Nobody was worried about you, ppl want to root for me cause I'm actually the noble one. And I only cursed you cause you kept using autism as a diss, which is not funny cause everyone is human and we need to stop dividing ourselves. GGs forreal got respect for you and I still love you but wear the curse seal for now -Jsaok
It matters to me not who among the spectators supports me. I have the love of the kind, genteel Asian people on my side, which gives me more happiness than you could ever imagine. And if you have a problem with "autistic" falling under the realm of the accepted, then this is a problem you have with the king, not with a knight such as myself.
Also, you seem to not realize that Shimtup is imbued with holy powers; therefore, it is resistant against your black magic. I am sorry that you wasted your time trying to cast a spell that had no effect.