The UU Open VI - Round 1

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is buzzwole still gucci to use since ban announcement happened like 3 hours after ur matchups post Pearl

It's banned, as you can see in the OP. A little sudden, I know, but since it happened before Round 1 went up it is fair game.

Also, Mr. ShakeItUp finally gets an opponent! New pairing: -Tsunami- vs. Martin

My opp asked to be subbed out

New pairing: miltankmilk vs. RODAN

And with this post, we've finally ran out of byes! Anyone else who signs up as a substitute will be given the chance to play if another player drops out prematurely or after the activity check that will take place once the first week of Round 1 is over (that is, assuming at least one person will mess up while scheduling). Don't forget to schedule with your opponent publicly and in a clear way so you don't risk getting subbed out n_n
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