One year ago, team Usa East took home the title, after defeating team Asia. Today, we begin a new quest to determine which of our fiercely competitive nations will outlast all the others in a tournament like no other.
Everything on-site will be ready to go soon, and before we move into the details of this years tournament, you may want to check out the following:
Make sure you read through and understand all of the rulings listed below, as well as all of the general tournament rules.
The system utilized last year worked well, so we will be using it again. We will not be releasing a list of teams prior to signups; instead, we will allow people to sign up, and then base teams off of who signed up and for what. This allows us to ensure that the teams list is representative of the signups, and that there will be a good balance in the tournament. Ultimately, we don't expect too much deviation from last years team list, but it could happen.
To sign up for this tournament, use the following format: If you do not sign up in this manner, we will delete your post.
Pokémon Showdown Username(s): The nickname you use in Pokemon Showdown.
Tiers: The tiers you want to play (ADV, DPP, BW, XY).
Country / State of Residence: You are currently living in that country/region.
Nationality: You were born in that country/region, or you are a citizen of that country/region.
Other Eligibility: One of your parents was born in that country/region AND the TD team feels you as a user have displayed enough pride for this specific country/region to justify eligibility. This determination is HIGHLY subjective. It is the weakest elegibility.
Team Captains
Team Captains will be responsible for assembling the roster, promoting the tournament through their team through IRC or other means, ensuring their team is completing battles and subbing battlers in and out as necessary. If there is an issue with a team we will approach the captain to resolve it. Include with your sign up post whether you would like to be considered to be a Captain. One week today, June 6, 2014, we will announce the final team list and the Captains for each team.
If you are relatively new or not known well by me, you probably should avoid signing up for captain. We have given some relatively new players captaincy in the past and it has had some pretty poor results, so we will be sticking to our veterans that we know and trust. Being captain has nothing to do with your skill, it is all about leadership and trustworthiness. The captain is not required to actually battle in the tournament.
The provisional list of teams and captains can be found here
This year, WCop will be multi gen with ADV, DPP, BW and XY.
Teams will have 1 ADV slot, 1 DPP slot, 1 BW slot and 5 XY slots.
Team Formation
After captains have been announced, there will be another one week period in which the captains have to hold tryouts / scout users to assemble their team. This will be the time period where the most activity is required from the captain, an ideal candidate would be on IRC every day and getting the opinion of well respected members of their team on potential roster spots.
Final rosters are to be submitted on or before June 15th, 2014. All rosters should include the team name, captain name, starting 8 players and 5 subs as well as the team flag. The captain does not have to be on the playing roster at all. We understand that two weeks is a long time to wait before the start of Round 1, but please take advantage of this time. It is to be used to form the roster, make teams together, test those teams, etc. By the start of Round 1, all teams should be at the top of their game. Don't just sit around until the first round starts and then start training.
You are allowed up to 2 non playing assistant captains.
We acknowledge that certain people don't perform as expected, so you are allowed to replace 1 assistant captain with another during the tournament if you feel either of your choices haven't performed as expected.
Our wonderful artists all worked very hard on the flags last year, and we would like to maintain continuity by keeping them. If a new team is made, or you seriously don't like your flag, it's the team's / captain's responsibility to contact artists. We encourage you to wear these flags with pride!
Pokemon Showdown is the main simulator (except for ADV), but Pokemon Online can be used if both players agree.
IRC is a major part of this tournament. You may be left behind on a lot of the community aspect of the tournament if you don't use it, so don't miss out! Join us in #wcop on SynIRC ( for continuous World Cup of Pokemon chat. This channel will make it easy to find your opponents and discuss the tournament. If you have a problem connecting to IRC, please refer to this page for instructions on how to get there. If you still can not connect, the easiest way to do so is by using mibbit.
Further, each team is encouraged to create their own IRC channel for team use. If you want to try out for a team, it is a good idea to sign onto their channel and get to know everyone there. These channels are the heart of this tournament (and an endless source of entertainment!).
Alright, with all that out of the way, we expect a great tournament this year. Let the World Cup of Pokémon IX begin!
Everything on-site will be ready to go soon, and before we move into the details of this years tournament, you may want to check out the following:
Make sure you read through and understand all of the rulings listed below, as well as all of the general tournament rules.
The system utilized last year worked well, so we will be using it again. We will not be releasing a list of teams prior to signups; instead, we will allow people to sign up, and then base teams off of who signed up and for what. This allows us to ensure that the teams list is representative of the signups, and that there will be a good balance in the tournament. Ultimately, we don't expect too much deviation from last years team list, but it could happen.
To sign up for this tournament, use the following format: If you do not sign up in this manner, we will delete your post.
Pokémon Showdown Username(s):
Country / State of Residence:
Other Eligibility (if applicable):
Pokémon Showdown Username(s): The nickname you use in Pokemon Showdown.
Tiers: The tiers you want to play (ADV, DPP, BW, XY).
Country / State of Residence: You are currently living in that country/region.
Nationality: You were born in that country/region, or you are a citizen of that country/region.
Other Eligibility: One of your parents was born in that country/region AND the TD team feels you as a user have displayed enough pride for this specific country/region to justify eligibility. This determination is HIGHLY subjective. It is the weakest elegibility.
Team Captains
Team Captains will be responsible for assembling the roster, promoting the tournament through their team through IRC or other means, ensuring their team is completing battles and subbing battlers in and out as necessary. If there is an issue with a team we will approach the captain to resolve it. Include with your sign up post whether you would like to be considered to be a Captain. One week today, June 6, 2014, we will announce the final team list and the Captains for each team.
If you are relatively new or not known well by me, you probably should avoid signing up for captain. We have given some relatively new players captaincy in the past and it has had some pretty poor results, so we will be sticking to our veterans that we know and trust. Being captain has nothing to do with your skill, it is all about leadership and trustworthiness. The captain is not required to actually battle in the tournament.
The provisional list of teams and captains can be found here
This year, WCop will be multi gen with ADV, DPP, BW and XY.
Teams will have 1 ADV slot, 1 DPP slot, 1 BW slot and 5 XY slots.
Team Formation
After captains have been announced, there will be another one week period in which the captains have to hold tryouts / scout users to assemble their team. This will be the time period where the most activity is required from the captain, an ideal candidate would be on IRC every day and getting the opinion of well respected members of their team on potential roster spots.
Final rosters are to be submitted on or before June 15th, 2014. All rosters should include the team name, captain name, starting 8 players and 5 subs as well as the team flag. The captain does not have to be on the playing roster at all. We understand that two weeks is a long time to wait before the start of Round 1, but please take advantage of this time. It is to be used to form the roster, make teams together, test those teams, etc. By the start of Round 1, all teams should be at the top of their game. Don't just sit around until the first round starts and then start training.
You are allowed up to 2 non playing assistant captains.
We acknowledge that certain people don't perform as expected, so you are allowed to replace 1 assistant captain with another during the tournament if you feel either of your choices haven't performed as expected.
Our wonderful artists all worked very hard on the flags last year, and we would like to maintain continuity by keeping them. If a new team is made, or you seriously don't like your flag, it's the team's / captain's responsibility to contact artists. We encourage you to wear these flags with pride!
Pokemon Showdown is the main simulator (except for ADV), but Pokemon Online can be used if both players agree.
IRC is a major part of this tournament. You may be left behind on a lot of the community aspect of the tournament if you don't use it, so don't miss out! Join us in #wcop on SynIRC ( for continuous World Cup of Pokemon chat. This channel will make it easy to find your opponents and discuss the tournament. If you have a problem connecting to IRC, please refer to this page for instructions on how to get there. If you still can not connect, the easiest way to do so is by using mibbit.
Further, each team is encouraged to create their own IRC channel for team use. If you want to try out for a team, it is a good idea to sign onto their channel and get to know everyone there. These channels are the heart of this tournament (and an endless source of entertainment!).
Alright, with all that out of the way, we expect a great tournament this year. Let the World Cup of Pokémon IX begin!
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