The World Cup of Pokémon 2018 - Quarterfinals

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Logo credit: LifeisDANK

The World Cup of Pokémon 2018 - Round 2
Hosts: Hogg and Hikari


Welcome all to the thirteenth annual World Cup of Pokémon. This year, 16 teams are vying for the glorious title of World Champions. Who will rise to the top in the tournament of nations? It's time to find out!


Teams consist of ten starters, five substitutes, and two captains. The tiers for this year are: SM OU (x4), ORAS OU, BW2 OU, DPP OU, ADV OU, GSC OU, RBY OU.

In this first round, players will be placed into groups of four, where they will battle all three of their opponents. Divisions will be assigned randomly and each team will play each other team once in SM and once in old gens.

Six points will be awarded for first place, four for second place, and two for third place in a division. If there is a tie for any position, the total number of points between those two positions will be split equally among the tied parties. For example, if two people are tied for first place, they will split ten (six for first + four for second) points between them for a total of five points each.

Teams will be ranked based on records, rather than points. This means the eight teams with the best records will qualify for the quarter finals of the World Cup of Pokémon 2018. If two or more teams within the top seven have identical records, points will be used to sort out the tiebreaks. However, if there is a tie in records for the last spot, points will be ignored and the teams will face off in a tiebreak series. The tiebreak will consist of three games (Bo3): One SM game and one tier chosen by each team (which could be SM again). The higher seed (based on points for Round 1) will get second pick of tier.


This year we have five subs per roster, and Captains may use them as they see fit. Keep in mind once a player is subbed out, they cannot be subbed back into the same round, but can be put back onto the roster for next round. If you (for god knows what reason) need more than five subs, PM me and I will examine your candidate to join the roster. Realistically though, it should never really come to that.

Substitutions will be not be allowed in tiebreak series unless both teams agree (or TDs enforce double sub). However, since we prioritise games being played, we will consider extension requests so long as they're reasonable. We will also be reluctant to give activity wins to those who are clearly fishing for them.


Pokémon Showdown is the main simulator for this tournament, and Smogtours is the main server.

Standard Tournament Rules and Procedures:
On... Sportsmanship

Note the sportsmanship infraction may be used liberally this WCoP, and any unsportsmanlike conduct on the forums, in #wcop / #pokemon / any of the semiofficial tier channels, or in opposing wcop team channels (I won't infract for you being a dick in your own wcop team channel unless the situation is so extreme I feel I absolutely have to make an exception (consider basically any masterclass interaction ever)), will be grounds for an infraction. We encourage you to play semi-aggressively, but don't be a masterclass.

~ Aldaron

On... Scheduling Matches

I'm sure plenty of you have come across coin flipping / who to activity drama while scheduling matches. I'm here to reduce the arbitrary element associated with some of these decisions. It is entirely your decision to adhere to these STRONG RECOMMENDATIONS, but note that if you choose not to, I'll most likely ignore any pleading from your end and default you to a coin flip, regardless of what you claim is your irc or forum activity. By signing up for this tournament, you are agreeing to this condition, that adhering to what I outline will protect you from coinflips / activity and that not adhering to it will subject you to coinflips / activity regardless of your proposed justification.

Once that round's thread is posted, you have up to 48 hours to contact your opponent ON HIS VM WALL and mention your timezone and exactly what dates, what time ranges you are available, and where you will battle. Note that the default accepted sim and server is the official server on Showdown. You must provide at least 3 different time ranges at least 48 hours from the timestamp of your message, with at least 2 that are 24-hours apart from each other. The minimum and maximum length for 1 time range is 30 minutes, and the minimum difference between the 3 required time ranges is 3 hours. If you give 3 time ranges that stick with this policy, you can give any additional time ranges at any time you please.


Once your opponent has contacted you, you now have up until 72 hours after the round's thread has been posted (NOT after your opponent's message) to respond with times that are good for you. What this means is that if both of you spend the maximum time contacting and responding, you should have back and forth collaboration at a maximum of 72 hours after the round has been posted, with both parties given an additional 24 hours to prepare for the battle should it be scheduled as soon as required. If none of the opponent's proposed time ranges are good for you, you must respond with alternative time ranges.

The first opponent now has X hours to prepare for the battle (if the second opponent agreed to some time) or 24 hours to contact a TD if, for whatever reason, this second set of time ranges does not suit the first opponent. Note this should be an absolute last measure and that more often than not, the TDs will likely force one (or both) sides to sub out.

Once a time is agreed upon, please make a message on your opponent's vm wall between 10 minutes and 1 second before the agreed upon time and say you are ready to battle and then get to agreed upon location (regardless of whether or not your opponent sends you a response vm). Please protect yourself by making this message, as it makes decisions much easier. You will be required to be wait for your opponent for the duration of the time range.

If neither of you contact each other before 48 hours after the thread has been posted, you're both opening yourself up to a potential coin flip. If I look at the situation, I might just determine I'm going to sub both of you out, coin flip you, or whatever based on however I'm feeling at that moment. Don't leave yourself and your team vulnerable to this.

Just because at anytime one of the responders does not respond within the given range does not give you automatic activity win credentials. If they don't contact at all on your vm wall up until 48 hours before the end of the round (note, I'm not going to take irc or sim messages as evidence due to how easily they can be if you want to protect yourself, stick to the vm messages), then you obviously have activity win justification. Note to team captains, if one of your players does not contact all his opponents before 48 hours before the end of the round, I will FORCE a sub, no questions asked. You WILL contact your opponent in a timely manner. However, if they do contact you at all after the suggested response time and before 48 hours before the end of the round, you are required to respond before 24 hours before the end of the round with 2 1-hour time ranges at least 1 hour apart before the end of the round. The opponent, since he did not stick to the proposed response schedule, WILL BE REQUIRED TO PLAY AT ONE OF YOUR NEWLY SUGGESTED TIMES, so you have the advantage here. This obviously puts a bit of an emphasis on the last 48 hours of each round (as is standard operating procedure for most of our official team tournaments anyway), so I will try my best to keep the last 48 hours of the round as close to the majority of the weekend for as much of the world as I can.

If you follow all of these guidelines, you will a.) most likely get your match done with minimal issue or b.) protect yourself and your team from an undue coin flip or activity decision. Yes, I hate activity decisions in official tournaments. Yes, I will do my best to prevent activity decisions in the playoffs (the qualifying round is fair game however and I will have no problem issuing an activity call here), but don't push your luck.

Here is an example of how following this would work:

Round 1 thread is posted June 7, 2015 at 10:00PM. Its deadline is June 14, 2015 at 11:59PM. User A and User B are matched up. User A contacts User B on his vm wall on June 9, at 9:00 PM (47 hours after the thread was posted, so ok), and gives 4 time ranges: June 10, from 7:00-7:30 PM (22 hours after the timestamp of his message, which is only ok so long as at minimum 3 of the other proposed time ranges adhere to the requirements), June 11, from 9:00-9:30 PM (48 hours after the timestamp of his message, which is ok), June 12, from 6:00-6:30 PM (69 hours after timestamp of his message, so ok, but only 21 hours after the earliest time range that is 48 hours after the timestamp), and June 12, from 9:00-9:30 PM (72 hours after the timestamp, so ok, and 24 hours after a legal time range and 3 hours after another legal time range). The June 11 and both June 12 time ranges satisfy the requirements, so User A can propose his first June 10 time range as well. User B responds on June 10, at 8:00 PM (23 hours after User A contacted him, so ok), and picks June 11, at 9:00 PM to battle, which is ok because it is 24 hours after his own response.

You'll note I made most of my response ranges multiples of 24 hours, but also included 24 hours. This means I expect you to be able to check Smogon at least once a day. If that is not feasible, you put yourself at risk.

~ Aldaron

On... Disconnecting and timing out drama

Ah, the big beefcake. I'm going to go ahead and put this out there: we reserve the right to judge any individual match on a case by case basis, regardless of assumed precedence set. If you don't like that, you are welcome to not play. Be aware of this.

Also, to protect yourself as much as possible from DCs and timer issues, play on Showdown (because it has an at least semi reliable system of rejoining after a DC) and make a gentleman's agreement to not hit timer and not be hour a move dicks.

That said, here is the main way we will probably handle DCs / timing out:

To handle all DC're gonna submit your teams before the match. TeamSubmissions (0-0) is an account made for the purpose of submitting teams to it. You don't have to submit, but if you do, you protect yourself from the opponent taking a win. If you do DC (and you can't rejoin the battle) and you haven't submitted your team, your opponent will have the right to take the win. Yes, I'll most likely make a judgment call if he is on his last turn with 1 pokemon at 5% and paralyzed and with you at 6 100% health pokemon, because the only way to lose this is to misclick multiple times. However, if you're at 6 100% pokemon and your opponent is at last pokemon 10% needing to crit flinch you 6 - 12 times for the win, I'll give him the win if you DC and haven't submitted your team.

I know people like philip7086 will beg me "to use common sense for a judgment call" for all cases and I would normally agree, but I am giving you all a 100% out by allowing you to submit your team. Basically, submit your team, and protect yourself and your team from any and all DCs. It's a simple procedure that removes almost all subjectivity from a decision regarding a DC. Unlike with the scheduling restrictions, all you have to do is submit the team your are using at anytime before the match takes place, and you'll have 100% protected yourself. Read this rule and understand this now before you join the tournament. Since I'm stating this now, I'm basically going to ignore you if you DC, didn't submit a team, and "had a guaranteed win." Expect it. Also note that I'm going to let the PLAYER (not the team), decide whether he is going to take the win or go another route (replay same moves, replay different teams, etc.).

To further ensure no funny business, if, in the case of a DC replay, there is any concern from either party about funny business, both parties have the right to request a screenshot of the current Pokemon's stats in battle. This is irrelevant for Showdown as you can simply rejoin a battle there, but PO allows you to see the currently out Pokemon's stats if you scroll over it with your mouse. Just hit PrntScrn (windows) while scrolling over it if requested by your opponent, preferably with proof that it is a screenshot of that actual battle (consider including the opponent's request in the battle screen in the screenshot).

Regarding time outs, they are a bit more complex, specifically because some timeouts are due to DCs. The best we can do for this scenario is say that there is some number between 1 minute and 2 minutes (which we will not publicize) that we will set as a limit for timing out, and if you timeout with more than that limit time remaining, we'll assume it is a DC, whereas the opposite is a true timeout. A true timeout defaults to a loss, while the DC timeout is prone to the DC rules (did you submit or not).

~ Aldaron

On "Self-KO Clause" and Ties:
Self-KO Clause is an antiquated concept that is not used in Smogon tournaments. The one exception to the rule is if the tournament is live (weekly Smogon Tour, Suspect Tours, etc.). For all standard tournaments here this rule does not exist. It Does Not Exist.

If both Pokemon faint simultaneously in DPP, ADV, GSC, or RBY, the game is ruled as a tie. Tied games do not count as played games in overall standings and will be expected to be replayed within the round's initial deadline. Similarly to this, tied games do not count towards the total number of games played in "best of X" series. In other words, if a tournament includes "Bo3" RBY, what is really being played is "first to two wins" RBY.

However, ties simply don't exist in later generations. The developers removed ties from BW and have not added them back since. There's a lot of inconsistency with the mechanics of their tiebreaking system but Smogon follows them to stay true to the cartridge. The main ones are listed below:

Note: The following list is for SM, XY, and BW, and not for DPP, ADV, GSC, or RBY

Self-KO Moves (Destiny Bond, Explosion, Final Gambit, etc.):
Attacking Pokemon Loses

Offensive Recoil (Life Orb; Double-Edge, Flare Blitz, etc.):
Attacking Pokemon Wins

Defensive Recoil (Rocky Helmet; Iron Barbs, Rough Skin):
Attacking Pokemon Wins (SM)
Attacking Pokemon Loses (XY and BW)

Passive Damage (Status, Weather, etc.):
Faster Pokemon Loses


All battles are to be completed by Sunday, July 1st, 2018 at 11:59 pm EST.



1. Brazil (1) vs 8. US West (8)

SM OU: Mncmt vs yjh971203
SM OU: Eternal Spirit vs z0mOG
SM OU: Tamahome vs blarghlfarghl
SM OU: odeio stall vs ima
ORAS OU: lighthouses vs psychicmewtwo
BW OU: Askov vs lax
DPP OU: Hyogafodex vs Philip7086
ADV OU: elodin vs Valentine
GSC OU: Century Express vs Lavos
RBY OU: Tiba vs Meru


2. France (3) vs 7. US Northeast (6)

SM OU: Cdumas vs Sabella
SM OU: Kory2600 vs Hiye
SM OU: Kickasser vs bro fist
SM OU: Leftiez vs ABR
ORAS OU: Mounts vs obii
BW OU: McMeghan vs Finchinator
DPP OU: Reymedy vs august
ADV OU: Ojama vs zf
GSC OU: giara vs Updated Kanto
RBY OU: Peasounay vs teal6


3. Italy (5) vs 6. Oceania (4)

SM OU: Snou vs Essence
SM OU: Empo vs false
SM OU: Lopunny Kicks vs Googly
SM OU: Tricking vs GypsyKing
ORAS OU: Santu vs Snowy
BW OU: Asuya vs Smurf.
DPP OU: Honor vs Stallion
ADV OU: smilzo vs thelinearcurve
GSC OU: Bomber. vs Earthworm
RBY OU: marcoasd vs Hipmonlee


4. Canada (5) vs 5. Europe (3)

SM OU: Jytcampbell vs Blackoblivion
SM OU: Hayburner vs TheThorn
SM OU: FLCL vs Mana
SM OU: suapah vs Quaze
ORAS OU: blunder vs Pohjis
BW OU: Tokyo Tom vs ZoroDark
DPP OU: soulgazer vs Void
ADV OU: Texas Cloverleaf vs We Three Kings
GSC OU: Jirachee vs Jimmy Turtwig
RBY OU: Genesis7 vs MetalGro$$

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1. Brazil (4) vs 8. US West (6)

SM OU: Mncmt vs yjh971203
SM OU: Eternal Spirit vs z0mOG
SM OU: Tamahome vs blarghlfarghl
SM OU: Nintendi vs ima
ORAS OU: lighthouses vs psychicmewtwo
BW OU: Sand Castle vs lax
DPP OU: Hyogafodex vs Philip7086
ADV OU: elodin vs Valentine
GSC OU: Century Express vs Lavos
RBY OU: Tiba vs Meru

2. France (4) vs 7. US Northeast (6)

SM OU: Cdumas vs Sabella
SM OU: Kory2600 vs Hiye
SM OU: Kickasser vs bro fist
SM OU: Leftiez vs ABR
ORAS OU: Mounts vs obii
BW OU: McMeghan vs Finchinator
DPP OU: Reymedy vs august
ADV OU: Ojama vs zf
GSC OU: giara vs BKC
RBY OU: Peasounay vs teal6

3. Italy (4) vs 6. Oceania (6)

SM OU: Snou vs Essence
SM OU: Empo vs false
SM OU: Lopunny Kicks vs Googly
SM OU: Tricking vs Gypsy King
ORAS OU: Santu vs Snowy
BW OU: Asuya vs Smurf.
DPP OU: Honor vs The Grand Babido
ADV OU: smilzo vs thelinearcurve
GSC OU: Bomber. vs Earthworm
RBY OU: marcoasd vs Hipmonlee

4. Canada (5) vs 5. Europe (5)

SM OU: Bushtush vs Blackoblivion
SM OU: Hayburner vs TheThorn
SM OU: FLCL vs Mana
SM OU: suapah vs Quaze
ORAS OU: blunder vs Pohjis
BW OU: Tokyo Tom vs ZoroDark
DPP OU: soulgazer vs Void
ADV OU: crayon pop vs We Three Kings
GSC OU: Jirachee vs Jimmy Turtwig
RBY OU: Genesis7 vs MetalGro$$
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goooo hayburner!!

also gonna try my hand at some predictions with comments on some of them oo
1. Brazil (4) vs 8. US West (6)

SM OU: Mncmt vs yjh971203
SM OU: Eternal Spirit vs z0mOG
SM OU: Tamahome vs blarghlfarghl
SM OU: Nintendi vs ima
ORAS OU: lighthouses vs psychicmewtwo - both really good ORASers who have been bringing some really cool teams. this one is close tbh, but pm2 is a bit better as a player overall, so i'm gonna go with him.
BW OU: Sand Castle vs lax
DPP OU: Hyogafodex vs Philip7086
ADV OU: elodin vs Valentine
GSC OU: Century Express vs Lavos
RBY OU: Tiba vs Meru

2. France (6) vs 7. US Northeast (4)

SM OU: Cdumas vs Sabella
SM OU: Kory2600 vs Hiye
SM OU: Kickasser vs bro fist - upset.
SM OU: Leftiez vs ABR - tiez is wild.
ORAS OU: Mounts vs obii - obii should be able to bring a team that does nicely against Mounts, and he's more than capable of piloting something like that. there's a risk of him overprepping for volcarona and then being bopped by something totally out of left field, however.
BW OU: McMeghan vs Finchinator
DPP OU: Reymedy vs august
ADV OU: Ojama vs zf
GSC OU: giara vs BKC
RBY OU: Peasounay vs teal6

3. Italy (4) vs 6. Oceania (6)

SM OU: Snou vs Essence
SM OU: Empo vs false
SM OU: Lopunny Kicks vs Googly
SM OU: Tricking vs Gypsy King - everyone underrates gypsy as a player because he's not as involved as a lot of others, but his games in round 1 were really good, and he brought some really slick teams. guess this is also an "upset" prediction.
ORAS OU: Santu vs Snowy
BW OU: Asuya vs Smurf.
DPP OU: Honor vs The Grand Babido
ADV OU: smilzo vs thelinearcurve
GSC OU: Bomber. vs Earthworm
RBY OU: marcoasd vs Hipmonlee

4. Canada (6) vs 5. Europe (4)

SM OU: Bushtush vs Blackoblivion
SM OU: Hayburner vs TheThorn - ok i'm gassing him up because he's my friend, but he's excited to start, has a lot of confidence, and he's a good player!! i do genuinely think he will take this one o:
SM OU: FLCL vs Mana - "upset" in the sense that FLCL is one of the best players in general, but Mana has an insanely good understanding of the meta and building, and everyone praises him for making the craziest of reads. this will definitely be a fun game to see; highlight imo.
SM OU: suapah vs Quaze
ORAS OU: blunder vs Pohjis
BW OU: Tokyo Tom vs ZoroDark
DPP OU: soulgazer vs Void
ADV OU: crayon pop vs We Three Kings
GSC OU: Jirachee vs Jimmy Turtwig
RBY OU: Genesis7 vs MetalGro$$
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SM OU: Snou vs last babido
SM OU: Empo vs bab
SM OU: Lopunny Kicks vs babby
SM OU: Tricking vs king babidi
ORAS OU: Santu vs babidoe
BW OU: Asuya vs Bab.
DPP OU: Honor vs The Grand Babido
ADV OU: smilzo vs thelinearbab
GSC OU: Bomber. vs Babworm
RBY OU: marcoasd vs babmonlee

win this, babs
1. Brazil (5) vs 8. US West (5)

SM OU: Mncmt vs yjh971203 - The next coming of Mencemeat, I think both dudes are solid from what I saw in r1 but yjh needs to step it up after the tie-break games.
SM OU: Eternal Spirit vs z0mOG - Gama has become some kind of team tour god, I think his playing has improved drastically with still some flashy stuff here and there, z0mOgs no pushover, he's been quite solid but all things considered I feel ES has the Edge here.
SM OU: Tamahome vs blarghlfarghl - Tama's so damn solid wherever you place him in, there's simply no denial. I think blargh is some kind of up-and-coming player from his OST run so I wouldn't count him out, still going with the popular opinión.
SM OU: Nintendi vs ima - Both dudes are very good, nintendi's some kind of mastermind whereas the chopmilas man is xtra's disciple, so we could expect anything from him, still rooting for nintendi in this one due to the consistency factor.
ORAS OU: lighthouses vs psychicmewtwo - solid matchup here, both good players and builders with fierce confidence, though pm2 is a demon and as well as the above prediction I give him the edge due to consistency
BW OU: Sand Castle vs lax - I think both dudes played some solid games in r1, but lax has been tearing it up lately so I favor him here.
DPP OU: Hyogafodex vs Philip7086 - my dear hyoga is such a sweetheart and a very solid player but I can't go against a really established player like phil, should be a good one.
ADV OU: elodin vs Valentine - I honestly wanted Val to be in sm but still, this dude has a very solid playstyle with real solid teams that combine with it, should be a cool one to watch.
GSC OU: Century Express vs Lavos - Lavos probably wants revenge from SPL so he's gonna try harder than ever, should be a good one as CE has actually improved his game a lot.
RBY OU: Tiba vs Meru - Can't say much about RBY but Tiba like wins consistently in this tier so I give him the edge.

2. France (4) vs 7. US Northeast (6)

SM OU: Cdumas vs Sabella - I believe this is the third time these two face each other in a tournament, which makes it kind of exciting. Cdudu's real solid and is undefeated in wcop so far so I'm going with him. Looking forward to seeing what kind of approach they take.
SM OU: Kory2600 vs Hiye - This is a cool highlight, both sort of quiet players who really know their stuff and probably will bring solid teams. Going with hiye because he's a winning machine and I feel he's a bit wilder tan kory.
SM OU: Kickasser vs bro fist - OMG Kick le sang is back again, but he really got one of the hardest opponents, John is simply amazing and real solid, so at first glane I feel kick Will have it hard to overcome this big obstacle, we'll see how it goes.
SM OU: Leftiez vs ABR - hl of the round no doubt, however I feel ABR's approach in the metagame is a bit more solid tan leftiez's so he Will probably have a team that pairs up well against toupip's usual stuff. Hoping for a real good (w no cheese) match.
ORAS OU: Mounts vs obii - I find it exciting to see obii come back to the scene, he's such a humble guy and probably deserves better results than what he got so far, but can't go against Mounts after his most recent st run. Excited for this one!
BW OU: McMeghan vs Finchinator - This is my favourite BW match of the round, I'm pretty sure Finch has been waiting for this for a really long long time and he's gonna try hard his ass off 24/7, both dudes are amazingly solid but finch more than anything wants to win this one so I'll trust my guy.
DPP OU: Reymedy vs august - Aug gonna pull out that hot ass reflect mie spikes + luke and 6-0 this dude's ass hehe, jk. Rey has been out of the scene for a while but his old gens builds are quite solid, though august is a bit wilder, plus he's an already established player, should be a good one.
ADV OU: Ojama vs zf - fuck this. zf has been absent as well and Oj is probably thirsty for some wins, prob a good match between players who have had good results in the tier.
GSC OU: giara vs BKC - giara actually impressed me in r1, he's been playing really solidly, but that's something to expect from the latest classic winner. However, BKC is like one of the best currently and going against him would be travesty, should be a good one.
RBY OU: Peasounay vs teal6 - he beat me in spl with the rock bull cant go against him :(

3. Italy (8) vs 6. Oceania (2)

SM OU: Snou vs Essence - I'm still not sure about Essence, I believe he played some solid match against BO but that's about it. Snou is pretty solid and always brings cool squads, he has the clear edge here.
SM OU: Empo vs false - Empo has been on a tear, killing it in every tour he joins so he's obviously the favourite one here.
SM OU: Lopunny Kicks vs Googly - Lop kicks had some really solid games in r1, whereas Googly I believe couldn't win a single match in the first round, so we'll see how it goes. Still I consider both players very solid, expecting a good game here.
SM OU: Tricking vs Gypsy King - Tricking's a beast, I hardly see him losing this one, but gypsy is also very solid, just not as established as his opponent. IMMENSO
ORAS OU: Santu vs Snowy - Santu is a real one, his r1 games were really good and he had some very cool squads against his opponents so I'm a fan. I know for a fact Snowy's a tryhard so he's probably gonna be tough to beat, still going with the italian promise.
BW OU: Asuya vs Smurf. - Weird match for sure, because it's unpredictable what kind of matchup we're gonna get. Sun, Trick Sleep talk latios, alomomola stall and whatnot. Still going with Asuya because he was more solid during r1.
DPP OU: Honor vs The Grand Babido - Haven't seen bab play in a while whereas Honor has always been solid in wcop, still should be a really good game to spectate.
ADV OU: smilzo vs thelinearcurve - linear has definitely evolved, after his curse during pre-midseason in SPL he's been playing like a complete wildbeast, going with him honestly.
GSC OU: Bomber. vs Earthworm - EW is incredibly good at GSC, his games in r1 were a joy to watch even though I'm not a fan of GSC, giving him the edge.
RBY OU: marcoasd vs Hipmonlee - Marco's like the King of rby can't go against him.

4. Canada (5) vs 5. Europe (5)

SM OU: Bushtush vs Blackoblivion - Tush has been killing it, he's a very ballsy and wild player which should give him a clear advantage vs Bo who's a bit more conservative and could make him derail during the game if things get too rough. Very solid match!
SM OU: Hayburner vs TheThorn - I used to gas up thorn back then and for good reason, I've been a fan of him ever since his very sad OLT run, dude plays really solid. I haven't seen much of hayburner but been told he knows his stuff so I wish him luck in his debut.
SM OU: FLCL vs Mana - Mana has been off the scene for a while whereas fooly has been as solid as ever, giving him the edge out of popular opinion. Should be a cool match to watch and definitely a hl.
SM OU: suapah vs Quaze - I'm happy suapah finally got his first tournament wins, I think that will help him build the mentality to embrace the tournament scene. Both still have to prove themselves but still this is a real interesting match to watch.
ORAS OU: blunder vs Pohjis - blunder's gay ass will probably use some stupid keldtar bullshit with a gliscor as a staple because that's the only way he wins lol. This match should be real good, between players who have constantly been getting good results in tours, but gonna go with the trophy guy.
BW OU: Tokyo Tom vs ZoroDark - Their r1 match was the weirdest thing I had watched in a while but still was nice. Both use solid stuff so I guess it ought to be an interesting game to spectate.
DPP OU: soulgazer vs Void - I feel both dudes have been doing excellently in DPP but soulgazer kind of has the momentum right now with his most recent tournament results, so I'm giving him the edge.
ADV OU: crayon pop vs We Three Kings - Yes I know you're gonna fucking pm me making fun of me after I post this so smd you poopyhead. Cool match between two good players, giving w3k the edge as he's more established.
GSC OU: Jirachee vs Jimmy Turtwig - I knew Jirachee could GSC from what I saw in the underrated sets thread, still going with Jimmy as he's been totally killing it in tours lately.
RBY OU: Genesis7 vs MetalGro$$ - Metal is more established but idk, in this tier anything can happen.

first tryhard predicts I make lol
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SM OU: Cdumas vs Sabella
SM OU: Kory2600 vs Hiye
SM OU: Kickasser vs bro fist
SM OU: Leftiez vs ABR
ORAS OU: Mounts vs obii
BW OU: McMeghan vs Finchinator
DPP OU: Reymedy vs august
ADV OU: Ojama vs zf
GSC OU: giara vs BKC
RBY OU: Peasounay vs teal6

France unstoppable :blobthumbsup:
1. Brazil (4) vs 8. US West (6)

SM OU: Mncmt vs yjh971203
SM OU: Eternal Spirit vs z0mOG ES has been a pretty damn solid player during this yr and even if zomogs also a strong and established player i can't predict against ES.
SM OU: Tamahome vs blarghlfarghl
SM OU: Nintendi vs ima
ORAS OU: lighthouses vs psychicmewtwo Pretty hard pick here.Both played really solid games during r1 but i was more impressed by pm2 so i'm favoring him
BW OU: Sand Castle vs lax LAXIMUS
DPP OU: Hyogafodex vs Philip7086
ADV OU: elodin vs Valentine
GSC OU: Century Express vs Lavos
RBY OU: Tiba vs Meru tiBOAT

3. Italy (5) vs 6. Oceania (5)

SM OU: Snou vs Essence
SM OU: Empo vs false Provolone :weary:
SM OU: Lopunny Kicks vs Googly
SM OU: Tricking vs Gypsy King
ORAS OU: Santu vs Snowy Santu played some rly solid games whereas snowy wasn't at his best so
BW OU: Asuya vs Smurf.
DPP OU: Honor vs The Grand Babido
ADV OU: smilzo vs thelinearcurve
GSC OU: Bomber. vs Earthworm
RBY OU: marcoasd vs Hipmonlee

4. Canada (4) vs 5. Europe (5)

SM OU: Bushtush vs Blackoblivion The tush.hes the type of player that i don't want to face ever : rly aggressive but also solid.I think his playstyle favors him in this matchup
SM OU: Hayburner vs TheThorn
SM OU: FLCL vs Mana I'm exciting to see Mana finally playing during this wcop.Kind of a tossup but i think FLCL is gonna pull this off considering his consistency
SM OU: suapah vs Quaze
ORAS OU: blunder vs Pohjis
BW OU: Tokyo Tom vs ZoroDark ZoroGOAT
DPP OU: soulgazer vs Void :messi:
ADV OU: crayon pop vs We Three Kings Lasse so good..
GSC OU: Jirachee vs Jimmy Turtwig
RBY OU: Genesis7 vs MetalGross

I'm looking forward to our series vs East and to my game vs Hiye who is a rly good player and a good friend of mine, hope we can have some cool games ( and hope we can break the curse :blobthumbsup: )


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2. France (10) vs 7. US Northeast (0)

SM OU: Cdumas vs Sabella : 7-0 in wcup and not willing to end it here
SM OU: Kory2600 vs Hiye : So much goatitude in him, he CAN'T lose, no way
SM OU: Kickasser vs bro fist : He's back to kick some ass and no fist could defend against this
SM OU: Leftiez vs ABR : God leftiez is gonna bring some fire again and make fire plays every fucking turn, FTW
ORAS OU: Mounts vs obii : Tips : the only way to beat mounts is to teach some salsa to your mons, and it's not even granteed to win
BW OU: McMeghan vs Finchinator : Finch is a good BWer, Roro is the same with one less o ^^
DPP OU: Reymedy vs august : They unleashed him omg, no way he could lose
ADV OU: Ojama vs zf : Ojama's too strong, plus he got some great karma from round1 !
GSC OU: giara vs BKC : Giara has been so good in r1, BKC too, but giara is the goat so...
RBY OU: Peasounay vs teal6 : He has to take his revange so no way he'll let teal6, go away like this

In the end, France's gonna win this tour so why bother with predictions !!!!!!!!!!!!
Go Brazil you are so fucking amazing. Hope to see the battle between Lavos and century :psysly:

#Spain2018 :psycry::psycry:

1. Brazil () vs 8. US West ()

SM OU: Mncmt vs yjh971203
SM OU: Eternal Spirit vs z0mOG
SM OU: Tamahome vs blarghlfarghl (LOL):psygrump:
SM OU: Nintendi:psyglad:vs ima
ORAS OU: lighthouses:psysly: vs psychicmewtwo
BW OU: Sand Castle vs lax
DPP OU: Hyogafodex vs Philip7086
ADV OU: elodin vs Valentine
GSC OU: Century Express:psytear:vs Lavos
RBY OU: Tiba vs Meru

2. France () vs 7. US Northeast ()

SM OU: Cdumas vs Sabella
SM OU: Kory2600 vs Hiye
SM OU: Kickasser vs bro fist
SM OU: Leftiez vs ABR
ORAS OU: Mounts vs obii
BW OU: McMeghan vs Finchinator :fire:
DPP OU: Reymedy vs august
ADV OU: Ojama vs zf
GSC OU: giara vs BKC
RBY OU: Peasounay vs teal6

3. Italy (4) vs 6. Oceania (6)

SM OU: Snou vs Essence
SM OU: Empo vs false
SM OU: Lopunny Kicks vs Googly
SM OU: Tricking vs Gypsy King
ORAS OU: Santu vs Snowy
BW OU: Asuya vs Smurf.
DPP OU: Honor vs The Grand Babido
ADV OU: smilzo vs thelinearcurve
GSC OU: Bomber. vs Earthworm
RBY OU: marcoasd vs Hipmonlee

4. Canada () vs 5. Europe ()

SM OU: Bushtush vs Blackoblivion
SM OU: Hayburner vs TheThorn
SM OU: FLCL vs Mana
SM OU: suapah vs Quaze
ORAS OU: blunder vs Pohjis
BW OU: Tokyo Tom vs ZoroDark
DPP OU: soulgazer vs Void
ADV OU: crayon pop vs We Three Kings
GSC OU: Jirachee vs Jimmy Turtwig
RBY OU: Genesis7 vs MetalGro$$ :psysly:
1. Brazil (6) vs 8. US West (4)

SM OU: Mncmt vs yjh971203
SM OU: Eternal Spirit vs z0mOG
SM OU: Tamahome vs blarghlfarghl
SM OU: Nintendi vs ima
ORAS OU: lighthouses vs psychicmewtwo
BW OU: Sand Castle vs lax
DPP OU: Hyogafodex vs Philip7086
ADV OU: elodin vs Valentine
GSC OU: Century Express vs Lavos
RBY OU: Tiba vs Meru

3. Italy (5) vs 5. Oceania (5)

SM OU: Snou vs Essence
SM OU: Empo vs false
SM OU: Lopunny Kicks vs Googly
SM OU: Tricking vs Gypsy King
ORAS OU: Santu vs Snowy
BW OU: Asuya vs Smurf.
DPP OU: Honor vs The Grand Babido
ADV OU: smilzo vs thelinearcurve
GSC OU: Bomber. vs Earthworm
RBY OU: marcoasd vs Hipmonlee

4. Canada (4) vs 5. Europe (6)

SM OU: Bushtush vs Blackoblivion
SM OU: Hayburner vs TheThorn
SM OU: FLCL vs Mana
SM OU: suapah vs Quaze
ORAS OU: blunder vs Pohjis
BW OU: Tokyo Tom vs ZoroDark
DPP OU: soulgazer vs Void
ADV OU: crayon pop vs We Three Kings
GSC OU: Jirachee vs Jimmy Turtwig
RBY OU: Genesis7 vs MetalGro

Let's end this curse France :blobwizard:
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