The World Cup of Pokémon 2024 - Semifinals [TB @ #77]

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The World Cup of Pokémon 2024 - Semifinals

Logo by Iyarito
Hosted by ken and SparksBlade
with help from Celever, Concept Everything, Eledyr, Mathy, Tuthur, & Vertigo


The semifinals are here! With 3 former or now multiple-appearance semifinalists returning-sequentially for Europe and for the first time since 2022 and 2019 for Italy and US West, respectively-to the top 4 and US Midwest making their first top 4 appearance, we're in for a good show. With two former champions going head to head in one series and two trophy-hungry teams going head-to-head in the other, who will forcefully claim their spot in finals? Only time will tell.

Semifinals will be played in a pre-July shifts metagame for SV tiers


Europe (5) vs (5) US Midwest
SV OU: TheFranklin vs DripLegend
SV OU: Lily vs kythr
SV OU: Highv0ltag3 vs S1nn0hC0nfirm3d
SV OU: Twixtry vs zioziotrip
SV OU: Eeveeto vs oldspicemike
SS OU: Ruft vs Luthier
SM OU: Larry vs Tace
ORAS OU: McMeghan vs avarice
SV UU: Kushalos vs passion
SV Ubers: Scottie vs Highlord


US West (3) vs (6) Italy
SV OU: ima vs zS
SV OU: shiloh vs Pais
SV OU: PZZ vs Kebab mlml
SV OU: emforbes vs s7a
SV OU: Vert vs Niko
SS OU: Attribute vs Raiza
SM OU: z0mOG vs Empo
ORAS OU: RufflesPro vs Santu
SV UU: vivalospride vs Punny
SV Ubers: Skarpherim vs entrocefalo

The deadline for this round is Sunday, July 7th @ 11pm GMT-4.

Europe (0) vs (0) US Midwest
SV OU: TheFranklin vs DripLegend
SV OU: Lily vs kythr
SV OU: Highv0ltag3 vs S1nn0hC0nfirm3d
SV OU: Twixtry vs zioziotrip
SV OU: Eeveeto vs oldspicemike
SS OU: Ruft vs Luthier
SM OU: Larry vs Tace
ORAS OU: McMeghan vs avarice
SV UU: Kushalos vs passion
SV Ubers: Scottie vs Highlord

US West (0) vs (0) Italy
SV OU: ima vs zS
SV OU: shiloh vs Pais
SV OU: PZZ vs Kebab mlml
SV OU: emforbes vs s7a
SV OU: Vert vs Niko
SS OU: Attribute vs Raiza
SM OU: z0mOG vs Empo
ORAS OU: RufflesPro vs Santu
SV UU: vivalospride vs Punny
SV Ubers: Skarpherim vs entrocefalo



Europe (0) vs (2) US Midwest
SV OU: Twixtry vs Tace
SS OU: Larry vs Luthier
SV Ubers: Scottie vs zioziotrip

The deadline for this tiebreak is Sunday, July 14th @ 11pm GMT-7.

Europe (0) vs (0) US Midwest
SV OU: Twixtry vs Tace
SS OU: Larry vs Luthier
SV Ubers: Scottie vs zioziotrip
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It's a shame that it has end up this way, i don't regret anything and i tried to tryhard this tour even though i wasnt in conditions to play my games, i feel happy for everything, we did our best and shower our spirit despite everything, congratulations everyone for getting to this point.

hellom Theia my first s/os have to be you two without a doubt, without you two i wouldnt be playing this world cup to begin with, thanks for all the emotional support and strenght you gave me to get to this stage, these were some hard months to get past. You will always be in my heart and i love you both a lot <3. I need to speak to you two after if possible


TPP Rubyblood Empo GXE M Dragon Gondra Luirromen haxlolo @terrathecreator Gtcha Reze thank you all so much for supporting us in this tournament with teams and stuff, it would have been a huge of a struggle without you all, i thank you with all my heart and you can count with us for anything you need, we love you guys!

Vileman Mister McLovin gracias por aguantarme todo el torneo, saben que todas las puteadas era por el amor que le tenia al team y me vivia todo, pero para la otra se vale jugar con la pantalla encendida csm auosagosudgj fuera de bromas, ganaron en los juegos que importaban y eso es lo que vale <3

Mako costo convencerte de que jugaras pero al final lo hiciste, si habia alguien en quien confiara en el team solo con entrenar un poco serias tu, y no me equivoque, hiciste una season espectacular a pesar de unos pequeños detalles, pero supiste usar el team correcto siempre y salir adelante en cada juego, si hubiera sido posible el tiebreak sin duda hubieramos ido los dos contra el mundo. Ojala compartir team nuevamente en un oficial.

Lazuli a pesar de que te costo adaptarte a este meta supiste reponerte en los juegos que mas importaban y eso lo aprecio, mucho exito en la vida bro

zMisaka no te sientas mal por tus juegos, eres muy nuevo y era tu primera vez en un escenario como este, cada juego tuyo vi que lo intentabas y eso me gusta, si sigues jugando y ganando experiencia ya harás mejores juegos, contamos contigo en una futura edición si sigues jugando las tiers

Jhonx~ buena season perro conchetumare, te tenia confianza todo el tour y saliste adelante en cada juego, mejora pequeños detalles y veras que siempre lo haras bien, deja de hacer el weon y espero dejes todo lo malo para que cambies, te queremos harto y gracias por todas las ganas que le pusiste. Haré que te compren en SCL porque te lo mereces, asi que tranquilo.

IamLowTier empezaste fuerte en el qualy y fueron buenos juegos, excelente debut y demostraste mucho potencial, una pena que no estuvieras en cuartos, pero no pasa nada, se aprecia toda la ayuda. Te recomendare para SCL también.

Mendeez perdon por no haber estado tan activo aqui, pero siempre intente dar mi opinión y como tenias que hacerlo, tuviste algunos juegos malos y otros muy buenos donde te luciste en un momento importante, estoy seguro que te ibas a reponer si nos ibamos a semis pero no se logro, cuento contigo para futuros tour con Chile porque tienes mucho espiritu.

azogue perro culiao troll pero tabien oakusdghasdgi, tus juegos a pesar de la luck fueron muy heat y es una pena el juego con Lily, asi es este juego asi que nada que hacerle, caimos todos con la cabeza en alto a pesar de que SV OU es una tier que apesta. Contamos contigo para otra season Sr.Sukuna

1LDK gracias por la pasión en cada semana con la ayuda a pesar de que rechazara el 99% de tus ideas, deja de ser tan pesimista y hablar mamadas nomas, ya tendras tu momento de gloria en algun momento!

darkman64 tienes mucho potencial solo necesitas controlar mas tus emociones sobre el juego, perdon por haberte sacado en ultimo momento pero era necesario y era una responsabilidad muy grande para ti que era tu primer torneo, sigue jugando la tier para que el otro año muestres todo tu poder

Abele01 lo mismo que darkman, sm es una tier que ya esta estructurada asi que sigue enfocandote en ella como lo hizo skypenguin en su momento y tendras un gran nivel, intenta buildear tus propios team tambien aunque falles, hay muchos seasonals y otros tours donde puedes ir mejorando, suerte!

Sadlysius gracias por siempre apoyar rubyblood, lo intentaste y lo aprecio a pesar del resultado, no digo mas porque ya sabes lo que opino de ti, nos vemos en el fortnite

Ayu Joga Ann lo intente...

@ everyone thanks a lot to those who supported and cheered for us as well, i hope we could have reached your expectatives despite us losing in quarters!

Team Chile will keep growing and will get back stronger the next year!

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Europe (5) vs (5) US Midwest
SV OU: TheFranklin vs DripLegend
SV OU: Lily vs kythr
SV OU: Highv0ltag3 vs S1nn0hC0nfirm3d
SV OU: Twixtry vs zioziotrip
SV OU: Eeveeto vs oldspicemike
SS OU: Ruft vs Luthier
SM OU: Larry vs Tace
SV UU: Kushalos vs passion
SV Ubers: Scottie vs Highlord

US West (4) vs (6) Italy
SV OU: ima vs zS
SV OU: shiloh vs Pais
SV OU: PZZ vs Kebab mlml
SV OU: emforbes vs Laroxyl
SV OU: Vert vs Niko
SS OU: Attribute vs Raiza
SM OU: z0mOG vs Empo
ORAS OU: RufflesPro vs Santu
SV UU: vivalospride vs Punny
SV Ubers: Skarpherim vs entrocefalo

<div style="width:100%;height:0;padding-bottom:56%;position:relative;"><iframe src="" width="100%" height="100%" style="position:absolute" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe></div><p><a href="
Europe (2) vs (8) US Midwest
SV OU: TheFranklin vs DripLegend
SV OU: Lily vs kythr
SV OU: Highv0ltag3 vs S1nn0hC0nfirm3d
SV OU: Twixtry vs zioziotrip
SV OU: Eeveeto vs oldspicemike
SS OU: Ruft vs Luthier
SM OU: Larry vs Tace
SV UU: Kushalos vs passion
SV Ubers: Scottie vs Highlord

The downfall and disbandment of Team Europe cannot come soon enough. So many honest and hardworking WCOP teams have suffered because of this Amalgamation Conglomerate Nepotism Uncompetitive Rules Abusing Evil Empire Europe. Their only hope is Roro, but unfortunately he is facing Mannatfesting Gaming himself. It’s over (also thx god it's ORAS and not ADV, Mannat woulda been washed).

Midwest please show them why you are not just the fly over region :blobthumbsup: Also remember you have the power of "questionable" Grovyle Art on your side. It is hard to beat Midwest when they have so much resources and passion.

US West (4) vs (6) Italy
SV OU: ima vs zS
SV OU: shiloh vs Pais
SV OU: PZZ vs Kebab mlml
SV OU: emforbes vs Laroxyl
SV OU: Vert vs Niko
SS OU: Attribute vs Raiza
SM OU: z0mOG vs Empo
ORAS OU: RufflesPro vs Santu
SV UU: vivalospride vs Punny
SV Ubers: Skarpherim vs entrocefalo

US West is very strong but unfortunately it looks like Italy is back in form this year and looking like the favorite. Tricking would be proud watching from the heavens.

Just don't follow the footsteps of Italian football at World Cup 2022 and Euro 2024 :worrywhirl:

italy wcop.jpg
Empo winning this wcop

Didn't catch up w wcop content till today, saw the rufflespro vs fade game, I've always maintained when u sign up for competitive pokemon u sign up for hax, if u can't accept it might as well just quit and play another game. Winning all the time is hard sometimes u need luck to be on ur side, would 100% done the same if I was ruffles... cept if it was me I would told the guy in response "gg scrub smd"

Gg = git gud, skill issue:bloblul:
Well, Chile run ended so, first of all GGs Europe, well played. I wanted to shoutout the people that helped me during the tour

el poeta klk mmg gracias por toda la ayuda y support que me diste desde que comenzó el torneo, estoy feliz que estés jugando y que seas parte de EG, vamos a ponernos sólidos que se vienen torneos y debemos mostrarle a estos hijueput* quienes somos y nuestro nivel, nos espera mucho éxito

Gondra Gracias bro por ayudarme en el torneo, te respeto y eres una persona excelente, tu ayuda fue fundamental <3 me pondré bueno en el fortnite pa no pasar morido :v

M Dragon mi rey, encantado de que me hayas ayudado, eres un excelente amigo con mucha buena voluntad cuando se trata de enseñar y ayudar, no quería jugar contra ti en la WCOP pero nos tocó y seguimos adelante, te admiro hermano y ojalá poder jugar torneos de alto nivel como compañeros

TPP my king, really thanks for the help since tour started, u were an amazing building and testing partner, im here for everything u need and Im glad this wcop made us friends, ur rly cool bro and we gotta stay training OU now to show myself in tournament scenario from now on, rly thnx a lot my king

Terracotta my man, amazing support u gave me too, thnx for the set ideas and building support, find u in ladder is one of the best things that could happen to me in the tour, ur the best builder in Ubers and hope we can play together future tours, ur the fucking goat

entrocefalo THE ITALIAN GOAT, Amazing support my king, rly good tests and building, I admire u brother, meet u was one of the best things to me and now that you are an EG member we have good future stuff, keep the amazing work in this tournament, Italy will win World Cup I dont have doubts, thnx for everything my friend

I know there are many more who helped me test, but I tagged the main characters in my run, thanks Team Chile for trust in me, next year I will end flawless and we will do a better tournament, thanks End Game Clan members for all the cheer as well, love u all.

Also for those interested End Game Team signups are open for tryouts, join to EG room in ps or add me discord as jhonx to talk me if u want to join, clanwars are coming soon, IDM vs EG once Wcop Ends, scheduled it w CTC

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The World Cup of Pokémon 2024 - Semifinals

Logo by Iyarito
Hosted by ken and SparksBlade
with help from Celever, Concept Everything, Eledyr, Mathy, Tuthur, & Vertigo


The semifinals are here! With 3 former or now multiple-appearance semifinalists returning-sequentially for Europe and for the first time since 2022 and 2019 for Italy and US West, respectively-to the top 4 and US Midwest making their first top 4 appearance, we're in for a good show. With two former champions going head to head in one series and two trophy-hungry teams going head-to-head in the other, who will forcefully claim their spot in finals? Only time will tell.

Semifinals will be played in a pre-July shifts metagame for SV tiers


Europe (0) vs (0) US Midwest
SV OU: TheFranklin vs DripLegend
SV OU: Lily vs kythr
SV OU: Highv0ltag3 vs S1nn0hC0nfirm3d
SV OU: Twixtry vs zioziotrip
SV OU: Eeveeto vs oldspicemike
SS OU: Ruft vs Luthier
SM OU: Larry vs Tace
SV UU: Kushalos vs passion
SV Ubers: Scottie vs Highlord


US West (0) vs (0) Italy
SV OU: ima vs zS
SV OU: shiloh vs Pais
SV OU: PZZ vs Kebab mlml
SV OU: emforbes vs Laroxyl
SV OU: Vert vs Niko
SS OU: Attribute vs Raiza
SM OU: z0mOG vs Empo
ORAS OU: RufflesPro vs Santu
SV UU: vivalospride vs Punny
SV Ubers: Skarpherim vs entrocefalo

The deadline for this round is Sunday, July 7th @ 11pm GMT-4.

Europe (0) vs (0) US Midwest
SV OU: TheFranklin vs DripLegend
SV OU: Lily vs kythr
SV OU: Highv0ltag3 vs S1nn0hC0nfirm3d
SV OU: Twixtry vs zioziotrip
SV OU: Eeveeto vs oldspicemike
SS OU: Ruft vs Luthier
SM OU: Larry vs Tace
SV UU: Kushalos vs passion
SV Ubers: Scottie vs Highlord

US West (0) vs (0) Italy
SV OU: ima vs zS
SV OU: shiloh vs Pais
SV OU: PZZ vs Kebab mlml
SV OU: emforbes vs Laroxyl
SV OU: Vert vs Niko
SS OU: Attribute vs Raiza
SM OU: z0mOG vs Empo
ORAS OU: RufflesPro vs Santu
SV UU: vivalospride vs Punny
SV Ubers: Skarpherim vs entrocefalo
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