The Unscrupulous Tiering Director Tournament (BW2) - Signups

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Eo Ut Mortus

Elodin Smells
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If you haven't heard, we've decided to revise Smogon's tiering system. Everyone knows that the OU council is run by people who don't actually play (cough Earthworm cough), and suspect tests are just ban-happy bandwagoning fools who don't appreciate what Blaziken and Shaymin-S contribute to the metagame. Our new system will be a democracy: everyone will have a say.

The Unscrupulous Tiering Director Tournament


Standard OU rules apply
- No Ubers
- Evasion Clause
- OHKO Clause
- Sleep Clause
- Species Clause
- Drizzle + Swift Swim Clause
- Moody Clause
- Wifi Battle
- Timed Battle

This is a BW2 Tournament. Battles are to be played by default on Showdown, but can be played on PO if both people agree.

In your sign-up post, include exactly two Pokemon, moves, or items you wish to ban. Please use the following format:



You can ban two Pokemon (Hippowdon and Flaaffy)
You can ban two moves (Lava Plume and Flare Blitz)
You can ban two items (Fist Plate and Magnet)
You can ban a Pokemon and a move (Reuniclus and Icy Wind)
You can ban a Pokemon and an item (Dragonite and Leftovers)
You can ban a move and an item (Hyper Beam and Life Orb)

If you ban the original Pokemon, it will NOT ban any alternate formes.

You CANNOT ban combinations (U-turn + Earth Power, Stone Edge + Close Combat on Terrakion)
You CANNOT ban parts of Pokemon (Speed Boost on Sharpedo, Magic Mirror Xatu)
You CANNOT ban strategies (Dragon Spam, VoltTurn)
You CANNOT ban abilities (Sheer Force, Flash Fire)
You CANNOT ban users (Bloo, Stone_Cold)


Whatever you ban will remain banned for EVERYONE in the tournament--that is, until you lose. If you lose in this tournament, you will be deemed unqualified to act as a tiering leader and will be assassinated by Smogon administrators in the middle of the night. Your bans will be revoked at the beginning of the tournament's next round.

You may ban something even if other people have already banned it. Bans enacted by multiple people will remain in effect until all people with the same ban are eliminated.

You may not ban the same thing twice (yourself). That's just pointless, and I will not count your sign-up post if you do so. If you really don't want to ban anything else, ban Magikarp.

You cannot change your bans after I close this thread. Nobody likes a flipflop tiering leader. If you do change one of your bans, please make another post in the thread stating so, not only for me to notice but also so that people are aware of a change in the global banlist.

Substitutes' bans will not take effect. Substitutes will adopt the bans of the players whose positions they take.

Sign-ups (will remain open for 48 hours):
1. Heist (Politoed / Scald)
2. MikeDecIsHere (Latios / Breloom)
3. Jets (Baton Pass / Politoed)
4. McMeghan (Politoed / Ninetales)
5. Aqualouis (Thundurus-T / Baton Pass)
6. Stone_Cold (Scizor / Volt Switch)
7. Lavos Spawn (Spore / Ninetales)
8. CrashinBoomBang (Spikes / Stealth Rock)
9. Funkasaurus (Iron Head / Politoed)
10. blarajan (Quiver Dance / Dragon Dance)
11. AkHolic (Toxic Spikes / Dragonite)
12. reyscarface (Reuniclus / Deoxys-D)
13. LighTz911 (Tornadus-T / Amoonguss)
14. Blue_Blur (Tyranitar / Softboiled)
15. wilson46 (Spikes / Jirachi)
16. SkyNet (Stealth Rock / Politoed)
17. RT. (Stealth Rock / Thundurus-T)
18. mostwanted (Rocky Helmet / Volcarona)
19. xtrashine (Gliscor / Close Combat)
20. idiotfrommars (Outrage / Draco Meteor)
21. Amell (Terrakion / Haxorus)
22. .Robert (Skarmory / Chansey)
23. Kennen (Leftovers / Choice Scarf)
24. Hangover (U-turn / Volt Switch)
25. zorbees (Iron Ball / Lagging Tail)
26. Expert Physics (Dragon Claw / Dragon Pulse)
27. Imanalt (Salamence / Choice Band)
28. M Dragon (Ninetales / Breloom)
29. Magik (Substitute / Hidden Power
30. Marshall.Law (Ferrothorn / Leftovers)
31. rairyan (Stealth Rock / Latios)
32. Focus (Tyranitar / Rain Dance)
33. Tiffanyy (Tentacruel / Ferrothorn)
34. Noodlez (Heatran / Hydreigon)
35. Dracule Mihawk (Thundurus-T / Jirachi)
36. Omicron (Keldeo / Thunder Wave)
37. Megan_Fox (Stealth Rock / Thundurus-T)
38. Pkrs (Stealth Rock / Politoed)
39. MOET (Spikes / Stealth Rock)
40. -Rockstar- (Pikachu / Charge Beam)
41. V0x (Swords Dance / Choice Scarf)
42. Eranu (Spore / Breloom)
43. Lamppost (Latios / Thundurus-T)
44. uraga (Protect / Roost)
45. Raseri (Leftovers / Chansey)
46. fatty (Politoed / Reuniclus)
47. Jirachi (Rapid Spin / Kingdra)
48. Double01 (Munchlax / Snorlax)
49. complete legitimacy (Politoed / Baton Pass)
50. DC. (Stealth Rock / Jirachi)
51. rockhp31 (Hippowdon / Thundurus-T)
52. JellyOs (Scizor / Ferrothorn)
53. Noblesse Oblige (Blissey / U-turn)
54. Honus (Pursuit / Terrakion)
55. dragonuser (Tyranitar / Rapid Spin)
56. Masterclass (Tornadus-T / Thundurus-T)
57. kokoloko (Stealth Rock / Scald)
58. mfhoundoom (Terrakion / Life Orb)
59. undisputed (Stealth Rock / Spikes)
60. Tangelo (Light Screen / Reflect)
61. DetroitLolcat (Recover / Toxic)
62. Tobes (Bridgemail D / Leaf Stone)
63. Aragonbird (Earthquake / Focus Sash)
64. Steven Snype (Kyurem / Landorus-T)
65. Ojama (Politoed / Ninetales)
66. kd24 (Eviolite / Choice Specs)
67. Malekith (Draco Meteor / Outrage)
68. Ginku (Ninetales / Spikes)
69. Zebraiken (Thundurus-T / Spikes)
70. TheMexican (Tyranitar / Politoed)
71. PsYch07ic (Magnezone / Abomasnow)
72. Ningildo (Wobbuffet / Keldeo)
73. Foster (Jirachi / Tornadus-T)
74. Django Reinhart (Scald / Spore)
75. Novaray (Stealth Rock / Mamoswine)
76. Alaka (Roost / Calm Mind)
77. Dusk209 (Stealth Rock / Stone Edge)
78. Hantsuki (Hurricane / Scald)
79. sheep (Politoed / Tyranitar)
80. wiiii (Stealth Rock / Politoed)
81. DestinyUnknown (Eviolite / Blissey)
82. -Manu- (Hippopotas / Snover)
83. blaaz (Muscle Band / Wise Glasses)
84. Master of the Six Kings (Rain Dance / Superpower)
85. White symphoni (Stealth Rock / Baton Pass)
86. BKC (Thundurus-T / Tornadus-T)
87. D4RR3N (Keldeo / Thundurus-T)
88. Vinc2612 (Nasty Plot / Taunt)
89. Seco453 (Tyranitar / Shell Smash)
90. SoulWind (Scald / Gliscor)
91. Cristal (Stealth Rock / Hippowdon)
92. Nachos (Jirachi / Breloom)
93. toshimelonhead (Substitute / Spore)
94. srk1214 (Hurricane / Spore)
95. H-C (Shell Smash / Outrage)
96. DarkLoïc (Shell Smash / Thundurus-T)
97. Ninja-persian (Politoed / Tyranitar)
98. bluewooper (Stealth Rock / Recover)
99. zdrup15 (Eviolite / Lum Berry)
100. Asek (Earthquake / Choice Scarf)
101. Go10 (Stone Edge / Focus Blast)
102. Agammemnon (Chansey / Baton Pass)
103. Perche No Fai (Stun Spore / Hippowdon)
104. CloudBreaker (Starmie / Landorus)
105. KelseyH (Dragonite / Terrakion)
106. Evil (Bulk Up / Tailwind)
107. Anno nyme (Brave Bird / Flame Orb)
108. Cicada (Durant / Will-o-Wisp)
109. Litchi (Vulpix / Sunny Day)
110. Rydro (Ninetales / Politoed)
111. Infinity.Cypher (U-turn / Volt Switch)
112. ThisMysteriousGuy (Thundurus-T / Eviolite)
113. alexwolf (Politoed / Baton Pass)
114. FireMage (Giga Drain / Conkeldurr)
115. vonFiedler (Stealth Rock / Scrafty)
116. Lady Bug (Jirachi / Baton Pass)
117. Iconic (Breloom / Keldeo)
118. Shelmet (Volcarona / Scald)
119. Meh (Jirachi / Focus Sash)
120. ThatsMyLatios (Magnezone / Slowbro)
121. Joeyboy (Scizor / Latias)
122. Ricky Horror (Blissey / Toxic Spikes)
123. Living Things (Jirachi / Gliscor)
124. cescken (Ninetales / Quiver Dance)
125. Raichy (Shell Smash / Volcarona)
126. Itchni (Stealth Rock / Choice Scarf)
127. AlphaJolt (Hurricane / Sandstorm)
128. NidokingKing (Scizor / Gliscor)
129. papai noel (Tentacruel / Dragonite)
130. Level 51 (Leech Seed / Togekiss)
131. ShadowFC (Scizor / Dragonite)
132. Bowl Cut (Tornadus-T / Thundurus-T)
133. Audiosurfer (Politoed / Tyranitar)
134. Andeby (Scizor / Outrage)
135. R7Rules (Ferrothorn / Chansey)
136. CS4m (Volt Switch / Ninetales)

Blissey (3)
Breloom (5)
Chansey (4)
Dragonite (4)
Ferrothorn (4)
Gliscor (4)
Hippowdon (3)
Jirachi (8)
Keldeo (4)
Latios (3)
Magnezone (2)
Ninetales (8)
Politoed (16)
Reuniclus (2)
Scizor (6)
Tentacruel (2)
Terrakion (4)
Thundurus-T (13)
Tornadus-T (5)
Tyranitar (8)
Volcarona (3)

Baton Pass (7)
Brave Bird
Bulk Up
Calm Mind
Charge Beam
Close Combat
Draco Meteor (2)
Dragon Claw
Dragon Dance
Dragon Pulse
Earthquake (2)
Focus Blast
Giga Drain
Hidden Power
Hurricane (3)
Iron Head
Leech Seed
Light Screen
Nasty Plot
Outrage (4)
Quiver Dance (2)
Rain Dance (2)
Rapid Spin (2)
Recover (2)
Roost (2)
Scald (6)
Shell Smash (4)
Spikes (6)
Spore (5)
Stealth Rock (18)
Stone Edge (2)
Stun Spore
Substitute (2)
Sunny Day
Swords Dance
Thunder Wave
Toxic Spikes (2)
U-turn (3)
Volt Switch (4)

Bridgemail D
Choice Band
Choice Scarf (4)
Choice Specs
Eviolite (4)
Flame Orb
Focus Sash (2)
Iron Ball
Lagging Tail
Leaf Stone
Leftovers (3)
Life Orb
Lum Berry
Muscle Band
Rocky Helmet
Wise Glasses
When I said combination, I did not mean a combination of two moves = one ban. I meant you could ban a move and a Pokemon, a move and an item, a Pokemon and a Pokemon, etc. and those would add up to your two bans.
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