The World Cup of Pokémon X - Sign Ups - Read Posts #476, #492, #505

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"Everything we do, we do it with Style"



ORAS: Tesung no king cbb in this tour, he's going undefeated
ORAS: ben gay prepare for some hot innovations
ORAS: Get Backer young and going far in mons
ORAS: dice our very own california girl

ORAS: GaryTheGengar god fucking help us
BW: Jimmy Turtwig won a tour so must be good
DPP: undisputed reborn from the depths of LoL
ADV: reyscarface speaks english so must be american
GSC: Lavos Spawn hope he doesn't get banned before r2
RBY: Mambo with his 3 whole rby games ever

Sub: Philip7086 grandpa babysitting us
Sub: Ary expect big plays and memes
Sub: Invok3r DotA player, disgusting
Sub: shartruce2 true veteran
Sub: Rumor kicked valentine out

#FreeStyle #EveryoneCheats #BlessCBB
Week 1 hasn't started yet and there's already this much anguish, you know this wcop 'gon be good. Tele is and will always be a God.

Team Europe looks a lot stronger than anticipated, more so than U.S. West actually. And that corny tagline, come on now. Yall make me gag.

Navy's finger is a sight to behold. Unfortunately the tip doesn't look like a mushroom.

That's all the news I have to report this morning. Until next time...
Not pictured is Afrabs vs Europe. And for good reason. RIP Afrabs

252+ Atk Luxray Superpower vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Tyranitar: 496-588 (145.4 - 172.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO

If you notice the teams in the video: Afrabs, France, Asia, East, Brazil, OCN, they are the teams that are favorites to win the tournament, sorry we didn't include the irrelevant ones. Didn't mean to cause any offense
we'll see :]
btw gl to all other teams, i am very hyped for my first wcop with a great team with a lot newcomers although some big names from our side dont participate :) This is gonna be very interesting so:
lets go germany ;))))

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"we are not retard, we are europeans"

sooo, im gonna do a brief-introduction about our team, that will let you understanding why we are the best.
Team Europe actually lives into a beautiful House situated in Parigi, really close to Tour Eiffel.
The team is captained by king Toma with the help of his girlfriend Lady Snowcrystal. Snow said toma that will marry him after winning the world cup, on the top of the tower.
Bluwing is a cool boy with an amazing hats collection, that takes care of the House. He always cut the garden with the help of Dopple and Nelson.
Void is the standard british man who works the whole day for a secret society in France. I will never see him at home, because he back really late.
ZoroDark helps me about the cooking. Im the chef of the Team, i always make amazing foods for my teammates, while Zoro takes care of the fruits. I always do good foods to let my mates being more focused before the battle.
Since Lady Crystal said that she loves Toma and not HC, that boy is always sad. He always cries, but Marshall.Law always encouragin him.
Toma is really worried about HC, so we just needed a doctor; thats why we got Vinc216 and TwinCities
The french-synergy seems actually working
Alf and Metalgross takes care of the party's organization. These men are both from Benelux, so they said if we win the wcop they will bring us at TOMOROLLAND!!!!!!
Isa is our pilot. The legend says, he has an amazing mega-pidgeot that is faster than an air-plane. Isa takes care about travelling. I've heard somewhere toma would like to go to Style's house to discover her identity. Isa is providing to organize this long trip :)
Alkov and Moxieinfinite spent their time to play videogames and sleeping, together. We dont know if they have relatinship, but they seem really really friend.

I think this is enough, so after reading message im sure you are afraid of us, understanding you cant actually compete

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"we are not retard, we are europeans"

sooo, im gonna do a brief-introduction about our team, that will let you understanding why we are the best.
Team Europe actually lives into a beautiful House situated in Parigi, really close to Tour Eiffel.
The team is captained by king Toma with the help of his girlfriend Lady Snowcrystal. Snow said toma that will marry him after winning the world cup, on the top of the tower.
Bluwing is a cool boy with an amazing hats collection, that takes care of the House. He always cut the garden with the help of Dopple and Nelson.
Void is the standard british man who works the whole day for a secret society in France. I will never see him at home, because he back really late.
ZoroDark helps me about the cooking. Im the chef of the Team, i always make amazing foods for my teammates, while Zoro takes care of the fruits. I always do good foods to let my mates being more focused before the battle.
Since Lady Crystal said that she loves Toma and not HC, that boy is always sad. He always cries, but Marshall.Law always encouragin him.
Toma is really worried about HC, so we just needed a doctor; thats why we got Vinc216 and TwinCities
The french-synergy seems actually working
Alf and Metalgross takes care of the party's organization. These men are both from Benelux, so they said if we win the wcop they will bring us at TOMOROLLAND!!!!!!
Isa is our pilot. The legend says, he has an amazing mega-pidgeot that is faster than an air-plane. Isa takes care about travelling. I've heard somewhere toma would like to go to Style's house to discover her identity. Isa is providing to organize this long trip :)
Alkov and Moxieinfinite spent their time to play videogames and sleeping, together. We dont know if they have relatinship, but they seem really really friend.

I think this is enough, so after reading message im sure you are afraid of us, understanding you cant actually compete


what the crap is Parigi
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