVs: 248 HP / 48 Def / 188 SpA / 24 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fiery Wrath
- Hurricane
- Nasty Plot
- Endure
Reasoning: When I orginally built this team the main focus was to use Molt-G. At the time (and I think currently?) Molt-G had fallen off from its inital hype. Once Nalei came up with these four moves and optimized spreads people were off to the races to use it. Around DLC2's release, both Shifus and Spectrier were considered pretty broken and Molt-G was a nice way to beat both at the same time while being generally decent into steels/grasses/fires/various stall shit which were really common at the time. As Shifu and Spect drastically fell off so did Molt-G's niche in many people's eyes. I still think it does the same shit as day one, typing is amazing for the tier and even if you're not gonna get many 3-0s cuz people nowadays realize fairies and electrics are amazing it's still very rarely worthless on preview.
Moveset: These 4 moves are pretty solved for Molt-G. NP leaves you less reliant on hitting multiple canes and lets you beat some stall shit like CorsG and Regi. Sucker/Taunt are options I GUESS but idk they seem significantly worse. I don't like these bulkier spreads people use I feel like it's a Custap mon you should just really care about power, Molt-G is already pretty naturally bulky and you lose a lot by dropping a significant amount of power. Speed EVs are purely for the ditto which the team doesn't super need cuz Lol Rhyperior but that MU can be annoying and I had leftovers.
Other Options: You can switch around spread and maybe use WP shit to cteam some fairies or LE EPIC IMPRISON HYPER BEAM HYPER VOICE to lure sylv but for the 100 variants of this team I have MoltG remains unchanged.
CAN'T HOLD US (Rhyperior) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: 252 HP / 36 Atk / 212 Def / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Rock Wrecker
- Metal Burst
- Heavy Slam
Reasoning: Rhyperior is amazing role compression. Ground/Rock is an excellent typing for this tier covering many Fires+Electrics+Ices+Rocks+Steels. While it's far from a catch-all, Rhyp has a lot of important MUs both generally and for this team. It covers electrics and some fairies for MoltG. MoltG and Rhyp also do a great job of covering each other's steel MUs.
Moveset: In the paste I pass for this team, I use this AV with these moves. Spread lets you live DarmG's Icicle Crash and rest is dump but I cba to optimize. Heavy Slam is very important for this team's otherwise quite inconsistent Sylv MU. Metal Burst lets you cheese various choiced attacks and make some MUs dubious so you can outplay, side benefit that it gives you a 100% accurate move for some MUs where otherwise you need to hit a Wrecker.
Other Options: Rhyp has a ton of options to note for this team. Firstly, both AV and Custap are usable on this team. I generally prefer AV as it lessens the need to make hard calls but Custap is notable for making some otherwise problematic Choiced mons like Specs Sylv fodder. I doubt you can make WP work here, you simply don't need the MUs it gives you and the other two items are way too important. Secondly, AV has 4 very good options over Metal Burst on this team. Avalanche is the next best as it makes Landos reliable which is important, Burst is susceptible to being cheese w SD/Knock/Sub stuff which is fairly common. MoltG isn't an awful Lando beater but Rhyp is much more consistent and the cost isn't that high. Other usable options are Rock Blast for Crustle+Sub mons, Bulldoze for sturdies, and Counter for more consistency into slow physical attackers as opposed to burst. I've also seen fire moves ran last for opposing Ferro but I don't think it's really worth it as your ferro should usually win the ditto.
THE ENEMY INSIDE (Ferrothorn) @ Chople Berry
Ability: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Impish Nature
- Power Whip
- Body Press
- Leech Seed
- Iron Defense
Reasoning: I felt that Molt-G+Rhyp was a pretty strong core but it had two very important weaknesses, the Water Fairies and Venu. That in addition with various inconsistencies into mons like Zone and Aggron made Ferro a natural fit. Ferro also rounds out the trio of mons with really dubious MUs! Rhyp and Ferro are capable of running 3+ viable sets all with a lot of differences in MUs as well as being somewhat play-dependent after clicking. MoltG is dubious by nature as a Custap mon (flinch+confusion odds don't hurt either.)
Moveset: I've settled on Chople as the most consistent variant for this team. You really just want the high defense Body Press+ID for MUs like non-ID Avalugg. Power Whip is for Water/Fairy consistency and Leech is nice for solidifying some physical attacker/stall MUs. 4 Spe is for the Chople Ferro ditto, even if Chople is pretty rare and MoltG beats it, just so you can click your Ferro into theirs.
Other Options: I think realistically you can run w/e the fuck you want on Ferro on this team. It serves its most important role with literally any set I just think ID is most consistent for the above reasons. Gyro over PWhip or Leech on ID is a fair change, helps in some fairy MUs and Sawk POGGERS!!!! Custap and CB are both viable on this team you only really sacrifice Avalugg/Glast MU but that is a very fair risk because no one uses those guys in 2022. I have an Occa variant of the team I like that frees up Rhyp and helps Sylv consistency.
- Specs Sylv with Mystical Fire flat out 3-0s this version of the paste (252+ SpA Choice Specs Pixilate Sylveon Hyper Beam vs. 252 HP / 8 SpD Assault Vest Rhyperior: 457-538 (105.2 - 123.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO.) Other sets usually fold to Rhyp but some shit like Babiri can still cheese. Custap on Rhyp or Ferro are both viable options that patch this issue but I think generally for tour Specs Sylv is pretty uncommon.
- You have to setguess stall (loses to MoltG beats Rhyp) or standard AV (loses to Rhyp beats MoltG.) I don't think this issue is patchable w/o SD Custap Rhyp which I don't like as you want to beat SubTox Entei on Custap. Not a huge concern to me, Arc is pretty rare and stall is even rarer.
- SubTox can potentially outplay (or t1 burn) Rhyp so if you’re not comfortable with playing out the 50/50 heavy MU then Rock Blast on Rhyp is an option. I personally think it is very hard to get outplayed as Rhyp in this MU, it’s just something to keep in mind.
- Kee Charm will beat your usual click into Toge, Rhyp. Kee loses to MoltG but I wouldn’t ever advise playing around that, Kee is incredibly rare. Specs Toge also probably 3-0s unless you change Rhyp/Ferro to Custap but Specs Toge is also incredibly rare. Both of these sets are not common enough to seriously consider in tour unless scout says otherwise and it’s easy enough to switch your team around when you see them on ladder.
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen81v1-1549204520 - 1v1PL Semis
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen81v1-1643572272-8f5sogxkymupfk5k0iksbww2uil7otlpw - 1v1 Master Round 6
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen81v1-1553535195 - 1v1LT Ladder
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen81v1-1554841213-htc6dq9kigts9z7f2j8co2kziz0vyd1pw - 1v1LT Ladder
if u have more plz hmu on cord Zack#9876 I'm lazy
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen81v1-1643572272-8f5sogxkymupfk5k0iksbww2uil7otlpw - 1v1 Master Round 6
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen81v1-1553535195 - 1v1LT Ladder
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen81v1-1554841213-htc6dq9kigts9z7f2j8co2kziz0vyd1pw - 1v1LT Ladder
if u have more plz hmu on cord Zack#9876 I'm lazy
https://pokepast.es/5854b8772c7e2bfd - Version in this post
https://pokepast.es/18df080d47d8cd22 - 4A AV Rhyp+Occa Ferro Version
thx to my originial zoomers smely socks Potatochan SiceXV for endlessly discussing this tier w me when we all first joined. s/os to STABLE Nalei who joined soon after to add great ideas and good times.
s/os 1v1 ppl I enjoy talking to DEG D2TheW Blanched zo Satanic Beast DannyDoritos Kaif (FREE MY BOY) neomon DenisTheMenace Bopher DenisTheMenace eblurb Boat Trashuny Mubs LRXC Waylaid PA Rellia Landon Urfgurgle crucify OCEAN WORLD
s/os ppl I've met in various other communities Fragments Clementine pannuracotta adem avyrie sasha SHSP Wulfanator Baloor airfare clean spoo Fogbound Lake kythr Expulso avarice Kyo MANNAT Tace blank for being cool
shamelessly stole Pinkacross rmt format for this post, you're the goat bro
sorry to anyone I forgot, dementia etc. Even w all the nonsense this site has to offer I've had a good time playing pokemon so thank you all for helping in that.
s/os 1v1 ppl I enjoy talking to DEG D2TheW Blanched zo Satanic Beast DannyDoritos Kaif (FREE MY BOY) neomon DenisTheMenace Bopher DenisTheMenace eblurb Boat Trashuny Mubs LRXC Waylaid PA Rellia Landon Urfgurgle crucify OCEAN WORLD
s/os ppl I've met in various other communities Fragments Clementine pannuracotta adem avyrie sasha SHSP Wulfanator Baloor airfare clean spoo Fogbound Lake kythr Expulso avarice Kyo MANNAT Tace blank for being cool
shamelessly stole Pinkacross rmt format for this post, you're the goat bro
sorry to anyone I forgot, dementia etc. Even w all the nonsense this site has to offer I've had a good time playing pokemon so thank you all for helping in that.
-The Tripster