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I won 2 out of 2 so no 3rd game had fun this are the replays
game 1-file:///C:/Users/raj/Downloads/Gen7UU-2017-07-16-raj10vgc-xxpokephoenixx.html
game 2-file:///C:/Users/raj/Downloads/Gen7UU-2017-07-16-raj10vgc-xxpokephoenixx%20(1).html
Calling activity, tried to battle with op even outside of the agreed hours but they weren't there. Also has been active on smogon but didn't reply to wall messages http://prntscr.com/fwbeeg
I would like to claim an activity win,that or have someone subbed in for my opp. My opp hasn't been online since sign ups, and hasn't responded to my message.
im calling for activity against my opp. never showed up to the scheduled time. waited. he said he forgot. tried to schedule immediately after and nothing.